April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Just ordered my first IC's. Should have done it sooner, but until last night, I didn't think I needed any more. Should be here in a couple days. It sucks waiting, but I have to wait to see if AF comes or not anyway, and I'm supposed to get them before that anyway. I have spent WAY too much on tests from the pharmacy.

Anyways, I am now going to carry on as I was before I blotched that test last night! How is everyone's stupid spotting?
Jcoombes forgive me for asking a daft question but how come your not expecting af yet and your 5+3? that would be one hell of a long LP phase?
My boobs are even heavier today. :holly: I'm bloated and my need to pee is getting worse, which makes it really hard to hold it to get it concentrated for my poas addiction. Slight headache and slight nausea. My lab keeps nudging my tummy with his nose. (He's done this before when I had a huge kidney stone that was stuck in there.) I think he senses things, and hoping he's not sensing something bad with this....:wacko:

Too bad he can't talk....
Jcoombes forgive me for asking a daft question but how come your not expecting af yet and your 5+3? that would be one hell of a long LP phase?

I would like to know as well! So here's the thing. My average cycles are 35 days. I was expecting AF on June 2, and it was a no show. So after several absolute BFN's, (not even a faint line) and 1 neg blood test, I accepted I wasn't pregnant. I was expecting next AF on July 7th, and I got what I think was AF, (Now I'm starting to wonder) and it lasted til the 14th. We bd'ed on the 4th and the 15th. 4 days after "AF" stopped, I went to the bathroom and wiped to find what looked exactly like IB. I thought it was odd, but I tested the next day and got two faint BFP's on two tests. The next morning's line was a bit darker, so I took a digi, which was "not pregnant." I kept getting faint lines over the next few days, until the 24th showed a "pregnant." During this time, the spotting went from lovely pink, to bright red, to brown. It stopped the same day I got the "not pregnant." The next day, it was back and bright red.

So on the 24th, I went to the doctor and her test was neg. She told me to wait for AF and come back if it didn't show. I kept taking tests, ended up using 4 different brands, and kept getting faint positives. Got the last digi "pregnant" on the 2nd. Then after last night's watery mess, I got a "not pregnant."

I say all this because since I skipped June's AF, I have absolutely no idea when I o'd. I am fairly certain it was while I was on July's "AF". So really, I have no clue how far along I am. I just think it's not accurate to calculate by my last AF....

Hope I didn't confuse you! :wacko::wacko:
Jcombs blimey what a rollercoaster!! your body is not being kind to you!!!!!!!!!! why don't you pop to docs and request a blood test 24 hrs apart at least then you will have definitive answers, i can't imagine how u must be feeling!! At least if they are good results you can enjoy being pg and if not get back on track asap obviously i'm hoping the first is true for you!!
Jcoombes forgive me for asking a daft question but how come your not expecting af yet and your 5+3? that would be one hell of a long LP phase?

I would like to know as well! So here's the thing. My average cycles are 35 days. I was expecting AF on June 2, and it was a no show. So after several absolute BFN's, (not even a faint line) and 1 neg blood test, I accepted I wasn't pregnant. I was expecting next AF on July 7th, and I got what I think was AF, (Now I'm starting to wonder) and it lasted til the 14th. We bd'ed on the 4th and the 15th. 4 days after "AF" stopped, I went to the bathroom and wiped to find what looked exactly like IB. I thought it was odd, but I tested the next day and got two faint BFP's on two tests. The next morning's line was a bit darker, so I took a digi, which was "not pregnant." I kept getting faint lines over the next few days, until the 24th showed a "pregnant." During this time, the spotting went from lovely pink, to bright red, to brown. It stopped the same day I got the "not pregnant." The next day, it was back and bright red.

So on the 24th, I went to the doctor and her test was neg. She told me to wait for AF and come back if it didn't show. I kept taking tests, ended up using 4 different brands, and kept getting faint positives. Got the last digi "pregnant" on the 2nd. Then after last night's watery mess, I got a "not pregnant."

I say all this because since I skipped June's AF, I have absolutely no idea when I o'd. I am fairly certain it was while I was on July's "AF". So really, I have no clue how far along I am. I just think it's not accurate to calculate by my last AF....

Hope I didn't confuse you! :wacko::wacko:

I'm sorry you are going through this. There is nothing worse than not knowing exactly what is going on with your body. Hang in there and try not to stress so much.. like it's easy right?
She told me she wouldn't do any tests until I miss another AF. She thinks it's impossible for me to even be pregnant. I know I at least was at some point, even if I'm not now. But I still think I am.

With all 3 of my other ones, I got pregnant on the last day of AF. So I think I ovulate weird. I've never tracked it or anything, so I don't know if this happens all the time or what. The only one I'm unsure of is with my first m/c, cause I didn't even know I was preg til I m/c. And I never felt pregnant with that one. I def feel pregnant with this one, and I doubt it's pms, cause I've had progressing symptoms for 3 weeks now!
could you 'fib' to her and tell her youve missed it already? or perhaps a trip down to epu saying you are worried - doc cant stop that you can go yourself....i just think its so awful for you not having answers (((((hugs)))))
I thought about fibbing, but I don't want to go through a bunch of even more stress just to get AF, so I'd like to really wait and see if I do. I don't know. I may go to er at some point before now and Friday. For now, I'm content with waiting til Friday.
Blinking heck jcombs! That is one insane cycle your body has out you through! No wonder you are confused and worried! :hugs:
She told me she wouldn't do any tests until I miss another AF. She thinks it's impossible for me to even be pregnant. I know I at least was at some point, even if I'm not now. But I still think I am.

With all 3 of my other ones, I got pregnant on the last day of AF. So I think I ovulate weird. I've never tracked it or anything, so I don't know if this happens all the time or what. The only one I'm unsure of is with my first m/c, cause I didn't even know I was preg til I m/c. And I never felt pregnant with that one. I def feel pregnant with this one, and I doubt it's pms, cause I've had progressing symptoms for 3 weeks now!

Hey Hun I'd defo get checked last time I had my mc the midwife at epu said the reason I still had symtoms because I hadn't passed the full sack and wot was left in my body was throwing off symtoms I'm sure if u called epu and explained ur situation they wud get u up there quickly. Xx
doggylover - I know! VERY confusing!

Cheryl - thank you! I had thought about going to the er, but I didn't know what to tell them. I'm not in pain and not bleeding. And I didn't think I wanted to go in and say "I don't know if I'm pregnant or not." Will you give me an u/s?" Cause I know they would only do a urine test and hold the door open for me to leave.
No go in and say I have had a pos pg test but since have been bleeding and worried I maybe miscarrying! It doesn't matter that u are not bleeding now (I used to be an a & e nurse!) say you have had cramps and generally feel unwell. They will do betas, urine test & us even if tests are neg to check all has passed BUT hopefully it will show all is ok!!!!!
Thanks for the advice! Again, I was wondering if I did go in, what would I say. Hopefully that will work here in the US.
:hugs: to everyone spotting!

I haven't had any so far. I so hope I don't. It was just awful the couple of days I had it with dd (cervix).

jcombs -- I think the water could have affected it! I sat my Wondfo in some water on the sink by accident the other day and the line was much lighter than the day before (cue freak out!). But I dipped another and it was much darker. And when I pee into my cup and it's nearly clear, I don't even bother testing because I know it'll worry me. :dohh: My lines get darker as they sit. With a line like that, I'm certain you digi would've said pregnant if not for the diluted pee & puddle of water! :thumbup: Fx the 10th gets here quickly! I do agree with mummyconfused in that the last test you took was lighter than a couple of days ago; but diluted urine can have a lot to do with that. When I was testing multiple times a day, some of my lines would be super light - a lot lighter than the day before at a different time. Now that I'm only testing the same time every day and only once a day, I can see the progression in my lines. I personally don't think spotting warrants a trip to the ER at all. Maybe a doctor visit if the nurse thinks it's a good idea, but it's not an emergency unless you're cramping very badly or bleeding heavily (and then it's for your own sake). I have an almost ethical problem with people going to the ER in a non-emergency situation, but that's just me. :flower: And I'm honestly not sure they'd do much for you. And the cost (if not to you, then to your insurance company which means premiums go up for you and everyone else down the line)! :wacko:

doggylover -- Congrats on your appleseed! Can't wait to join you there on Thursday! :happydance:

ambivalent -- I feel you on the distraction at work. Why don't they understand I have more exciting things to think about?! :dohh: Though I'm not as bad post-bfp as I was during the tww!

ladykara -- I was 100% sure my dd was a boy until about 12 weeks. Then I was TOTALLY convinced she was a girl. Weird! I really haven't decided with this one. My head says girl and the rest of me says boy. Not sure which one to trust. :haha: I had a dream of twin girls last week. Quite unlikely, though!

Melissa -- :rofl: at H laughing when you trip/spill.

Afm, still holding off the queasiness. Gone again today. :happydance: I think the exhaustion is creeping in on me, though. Woke up very tired (but I was up twice with the baby over night; as soon as I fell back asleep from her first wake-up, she woke me up again like 15 minutes later.). It's really not so bad once you finally accept that you will never. sleep. again. :haha:
Thank you. I tend to agree with you. It would be very expensive, and the hospital here probably would tell me to go home and wait another week or something stupid, then charge me thousands of dollars just for telling me that! These test strips I'm using are awful. The dye seems to vary greatly even on tests within the same box, so I don't care how light the line is. It's there! Just wish I had one more test to do today to put my mind at ease. IC's are on the way! Should be here soon, so I can at least take one more. I think from now on, I'm going to have hubby pee on one just so I can have a control test on what the test looks like neg. lol

I really think the water screwed that digi up. And I'm mad at myself for wasting it like that! hahaha
I know how I am going to get my early scan....

Give the dr the date of my lmp (16th June) rather than when I ov (18th July) means I am 12 weeks at the end of August according to dates, but will really only be 8 weeks. I can cope with waiting that lomg! Maybe a little dishonest......but after our mc we are desperate to know things a going ok.

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