April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Those were almost exactly Allen's words yesterday DL. He has not liked this OB since January and i was so reluctant to change DR's that i told him never again will i use this one. He has a MW in with him and he usually lets her do all the deliveries and he has gotten pretty damn lazy! I am very pissed after yesterday. My sister just phoned me and said they could give me pitocin(not sure on spelling) to make the contractions get closer and speed this all up and that is sounds like he is putting me off. So i am going to mention that when i go in here in a bit.
Those were almost exactly Allen's words yesterday DL. He has not liked this OB since January and i was so reluctant to change DR's that i told him never again will i use this one. He has a MW in with him and he usually lets her do all the deliveries and he has gotten pretty damn lazy! I am very pissed after yesterday. My sister just phoned me and said they could give me pitocin(not sure on spelling) to make the contractions get closer and speed this all up and that is sounds like he is putting me off. So i am going to mention that when i go in here in a bit.

Oh that's right... This is the same guy that was such an ass when you had your late scan worry, right?
Holy COW that was a big baby kealz! I was 7lbs 2 oz and Allen was 5 lbs 4 ozs. Landon weighed 6lbs 14 ozs and i am 3xs bigger with Emmaleigh than i was Landon! But from the video that woman and her husband were both smaller babies too!!! I just don't know how you could be carrying a 15lb kid and not know it!!!!!

Yes pleasse find out their secret maybe and coax Emme out with it today!
Those were almost exactly Allen's words yesterday DL. He has not liked this OB since January and i was so reluctant to change DR's that i told him never again will i use this one. He has a MW in with him and he usually lets her do all the deliveries and he has gotten pretty damn lazy! I am very pissed after yesterday. My sister just phoned me and said they could give me pitocin(not sure on spelling) to make the contractions get closer and speed this all up and that is sounds like he is putting me off. So i am going to mention that when i go in here in a bit.

Oh that's right... This is the same guy that was such an ass when you had your late scan worry, right?

Yeah it sure is. He did the scan so late that when they measured her NF it was to big because she was already putting on baby fat!! He had us scared to death and didn't even care afterwards!:growlmad::growlmad:
Lol Steph Grayson sounds like my lil man! Has anyone had this really weird feeling down bellow, like the only way to describe it is like he is scratching my cervix or something! It's eye watering!!! And last night i was seriously constipated and while sitting on the loo i had agonising shooting pains going down my spine! thought i was gonna give birth on the loo!!! Gonna get a birthing ball this weekend and some rl tea!!! Need this baby now!
Paige is usually so good I know her being ill doesn't help but omg I'm so struggling right now.... And she is all about mummy too! So needy!
Nope steph sorry still no signs lol. I had to use a hot water bottle last night as i had few cramps lol but nothing else. One thing thats bugging me though and its little TMI...After pooping little crazy i now cant go lol i get gasy but i just cant poop :(.. This part of pregnancy isnt any fun no more.

I watched one born from last night and i was crying at the end.. Poor lady not sure if any of you watched it but i felt so bad for her :( xxx
Lol Steph Grayson sounds like my lil man! Has anyone had this really weird feeling down bellow, like the only way to describe it is like he is scratching my cervix or something! It's eye watering!!! And last night i was seriously constipated and while sitting on the loo i had agonising shooting pains going down my spine! thought i was gonna give birth on the loo!!! Gonna get a birthing ball this weekend and some rl tea!!! Need this baby now!
Paige is usually so good I know her being ill doesn't help but omg I'm so struggling right now.... And she is all about mummy too! So needy!

Oh i know how your feeling. Landon has been so whinny these past few mornings and i just don't have the patience to sit there and try and make out what his problem is through the sobbing so i have to just walk off and leave him. I think they do know they aren't going to be the babies much longer.(Although Landon is long from being a baby)

Oh i have felt that too like a stabbing pain in your cervix. I have had them bad enough when i was in the store that i would completely stop in my tracks and stand there for a minute!
I hope your apppointment goes better today mommabrown and that they give you some pitocin to speed things up and make them closer together!! We need another LO to be born in here.

doggylover/Steph: Sounds like your two are quite content where they are for the moment! Maybe you did all your eviction tactics in the wrong order Steph?! You should try again just to be sure. :haha:

I can't remember who made the comment about LO bouncing between their ribs and cervix but I'm in the same situation! I am getting some incredibly strong kicks/pushes to the ribs by LO's foot on the right hand side, and some of them really hurt! I've tried informing LO that they're attached and they're not going anywhere... but that doesn't seem to be much of a deterent!

Last night I was stuck wide awake at 4am because LO had the hiccups! I'm not sure I've ever really noticed them so pronounced before... but I keep feeling this poping feeling over and over again for quite sometime (combined with rib jabs!)

Dr's appointment this morning... I don't know if they start taking a look internally this week or next week, so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for either option. It's not my regular doctor this week either which will be a bit weird.
We need to stop talking about these big old babies before I start crying :haha:

Mommabrown I've heard of pitocin (on 16 and pregnant :blush:) and it seems to be used to help induce you, but only if you've started so it would be perfect for you (if your dr doesn't continue to play god that is)

Cherry- lots of cramps for me too, but don't sound as bad as yours at all. What are these babies all up to in there?!

Just had this mental image that all our Los are in There, tapping away on their mobiles an iPads saying to one another "give her a good kick!" "Now go on, give her some cramps!" "Let's pretend we are coming out soon but just stay in!"
The evil midgets are all in it together! I'm convinced!

Hmm worryingly last night out cat got stuck inside and was outside our bedroom door at 3am screaming blue murder. Simon didn't even hear him. Looks like ill be doing all the night duties then!
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: these evil midgets...... has me dying!

Cherry don't worry when you get closer you will start pooping like crazy again!

Readytomum my little fart is the same way. She rubs her feet down them like a she is playing the harp! lol She also get the hiccups alot. Read it was a great sign that their lungs and central nervous system are developed.
My babies always give me false starts so I'm quite familiar with pitocin. They won't give it to you in the US unless you are at LEAST 3cm dilated with a progressive labor and active contractions that are causing effacement and dilation. My OB's don't even like to discuss using it. My contractions were very regular on Sunday night, but they were due to the dehydration and they weren't going to put me on "pit" just so I'd progress with labor. I'm currently a loose 2cm dilated and 60% effaced, but they didn't want to push me ahead in labor if the contractions were being caused by something other than actual labor.

When I was in labor with my first, my contractions weren't doing ANYTHING at all, but that was because he was 9 lbs 15.6 oz and 23" long, but they hadn't realized he was so big. He was an "oblique" breech, meaning his head was in my hip and his legs were in my ribs and being so long, he wasn't going to move. They tried pitocin, but since he was so big, my uterus couldn't physically contract any more than it already was - SOOO I had a c-section. They're expecting that this one will be about the same size at full term and have scheduled me for a c-section already on April 15.

Have a doc appointment today to make sure I'm back to being hydrated and to make sure I haven't dilated or effaced anymore than when I was in the hospital on Sunday night. Not looking forward to having hands shoved up there again, but they just want to keep a good eye on me :)

Jackson will come when he's ready.
Hmm worryingly last night out cat got stuck inside and was outside our bedroom door at 3am screaming blue murder. Simon didn't even hear him. Looks like ill be doing all the night duties then!

I don't mean to dash any remaining hopes you might have about Simon doing a night run... but I read a survey a little while ago that men are more likely to wake up to the sound of a tap dripping in the kitchen/bathroom or the smell of bacon cooking then they are to a child crying at night! :dohh:
My babies always give me false starts so I'm quite familiar with pitocin. They won't give it to you in the US unless you are at LEAST 3cm dilated with a progressive labor and active contractions that are causing effacement and dilation. My OB's don't even like to discuss using it. My contractions were very regular on Sunday night, but they were due to the dehydration and they weren't going to put me on "pit" just so I'd progress with labor. I'm currently a loose 2cm dilated and 60% effaced, but they didn't want to push me ahead in labor if the contractions were being caused by something other than actual labor.

When I was in labor with my first, my contractions weren't doing ANYTHING at all, but that was because he was 9 lbs 15.6 oz and 23" long, but they hadn't realized he was so big. He was an "oblique" breech, meaning his head was in my hip and his legs were in my ribs and being so long, he wasn't going to move. They tried pitocin, but since he was so big, my uterus couldn't physically contract any more than it already was - SOOO I had a c-section. They're expecting that this one will be about the same size at full term and have scheduled me for a c-section already on April 15.

Have a doc appointment today to make sure I'm back to being hydrated and to make sure I haven't dilated or effaced anymore than when I was in the hospital on Sunday night. Not looking forward to having hands shoved up there again, but they just want to keep a good eye on me :)

Jackson will come when he's ready.

I have been at 3 cm and 85 % effaced for weeks now.:nope: My contractions are steady at 8 minutes apart last a full minute but they sent me home because i am still not dilating any father and told me to come back when my water breaks. This will be my 4th c-section(not counting the TR bc they go in the same way) and don't understand why my water needs to break. Thanks for that information i have never heard of it before until talking with my sister.

Wow you do have some big babies! Did they know right off he was going to be big?
Hmm worryingly last night out cat got stuck inside and was outside our bedroom door at 3am screaming blue murder. Simon didn't even hear him. Looks like ill be doing all the night duties then!

I don't mean to dash any remaining hopes you might have about Simon doing a night run... but I read a survey a little while ago that men are more likely to wake up to the sound of a tap dripping in the kitchen/bathroom or the smell of bacon cooking then they are to a child crying at night! :dohh:

Lol MEN! Allen slept lighter when Landon was born and actually did most of the night care as i worked 5 am to 3:30 pm and he worked 3pm-11 pm. He liked to FAKE asleep on the weekends though!:dohh:
Hmm worryingly last night out cat got stuck inside and was outside our bedroom door at 3am screaming blue murder. Simon didn't even hear him. Looks like ill be doing all the night duties then!

I don't mean to dash any remaining hopes you might have about Simon doing a night run... but I read a survey a little while ago that men are more likely to wake up to the sound of a tap dripping in the kitchen/bathroom or the smell of bacon cooking then they are to a child crying at night! :dohh:

Sorry Sarah but I can agree with this! Stephen does not hear Paige crying! She has been in between us screaming bloody murder and not even a flinch from him! Nothing! Bloody annoying! She kicks him in the back of the head and everything! Yet I pull the covers over and he wakes up! Lol
My DH has diaper duty in the night since I'm bfing this time (so no feeding duties to share) and last night OMG I swear he took 15 mins to change one diaper! He is so hard to wake up and he was standing there with the diaper in his hand like he had never seen one before and had no idea what to do with it! I finally said 'what the hell is taking so long?!' and he's all 'it just seems like it's taking long' - umm it DID take really long and was agony to watch, like standing behind someone at the store counting out pennies at the register ffs!

The good thing is he falls back asleep right away and didn't even remember the incident this morning. The first time around when I didn't have a toddler to chase around all day too on top of taking care of a newborn I pretty much did everything at night (when I was on maternity leave and not working) so he could have a full nights rest before going to work - now I work harder during the day than he does so he's been recruited to help at night LOL!
My DH has diaper duty in the night since I'm bfing this time (so no feeding duties to share) and last night OMG I swear he took 15 mins to change one diaper! He is so hard to wake up and he was standing there with the diaper in his hand like he had never seen one before and had no idea what to do with it! I finally said 'what the hell is taking so long?!' and he's all 'it just seems like it's taking long' - umm it DID take really long and was agony to watch, like standing behind someone at the store counting out pennies at the register ffs!

The good thing is he falls back asleep right away and didn't even remember the incident this morning. The first time around when I didn't have a toddler to chase around all day too on top of taking care of a newborn I pretty much did everything at night (when I was on maternity leave and not working) so he could have a full nights rest before going to work - now I work harder during the day than he does so he's been recruited to help at night LOL!

How lucky r u!?!
My ohs views are very different and apparently running around after a toddler and dealing with a bf newborn, plus runnin a house and cooking dinner for when he gets in is not hard at all! I almost smothered him in his sleep with my pillow the night he said that! I'm not keeping my hopes up for help when James arrives!
hello ladies sorry for the quick one sided post again! I will come back later and catch up properly...

went for the blood pressure check up it was over the "safe" limit my urine was free of protein though! They are unsure of whats going on with me but now Im in a queue of 20 other women waiting on a desicion to induce me or not.. they have to weigh up whats best for me and Benson. I could have him tomorrow xx
hello ladies sorry for the quick one sided post again! I will come back later and catch up properly...

went for the blood pressure check up it was over the "safe" limit my urine was free of protein though! They are unsure of whats going on with me but now Im in a queue of 20 other women waiting on a desicion to induce me or not.. they have to weigh up whats best for me and Benson. I could have him tomorrow xx

Oh candy thinking of you and benson Hun! Hopefully all will be ok! Keep us posted when you can! Lots of hugs and luv ur way x
Sweetpea and Kealz you ladies have me cracking up which is making my stomach hurt worse than it already was!!!!

Candy can't wait to hear what they say!

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