April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thankfully LO has other knitters in his life who love him, so I have five knitted blankets, and a button up cardigan with matching knit pants, several pairs of booties and hats, and a few other cardigans. Thank goodness for grandma's! (mine and his!) :thumbup:

Well unlike you, I literally cannot knit a single stitch, but luckily my LO also has knitters in his/her life who are excellent. Grandma on dh's side, and his mil, who have already provided blankets, booties, hats, cardigans and even knitted toys! And my sil's mum is a big knitting fan so have gotten lots from her too. So we're all good on that front.

Sadly I have no talents.

Kirstabelle- I love the nursery! The giraffe print wall turned out so great, and you just better hope LO isn't afraid of giant rhino heads :haha: the windows in there are great for light too, from the photos, making it lovely and light and airy looking.
And also, I have a serious issue here: where the hell is the rest of your bump?! No wonder your magic pants still fit! You're still so teeny!

Kristy: sorry to hear the contractions have dwindled off, hopefully they will be back soon with a vengeance and Chelsea will get here ASAP! We are due another girl to keep the pattern going - no pressure though! And you certainly don't look huge in that picture! Beautiful!

Afm: damn baby is going to be late. I actually cannot quite believe I have reached my due date after all the waiting :happydance: but then knowing I will have to wait a maximum of another 12 days isn't so great! So hopefully LO gets the hell out of there soon. It is time.
I am never late, and I do not expect this child to be tardy either!!!
Awwww Melissa love the pics! I especially love the yellow booties! A knitter loves that boy, clearly!

I know DL I should be taking my own advice and curb walking everywhere! Because I won't look like a weirdo doing that at all. :winkwink:

Well, I don't have any baby pics obviously, but I did take a bump pic for my friend today so thought I would post that. And some pics of the nursery, even though I am not a very good room photographer. It looks so much better when you can see it all at once! And a gratuitous knitting photo as I just found the buttons for these booties the other day!

oMG you look absolutely gorgeous, and the room is to die for! Love love love everything!
Our nursery is not that photogenic, I 'm far too minimal and we don't have much of a decoration lol Plus I'm too lazy to put sheets in the crib :blush:
I will however share a few pics as soon as I can, even if they are not up to high standards.
Lily, from what I know of you, you are NOT at all what I would describe as a lazy person!! Lets face it, no point in having sheets on the crib just yet. They'll only have to be taken off and washed again before use - its just common sense! :winkwink:
Afm: damn baby is going to be late. I actually cannot quite believe I have reached my due date after all the waiting :happydance: but then knowing I will have to wait a maximum of another 12 days isn't so great! So hopefully LO gets the hell out of there soon. It is time.
I am never late, and I do not expect this child to be tardy either!!!
40 weeks today, congrats! I really hope baby comes really really soon!
Oh I fell the same, even if I'm far from my edd. I don't want a tardy LO. :nope:

I don't remember how to knit anymore, but I used to knit ages ago, somehow I got bored with knitting. I love crocheting though, and I can even do little animals. I should make one for my LO.

Sheets: I have 4 fitted sheets that need ironing and I'm waiting for someone else to iron them for me, as I don't know how. I have 2 plain sheets (washed and ironed) that I don't want to use yet as I will take them with me to the hospital and want them in spit spot condition...
When it comes to ironing I'm super lazy haha!
good morning Im a bit sad today and finding it hard to keep up here so bare with me xxx

wishinandhoping I remember from TTC. Congrats on the baby girl hun! Steph me and you are free to pop now! xx

Kristabelle and kirsty you both have gorgeous bumps!

Happy 40 weeks today DL!!!

I can knit but havent because everyone else has and I dont think its that cute on a boy lol Inlike knitted blankets though as long as they are chunky knit.... Im fussy!

I have the sheets on the crib already but its more to help me prepare for him not for use.. I will change them when he comes and use fresh I just like to look at it and imagine him in there.. makes it more real.

A girl I'm friends with was telling me how happy she is not to be pregnant this morning.. I dont know why but it rubs me up the wrong way when people do that... if you dont want a baby use protection.. we tried for months for Benson it was heartbreaking every bfn we got.. maybe thats why I dislike her position on the whole thing so much..

Ive decided Im staying in bed now until Ben is ready now... Im fed up :(
A girl I'm friends with was telling me how happy she is not to be pregnant this morning.. I dont know why but it rubs me up the wrong way when people do that... if you dont want a baby use protection.. we tried for months for Benson it was heartbreaking every bfn we got.. maybe thats why I dislike her position on the whole thing so much..

Ive decided Im staying in bed now until Ben is ready now... Im fed up :(

We were on and off ttc since 2007, as one can see I was a member here in BnB since 08, meaning we tried a lot for this LO so yeah it rubs me the wrong way too.
I never get "accidents" I mean how is it possible to be an accident if you don't use protection? When you are not using protection you know about the health risks and your chances of getting pregnant, I thought even kids knew all that nowadays. :shrug: Maybe we are old judgmental bats :haha:

I'm very tempted to spend the rest of my weeks in bed too!

I'm so nauseous today. :( :sick:
oh lily Im sorry to hear youre not feeling well today... my kids are dragging me bowling so no bed for me.

I dont think people appreciate how hard making babies is until they have tried hard for one. I dont know why she would be so happy about it to me either because she knows how hard we tried for ours :/
What a stupid thing to say to a pregnant woman! That's like going up to the queen and saying "ohhh boy am I glad I'm not the queen" implying that its so horrifically awful and how could anyone possibly bear it?! I hope you went "ohh well actually I feel quite sorry for people who aren't lucky enough to be pregnant because its wonderful, and having children is the best thing that ever happened to me. You fat cow" (as steph would say!) that would have burst her smug ass bubble! :pop:

Lily, I am not a fan of ironing at all. I have five things in my ironing pile - they are the only things that really NEED ironed and would be just unwearable without- but they've been in the pile for four weeks now :haha:
Sorry you're not feeling well :( both candy and I have had dodgy tummies and been feeling sick lately as well.
Oh Candy, I'm so sorry :hugs:! I would be hugely disappointed as well. Being so close and getting prepared to be induced, only to have them change their mind :nope:. That really is not fair! I hope Benson decides to come really soon!!!

Sarah, I absolute HATE people that are late!!!! It's my biggest pet peeve! So now Grayson decided to ignore my evacuation request from yesterday :growlmad:! But.... HAPPY 40 WEEKS!!!! :happydance:
I think we are all at the point of: enough is enough!

Kristabelle, I LOVE your nursery!!! It's so ... Amazing!!

Melissa, omg I love Lucas and his full head of hair!!! If you Were closer, if want to steal him :haha:
Congrats to wishnhoping on the birth of her little one.

Uk girl glad your ok and Lo gets to stick it out little longer.

Happy due date Dogg: Hopefully not to long before Lo decides it times to come out lol.

I picked up knitting/crotcheting after ryans mum made me few bits lol You can go on youtube and they step by steps in there. Im not to good with increasing and decreasing but it has kept me busy the last few weeks and sometimes im take into it i forget to come on here lol. Ive made a hat little cover, made myself and my neice a snood :) and i made a patchy pillow lol i just need to buy something to stuff it though xx
doggylover: Happy 40 weeks!! I don't like being late for things either, in fact I arrive almost everywhere notoriously early to avoid it!! Hopefully LO will hurry up and arrive today, but if not, you've got lots of time to teach him/her about proper time keeping as they grow up.

kristabelle: Thanks for the encouragement! I really like knitting, but with school stuff I haven't had much time recently. Looking forward to taking it up again, as well as being able to read books for fun once LO arrives! lol

kristy: sorry to hear that the contractions have faded away again! Hoping they come back soon and stronger so LO gets their eviction notice!! I'm already starting to get impatient about waiting for LO to show up and I've still got a few weeks to go... I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for your ladies to have this start and stop feeling going on. :hugs:

lily: I think I mentioned this before, but I don't iron. At all. lol If something needs to be ironed that DH's department. I can't be bothered! Especially not baby things...:dohh:

Nothing much new to report here... Hope everyone is doing ok!
Oh yay DL for 40 weeks.

I went back to hospital last night no change in my cervix so I ended up getting a shot in the butt of dimmerall (sp). It slowed my contractions down and I actually got some sleep. The nurse I talked to said baby being so big is what might be the problem since she is larger than all my other babies. I'm now convienced I am having a mammoth that will be a good 10lbs.

Candy sorry they sent you home. Take it easy and lil Benny will be here before you know it.

Congrats to wishin on her baby!!!

Steph and DL I have 11 days and figure it will take the full 11 to get her out. Sorry your LO's have decided they like it better in the womb and won't budge.
awwwww mommabrown I feel for you hun! its so annoying isnt it!?

Benson is back to back I found out yesterday thats why my braxton hicks have been painful :( xx
It is very annoying. I feel like if we would have never stopped labor at 34 weeks she would already be here and probably not a whale of a baby either!

Wow! I had a friend who's baby was sunny side up too andbshe said labor was the worst. Sorry hun! Hopefully it won't be much longer for you.
:rofl: at the phrase "sunny side up"!! Love it!

Mommabrown glad your contractions have been eased off, but not at all glad that you think you'll be waiting the whole time for her to come - I am the same and the thought of waiting that much longer sucks. But hey, at least we can only be pleasantly surprised, right?!

Readytomum, I'm also looking forward to doing some reading, I have lots of books I borrowed from my sister, and lots of book tokens to spend so I will probably end up ignoring my LO as I get really into whatever I'm reading!

Candy, is there anything you can do to make Benson flip over?
I got told to lean forward a lot doggylover LOL

Connie was sunnyside up and it was agony... I know they can turn during labour though so not too worried :)

Last night in the maternity ward a girl was induced opposite me, after only an hour her waters had gone, then suddenly she was huffing and puffing, 5 minutes later she was sucking on gas and air like there was no tomorrow and screaming!! They got her downstairs and not long after her baby was born! So quick!! I felt so sorry for her when she started crying, I really wanted to hug her but how weird would that have been? lol x

mommabrown it's a good thing she wasn't born at 34 weeks, she has a better immune system and less problems if she's born after 37 weeks.

I went battling for easter eggs today and now I feel much better about things lol.. it was crazy at the shops! :/
DL we have about the same wait now! Baha I think we even got our :bfp: on the same date.

Oh my that was fast! My SIL had a 4 hour labor from first contraction to her last push. I was super jealous. No meds or anything.

I agree Candy but now I am in agony. I know she is well worth it and that my little mammoth is doing good now she is just like her dad though stubborn as a mule!

Allen has been having dreams of her lately and he avidly tells me what he dreams she will look like. Looks like daddy is already wrapped around her little finger.

Oh this year I got some ideas of off pintrest to do with our easter eggs. I can't wait to try them out.
Mommabrown this little man is like his dad!! A TEASE!!! lol.. I'm super jealous of ladies with fast labours, my last was 3 days long with intense contractions, they must have felt so sorry for me in hospital because they took him to the nursery when he woke that morning and looked after him for me for a while lol!

Connie is a daddies girl with Aaron she gets everything she wants from him it's so cute! But yesterday when I was admitted she was crying all the way in to hospital she drew me a picture which was rather funny though I'll upload it in a bit... it was a picture of me giving birth!! hahahaha!
OH my! I told the kids how they were cut out and showed them the scar so now they think that is how babies get in and out of there! Bahahahahaha

Laurynn's labor was 29 1/2 hours long never got over 4cm. . . i couldn't imagine 3 days...i would have felt sorry for you too!
Stories of short labour :thumbup: yes please!
Stories of long labour :gun: keep them to yourself!!

Mommabrown, hopefully neither of us will have to wait as long as we think [-o<[-o<[-o<

We just installed the car seat as I was adamant that we practice getting it in and out before we actually need it. Getting it In was no problem, two second job.........Had to google how to get the damn thing out. Two YouTube videos, and twenty minutes, later we managed to do it! And it's so simple:dohh: we were just pulling the wrong bit.

I also just sorted out changing 'stuff' into two big ikea organisers - one for downstairs and the other for our bedroom for when LO is in with us during the night. Nappies, butt cream, Muslins, bibs and wipes :)
Next up on our list of "things to do for the baby but don't really need done any time soon, but will take our mind off the fact that I am now overdue" are to hem the curtains and get those bad boys up.

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