April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Ugh you are not going to believe this crap!~ My DR calls me and tells me I need to come back in. I think it is over paper work and when i get there i have to do my routine exam all over again! Nope blood pressure this morning was borderline and i have protein in my urine. He didn't say how much he just said that it was there. So now NO salt intake and no walking no over doing it and to just be a couch potatoe...his exact words!!!! Then he asks me if i can keep her in there till Tuesday! Shit I dunno your the DR what do you think!!!! So my BP is 143/98 and i told him it has been that way my whole pregnancy and ask why he is just now showing concern. I guess it is because I am having a c-section and he is worried it could go wrong. :(

So now i am super stressed out trying to get everything done today as Allen has took off for the remainder of the week and all of next week. He has already yelled at me after having to go back in...(because I went grocery shopping for all of next week to.) I don't get it.
You get the rubella jag when you younger hun but there was no trace in my blood. I asked the midwife about it while i was pregnant before xmas as i remember getting it lol she said sometimes it doesnt stay in people bodies and they need to get it again. I was meant to get it before i left the hospital but they person who had to give me it was busy lol so the midwife filling out my papers said i could just get it at my doctors as it would be much faster lol

Oh wells just have to wait and see what happens next lol.

Oh the plus paige stayed awake for nearly 2 hours :D just happyly staring away lol when i gave her a bottle and winded her she was sick all over ryans pillow but the way it came out was funny. it didnt dribble it literally through out her mouth :) hahaha
Oh Cherry how sweet just laying there staring around. It is truly breath taking how amazing our babies can be isn't it. I can't wait for Emmaleigh to get here! LOL on the spit up!
ReadytoMum, great news about the appointment!! :thumbup: very reassuring to know what the reason for the blood was and that your body is now starting to get ready!!!

Mommabrown, sit yourself down and let Allen do the work :growlmad:! It's really only two work days that he had to take off extra right? I don't think your doctor was being fair, to not let you know what was going on! Is this maybe the first time you had protein in your urin? And that's the reason for concern?? Just relax and take it easy! 5 more days!!!!:hugs:

Kealz I saw the pics on FB this morning :rofl:, Paige sure knows how to prepare you for another LO lol. Sweet little baby!!

TeAmo, I hope you find some relief soon! I know a week is not terrible long, but that's still a week of agony!!!!

AFM, I just found out that Rob was laid off today :shrug:. They will still pay him the next two weeks (which they had promised him). I felt like something was up, when they "rushed" him home last night on a one way flight, to make sure he wouldn't miss the birth. Now his car is still in New Jersey (which they said they will cover the return cost) and he's not sure what to do!
I guess I have had a feeling that this might happen, so I'm not terribly upset... Plus it will be nice for him to find a job where he is home every night (and not just every other weekend). I told him a few months back, that he could always stay home for 3ish months and take care of the baby (instead of daycare). I could cover the bills for that time and his unemployment will cover his misc bills. But I think he is too proud to do that :nope:. We will sit down and talk about the options tonight but sadly enough... I'm happy to have him home for me and Grayson.
Sorry, vent over! Lol

Btw, any updates on our laboring ladies???
ReadytoMum, great news about the appointment!! :thumbup: very reassuring to know what the reason for the blood was and that your body is now starting to get ready!!!

Mommabrown, sit yourself down and let Allen do the work :growlmad:! It's really only two work days that he had to take off extra right? I don't think your doctor was being fair, to not let you know what was going on! Is this maybe the first time you had protein in your urin? And that's the reason for concern?? Just relax and take it easy! 5 more days!!!!:hugs:

Kealz I saw the pics on FB this morning :rofl:, Paige sure knows how to prepare you for another LO lol. Sweet little baby!!

TeAmo, I hope you find some relief soon! I know a week is not terrible long, but that's still a week of agony!!!!

AFM, I just found out that Rob was laid off today :shrug:. They will still pay him the next two weeks (which they had promised him). I felt like something was up, when they "rushed" him home last night on a one way flight, to make sure he wouldn't miss the birth. Now his car is still in New Jersey (which they said they will cover the return cost) and he's not sure what to do!
I guess I have had a feeling that this might happen, so I'm not terribly upset... Plus it will be nice for him to find a job where he is home every night (and not just every other weekend). I told him a few months back, that he could always stay home for 3ish months and take care of the baby (instead of daycare). I could cover the bills for that time and his unemployment will cover his misc bills. But I think he is too proud to do that :nope:. We will sit down and talk about the options tonight but sadly enough... I'm happy to have him home for me and Grayson.
Sorry, vent over! Lol

Btw, any updates on our laboring ladies???

I guess so. He never really said anything about it being there before. We have talked about my BP alot because after i had the flu it came down considerably but it looks like its back to being a pain in my ass. Allen is on my case every 5 minutes wanting to know what i am doing and it is irritating me...I know it is out of love though. Yeah he is missing 2 days of work a mere nothing and i am sure he is ready for some time off since he works 60-70 hour weeks.

So sorry to hear about Rob getting laid off. I believe you that it is an ego thing. Allen is the same way about that kinda stuff he would rather i sit at home than him. I hope that he does find something were he can be closer to you and baby Grayson too. I would tell him to at least take a few weeks off to settle in with it all since he is getting paid then he can go out looking for another job. :hugs:
oh readytomum I hope your appointment goes well and they can give you some answers xx

TeAmo, Ive had spd since late 20 weeks it really is painful. Mine is worse in bed I cant turn over or after getting up I cant walk or lift my left leg up. I hope they can give you some physio. Ive heard as soon as labour is over it's gone which is good... I found bending my knees up and keeping my legs together when I roll over in bed helps loads xx

cherrybump... love your pics on facebook Paige is gorgeous!! Why do you need the rubella jab? do all ladies get it? :/ xx

tell me about it Dan-o!!! I'm soooo fed up, I'm not on any medication for it, I get sent to Bournemouth hospital which is a low risk hospital to see the consultant twice a week now, she takes my bp and urine, finds the protein and tells me my bp is over the limit then sends me over to the next town, poole, where I cry on the monitor for an hour while the bp alarm goes off every ten mins saying my pressure is high before they take more bloods and urine, my last 2 readings are usually around the 130/85 mark, they tell me as my bp dropped I can go home and go back to bournemouth later for another check up...... everytime!!!! :(

I'm so tired of it... I didn't even know my care was consultant led until this morning when I called them to book in :/[/QUOTE
These bp issues are so frustrating!!!
I went to hospital yesterday to have bp reading and was told it was fine 130/80 and all was well but when I checked back at passed bp readings in my notes I had the same reading 2 months ago and they had to retake it!!!! So confusing!!! I don't have any protein issues or swelling so maybe that's why, but isn't it funny that everyone had a different opinion depending on who you see?? Defo can relate to you poor lady's who are going through the same thing xx
oh mommabrown that is so sucky I'm sorry to hear you are in the high bp + protein crew! Get Allen to do everything for you now while you chill out with movies.. that is what I've been doing!! lol xx

Steph!! omg poor Rob! I'm so sorry to hear that he got laid off, did they give a reason? :/ it sounds very suspect that he gets laid off so close to your due date! x

Maria I'm glad your BP was good yesterday and you have no other symptoms! I hope it stays that way now xxx

Ok I have checked FB and there are no updates yet, sorry xx

Has anyone seen DL today? maybe her sweep worked?! :p x
Dl has her friends wedding today so that prob why he hasn't been on! If something had happened I'm sure she would have text me!
Steph so sorry about rob, but maybe in a way it's a blessing in disguise, as you said he can look for something closer to home :) and you and Grayson!
I feel for all you ladies with high bp and signs of pe :( just take it easy!!!
Anyway jut a quick pop in as I'm off to bed feeling so tired today ill heck back in in the mornin to see how everyone is xxx
Hello Ladies! Sorry to hear about everyone's BP dramas and problems. It all sounds really frustrating and a bit scary for everyone. :( Hope it all improves for everyone and your docs get their acts together and stop driving you crazy! Surely that is not the way to treat a preggo with high BP?!

Happy due date Steph! So sorry to hear about Rob getting laid off! I guess the only upside of it happening right now is that he will be a great help to you with Grayson. Really hope he finds something where he can be home every night with you :hugs:

Hope DL is having fun at her friend's wedding. Maybe she will get to dancing and her sweep will kick in and she will get to have seen her friend get married and get her LO at the same time!

Little Spy you are so calm!! "Oh yes, let me just renovate a new house in my 39th week of pregnancy" I would never even sign up for that let alone follow through! Although I'm sure it will be well worth all your effort once its done. And it takes your mind off waiting for Violet as well. Although I imagine for all the 2nd time mamas LO #1 helps with that too!

AFM, today is my due date too and had my MW appointment and FINALLY convinced them to change their stupid, baseless date of April 2 to this date. This is the date I have been saying it is all along which is based on my O sticks and temping, plus it matches perfectly with my initial dating scan. So, I feel better about that now as I am not keen to get induced and don't want them harassing me about it early based on their date. I am of course keen for LO to get here, but alas my cervix is high and closed, but soft and ripe. So... :shrug: about what I expected... to be pregnant forever :haha:

We did discuss induction etc. I have a scan Thursday of next week which will be 41 wks to check placenta function and fluid and then I have a non-stress test on Tuesday of the week after to make sure heartbeat and movements etc are fine and then the recommended date for induction would be Wed 17th. If I refuse induction I have to meet with an OB to hear about the risks etc and have additional monitoring and then even if I go into labor at 42+ weeks I will have to have continuous fetal monitoring as well. Hope LO just comes on her own in the next week or so and then we won't have to deal with all of that. Come on baby! I swear its nice out here, too!! :haha:
Oh and I found a sneaky carrot cake cupcake on my way home from the mw today as well. Totally your fault mommabrown :haha:
Evening ladies :)

Dan o grrr about a false alarm :growlmad: fingers crossed it won't be long until the real deal!

Littlespy :haha: your story about being out with dh really made me laugh! The poor man sounds like he is a wreck!

Steph, honestly I don't know about the due date maybe being wrong. I would have thought that even if it was really truly 9/10th April that by now I should still be somewhat dilated, as I would be 39 weeks now, and some people (like you :thumbup:) have been dilated for weeks. I clearly just have a super stubborn cervix and baby! But that is a good point that the original edd might have been right, I haven't thought about that yet. So happy Rob is home and you are ready to rock now. Tell Grayson ITS TIME, he's now fully cooked!
I'm really sorry to hear he's lost his job, I know how that feels for sure. It is great that he'll be home to spend more time with you and LO, and fingers crossed he can find something much closer to home. I think it probably would be tough for a man to take on the stay at home dad role if they never expected it, but I hope you guys sort out a solution soon, and he is able to find work if that's what he wants.

Readytomum: your hospital cervix check sounds somewhat like mine yesterday - I thought her hand was gng to come out my throat! Sorry you are feeling a bit :growlmad: I'm sure with having to do so much work you must be exhausted :hugs:

Mommabrown: the countdown is on now your last appointment is done!!! I'm right there counting down with you, lets hope these last few days zoom past (although probably the opposite!) sorry to hear your dr was an idiot so you had to go back, but try not to worry, I'm sure Emmaleigh will be nice and stubborn and stay in until forced out!

Kealz: well done Paige for taking to the toilet so well! You never know, she could train really quickly before LO arrives. And :haha: at her saying "mess", what a cutie (although im sure she didnt seem it then!) And nope, no other sweep for me, next step is a forced eviction on Tuesday! So whatever happens, not too much longer.

Candy: sorry to disappoint - I was at a wedding as Kealz mentioned. Nothing quite as exciting as having a baby! Sorry to raise your hopes! Hope your bunch are all feeling better today.

Kirstabelle: yay for due date! And double yay for your drs actually listening to you about your due date!!! I'm sure LO won't keep you waiting too much longer so you won't have to have an unwanted induction. Maybe time to start poking her with the acupuncture needles?! :haha:

Afm...damn baby still in there! A billion people (no exaggeration at all of course :|) asked today when my due date was, and then when I said I am 6 days over I continually got "oh well, lots of doctors and nurses at this wedding!" One woman said "oh I have rubber gloves in the car!" :shock: erm...please keep them there...!

Beautiful wedding, I only cried a little :haha: my friend was just gorgeous, and she was so relaxed, it was wonderful. I was EXHAUSTED though which made it less fun, so we left after the first dance, but overall a wonderful day :)

I'm cross that nobody had a baby while I was out all day though :growlmad: come on ladies, get those babies out! (Mine is honestly never coming out)
Thanks ladies for all the positive vibes. We are just going to get through the next two weeks (while he is still being paid) and Rob will start applying locally now. Other then that, he will just enjoy his son :thumbup:

Kristablle, I'm happy they listened to you :thumbup:... I find that, that usually does not happen lol. I'm sure you will have nothing to worry about and your princess will make a grand entrance soon!!!
Dont worry about your cervix... mine is only this far along because I have a mutant child with a fat head that has been pushing it out of the way :wacko:

Sarah, so happy the wedding was a success and you did not need the assistance from the glove lady :shock: . I wonder what exactly she thought she was going to do?? lmao

Sorry for everyone who is dealing with BP and pains :hugs:
Thanks ladies! MW also said LO has her hand up next to her head which is "not ideal" for initiating labor since it means there's not the right kind of pressure applied to the cervix to get things going. Trust my child to be in some sort of uniquely unfavorable position! And I often feel that little hand wriggling about, so I think MW is right! :haha:

I am definitely going to be getting the acupuncture needles going again! But am thinking to maybe give LO the weekend and then do another two or three sessions next week before the scan :shrug: Maybe by then LO will be behaving nicely and have moved her fidgety lil hand and things will be more "favorable".
Lol kirstabelle I had that same problem with Paige! She came out looking like a little diva with her hand to her cheek! She was 2 days over due! She also flipped back to back constantly through out the labour but luckily she flipped back the right way at the last minute! Safe to say now she is a complete and utter fidget in bed! I should have known!
Sarah glad the wedding went well and you didn't pop whilst there lol! Um, how scary about the women remarking about gloves in her car! I would have run away!
Afm woke up this morning and freaked out that my waters had gone coz sheets were soaked! I don't think so though just me being a proper sweaty Betty as Stephen turned the heating up to 30•!!!!!! Wth I was roasting! Had such a go at him! Any way I'm gonna try and get an extra hours sleep if I can while Paige is still sparko!
Stephen turned the heating up to 30•!!!!!! Wth I was roasting! Had such a go at him!

Whaaat? 30? Gosh our room temp is 20 and I sweat like a pig, never mind 30!:wacko:

I'm having BH like nobodies business, but somehow I manage to sleep through them haha:blush:
they started at 10 pm and hd them all night, but I could tell they were totally irregular so I wasn't alarmed. The article that was posted yesterday was sooo informative, loved it and I'm more relaxed about BH and real labor pains.

I managed to go to the salon for a cut, blow out and manicure, and at last I resemble a human being now. :haha:

Kisses to all mamas and babies! :kiss:
Hi ladies, will read through all the posts soon but just wanted to quickly update. So I just had my antenatal appointment a few hour ago and turns out that once again I have pre-eclamsia. High bp and + protein. :( had to have urgent bloods, ctg etc and will be spending a few hours up in delivery for a scan, ctg and constant monitoring of blood pressure. I don't know why but I'm petrified of being induced. I was supposed to be with Riley for PE but he came the night before so I don't know if it's true that contractions are worse? Also mw was shocked on examination to find baby almost completely engaged and this is my fourth. Apparently it normally doesn't happen till just before labour so maybe she's planning on making an appearance in the next few days anyway!! :) hoping everyone else and their bubs are doing well!! Will catch up reading soon xx
Ahh kristy what a nightmear, at least your in the best place to keep a check on that bp.. I had PE with my first and was induced and it was fine, really didn't feel the contractions till I was 5/6cm and then they gave me an eppi as this can help high bp come down... Good luck at keep us posted on how your getting on.. ps was PE bad last time or just mild as they say if you get it again its usually later and milder?
I tried to read all your posts there and im sorry i think i failed lol.

So tired Paige thought would be nice to wake mummy up every 2 hours and then sleep for 2. I wish there was a easier way to settle her back into her sleep. She seems to sleep well lying on me but once you put her down in her basket she get restless :S not sure what that is all about.

went i was shifting of my bed with her my scar that bit thats cover was pretty sore :S. not good like.
Now im waiting for the midwife again for our check up. Need to fill her in on yesterday :(.

The Rubella jag is the german measles jag. You get this jag when your younger in primary school. I did get mines when i was in school but they said it sometimes doesnt stay in the body. So im one of the people that it didnt stay in :( grrr.

think once the midwife has gone ill call upt he registery to get a app for get this little lady her name registered lol

If you dont here from me the rest of the day ive probably gone back to bed lol and left paige to ryan
Cherry leaving Paige with Ryan for a while sounds like a great idea to get some sleep. Make sure you are doing that as much as possible so you can get rested up.

Kristy: I'm being induced too and am definitely worried about how it's going to go as I've also heard that the whole thing can be more intense and painful. I don't have anything to relate it to, of course, but I'm planning on it being hell. That said, i know of a few others on here who have been induced and labour has been quick and they said it wasn't so horrific as they thought, so fingers crossed.

Lily: glad you are human again!! Lots of BH maybe getting you ready for the real thing very soon? Hopefully!

Kealz: no wonder you woke up sweating! 30C?! That's insanity! I would kill Simon for doing that, just because of the amount of money he would be wasting :haha:

Kirstabelle: you do seem to have a little ballerina in there, in all sorts of positions!

Afm: very quiet day today. As in, may not get off the sofa at all :)
Also, Simon asked me whether his parents are staying here when they come over next weekend after the birth. I said we'd figure it out when we know exactly when they are coming, but the more I think about it, the more I want them to NOT stay here. My parents have said they can stay with them (5 mins away) and I know Simon doesn't want that, but I think I'm going to have to put my foot down.
His parents are no trouble to have at all, the total opposite. But I just feel like when I am trying to get to grips with everything, and potentially having mini meltdowns every evening, the last thing I want is to be feeling pressure of having guests. I will tell them they are welcome all day, from morning til night, but I just think if I know they are staying here, rather than just visiting, I'll put too much pressure on myself.
My other thing is breastfeeding. When I'm just learning how to do that i won't feel comfortable doing it in front of people (especially his dad), and I don't want to feel like I have to leave the room all the time in my own house.
Does that sound unreasonable to you guys? I know Simon won't be happy, but I hope once he hears me out he'll agree.

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