April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

No hun that sounds reasonable enough to me. I was pretty funny how bfing in the hospital to. cause the midwife put there hands on your boobs to help you out lol.

Not sure when ryan is planning on getting up but i hope the midwife comes soon cause i wanna ask about how to settle this little one properly. Just feel like everything i do is no good i dont mind her staying awake but not crying as much lol would be nice.
I'm sure you are doing everything you can, some babies are just a little fussier than others, and it sounds like Paige is having a fussy few days. Don't put yourself down - you've never done this before and nobody expects us to be perfect at it, but I know you're doing the best job you an and that's all you can do. But I'm sure your mw will have lots of great suggestions for you :thumbup:

And I'm not sure how I feel about other people's hands all over my boobs :shock: I hadn't thought about that part...
good.morning ladies

kirstyrich Im so sorry that you have pre e its awful! if they do induce you though it is better because after birt you feel much better.. you dont want to be like me and stuck with high bp gettjng monitored all the time. being induced isnt more painful my mum has 4 of us she was induced with 3 and natural with 1 she said being induced was quicker and not any more painful than usual she said it was better because you know when youre going to go rather than not knowing lol you can prepare for it. I have my fingers and toes crossed that all your results come back good xx

kealz this little one has flipped back to back Im not impressed lol he also has his hand up to his face. little monkey! As for 30c heating.... wth?? lol Aaron is the heating nazi... we arent allowed it on until you can see your own breath. Everytime it does go on we get a lecture over energy prices :/
Did you manage to sleep more?

lily I had BHs all night with Connie they got stronger and tirned into the real thing... fingers crossed.

Doggylover I think you are right to not have his parents there so soon after the birth. You will be tired and bloody and in pain still and taking care of a brand new baby. you and Simon need to adjust your lives first. I found that people who came after the baby was born in my home just wanted to cuddle the baby not actually help me lol and that first week is my cuddle time :p Talk to Simon about :) xx

I dreamed last night that I gave birth.. my tummy was going down but Benson was still in there so I went to hospital and had 3 pains got on the bed and out he came... they wouldnt deliver the placenta though they told me to go home and wait for it to come out which it did and it looked like a giant octopus haha.... post partum I was.... flabby... haha.. weird dreams!

Aaron and Connie are fighting for the toilet. I have to have my bp checked today and Im not sure what Im going to do yet :/ xx
lol i wasnt kean on it either but i was struggling so i just let them do it lol. She'd only stay on when they helped out but pulled off once their hand was gone :(...

I thought this midwife would be here by now lol she was early the first day and the second day was around this time :(. hopefully soon lol xxx
I go in to have my "now weekly" checkups at the doctor. Somehow I know that even tho my docs and have figured out J's date of conception he's officially due on the 16...he's still sitting up there totally not preparing to leave my womb, EVER. Hate to tell you boys but by the time you graduate high school you need a college or life plan! LoL. I think I'm just uncomfortable and a c-section now would be great. I have SPD as well but they've told me his head hasn't engaged, so I am not interested in feeling my pelvis after it does! My personal wish is that I'll go to the docs today and they'll say, "you're 5cm and 89% effaced, we should keep you and you'll have that baby by tonight!" Won't happen, I will be 2cm and 70% just like last weekend... All off this spicy food, pineapples, walking (waddling), bouncing on the medicine ball - soooo not helping :(
Oh Liam's mom :hugs: I'm sorry you are feeling so blue, and no wonder because I'm sure you're in agony. I'm praying your appointment goes well and LO surprises you.

Afm...I think I just had my bloody show. Had some brown tinged cm when I wiped :happydance: never in my life did I think I'd be so happy about anything like this, and I no it doesn't necessarily mean anything, but its the first sign I've had that I will ever go into labour!!

Cherry, hope your mw has come. Have you family close by that could come and help you and Ryan out as well, give you a bit of a break?
midwife came and went didnt really get much tips but put a hot water bottle in their cot before she goes back in to sleep lol
now its time to express oh and i have to re ring the doctors for an app again lol it was in my notes i had to get the jag hahah i didnt even realize it was the bit paper i had from the hospital
Oh that is a good idea :thumbup: will make her bed nice and cosy and make her think its you! Have you got one of the prince lionheart bears, oh phone apps, that plays different white noise to try and help her think she can hear your heartbeat still?
Kirstyrich sorry your having a hard time and I hope things work out for you!
Lily so glad your feeling and looking half human again! I'm jelouse. Lol I've been asking my sil to do my eyebrows for a month now! Looks like 2horny caterpillars chasing each other lol!
Sarah your not being unreasonable! Me and Stephen had the first week to ourselves with Paige and will be doing the same this time to getnpaige into a routine at being a big sister! Infact I need to try and explain to my mum that when I first have him I only want Stephen to bring Paige into the room no her otherwise she will distract Paige as he is nann mad lol!
Candy hope your feeling better! Maybe talk to your mw see if she can pop out to you to do the tests if your not up to it! It needs to be done, it's important she will understand and may be able to fit ou in? And wouldn't it be lovely if birth was that easy... Not sure about the octopus placenta tho haha x
Cherry have you tried putting a breast pad with some of your milk in the top of her basket? That way she can smell you and it comforts them! Worked like a charm with Paige!
This is the second time I've typed this as my phone died so I'm sure I've missed bits I'm sorry!
Afm I was getting some weird pains wen I got up... Made me stop in my tracks, this awful pressure down low that burned almost..... No idea what it was but its gone now so painful!
Ooh Sarah how exciting!!! Something's happening up there then! Hopefully won't be too much longer for ya!!! Eeeek! :)
Candy :rofl: at your dream last night!! Still lots of sickness in your house then. Poor Connie (I don't feel sorry for men when they are sick...only little ones!)

Thanks for the support ladies, I know that Simon will understand once he's had time to think about it, but of course his knee jerk reaction might be slightly different. I'm going to offer to speak to his parents about it so they know that it's all come from me so if they want to be upset about it, it'll be at me and not Simon.

Kealz, pressure sounds good! Hopefully LO is worming his way further down and getting ready to pop out! I think it'll be nice to have time for you guys as a family, especially for Paige to get used to not being the baby anymore. And :rofl: at your eyebrows! I'm sure they can't be that bad! But what a mental image you have painted!
And I hope it won't be much longer, just been reading up about shows and some people say it happens and they've waited weeks so I won't get myself ready to go to hospital just yet, but fingers crossed!
I'm sure he will understand, thing is aswel your both gonna be settling into things getting used to routines and you will be so tired! The last thing he is gonna wanna do is all the washing up of mugs and glasses from guests etc! I'm getting paper plates and cups etc for the second week that we have guests over and it's going to be a self service thing haha! You want a tea make it yourself! You kind of forget to eat in the first few weeks, but won't be able to that this time coz of Paige so I need to make sure I've got easy cook meals for Stephen to sort her out just incase I do end up having a section!
And they really are that bad... I haven't had them done since end of November.... Lol they are quite fair so it's not awfully noticeable but it new doing! Hahaha x
Yeah he even said yesterday how tired I will be in the first few days (as I was exhausted yesterday) so ill have to remind him of that as well.

Paper cups and plates are a good idea!!! You are a wise woman, and I shall steal all your tips and tricks!
Hahahah Candy... octopus placenta :rofl: :shock:... maybe your body is telling you the reason that Benson is still in there?!?! He has tried to escape, but the placenta wont let him :haha:. I agree with Sarah, Men can be such babies when they are sick :wacko:. I do hope your family is finally on the mend though! Enough puking already :winkwink:

Sarah, how exciting!!! You might have had your show :happydance:. I feel a bit strange, that this is an exciting mile marker ahahaha!
As for his parents, i'm sure they will understand. Especially since you are not forbidding them from coming to the house... just the nights!

Kealz... LOL at your eyebrows!! I'm always typing from my phone (since this webpage does not work from work) and I HATE when that happens!!
I should really consider a pedicure (since my feet will be center point for a few hours ahaha)! Maybe I'll try for that this weekend.

LiamsMom, I had the same hope at my doctors appointment... and even told my doctor that... she just laughed at me :dohh: lol. Needless to say, I hope you have better luck :thumbup:
Steph I did my toenails on Wednesday night. I told Simon it was for the wedding, but since I was wearing a maxi dress that was a lie, it's so they look good when no other part of me does!! :haha:
Thanks ladies ill go and download that app. i was thinking about that all night wonder if there was such an app haha.

Never heard of the breast milk one before must have a bash of that lol xx
I have to share this: https://www.whentoexpect.com/
:rofl: mine is pretty certain that LO will arrive before next Thursday! Induction on Tuesday said say that's a safe bet!
doggylover: I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask his parents to stay with your parents over night instead of at your house. I'm not sure why they would want to stay in a house with a screaming baby overnight anyway?! :shrug: We've told both sets of parents that after the first week they're allowed to come visit, but that they aren't going to be able to stay over. DH has been on board with this decision too so it's made it a lot easier. Just talk with Simon and I'm sure you can get him to see your point!

Glad the wedding went well and hurray for getting your show! Hopefully LO is getting things started up for his/her grand entrance!!

ukgirl: Hope you manage to get your appointment stuff worked out with all the sickys in your house. :wacko: Let us know how it goes!

kealz: :haha: at the description of your eyebrows!! DH and I plan to take a week after LO arrives before allowing other visitors over as well. I think it's pretty key to have that bonding time as a new family, and to get used to BF etc. I have all my tupperware ready to go, I just need to start making the meals to fill them!! After my un-expected hospital trip Wed. night I've realized I might not have as much time to make this stuff as I though, so this weekend will likely be the start of the cooking marathon just so Peter doesn't end up arriving before the food gets made!

cherrybump: If Pagie is sleeping for a few hours at a go I think that's pretty normal (although exhausting for you!). That's what we were told to expect during our Pre-Natal class, and then once their tummies get a bit bigger they'll sleep for longer periods because they don't need to eat so much. It's great that Ryan is there to help with feedings because it means you don't need to wake up each time!

AFM, well after Wednesday's shock I've decided to make some adjustments to things. With the realization that Peter could be here sooner rather than later it suddenly seemed ridiculous to be stressing out about these exams. So after a lot of thought I decided to cancel/postpone the exam on Tuesday till I return from leave in January. At the moment the other one is still scheduled for the 15th, but I'm not really worried about that one and most of the prep work for it is already done. So as long as Peter doesn't show up first, that one should be fine.

It dawned on me the other day that I didn't have any of my freezer meals sorted out yet, and I was getting really tired of people asking me, "Ooh you must be getting excited, it's getting close now!" and having to respond that yes I was excited, but that I had these exams to do first and they were taking my attention at the moment. I want to be able to focus on the fact that we're having a baby soon and be able to be excited about it! And I feel SO much better knowing that first exam is cancelled.

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