April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

hello ladies just had time to catch up.. Benson is a real mummies boy! he hates being put down so its hard to get time other than quickly update facebook. I posted my birthstory to the thread there :) He pooed in the waters so we are kept in over night. I cant wait to go home lol.. Benson is totally beautiful I love him so much! I havent slept for 2 days now so Im off to bed soon.. just checking how doggylover and everyone else is getting on. I cant wait to see baby Jay and is he is a she lol. good luck doggylover xxx
OMG at the stuff coming out of my hoo-ha this afternoon.... :sick:

Surely it's just from the sweep, but I do not remember this much gunk this long after having a sweep with Maisie. Definitely a huge chunk of plug along with all kinds of other nasty. Sweep was 28 hours ago. Anyone else have one recently and had yuck pouring out for days?
Many congrats to Candy and little Benson!!!

I was just looking at my U/S from yesterday, and I only now realized that baby measures 36+5 instead of 38+4, meaning he is a little smaller than average. Perhaps this is why he is not here yet?

Nah... for every baby bigger than average, there has to be one smaller in order for the average to be the average. :winkwink: Plus, ultrasounds at this stage can be off in either direction by a pound (or more!).

Vi was measuring around average for 37 weeks yesterday. Not that she's that age developmentally, just that she's a little smaller than most babies. Maisie was a little above average, I think, at 7lbs 12oz, and she was still in absolutely no hurry to come out.

We're all so used to looking at a due date as the date a baby should have arrived by but my understanding is that the majority of babies are born (not counting inductions or c-sections, obviously) between 40 and 42 weeks gestation, not prior to 40 weeks. Doesn't mean I'm not already impatient and antsy here! :haha:
Hey ladies so Little Spy I lost all that junk (mucus plug I am assuming) Saturday night around 9 pm in the bath tub by 1 am full blown contractions 5 mins apart last 56 secs. Per contraction timer. I felt like they lasted the whole 5 mins though. At 7:39 they were 3 mins and I couldn't take it so I jumped in the hot shower and nothing helped finally Allen got here around 10:00 am and the the Hospital I went. 100% effaced and dialated to a 5! An hour later Emmaleigh was here.

Candy Emmaleigh is a Mommy's girl and is mini me! My Dad posted a photo of us when I was a baby and she looks just like me aside from her nose. The kids have all seen her and love her so much and it makes the oldest two want to be home more.

I rarely get the time to post between sleeping and nursing plus trying to recover. Allen has been a great help and my MIL has come to stay with us until I am fully released off of light duty from the section. I can't wait to see what Sarah is having!!!!
Awww Candy and Mommabrown, so good to hear from you both!! So glad Benson and Emmaleigh are here at last!! Congrats!

Little Spy maybe all your plug goop is a good sign?! Maybe you won't be getting induced after all :thumbup: I mean if you were already at 4cm and now your losing even more plug surely things must be progressing... and surely you can't get all the way to 10 without actually going into labor :haha: Fingers crossed that baby Vi is going to make an earlyish arrival and relieve your antsiness!

We're all so used to looking at a due date as the date a baby should have arrived by but my understanding is that the majority of babies are born (not counting inductions or c-sections, obviously) between 40 and 42 weeks gestation, not prior to 40 weeks. Doesn't mean I'm not already impatient and antsy here! :haha:

I was under this impression also, but everyone is making me feel like some sort of weirdo because I am still pregnant. My most hated is the text messages people have been sending me that ask me how I am and when I reply they don't reply. Like the only appropriate or interesting answer would be for me to be in some stage of labor and therefore the actual reply is worthy of being ignored. :shrug: Then there are the people who act like I am somehow intentionally holding the baby in to annoy them. Yes because after almost 9 and a half months of pregnancy its YOU who is most put out by my "lateness".

So... after that moan... I stand by my ongoing opinion that the worst part of pregnancy is listening to other people's crap :haha:
Poor Doggylover still waiting!! Although it sounds like the pessary can take quite a while if things weren't already rolling before that. So try and enjoy the last bit of rest I guess before you're LO bursts into the world! Especially since it seems like it might be a night birth by this time of day. Lots of luck!!

kirstabelle: I agree! Other people and their stupid comments are definitely one of the worst parts of being pregnant.

lily: hopefully something will start up for both of us sooner rather than later!!

AFM, spent a good amount of time walking around today but nothing happening. Still dodgy tummy and painful BH... but that's nothing new. Off to go see a movie tonight with DH since it might be our last one! lol

Hope everyone is well and all the mammas are enjoying their cuddles!!
Hey ladies just a quick update; still no sign of baby for doggylover!
Afm came in at 2pm for my consultant appointment an she sent me to Antenatal day assessment unit to check baby's size and fluid level and put me on a ctg as baby is measuring small! They have also put me on metaformin for my diabetes! They have taken bloods to rule out pe as I've been having pain in my bump etc! Turns out I've got high enzymes in my liver so they are keeping me in over night! I've also been having mild contractions and my cervix is open but I'm not dilated! Will update tomorrow once the doctor has come round in the morning! I think they hall be inducing me this week though! Sorry it's been a bit one sided x
Hey ladies so Little Spy I lost all that junk (mucus plug I am assuming) Saturday night around 9 pm in the bath tub by 1 am full blown contractions 5 mins apart last 56 secs. Per contraction timer. I felt like they lasted the whole 5 mins though. At 7:39 they were 3 mins and I couldn't take it so I jumped in the hot shower and nothing helped finally Allen got here around 10:00 am and the the Hospital I went. 100% effaced and dialated to a 5! An hour later Emmaleigh was here.

Is it too ridiculous that after reading your comment I decided to run a bubble bath and relax to start labor? :rofl: No luck yet, but I'm willing to soak all night if I have to. :p
Kealz, hope all is alright. As a sidenote, metformin is good for milk supply when you have insulin and/or blood sugar issues. :winkwink: It's derived from goat's rue!
Thinking of you Kealz, hope everything is alright with you and LO, glad they are keeping a good eye on you both :hugs:
Little spy I don't blame you! Lol I was doing it to relieve pain and it kicked in full force! Tell baby its time to come out and eat some yummy chocolate! Lol
OMG at the stuff coming out of my hoo-ha this afternoon.... :sick:

Surely it's just from the sweep, but I do not remember this much gunk this long after having a sweep with Maisie. Definitely a huge chunk of plug along with all kinds of other nasty. Sweep was 28 hours ago. Anyone else have one recently and had yuck pouring out for days?

That's a good sign right????? I was catching up on today's posts and have not read past this yet... You have probably since gone into labor and birthed Vi lol!

Hope things are moving forward for you now!!
Hi all :hi:
I know Kealz went into hospital herself last night so thought I would give a quick update while I have the chance...

Still no baby!

24hrs on the pessary has yielded nothing more than some regular, painful cramps. So I'm now moved on to the next stage which is them trying to break my waters and giving me syntocin to get me going.

I am effing petrified. I do not see anyway that this baby is going to make it out of me without ripping me to shreds. I am majorly starting to worry and panic. :cry:
Awe doggover you will be absolutely fine-us women find this amazing strength from inside to get us through ..u will know what I mean when it happens!! Wishing you the best if luck, thinking of you & can't wait to hear which team you are! I'm guessing pink ;) xx

Kealz hope everything isok?

Ill catch up later hugs everyone
Wishing you all the best doggylover, it's only natural to be petrified!!!! I am and nothing's happening yet ha ha..I agree with nimbec about women finding amazing strength, that's why women are designed to give birth a not men ha!!! Hope things start happening soon xx
Hiya ladies just a quick update from
Me! I'm just waiting to hear back from the consultant as to wether they will induce me today or hold off for another week! Will update further when I know!
No recent updates from doggylover
doggylover: thinking about you today!! Try not to worry too much hun, hopefully this next level of baby eviction tactics will work ok and your LO will be here soon! I know all this waiting must be torture, but you're in good hands. Hang in there. :hugs:

kealz: But you can't be induced this week-- we're supposed to be due date buddies!! lol I hope everything is ok, and how exciting to think you could have LO here in a day or two!!

LittleSpy: How are things feeling today?? Any more signs that LO might be making their big appearance?

AFM, I had some really painful BH last night, and was actually woke up a few times by them. I stayed up fairly late before going to bed too because I felt really naseous like I might throw up. Thankfully I never did. Unfortunately that's all that happened though... so still plodding along.
We're all thinking of you dl. hopefully later today you have made some progress and little J is making their way here :)..

Fingers crossed Kealz they induce you but dont hold you of to much like candy.


Afternoon ladies.
Ryan had paige last night and said she slept pretty well. only woke as he was going to bed and then again at half 6 go paige eek!! hope she does this for me tonight lol. going to try and stick to a 4 hour feeding time for her and hope that i can get her to roll about on the floor later so she shall sleep longer at night *fingers crossed*

I took her to see my mum + family today. one sister and mum got a cuddle my neice loves her :) took paige around asda showing her off lol she was being pretty good :).

think im getting the hang of this pumping i manage 3 times yesterday :) between both pumps lol today i start with manual and got more than i did yesterday so im chuffed. just need to keep it up now:)
DL, surely the syntocin will get things going! They didn't even do anything for my induction with Maisie before that. But then, I'm the one who walks around for weeks 3 and 4cm dilated so it's not like my cervix isn't ready to go. Guess it's my hormones that fail to launch correctly.

Nothing much going on for me but lots of poo. Ugh. Better be "clearing out" for labor, otherwise ain't nobody got time for this.

I keep wondering how my water won't bulge and break if I'm 4cm. Seriously can't believe how much plug is coming out. No way I lost it all before labor the first time. It's NUTS.

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