April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hope your feeling ok despite the BP related symptoms. I keep getting swollen feet this time, its really odd as I didn't when pregnant! I was a little worried about hellp syndrome or pp pre-e but my BP is normal. I asked the MW yesterday and she said it can be quite normal to randomly swell pp. They never tell you all this do they lol!

Yes the likeness is uncanny, sometimes i look at Vinny and think its Sidney for a second! Sid had more hair, but he was baked longer!
dan o, I spoke to a breast feeding consultant and told me that the 3 day pp engorgement is not only in the boobs but virtually everywhere, it is normal edema, super common and it goes away.
Oh yeah, and for any other waiting mamas I found this article on shifting posterior babies to anterior which is supposed to help get better pressure on the cervix to start and speed up labor and make it less painful with less back labor... so, if you're doing nothing but waiting for baby, it gives you something to do if nothing else! Posterior is my LO's favorite position... of course :roll:


spinningbabies.com is a good one, too. While you're sitting around twiddling your thumbs (or nips... :haha:).

I'm on spinning babies ALL DAY LONG. :wacko:
I must make this bubba descent!!!:haha:
I forgot to say how much Noah weighed... He came in at 6 lbs 13 oz.; 19 in. long!
Here is a pic of my sweet boy...I can't figure out how to make it right side up. Sorry!

Gorgeous boy!!! <3
Think I'm having another false alarm here. Been up timing contractions for over 1.5 hours now. Same kind I had last Saturday. But settled into 1 minute long every 5-6 minutes. Annoying that I can't sleep because of them! It's 4.30am for crying out loud.
dan-o other than the swelling and bp issues I dont feel anything at all.. Im itching to get out and do stuff but they are making me rest :( party poopers!! I keep calling Ben Lucas haha they look a lot a like too xx

My milk still hasnt come in yet. I would love big engorged boobies right now :( he must be getting enough thouh because he pees on me A LOT!!
His sleep routine is a bit backwards too.. he keeps us up all night until about 4 then sleeps til 10!! I need to shift him back a bit into a good time scale for me.
Congrats sarah :D... I knew baby was a girl lol

I just need the comments 3 pages back on the bottle breastfeeding thing.

I had my midwife there and told her about the trouble i had trying to bf in hospital so ive been pumping along with formula she has told me to try and breastfeed again as if i keep pumping my supply will soon disappear :( which i dont wont since she is getting the best of both. So im whiling to try the boob again as much as i can. She also said that ryan can use formula at night time when he's looking after her to top her up which is handy. I was also concern of the confusion between them both to but im whiling to try anything i really wanted to breast feed so much.

Her weight is back to normal also so go paige yay!!. always got my nice red book (candy) lol

she ask if i would like to try out this breast buddies or what ever its called. its were previous mum who have breastfeed give you a call and come to your house and give you some advice and support i guess that pretty good but i dont wanna whoop my boob out in front of them lol who know if i can get her on myself ill be more than happy..

congrats again to Sarah and who ever else just had there babies.

Ps ryan is taking paige out himself today as i really need to relax and not move since ive been naughty :| so im going to catch some zz's xxx
ReadytoMum, I agree with Candy, LO knew your schedule and wanted to wait until you were completely ready lol. Thats what Grayson did, so I am hoping the same for you! :winkwink:

I am dying to see a picture of Isabelle and DL! She better post one of FB soon :haha:

Candy, glad your home! Try to relax a bit!

Kristabelle, you Little lady is just entirely to content in her nest! Have you told her its time?? :coffee:

Lily, our getting really close as well... any signs yet??

LittleSpy, I have a breast feeding question for you:
I am exclusively BF Grayson and he is doing really well. Didnt really eat much the first day (because of exhaustion i'm sure) but has been good since. Now that my milk came in yesterday, he nurses (no lie) NON STOP :wacko:. I will feed him for 10 min and he will be completely passed out (and I mean, dead to the world passed out)... that will last about 15min and he will be up and looking for the boob again. We can play this game for easily 4 cycles before he actually falls asleep. At that point he will sleep for maybe 2-3 hours (closer to two) and we start the same cycle again. I swear, I can't even leave the house, because the time in the car is too long for him without a boob in his mouth :wacko::dohh:
He is pooping and peeing enough (at least 3 poop diapers a day and plenty of pee). I'm just curious, do you know if this is normal for breast feeding? My nipples are getting seriously sore at this point so I keep them smothered in Lanolin. One nipple actually bled last night (not heavy and not for long, just like a chapped lip?!?!):shrug:
Sorry for the hijack, just hope you (or anyone else) can give me some insight.
cherrybump LOVE the redbook! LOL yay Paige to getting her weight back up!! she's amazing!

Steph I'm loving being at home it's amazing.. I can zip my tops up and touch my toes and I had a runny egg for breakfast lol.. Which made Nimbec want one for lunch :p

Ben just had his 3 day check.. He only lost half a pound :D she helped me get a better latch with him which meant when he sucked my milk come in and he was gulping it down :D so yay no issues now I just have to put him back to the same breast 10 mins after his feed to make sure he clears the boob and gets the hind milk x
Steph - Yep, it's normal for babies to want to breastfeed constantly. It may not be normal that your nipples are suffering, though. I'd get his latch looked at by an IBCLC (if you saw an LC in the hospital, she may have not been board certified -- get to a board certified one if not, or if so, you may want to go back to the ones at the hospital). He could have a tongue tie or lip tie causing him to latch a little funky which will result in nipple trauma for you and possible transfer issues for him.

Is it painful all the time? Or just when he first latches? The latter could be normal & will resolve with time. The former needs to be looked at by a professional. Sounds like you're doing really great though. :flower:

Oh, duh, if there's a LLL group near you, they usually have at least monthly meetings and lots of chapters have a facebook page. The LLL leader may even be willing to come to your house to get a good look at things. It's better to go to an IBCLC (unless your LLL leader happens to be a certified lactation consultant!), but LLL is free (or cheap) if that's an issue. https://www.llli.org/
It's my due date! :happydance: My little false alarm lasted until 6am. :dohh: 3 hours and then nothing! Maybe I'm dilated to about 6 now. :haha:

I just want to thank kirstabelle for taking being "overdue" in stride right now. Everyone else seems to be popping a little early and I'm sure I'd be having a pity party for one if it weren't for you. :flower:
Happy due date, now get a move on baby littlespy lol!!!
I had these annoying trial labours as well, got fed up with them after a while. I just stayed on my feet, cleaned and walked when I got the last one and after about 10 hours of those mild regular contractions, I was in established labour and off like a runaway train lol!! I would guess mine was 4-6cm in approx 2 hours and then 6-10 in just over an hour!! Getting a head start by a few cm with those trial runs paid off in the end lol!!
It's my due date! :happydance: My little false alarm lasted until 6am. :dohh: 3 hours and then nothing! Maybe I'm dilated to about 6 now. :haha:

I just want to thank kirstabelle for taking being "overdue" in stride right now. Everyone else seems to be popping a little early and I'm sure I'd be having a pity party for one if it weren't for you. :flower:

Yay, congrats on 40 weeks!

I'm still here, if that is any consolation, and all things indicate that I'm nowhere close to delivery. I will probably hang around here longer than expected. :winkwink:

So we can have a pity party together :hugs:
Lily, our getting really close as well... any signs yet??

LittleSpy, I have a breast feeding question for you:
I am exclusively BF Grayson and he is doing really well. Didnt really eat much the first day (because of exhaustion i'm sure) but has been good since. Now that my milk came in yesterday, he nurses (no lie) NON STOP :wacko:. I will feed him for 10 min and he will be completely passed out (and I mean, dead to the world passed out)... that will last about 15min and he will be up and looking for the boob again. We can play this game for easily 4 cycles before he actually falls asleep. At that point he will sleep for maybe 2-3 hours (closer to two) and we start the same cycle again. I swear, I can't even leave the house, because the time in the car is too long for him without a boob in his mouth :wacko::dohh:
He is pooping and peeing enough (at least 3 poop diapers a day and plenty of pee). I'm just curious, do you know if this is normal for breast feeding? My nipples are getting seriously sore at this point so I keep them smothered in Lanolin. One nipple actually bled last night (not heavy and not for long, just like a chapped lip?!?!):shrug:
Sorry for the hijack, just hope you (or anyone else) can give me some insight.

No SERIOUS signs, he is a little quiet today, so maybe a growth spurt keeps him in there? He measured a little smaller than average on Monday U/S (36+5)
so he could be in there for a while.
I'm bouncing all day on my ball to bring him down. :shrug:

Yay on baby's poop and pee! That means he feeds excellent! :thumbup:
You are sooo fortunate. Keep the nips soft and if needed get a couple of shields.
Good job mommy!
Steph - Yep, it's normal for babies to want to breastfeed constantly. It may not be normal that your nipples are suffering, though. I'd get his latch looked at by an IBCLC (if you saw an LC in the hospital, she may have not been board certified -- get to a board certified one if not, or if so, you may want to go back to the ones at the hospital). He could have a tongue tie or lip tie causing him to latch a little funky which will result in nipple trauma for you and possible transfer issues for him.

Is it painful all the time? Or just when he first latches? The latter could be normal & will resolve with time. The former needs to be looked at by a professional. Sounds like you're doing really great though. :flower:

Oh, duh, if there's a LLL group near you, they usually have at least monthly meetings and lots of chapters have a facebook page. The LLL leader may even be willing to come to your house to get a good look at things. It's better to go to an IBCLC (unless your LLL leader happens to be a certified lactation consultant!), but LLL is free (or cheap) if that's an issue. https://www.llli.org/

Thank you so much!!! With the latching, it actually depends... Sometimes he latches funny and it hurts the whole time (at which point I take him off and relatch)... Most of the time, it's only at first. At this point though (with nipples already sore), it's a bit uncomfortable even with a good latch. I know that you had a horrible experience with a shield, but my one boob has become entirely to large for a good latch and I wonder if that could help?? Or if I could pump a little off the top before feeding?
Our lactation group in the area meets tomorrow... So I will be going for sure!!!!
Just wonder if there is something I can do before
I had a good experience with a shield (but I didn't know about them soon enough -- I used them to get Maisie back to nursing after she went on a 2.5 month nursing strike and I had to exclusively pump that whole time... 8x/day!).

I think it was Kealz who had a bad experience with a nipple shield?

They *can* lower your supply. But obviously so can a baby not being able to latch on one side. So... your decision. :winkwink:
Oh, and you could definitely pump or even hand express (may be easier!) to soften it up for him to latch that side.

I'm obviously not well-versed in oversupply. "Oversupply" sounds almost like a good thing but has it's own set of problems for sure so isn't something you want to willingly create by increasing demand too much. So, I'd be wary of expressing a huge amount of milk before latching him, but I don't see much harm in just enough to soften for him to latch. Maybe something you do today and ask your group about tomorrow. :thumbup:
I think i read somewhere about someone bf'ing like that on the breastfeeding forum is that cluster feeding??

Maybe i should buy a sheild for my nipples and see if she takes the boob that way lol i tried early and she just cried out she suck for all of 2-3secs lol and pulled away she arches her back and pulling away but sometimes when its feed time or wakes fro a sleep she turns her head into the boob i never tried her on the boob at those points but maybe i should have :S. ill wait until she is awake and try again. ive pumped just over 5oz so far today im ready to go again lol but on manual as ryan is now home ill use electric one in bed later and try and wake between 1-4am as i heard well read this is when your at your peak lol
Cherrybump: That's great that you're looking into some help with BF!! I think once you get the hang of it it'll be great for both of you. Good work and keep at it!! Glad to hear that Paige is doing well and gaining weight. :thumbup:

LittleSpy: Happy Due Date!! Hopefully that baby gets a move on now! I'm pretty convinced I'm going to be overdue as well... and by that time EVERYONE else will have had their LO's. My April baby might end up a May baby. :wacko:

Steph: Sorry to hear you're having some troubles with soreness, but way to go for sticking to the BF!! My SIL gave me some of that Lanolin stuff to use as well, but she also gave me these compresses that they make which you can cool off to help with nipple soreness. She swore by them! Maybe you could look into sending Rob out for some of those? https://www.lansinoh.com/products/soothies-by-lansinoh-gel-pads

AFM, I woke up this morning to discover that Spring ran away and Winter had returned. We got a fair bit of snow overnight and it's sadly stuck around. It was 14 degrees on Monday!! Sigh. I hope my boots will still fit my swollen feet. :wacko:

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