April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!


Kealz sent more details about James arrival last night!!

Hey just a quick update, James Denis Stephen Titchner born 7.25pm weighing 7lb 1oz! It happened very quickly, I went from 2-3 cms dilated to pushing with in 25mins!!! He is ok just a lil bit cold and low blood sugars! :) x

Can't believe how quickly she went! Love to the whole family Kealz! Congrats!

(candy can you give me Bensons vitals for the front page? Just weight and date as I can't find them in my sleep deprived state :haha:)
Oh ladies another update from poor Kealz:

James is not doing very well, his glucose level is low and they said his breathing is not right, and they are concerned so have taken him down to intensive care unit! I haven't been able to see him yet and no body has given me any details. So I'm stuck in a ward with all these happy women and their babies... And mine is in intensive care... Will keep you posted as I know more!

Thinking of you lady xxx
Thinking of Kealz and baby James! Hugs!!!!

And today I wake up with the swollen ankles :p... bleeehhhh
Thinking of Kealz and baby James and hoping he will be back up to the ward with his mummy soon xx
Well I'm 38wks today and last night I had tightening and period like cramps coming every 10 mins for about an hour, really thought something was happening but then they stopped!!!
Need to stop getting my hopes up especially as he's a boy so will prob go overdue ha ha xxx
Steph I had exactly this and the midwiffes where a life saver told me that when he falls asleep te first time wake him up - by changing nappy, or stripping him to his nappy, put him on a mat on floor on his own, step outside into cold! Believe me they all work a treat and means you can carry on feeding and ten they do go to sleep after. Also I use lanolin cream it's brill!! My routine with Harrison is now feed until he is comatosed then wind for a minute then chane nappy - usually results in screaming then feed again.

My nipples where literally cracked until I did this :) also make sure they have lots of boob in mouth not just the end of your nipple. I was honestly ready to jack it & bottle feed until I did this its a breath of fresh air lol
Doggylover, Ben was 7lb10 and born at 9.02am :) xxx are you feeling better today?

Thinking of Kealz today and little James and hope after he has some care he'll be absolutely fine xx

I got a call today from a breastfeeding specialist she told me that because my labour was only 57 minutes long, Ben come too fast round the ''S'' bend and that could have caused some tension build up in his shoulders and jaw, she wants to meet me at 1 to see if he will benefit from some physio.

Day 4 of having Ben and guess where we had to go... to the solicitor.. yay.. endless fun! I liked showing him off to her though. He made a few ladies there a bit broody.

I was hoping to take him for a walk today but it's raining :(
Poor kealz hope he gets better soon. I left my number on Facebook page - doggy could you text it to her incase he wants to chat as I can totally relate to what she is going through and it's a very lonely time. Sending you a big hug kealz!

Doggy how are u getting on?

Lily I ha those too - elevate your legs and hopefully they will go and I hope it's nothing more sinister.

Kristabel I'm sure it won't be long now - I hope!

Gosh ladies how time has flow - Harrison is 5 weeks old this Sunday ...mad cant believe how time has flown!

Any suggestions on tiny sleep bags for me - the 0-6 ones are massive and he doesn't weigh enough but he's ready for his cot ...I could use blankets but paranoid ftm he is so tiny in there even foot to bottom that I worry he would get sideways an under then! He also doesn't like being swaddled he's like hoodinie propper escape artist lol!

Hope everyone is ok?
Babies babies everywhere......congratulations everyone. I am back in the hospital today for a bp check...if high they are going to induce...although that means nothing it was high on Monday with protein in my urine..led me to believe they were keeping me in after being their all day... They sent me home with same plan I have had for weeks monitor, monitor, monitor.

I think I am ready for babmino now, plus my sister is moving back to Spain on Sunday..I would love her to meet him before she goes.....

Will keep you updated?

By the way..anyone take dummy's to the hospital....or will I be frowned upon, unfortunately I will not be breast feeding.
Hi Sarah hope all goes well at hospital would be great if they induced all things being considered! I didn't take but they actually gave Harrison one while he was in scbu so I guess it would be absolutely fine. In any case it's your baby so you can do what u like - people will always have an opinion grrr! Oooh and I found the MAM dummies the best they are small so recommended for newborns.

Candy yuk horrid to have to go to solicitors but I agree a good way to show him off! What happened with your pram in the end? Did I miss the comment?
Just looked at the front page Blimey team blue need to do some catching up lol! Anyone close??!
Huge hugs to Kealz and James I hope he comes around quickly and he is in your arms soon!

DL - LO took about 40 mins to nurse every 1-1 1/2 hrs for the first week, then 35-40 mins to nurse about every 2 hours until 4 weeks. Now she is stretching to 3 hours during the day and a bit more at night and take about 25-30 mins. Around 7-11pm she still occasionally cluster feeds and there were a few days mixed in there that she was literally on the boob ALL DAY. Would be off for maybe 15 mins at a time argh! However all that feeding is great for building your supply.

I would def keep up with the lanolin! Also sometimes switching nursing positions can help take pressure off the sore parts of your nipple - try football hold or sidelying rather than cradle hold all the time and it may help! Also as I'm sure you know already! - always check she's latched correctly - your nipple should be pointed upwards until it's in her mouth to get the most boob in there. You'll know her latch was wonky if when she comes off your nip looks 'lipsticked' - like when you get a new tube of lipstick and it's shaped at an angle iykwim!
I took a dummy to hospital bitsarah. I ask about it aswell and they said it was ok. Just because paige loved eating her fingers and still does lol we dont always give her it though some times she spits it out lol.

Sarah i hope your feeling ok today. Ive been keeping tabs on facebook lol I was like that my first day after the section. Couldnt move at all couldnt pick paige up had to keep pressing the button to feed her to get someone to change her. All i wanted to do was be able to do things for myself grr lol and i thought the partners where aloud to stay with you :( wrong. It was 4.30 and ryans mum had left with my mum no one told us that he'd have to leave either. he had to ring his mum whom was back at our bit which was an hour away from the hospital.. i didnt except to be in a room with 3 other ladies either lol always thought you'd be in your own room :S..

All thoughts to kealz. hope little one is doing ok to.

AFM: I got those nipple shield things from my sister i tired it earlier with paige it went pretty well until the dam thing push in and she couldnt stuck she was on teh boob for about a min if even that. thats the longest since being in hospital. Also pump like 6 oz of milk so far today lol ive already got 2 breast milk in bottles in the fridge good thing they last 5 days eh. pop today lot into a milk bag thing.

My turn to watch paige tonight although ryan didnt wake up to her crying at 4.20 this morning no that was me running through to the living room (ryan paige is crying) he's in a total deep sleep 'sighs' well at least my mother instincts have kick in eh. xxxx
Nimbec i was thinking that the other day lol rememeber those poll threads when we found out what we were meant to be having lol it was more boys than girls funny how its turned around to more girls than boys eh lol
Sweetpea the lipstick thing is definitely a problem. I am trying to make sure that I kind of roll the nipple in so that it is in the right place, but she's soooo wiggly and her mouth is so small I just can't seem to get it right! Any tips to help?
And thanks for the other info, its good to know that this is totally normal. Have tried a few other positions, am still looking for the perfect one for us! Also, is it normal for her to suck and then stop...then suck and stop on and on? I'm blowing on her, tickling her etc, but I'm wondering if she's just lazy?! Or if that's too harsh a judgement of a two day old :haha: all this sucking being good for my supply is what's getting me thru!

Thanks everyone for asking how I am :) I'm feeling so much better today- I've been able to get up and walk about on my own, which has made me realise how stiff I am, and how much this episiotomy and stitches make it feel like I've been repeatedly kicked in the foo!!! So I'm a slow mover ATM!
Just waiting on the results of my latest bloods and hopefully we get to go home today! Fingers crossed.
Just wanted to share this bit of news i just seen on the telly. I cant believe someone would do this. i just hope they find the mother of the little girl.. this is were i live near by to and the little girl is in the hospital i was in.

Congrats to Kealz and I hope James is out of the NICU very quickly and back on the happy ward with Mama :hugs:

Wow super quick labors for Candy and Kealz! Can I request one of those?? :-k

Thanks for the well wishes ladies! While I am not loving any of the options I am looking at right now for next week (induction or waiting it out past 42 weeks) I am reassured that one of the options is NOT be pregnant forever! Yep Little Spy, 1 week past is where I'm at now and I think that's why I no longer care which MW is there when I get to the hospital. As long as they can catch :haha: Made an appt to talk to an OB after all on Wednesday and then still going to schedule the induction for Thursday so that if we decide not to go over then we don't have to wait for a spot or anything. So she still has 5 days plus today to get her act together and get out!

Sounds like your pumping is paying off Cherrybump and I'm sure your efforts to get her back on the boob will be eventually as well!

Off to the chiropractor for me. Good thing this is covered by insurance since my hips are def getting worse as my never-ending pregnancy continues. We tried to do just one appt the other week instead of two and my whole pelvis seized up and I could barely walk! I felt reeeeeeally pregnant that day :nope:

Glad you are feeling better DL!
Oh and Nimbec I meant to say on the small sleep sack thing, I don't know if you have them in the UK but there is a brand here, Woombie it is called that come in a preemie size. I have a newborn one and it is very small. They are snugger than the normal sleeping bags and zippered swaddler things so might get Harrison through his teeny phase.

DL Ben was born on the 9th hun, you put 8th on the front page xxloving all the babies listed! I'm so happy that you are feeling better today and up and about.. I hope they let you go home today xx

I'm back from the breastfeeding clinic... Benson has a small tongue tie!! He needs a small snip at the back of his mouth to correct it. Thats why latching has been so difficult plus he gets tired quick which is why he's feeding so much.

Kristabelle fast labours aren't great hun, my body was in shock after for a while and I can't process what happened properly still, take a nice slow progressive labour if you can.

Sarah if you breast feed they dont like you taking dummies but you are mum you do what you think is best hun. I hope your BP is nice and low and today and proteins are gone, mine went from plus 1 protein to plus 3 very quickly and bps of over 140/95 that was when they took the decision to induce me. I hope you can hold on even if you are tired because being induced is difficult x

Nimbec.. I can't believe Harrison is almost 5 weeks already!! WOW! If you buy a 0-6 sized sleep bag can you tuck the extra under his legs? Or tie to the crib bars?
The start stop start stop thing is pretty normal - you just want to make sure you are hearing swallowing noises when she is sucking. It's pretty normal for them to take little breaks especially when they are tiny. Also sometimes (not sure if your milk is coming in yet) they will clamp down if the flow is too fast for them to give themselves a chance to breathe before feeding again.

With the latch, if baby isn't opening wide keep persisting til she does by touching your nipple to her lips, and then bring baby to you as quickly as possible, do not lean into baby. You want her bottom lip on first and then quickly roll the rest in - it's ok to see areola above baby's top lip but there should be very little areola visible below her bottom lip/chin. The chin should be resting against the breast or even pushing into it. Bottom and top lips should both be flanged outwards - sometimes if they aren't you can correct it by gently flipping them outwards with your finger, but sometimes they are just latched on too shallow and you have to take them off and relatch. Always make sure to break the suction before taking them off the breast (I just slide my pinky finger into the corner of their mouth) so you aren't making sore nips worse. Try to catch hunger cues before she's fussy as the 'fussy wiggle' can make latching on difficult! You really just want to make sure to get that wiiiide open mouth before attempting to latch! If you peek in her mouth you should be able to see her tongue along her bottom lip and also putting baby belly to belly in cradle hold is suggested. I have Scarlett slightly leaned back along my arm with her head turned a bit as my big boobs would smother her otherwise haha!

Here's a little diagram that helped me alot, and a pic featuring Scarlett to show the flanged lips. Ignore the nip hickey - fell asleep nursing and woke to PAIN as she tried to relatch and missed the mark LOL! She was pretty tiny in that pic and I have huge boobs so areola position isn't the greatest example. Next pic shows good position to areola but bottom flange view is covered by my big jug so there you have it hah! The pics are about 3 weeks apart - obviously I really like that sleeper lol! It has rhinos for footings what can I say? Hehehe.


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