April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

thanks nimbec i wish they helped me more lol would be nice to bf instead of pumping lol im going to have to be one of those exclusive pumping ladies lol
Kirstabelle, hope we end up as birthday buddies! I can't imagine going past 42 weeks!

ReadytoMum, sorry about your exams. I'm going through some similar crap at work where people are dragging their feet in getting stuff to me but still expect me to produce their documents before I go on leave. Now with my induction scheduled for Thursday, it just isn't going to happen! They've known for months that this day was coming, and I always said "yes, April 23rd is my due date, but she could come before that" and they blew it off. Men! They're going to be pretty pissed when I tell them on Monday!
My lo is been a bit off today :( only sleeping 2-3 hours instead of 4 like normal. she has a wee rash earlier but i think that was due to being to hot or this coco oil :S since that was all that i use on her skin. she's been in a weird mood all day drinking loads more to . when you try and put her to sleep she's being mega fuss tossing her head here and there :( she was on her tummy early on my chest then ryan put her in the basket for a bit like that to.

She's now half on her tummy with her head on my chest only just fallen asleep. She's still pretty warm and drank 4oz plus another 1oz almost from another bottle :S. I dont wanna put her in the basket incase she wakes up... hope she's ok and its just a random day lol they rash has gone that she had to which is good.

she has some reflex's like.... oh boob well its ryans turn to night is all i can say lol
Hey girls! It seems like ages since I have had a moment to post or even have a moment of quiet long enough to get on here.

Emmaleigh was doing so good BF and then all of the sudden started freaking out screaming and crying and wouldn't latch on after they became engorged. So now we are using the nipple shield to get her back on. Some nights are easier than others but Allen has seemed more afraid of her and doesn't help much with her at all. His mom came and stayed the week with us and I honestly don't know if I can handle it all without her. She has been a godsend.

Any how sorry to have a onesided post I didn't get much time to read back. Hopefully I will get more time to get on here after Emmaleigh's schedule starts to regulate.
I read lots earlier, then fell asleep lol, and have probably missed loads, but THANK YOU to whoever put that link for the soothies gel pads - just ordered some. My milk is just coming in :shock:

I'm just in a bath with tea tree oil to help the healing of my stitches...Simon had to help me in. Oh the dignity!!!!

Last night didnt go great :nope: Isabelle didnt want to sleep anywhere but on our chests, and squealed every time she got put into her crib or chair, and t was heartbreaking. So nobody got a lot of sleep (except her as we sat on the sofa with her on our chest in shifts) so today we've been trying to get her used to some time in the crib, and we got a slumber bear to try and coax her to sleep.

Afm: my haemoglobin is still waaay down. My brother was surprised they even let me out of hospital, and although I'm feeling better, I still feel stupidly weak, which obviously is now compounded by exhaustion and hormones :haha:
Every time I get out of bed I shiver and it takes me a few mins to be able to actually function. Luckily lots of help from in laws and parents means I can leave Isabelle with them and sneak a few mins sleep, and Simon had a good sleep on the sofa today as well. Just hoping I start to feel more normal soon. I know I'm going to be exhausted until she's about 14, I just wish I wasn't feeling so weak. Plus I'm on a huge amount of pills and injections (all bf safe :thumbup:) and want to be off them ASAP.

Sweetpea: you are a godsend with the bf advice. I had my midwife here this afternoon and she also said I'm not holding Isabelle close enough to me,mso she is sliding on and off my nipple as she sucks, so combined with your info I hope we can get a bit better with practice. (Since I wrote that earlier I've fed twice and it's still just as sore I think. My boobs are now rock hard as my milk as just appeared, and because my nipples are already sore I'm assuming it won't get easier straight away, but I'm giving it all a brave stab!!)

Steph: re crazy laughing, my family made me laugh last night when I was feeding Isabelle and her head was shaking so much that Simon said "stop, she wants milk, not butter!" Which made me laugh more, so her head shook more, and then he worried she was going to get shaken baby syndrome...

Now, let me check the status of you ladies!
Kirstabelle, has this acupuncture not poked LO out yet? What is she playing at in there?!

Cherry it's awful that you didn't get much help with your bf. I didn't either In hospital, apart from the occasional "all going ok" but the ladies who were bottle feeding got loads of info and help which annoyed me - why do bf mums not get the same? My community midwife was great today though, so ask yours for help if you are still seeing her. And I think that pumping for Paige so she still gets your milk is amazing. She is lucky to have such a dedicated mummy. Also, maybe sleeping less fishes having a growth spurt which an beat 2-3 weeks.

Mommabrown- sorry to hear Allen hasn't been helping, that is so tough for you, especially when Emmaleigh is having a freak out. Great that his mum was able to help though. I think accepting help is something some mums don't want to do, but as I speak my inlaws and parents are downstairs with Isabelle so simon and I can get a little break. It makes life so much easier. Hoping that Emmaleigh starts to attach well ASAP.

Readytomum: :growlmad: that is awful about your exam. Does that mean you have to wait until after Peter arrives to take them? That is not a good thing at all, and no wonder you are so cross. Other people's failings are the last thing you need when you are pregnant and exhausted. Now, fingers crossed Peter arrives ASAP now you are officially off!

Littlespy: I wish I knew why 4/20 was a bad thing in the US?! A drug association with your babies birthday isn't something to aim for though I agree :rofl: but as steph said, maybe it would roll over onto 4/21.......That said, I hope LO comes ASAP so you don't have to worry, but she seems like a stubborn monkey already! I can't believe you are already 4cm! How is violet staying in there?! Your induction will probably fly by and you'll end up with your drug associated baby lol!

Nimbec: how is Harrison getting along?

Candy: so sorry about Bens due date on the front page :dohh: changed now! I'm so glad you had his tongue (or maybe lip? So sorry I read earlier and can't remember) tie diagnosed. I must remember to ask my midwife about that when I next see her. Although she isn't the worlds most friendly and will probably think I'm mad for suggesting it. I hope once it gets snipped that the feeding gets easier. How are Connie and Lucas enjoying their baby brother? And how is Aaron getting on with his role as a new daddy?

I'm so sorry to anyone I've missed!!
Great to hear from you doggylover!! Sorry that you're still feeling quite unwell, but I'm glad you've got some family over helping you right now to make it a bit easier on you and Simon. I forget who I originally posted the link for the gel pads for, but my SIL gave me some as part of my shower gift--I've obviously never used them yet, but she swears by them! So I'm glad to see that so many other ladies have found them helpful too!

The exam situation is a total mess, and it means I won't be writing them now until I return from leave. Originally I was planning to return in January, but I might have to look into coming back in September now since those exams didn't get done.

mommabrown: I'm sorry to hear the little lady is making BF difficult! Give Allen a slap upside the head and tell him now is not the time to go wandering off on you because you need his help! Maybe he feels like he's not needed with his mom there? Men are strange creatures... I'm really curious to see what DH will be like when LO gets here.

Jen: Sorry to hear you're having troubles at work--I guess the only benefit of your situation is that you're the one who gets to stick it to them for sucking at time management! People aren't very bright sometimes... especially men! :dohh:

Anyway, my Dr is on-call at the hospital on Wednesday this coming week... so I've given Peter his official notice that is to vacate the premises that day!! We'll see how well he listens.... :coffee:
good morning :)

Doggylover.. Thanks for changing it lol.. I forgive you in your vampire state! Im glad you are feeling much better with the blood thing even if sleep deprivation is kicking in now. Hopefully Isabelle will get into a good routine soon and you can get some better sleep xx

Cherrybump.. There was a ftm on the ward I was on in hospital and she didnt get much help either. It wasnt great. Have you asked your health visitor for help? mine gave me details for a bfing clinic that runs literally next to me so I popped in with Ben and got loads of tips it was good. Maybe there are things like that near you?

AFM... I just had a great nights sleep!! Ben slept in bed with me and he was so much more settled! I feel so much better now. Hopefully once he has established a good sleep pattern I can move him back to his cot. I am loving the sleepy cuddles with him though :)

my milk is coming in really fast now and Im engorged. My nippies are so sore too not fun :(

to the ladies who havent popped yet.. hurry up! we're hitting a dry spell and need fresh pics lol xx
Readytomum: going back in September just to do these exams is definitely not not a good thing, that would be so much earlier than planned, and basically give you less time at home because of someone else's mistakes. That makes me so angry on your behalf again. I can't believe that they are constantly changing things and seem to take no consideration of your pregnancy at all. Not good support from what I can see.
Fingers crossed for peters arrival this Wednesday then!! I'll pray to the labour gods for you!

Candy: glad you got more sleep last night, I dont know how you manage Benson and the other two as well. I'm exhausted and I only have the one!!
My milk has just come in as well, and oh my lord. I did not expect my boobs to get that insanely rock hard! Simons eyes nearly popped out looking at them!
At the minute they go rock hard, then when she feeds off one it is much "softer"- does it stay like that forever? Or will they eventually both settle down a bit?

Afm: we got much more sleep last night :happydance: the first two hours were the same dance as the night before - her in her crib crying with us trying to settle her, or me feeding her. Gave in at about 1.30 and she came into bed for two hours on my chest. But once she fed after that we popped her back into her crib and she SLEPT!! From just after 4.30 to 6 am! All on her own! I was so proud :kiss: and then I fed her again, and we both slept on until 8 :) and she's now asleep in her Moses basket downstairs! :shock: I think my milk coming in means she is a little more full and settled for now. Don't know how long it will last...
yeh shes probably getting more and doesnt need as much now... no your supply should regulate in about 4-7 days.. if you pump a bit out when they go hard it can keep your supply up and make you feel better.. I had an infection last time where the milk clogged up and caused a lump.. when you go in the shower gently massage your boobs to make sure you dont have any lumps.. the warm water will help any clogged ducts to unblock too.. trust me those infections are horrid xx

glad Isabelle slept better! its noce to wake up and not feel like a zombie isnt it lol. Bens still asleep in bed with daddy.. I have another pre eclampsia check today. The midwife is coming here so I have to go tidy up..

Im ok with my other two at home so far but tomorrow they are back to school and I dont know how I will cope with that yet. :/

p.s dont buy sainsburys own breast pads.... they are shit! x
At least when they are back at school you'll be able to have some down time while Benson sleeps...in theory?! Going to be a busy school run tomorrow morning then - I'm sure everyone and their mother will be wanting a little look at him!
Thanks so much for the tips :thumbup: I will be massaging myself in the shower from now on as I've heard that mastitis is just horrific, and I know some people have it over and over and eventually give up on bf, so I am praying to God that we are able to avoid it as much as humanly possible.

I haven't needed to use breast pads yet...then I woke up last night (I was topless to allow my nipples some air as they've been so sore!) and I was leaking! I was so shocked as I didn't have any leaking at all in pregnancy or the last few days, and it was just...dripping! Not lots by any stretch of the imagination, but enough for me to whip the breast pads out! I think the sheer excitement of actually having enough to leak got to me!!
This is probably a stupid question, but this is what you ladies are for....

If you get cracked nipples, is it the "pokey out bit" of the nipple that cracks, or the area around that? :blush:
Doggylover, you are lucky, mine just pours out! Sometimes if I just think about the baby I can feel it letting down lol!

I use a terry nappy to feed while in bed and just drape it over one boob while vin feeds from the other. I have to wear breast pads during the day, but if its anything like last time the leaking will stop in a few weeks. My engorgement has gone down a lot now, but I have tonnes of plugged ducts, working on getting them cleared ASAP!
Ps. Not sure about cracked nipples, but I have blisters on my right side nipple end from shallow latching due to engorgement, maybe that's what it means?
This is probably a stupid question, but this is what you ladies are for....

If you get cracked nipples, is it the "pokey out bit" of the nipple that cracks, or the area around that? :blush:


Have her latch assessed asap (by an IBCLC is preferable -- have them check for tongue & lip ties, too)! That's why the nipple trauma. It's a common thing, but not a "normal" thing. :flower:

Edit: Mine cracked right around the part were the pokey out part meets the not pokey out part of my bigger boob and on one edge of the pokey out part (lol) because Mae couldn't get a deep enough latch on that side. I never got nipple trauma on the other side because latching was so much better on that side. Once the LC showed us a good latch, it started healing (but then she started refusing to nurse so not sure where it would've gone from there). By the time she started nursing again at 3 months, her mouth was bigger so it was way way way easier to get a good latch & my nips didn't crack again (they did get irritated at times from using the wrong sized breast shields while I was pumping 8-10x/day, though). (Pumping tip: Use coconut oil on the nips when pumping to lessen friction! Never use lanolin while pumping, that ends up making it worse.).
I read lots earlier, then fell asleep lol, and have probably missed loads, but THANK YOU to whoever put that link for the soothies gel pads - just ordered some. My milk is just coming in :shock:

I'm just in a bath with tea tree oil to help the healing of my stitches...Simon had to help me in. Oh the dignity!!!!

Last night didnt go great :nope: Isabelle didnt want to sleep anywhere but on our chests, and squealed every time she got put into her crib or chair, and t was heartbreaking. So nobody got a lot of sleep (except her as we sat on the sofa with her on our chest in shifts) so today we've been trying to get her used to some time in the crib, and we got a slumber bear to try and coax her to sleep.

Afm: my haemoglobin is still waaay down. My brother was surprised they even let me out of hospital, and although I'm feeling better, I still feel stupidly weak, which obviously is now compounded by exhaustion and hormones :haha:
Every time I get out of bed I shiver and it takes me a few mins to be able to actually function. Luckily lots of help from in laws and parents means I can leave Isabelle with them and sneak a few mins sleep, and Simon had a good sleep on the sofa today as well. Just hoping I start to feel more normal soon. I know I'm going to be exhausted until she's about 14, I just wish I wasn't feeling so weak. Plus I'm on a huge amount of pills and injections (all bf safe :thumbup:) and want to be off them ASAP.

Sweetpea: you are a godsend with the bf advice. I had my midwife here this afternoon and she also said I'm not holding Isabelle close enough to me,mso she is sliding on and off my nipple as she sucks, so combined with your info I hope we can get a bit better with practice. (Since I wrote that earlier I've fed twice and it's still just as sore I think. My boobs are now rock hard as my milk as just appeared, and because my nipples are already sore I'm assuming it won't get easier straight away, but I'm giving it all a brave stab!!)

Steph: re crazy laughing, my family made me laugh last night when I was feeding Isabelle and her head was shaking so much that Simon said "stop, she wants milk, not butter!" Which made me laugh more, so her head shook more, and then he worried she was going to get shaken baby syndrome...

Now, let me check the status of you ladies!
Kirstabelle, has this acupuncture not poked LO out yet? What is she playing at in there?!

Cherry it's awful that you didn't get much help with your bf. I didn't either In hospital, apart from the occasional "all going ok" but the ladies who were bottle feeding got loads of info and help which annoyed me - why do bf mums not get the same? My community midwife was great today though, so ask yours for help if you are still seeing her. And I think that pumping for Paige so she still gets your milk is amazing. She is lucky to have such a dedicated mummy. Also, maybe sleeping less fishes having a growth spurt which an beat 2-3 weeks.

Mommabrown- sorry to hear Allen hasn't been helping, that is so tough for you, especially when Emmaleigh is having a freak out. Great that his mum was able to help though. I think accepting help is something some mums don't want to do, but as I speak my inlaws and parents are downstairs with Isabelle so simon and I can get a little break. It makes life so much easier. Hoping that Emmaleigh starts to attach well ASAP.

Readytomum: :growlmad: that is awful about your exam. Does that mean you have to wait until after Peter arrives to take them? That is not a good thing at all, and no wonder you are so cross. Other people's failings are the last thing you need when you are pregnant and exhausted. Now, fingers crossed Peter arrives ASAP now you are officially off!

Littlespy: I wish I knew why 4/20 was a bad thing in the US?! A drug association with your babies birthday isn't something to aim for though I agree :rofl: but as steph said, maybe it would roll over onto 4/21.......That said, I hope LO comes ASAP so you don't have to worry, but she seems like a stubborn monkey already! I can't believe you are already 4cm! How is violet staying in there?! Your induction will probably fly by and you'll end up with your drug associated baby lol!

Nimbec: how is Harrison getting along?

Candy: so sorry about Bens due date on the front page :dohh: changed now! I'm so glad you had his tongue (or maybe lip? So sorry I read earlier and can't remember) tie diagnosed. I must remember to ask my midwife about that when I next see her. Although she isn't the worlds most friendly and will probably think I'm mad for suggesting it. I hope once it gets snipped that the feeding gets easier. How are Connie and Lucas enjoying their baby brother? And how is Aaron getting on with his role as a new daddy?

I'm so sorry to anyone I've missed!!

Not sure if ive just jump so many pages or not ill have to go back and read lol..

Thanks hun. im not seeing my midwife no more. i was sign of last week. I think ill just pass on the breastfeeding Paige is to use to the bottles now that she just doesnt like the boob at all. Ive just done my first pump today as i was at my mums so i got 5oz which is great i seem to be getting oz more each day :)

Ryan has taken paige to his mums for tea so im going to try and catch some sleep since im looking after her tonight lol.

Oh my my left boob is bleeding little bit im going to have to use the cream more often lol instead of just after a wash :(.

Sorry im not on as much ladies. Like Sarah or someone said once we or i get into a routine with paige i should manage to get on a little better.

Oh and i tried to wake paige up for her feed at 1.30pm but she wouldnt wake up lol she was still sleeping when ryan left so that was 4.5hrs which is good.

Im not sure if because i had energy juice :| that may have cause the problem with her sleeping so i wont be touching them for a bit lol see how she gets on today and hopefully it was just the energy juice in the milk that kept her unsettle.
And what does Kirstabelle think she's doing being AWOL in her condition?!
Thanks ukgirl i just went back to read the other post lol..

My boobs dont leak lol they just go really sore when full. Oooh and i fell asleep with paige next to me in bed to she sleeps much bed than in the basket. ive not told ryan because he'll just moan and say not to do it because she'll get use to it.. :| but it worth it for her and me to get a good sleep i think. once she's in a deep sleep ill move her into her basket lol xxx
Whatever works, Cherry!
I swore I'd never co-sleep. And then I didn't get a full night of sleep for over 13 months until one night I accidentally fell asleep with Maisie in bed with me and she slept through the night. Been co-sleeping ever since! :rofl: Went ahead and side-carred Violet's crib. Opinions often change between theory and practice!
Mmm i should get one of those side things lol.. I normally have her basket on the other side of the bed with her in the middle lol.. she hogs alot of space lol
Little spy thanks for the info and tips (especially about lanolin and pumping, must remember that for when I start, as I am currently 50% human and 50% lanolin :haha: so that would have been a massive error :/
My nipples are currently a little...different looking on the very point, but I suppose that is probably just them sorting out the fact that they actually have a job to do now, as I have looked many times at them in the past and thought "where does the milk come out?!" So now they seem to have opened up a little :rofl: what a conversation!

We always said we wouldn't co-sleep either, but she's been on our chest at the very least for at least some part of the last two nights. Whatever it takes to get through I think now! My SIL said to me the other day that with her first she was always "I will never do this or this or this..." And this time around the only thing she knows she'll never do is say never to anything.

Dan-o, I used a muslin this morning in bed to soak up my dribbles lol! If it gets worse I might have to dip into the cloth nappy stash as well!

Maybe kirstabelle has popped?? Oh I really hope so

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