April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hi ladies congrats melon

Ladies I'm so sorry I'm struggling to keep up :( we've been bombarded by visitors & me and dh had some sorting out to do as I felt he abandoned me! Registering Harrison this afternoon and then I hope to get on a d catch up!!

Hugs to u all x
Lol, 4th trimester!! :) yeah I think a lot of people gradually leave the forums. I love being on here just wish little Chelsea would huury her butt up so I can join in the baby talk, lol. Everyone talking bout bf and nappies and co-sleeping!! I'm soo jealous! Haha. I'm sure there is probably heaps of april ladies still waiting, I just didn't think I'd have to wait so long especially with all the signs I've had. Oh well, she will come when she's ready. By the ways everyones babys are soo gorgeous!! Love seeing all the pics!! :)
Hi all :D I've got alot of catching up to do as I imagine there have been a few more births since I was on last.
I just wanted to update that my little boy Max was born 3 weeks early on the 5th April. He's absolutely perfect despite a very speedy delivery. Congrats to those of you who also have your new additions:D I'm now goimg to go catch up. xx

Congratulations melon! Welcome baby Max!!

Oh ladies I had a huge reply typed up...and I guess I maybe fell asleep :haha: so it deleted :dohh:

steph I don't know how you could think Grayson was a big baby at your bf group - unless they all have midgets! He wasn't huge at birth - he hasn't put on 20lbs or anything since then?! :haha: you must be giving him the good stuff in any case!

Candy: I laughed so much at that story of you washing your boobs :rofl: I have to say, Simon has really manned up in the last week! During the birth he was offered a look down at the head etc, and he was all for it. He even had a look at the placenta :)sick:), and hasn't flinched at any of my gross bloodiness or leaky bits! He definitely has found some inner strength from somewhere!

Cherry: I think pumping whatever you can is amazing! Don't worry whether its 2 times or 5 times a day, any that you get and give her is amazing considering how difficult pumping is. Don't beat yourself up about not doing it enough. You tried all you could to keep her on the boob, and now you are doing the best you can to make sure she gets breastmilk :thumbup: I think that makes you a pretty amazing mumma!

Kristy: :growlmad: about still waiting for Chelsea!! She's hopefully not going to make you wait too much longer, come on time at the very least!

Also, so glad to hear I am not the only one traumatised by the first bath time! Mommabrown, it's lucky Allen and I didn't have to do it together of we'd have been a totally snivelling wreck! :haha:

Afm: Isabelle did a great job last night as well :thumbup: she slept 2 1/2-3 hours at a time (all in her crib!) and fed in between. We didn't all wake up until 7.30! She's still jaundiced (don't know if I mentioned that before) but I know it's totally normal....I still worry though! Both midwives have said its fine and she is ok, and my brother said the same, but I just can't help but worry. She's in the window now, having a little bit of sun!
We are hoping to nip up to my parents later which will be nice to get out. I'll feed Isabelle, then leave her with my mum while we take the dogs for a (short and slow, thanks to my stitches!!) walk to get some air.

Kirstabelle.........where are you and your baby?!?!?! We need to know!!!!!
Hi ladies, glad you and your LOs are all doing well. Haven't been on much as I'm still waiting for bubby. Only 2 days till I'm due but have a feeling I'm going overdue again. It seems as though only those who have already had their babys are still chating so I hope that means all the other ladies are off having theirs. :) hopefully be back soon to announce my princesses arrival!!

I'm still very much pregnant 38x3 months, went for check up last frid and told that head is 1/5 engaged so ready to go at anytime , have been having a few cramps with backache and BH are defo stronger and gave had periods where I'm getting them regular and then they trail off.. Really don't want to go over due. My first was 8 days early so hoping this one will follow suit...
Agree that most of the chatting is about breast feeding at the mo which at least gives us done info for when our time comes ha ha xxx
Melon: congrats on your LO!! We need to see some pics of Max though!! :thumbup:

I hope everyone whose had their LO's are doing well and that they're able to get a least little bits of sleep here and there!! You ladies are all doing such a fantastic job! I love reading about how you're getting on. You're an inspiration!

AFM, it's a been a rocky few days. My sister called me in tears yesterday morning to tell me that she has just spoken to my mum, and that my grandmother has been doing very poorly this last week so they were going to drive down to Windsor and asked if we wanted to come. So 10 minutes later we were dressed with an overnight bag packed just in case ready to go. It's a 4 hour drive. Grandma is definitely not doing very well, eating almost nothing, very hard to get her out of bed, having some troubles breathing etc.

We're waiting on tests results to come back today to see what's wrong, although I suspect they won't show anything because they haven't done any heart tests yet. We ended up coming back home last night (so it was a loooong day).

I'm waiting to speak with my Dr. about the possibility of early induction due to family medical issues. It's very possible that if things go downhill for Grandma we could be dealing with a birth and a funeral at the same time, which would mean we wouldn't be able to go and it would be incredibly difficult for the rest of my family who could only be in one place at a time. Also, my grandma is my last remaining grandparent, and we're very close to her, so if at all possible we want her to be able to meet her great grandchild.

I don't know what the rules are for induction here and whether they'll let us do it sooner rather than later... but please keep your fingers crossed for us ladies that grandma is on the mend, and timing wise things will work out.
Liam's mom good luck!!

Readytomum :hugs: sending lots of love and prayers to you and your family for your grandmothers recovery. You must be exhausted after such a difficult night, physically and emotionally, so make sure you get lots of rest in case you are able to be induced.

For anyone who doesn't have her on fb, soph77 had her baby girl, hazel!
Omg ReadytoMum, I'm do sorry to hear about your grandma! :hugs: what awful timing of everything. Is there a chance that she may pull through? I have everything crossed, that things go as good as possible!!!

Liam's Mom, good luck today! Jeep us updated and show us some pictures of baby Jackson when you can!!

Congrats to Soph and baby Hazel

kristy and Maria, not much longer now!! Sorry for all the Bf talk. This really is not fair in our part!! :nope:
I can't wait for all our babies to be born and see all those squishy faces.

LittleSpy, no Vi yet??
Hey ladies! So sorry I've been away for so long, I've tried to catch up but between constantly bfing and teying to deal with an extremely emotional Paige, its been hard! So quick updates on what's been going on; went into hospital in tiesday for a check up, they measured my fundus and was concerned at the size and sent me to day unit for checks, they did some bloods and found enzymes in my liver and decided as I was 38 wks with that plus diabetes they were to induce on the Wednesday! So Wednesday at 4.30pmthey put pessary in and instantly I was having contractions. But 11pm I was sure I'd have baby by next morning, but sadly by 5am Thursday morning contractions had completely stopped. So I caught up on some sleep. By 12.30pm Stephen turned up so walked all over the hospital and got on birthing ball and by 4.30 my contractions were painful enough for mw to say she would check, I was 3 cm dilated so she broke my waters at about 5.30! Instantly it was agony and but 6 I was on pethadin, but 7 thy took me down to delivery had gas an air and in 3 pushes James was born at 7.25 pm weighing 7lb 1!!!! He has congestion on his face as he came so quickly, but seemed ok, went instantly to breast and fed for a about an hour!
After bath etc and journey to ward we were in bed by about 2am and Stephen was sent home! At 3am a paediatrician took his blood sugars and they were very low so had to top up with formula and his temp was very low son lots of skin to skin, by 6am he was worse so they took him away with out really explaining anything or even letting me come and took him to scbu! He was away from me for 18 hours and it was the worst 18 hours of my life! Seeing him connected to everything in the incubator and his feet and bruised and bloody from all the blood tests and everything! They told me it would probably be unlikely I'd be able to breast feed as he was on a bottle and formula and would not take! He was okd and I got him back Friday evening, and instantly hear he'd on but needed topping up with formula! His bloods are fine now, no sign of gbs infection and is soley Brest feeding now and I love it!!!!!!!! :) Paige on the other hand has bever been away from me, so 6days was too much and she has become emotional and scared and nervous of everything! She will not come anywhere near me if in holding James and won be near him either! I'm hoping she will be ok and get over it in a few days!
So glad all you ladies are ok and babies are all happy and healthy! Breast engorgement! Omg so painful! And no matter how much James drinks which is a lot boobs are constantly hard and sooooo big I need a new bra!
Sarah I hope your feeling better now!!!! I know I still have loads to catch up on but my phone is bout to die so ill pop back on in a bit
Love to all x
Readytomum - thinking of you and your family. My grandmother was super sick last week and refusing to go to the hospital. I honestly thought she was going to die (she'll be 89 next month). But somehow, as usual, she seems to be pulling through and doing better. She almost died right before I had Maisie, too. I'm pretty sure her desperation to hold on until Maisie was born is the only reason she's alive, honestly. :hugs:

No, no baby for me. This morning I accepted that I'll be pregnant forever (or at least through next Tuesday) and am moving on with my life. :haha:
Oh little spy sending lots of love to your and your grandmother as well :hugs: they are such a worry at that age when they fall ill.

Kealz, I can't believe how quickly James arrived once you started on the drip, and just 3 pushes?! He was eager enough to get out! I can't believe they took him from you with such little explanation, absolutely horrific. I can't even imagine how awful that must have been for you and Stephen. But it is wonderful that he is now breastfeeding- well done you! And him!
And I am so sorry to hear that Paige isn't adjusting well. Obviously I have no advice or knowledge, but I really hope that she starts to come round ASAP and starts to feel happier again too x

Afm: just went out for a walk with the dogs which is great as I need to be gettin back into my routine of walking - I need to lose the baby weight :haha: plus I need to feel normal-ish again! That said, I can't go too far just yet!
Yay Liam'smom! I hope everything goes well!

Steph Allen has been a big hand at cooking dinner and the little stuff. He is coming around pretty well these last 2 days to her since it has been just me and him taking care of her. I think with his mom being here he felt he should back off and let her spend time with the baby.

Readytomum sorry to hear that your Grandma is doing so poorly.

Doggylover...Allen did pass out during Emmaleigh's birth!!!! The nurses( 3 of them) grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall long enough for him to see her be born and then took him out of the room. The anesthesiologist had to take pictures of her being born. Our families thought we were joking with them since he sat through Landon's birth just fine!

Afm, I have to stop BF for now until i get this allergic reaction under control...I found out while on the surgery table right before i had Emmaleigh that i am allergic to tape. Well they gave me Benadryl in the Hospital and washed the area really good after removing the tape. They put some gauze on over my incision and used a non latex based tape over the top of it. Well now my binder(like a griddle type band) they gave me for my belly has broken me out in a huge rash with blisters and the tape is irritating my incision. So they had to call in a cream that will dry my milk up. I had did the Benadryl like they did at hospital knowing there was a chance it could dry my milk up but now the rash is so bad i have blood marks from how bad i have been scratching.
Thanks for your support ladies! My grandmother is 92 years old and still lives in her own house, she doesn't use a walker or cane, and she's still totally with it although her eye sight is definitely starting to fail. So it's been a big hit that she's suddenly so unwell, and we don't know why yet.

Still waiting to hear from my Dr. about whether we can induce or not, and waiting to hear from my mom about the test results for grandma. Trying to keep myself busy so I'm not just sitting here staring at my phone waiting for it to ring.... sigh.
DL - Paige was little jaundice to when she came out. Just keep her infront of the window as much as you can. the light it meant to help lol good source of vitamin D i guess lol. She's now clear, but she was really tanned/yellow looking lol but lucky she wasnt that high on the metre reading thing lol..

And thank you glad for the support and the courage-meant .. think i need to get my nipple cream out though lol nipples are soooooore!!!.
Hi ladies, glad you and your LOs are all doing well. Haven't been on much as I'm still waiting for bubby. Only 2 days till I'm due but have a feeling I'm going overdue again. It seems as though only those who have already had their babys are still chating so I hope that means all the other ladies are off having theirs. :) hopefully be back soon to announce my princesses arrival!!

I'm still very much pregnant 38x3 months, went for check up last frid and told that head is 1/5 engaged so ready to go at anytime , have been having a few cramps with backache and BH are defo stronger and gave had periods where I'm getting them regular and then they trail off.. Really don't want to go over due. My first was 8 days early so hoping this one will follow suit...
Agree that most of the chatting is about breast feeding at the mo which at least gives us done info for when our time comes ha ha xxx

So very true, we will have all the info and tips for bf etc before hand!! :) you sound just like me with head being engaged, backache and BH. I've been losing my mucous plug and had lots if period like cramping so hopefully our babies will arrive soon!! xx. Oh and goodluck liams_mom!!!
Yay Liam'smom! I hope everything goes well!

Steph Allen has been a big hand at cooking dinner and the little stuff. He is coming around pretty well these last 2 days to her since it has been just me and him taking care of her. I think with his mom being here he felt he should back off and let her spend time with the baby.

Readytomum sorry to hear that your Grandma is doing so poorly.

Doggylover...Allen did pass out during Emmaleigh's birth!!!! The nurses( 3 of them) grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall long enough for him to see her be born and then took him out of the room. The anesthesiologist had to take pictures of her being born. Our families thought we were joking with them since he sat through Landon's birth just fine!

Afm, I have to stop BF for now until i get this allergic reaction under control...I found out while on the surgery table right before i had Emmaleigh that i am allergic to tape. Well they gave me Benadryl in the Hospital and washed the area really good after removing the tape. They put some gauze on over my incision and used a non latex based tape over the top of it. Well now my binder(like a griddle type band) they gave me for my belly has broken me out in a huge rash with blisters and the tape is irritating my incision. So they had to call in a cream that will dry my milk up. I had did the Benadryl like they did at hospital knowing there was a chance it could dry my milk up but now the rash is so bad i have blood marks from how bad i have been scratching.

Oh Mommabrown, that sound horrible!! I can believe you developed an allergy to tape :nope:. Either way, you have to be 100% to take care of Emmaleigh... So try not to worry.
I can't believe Allen passed out lol. Poor guy must be totally overwhelmed lol. But it's good to hear, that he was just trying to be considerate and give his mom some time :thumbup:
Hey guys, just an update. I am being induced tomorrow due to my bp. Nervous as hell, but really enjoying all you updates, birth stories and photos... I can't wait to post my own. I will keep you all updated! I am hoping that it is quick, but aware that it may take a few days.

Speak to you all on the flip side lol...........
ReadytoMum, really sorry to hear about your grandma. Mine died last Saturday and missed meeting my baby who is named after her. She was 97 and has 3 great grandchildren due in the next few weeks, 2 are named after her. The worst part was that I couldn't travel so couldn't be with my family at her funeral. I really hope your grandma has a speedy recovery.

Aside from all that drama, today was my last day of work! Finally! Now I can concentrate on a much more important job, preparing to be a mom.

Thanks everyone for continuing to share after your babies are born- it is enlightening to get an idea of what is in store for me!
Sorry to keep you all in suspense and very sorry to have betrayed you little spy but yep, I went and had a baby!

Woke up with mild irregular contractions on Saturday morning at 6. My show started also but Was thinking maybe it wasn't going to happen as they were irregular all day. Then at 2 am they started to stabilize into every 7 mins and got progressively worse. Labored at home with dh and doula until about 9 and headed to hospital. As soon as we were on the monitor baby was having some probs handling contractions. So got put on iv fluids and the monitor. As things progressed baby was having unexplained dangerous HR decelerations. She would recover with oxygen but I could only labor in certain positions which was Awful as I went natural. Then because of her decels they hooked me up to the internal monitors which meant breaking my waters which accelerated the frequency and intensity pretty fast. Which sent baby into worse decels. Was given the option to continue to labor naturally but if she did one more major decel it would mean automatic emcs or do the section at that point. I didn't want emcs and was really frightened for baby as they could not tell us why this was happening plus we had been laboring naturally for 35 hrs and we were all exhausted. So csection is what we did. In hindsight on e they got her out her cord was tightly wrapped around her legs that docs said we def made right choice and she may not have gotten out safely anyway.

So I have been pretty exhausted but starting to get it together. Annelise Mia was born at 4:59 pm on Thursday April 14 she weighs 6lb 2 oz and is 19" long. She was completely fine after birth and scored 9s inher agpar which was a huge relief. She has been nursing like a champ since right after delivery.

Sorry for one sided post! Hope everyone else is doing well and I will try to post a picture soon!!

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