April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Aaaahr mini rant.

men are such a pain in the hole.

My mum picked up the comfort aptamil and ryan moaning because you have to ask or be told to use it... Its for medicail use it says on it. Paige gets windy and there was something else she has aswell which is under colic lol.

Anyways he's moaning at me saying she cant drink it and i said ill ask the health vistor tomorrow about it. but baby poo's are normally runny and dont go solid for a bit. Well ryan says this milk is making her have diarrhea :S.. I dunno :S

He rang his mum to go and buy us some normal stuff and she's going to bring it up.. I was told it was 3 days for their bellies to settle after you change the milk so this being the third day i thought nothing of it. She's has wet nappies all day and one dirty one this morning.
Oh Steph enjoy the photographer, I hope Grayson gets his best smile out!

Cherry: I would just continue using the Aptimil. Can't be good to change them too much surely?

Afm: :( I am in for a long night. Isabelle is super fussy this evening and will only settle when she's being cuddled which is not like her the last few days. I'm worried something is wrong with her and I'm a terrible mother for not being able to help her.
Plus every time she settles and we put her back down she gets hiccups and wakes herself up. She gets hiccups so much, it's peculiar.
I don;t want her to have a terrible night and set her back since she's been doing so great thus far.
i didnt realise there was a set time they had to feed for.. I let Ben feed for as long as he likes I know when he's hungry because he opens his mouth wide and searches for boob lol or sucks his fingers. Sometimes he doesnt want much and other timea he feeds for an eternity on both boobies... sometimes I'll feed him until he is completely milk drunk and sleepy then I will wind him and he'll want more lol.. I dont want him to over feed and get a sore tummy. If Ben falls asleep on the boob I wind him and lay him down to sleep..

hes more alert lately.. I gave him his second bath today as his cord has come off now.. He hated it then pooed in it haha.. he smells like baby now though! babies do nothing all day butbget dirty really fast!! lol .. he is gorgeous!! Im so in love with all three of my babies I just want to eat them!
cherrybump bens poo is watery and yellow it should look like chicken korma.. if shes happy on the comfort stuff then keep her on it until you get advice from the hv.. changing her could constipate her which was the main issue I had with Lucas on formula.. dont feel like you have to use the milk shes buying if you are happy then carry on. its better to stick to it then change her around xx

Doggylover Benson went through a growth spurt at about a week old and was super awake and fussy for a day or two.. he gets hiccups loads too.. she might have some wind.. have you tried to lay her on her tummy? if she is having trouble bringing up her wind then a drop of infacol is amazaballs. x

steph we are looking into getting pics of our three together in a month or two :D xx
One thing we have to remind each other of is that "it won't last forever"! DL don't worry if she's having one fussy night; it won't set her back. Let her cuddle and snooze with you and she'll head back to normal soon. These times pass so quickly that we take them for granted so quickly and don't even realize we're doing it. Then step back and look at the big pictures and think about just this one night and imagine how silly you'll feel 10 years from now worrying about how she would be completely set back with one night of poor sleep. She is a good girl and just learn to love the good with the bad and not to worry so much over the mini things that seem so big right now. I STILL have to remind myself :)
Hi ladies!!! I finally have Chelsea in my arms after a 20 min labour!! Talk about crazy!! She was 6 pound 14 ounces and 49 cm long. She has a head of dark hair and two teeth!!! She is absolutely adorable. So the story is, water broke at 9 pm, went in and was checked at 11pm. No contractions! So just after 4 this morning I have awful, awful pains and pressure but told I'm not in labour and not dilated at all. With in 20 mins was telling them that despite not being dilated my body wanted to push soooo bad. She says I'll check and see what's happening " oh wait your having a baby!!" and with that a few pushes and she was out!!! Crazy crazy!! If I didn't tell them I would have delivered her on my own! Blood pressure has gone right up jut I'm being closely monitored. Will post a pic when I'm at home as I can't on my phone. Goodluck to the rest of the mammas!!! Chelsea Anne Richardson- born 4.55am on the 18th April 2013 weighing 3.1kg and measuring 49 cm. :)
Hi ladies!!! I finally have Chelsea in my arms after a 20 min labour!! Talk about crazy!! She was 6 pound 14 ounces and 49 cm long. She has a head of dark hair and two teeth!!! She is absolutely adorable. So the story is, water broke at 9 pm, went in and was checked at 11pm. No contractions! So just after 4 this morning I have awful, awful pains and pressure but told I'm not in labour and not dilated at all. With in 20 mins was telling them that despite not being dilated my body wanted to push soooo bad. She says I'll check and see what's happening " oh wait your having a baby!!" and with that a few pushes and she was out!!! Crazy crazy!! If I didn't tell them I would have delivered her on my own! Blood pressure has gone right up jut I'm being closely monitored. Will post a pic when I'm at home as I can't on my phone. Goodluck to the rest of the mammas!!! Chelsea Anne Richardson- born 4.55am on the 18th April 2013 weighing 3.1kg and measuring 49 cm. :)

Wow Kristy... That's crazy!!! So happy to hear that everyone is happy and healthy !! Please post pictures when you can
So the photoshoot went well... I'm really excited to see what pictures we get out of it! Grayson was such a champ. He was awake for over an hour and slept for the last 30min. I don't think we will have to many smile pics though ... Mostly because he only smiles when he is pooping :haha:

Candy, the breastfeeding group (and nurses at the hospital), told me to aim for at least 20min per feeding (because it takes about 15min to get to the hind milk, which has the most fat) and up to 30min per breast. They said that one boob is dinner (for 30min) and the other desert (for however long LO wants to drink). I have noticed, that I get about 1 hour of sleep for every 10min of feeding... That's why I aim for at least 30min total :shrug:
Wow... that certainly went quickly!! Congrats Kristy!! Way to go mamma!

Can't wait to see some pics of the newest April Munchkin! Two Teeth, eh?? Yikes! Good thing you've been down the BF trail before... I can't imagine trying to learn how to BF with a LO who already has some chompers! Pics are a must once you get settled back at home!!
Wow... that certainly went quickly!! Congrats Kristy!! Way to go mamma!

Can't wait to see some pics of the newest April Munchkin! Two Teeth, eh?? Yikes! Good thing you've been down the BF trail before... I can't imagine trying to learn how to BF with a LO who already has some chompers! Pics are a must once you get settled back at home!!

ReadytoMum, how are you doing? Not much longer now!!! Can't wait to see some pictures of Peter :hugs:
Wow, Kristy, that sounds a bit familiar (though not totally, lol). My whole labor was really a breeze (relatively!), then my water broke, shit hit the fan (maybe literally. I do not swear I didn't poop this time. So much pressure. Afraid to ask hubby, lol), and about 25 minutes later it was over (thank goodness). :shock:

Being discharged early! :happydance: As soon as Violet finishes her hearing and pulse ox tests, we're good to go. I've actually already been discharged. I LOVE that my fav OB was the one at the hospital today (which is how I made the discharge happen)!! I haven't slept a wink since 6.30am yesterday. And I got 3 hours of sleep that night. Really eon't onkw how I'm still standing but so relieved not to be lined up for another sleepless night in the hospital.
Kristy many many congrats on little Chelsea!!!

Julia Yay on getting released early hun!!! I hope you can get some more rest at home now!

My update:

Due date today!

So stress test and U/S went perfect yesterday, baby is still strong and growing, he is 3,100 grams : 6.8 lbs, plenty of amniotic, no complications at all. The U/S however shows that he is 2 weeks behind consistently this last month and he is still high in my stomach, and cervix is closed (even if it getting thinner). Docs and midwife see no "natural" labor coming soon, and they are against waiting past the 41st week. So if nothing happens this week I'm induced on Wednesday at midnight (nice...)

I consider the fact that I convinced them to wait 1 week more a small victory, it gives me and baby a little more time to have a chance for a natural birth.

My midwife will see me this Friday again, and on Monday and on Tuesday for sweeps (yay!) even though they are not doing them here officially. She is a serious natural birth advocate and has fought against the system for years. I trust her a lot that she will help me get things going the natural way.
Kristy many many congrats on little Chelsea!!!

Julia Yay on getting released early hun!!! I hope you can get some more rest at home now!

My update:

Due date today!

So stress test and U/S went perfect yesterday, baby is still strong and growing, he is 3,100 grams : 6.8 lbs, plenty of amniotic, no complications at all. The U/S however shows that he is 2 weeks behind consistently this last month and he is still high in my stomach, and cervix is closed (even if it getting thinner). Docs and midwife see no "natural" labor coming soon, and they are against waiting past the 41st week. So if nothing happens this week I'm induced on Wednesday at midnight (nice...)

I consider the fact that I convinced them to wait 1 week more a small victory, it gives me and baby a little more time to have a chance for a natural birth.

My midwife will see me this Friday again, and on Monday and on Tuesday for sweeps (yay!) even though they are not doing them here officially. She is a serious natural birth advocate and has fought against the system for years. I trust her a lot that she will help me get things going the natural way.

Lily, that sounds like good news (considering) :thumbup:
1 week can make a huge difference, and your little man may decide to show up after all! It's good that your MW has the same views as you!! At least this way, your not alone in your fight!
One thing we have to remind each other of is that "it won't last forever"! DL don't worry if she's having one fussy night; it won't set her back. Let her cuddle and snooze with you and she'll head back to normal soon. These times pass so quickly that we take them for granted so quickly and don't even realize we're doing it. Then step back and look at the big pictures and think about just this one night and imagine how silly you'll feel 10 years from now worrying about how she would be completely set back with one night of poor sleep. She is a good girl and just learn to love the good with the bad and not to worry so much over the mini things that seem so big right now. I STILL have to remind myself :)

That is all so true, thank you so much :hugs: I was almost in tears last night worrying that she was uncomfortable and that's why she was fussy and I didn't know what to do about it. Luckily, Simon is the voice of calm and reason and kept me a little calmer than I would have been otherwise!!
As it turned out, I am totally neurotic and she was fine all night!!!

Steph: I try to aim for at least 20 mins on each boob when feeding, but she's not actively sucking that entire time. Sometimes she'll go for more, and then a second boob, sometimes much less. I wish they came with a little boob timer!!!

Candy: SOO glad you mentioned hiccups - Isabelle gets the pretty much after every feed, and for maybe 10+minutes. It's insane! I remember she got them loads when she was still snuggled inside, so I guess she's just a hiccuppy baby! I googled it, and it says perfectly normal (of course. I am very neurotic at the minute)

Kristy: Congratulations on the arrival of Chelsea!! What a dramatic labour in the end as well!! I cannot believe she has two teeth! That's amazing!

Readytomum: Please pass along to Peter that I said it's TIME TO GET OUT NOW!!! Are you feeling any twinges that could be something beginning?

Littlespy...I popped. :blush: Luckily it didn't quite hit the fan :rofl: Congrats on getting discharged, I'm sure you can hardly wait to get home and have Violet and Maisie both in one place!

Lily: so glad you have some extra time and some sweeps line up to try and kick this little man out of there naturally.

Afm: After all my worrying the last two evenings that Izzy wasn't going to sleep well...she did both nights :dohh: Still sleeping soundly in her crib, and feeding well in between times. We have a busy day lined up today - going to take her to Simon's work to let everyone meet her, then lunch with her grandad and cousin Jacob, and a nice long dog walk in the afternoon (obviously we'll not make her walk :haha:) I've been able to get out with the dogs every day this week, and slowly building back up to what I could walk before she arrived, so I'm really pleased overall with how my "post-labour and slight trauma" recovery is coming along! Plus I need to shift all my extra chins :haha:
Lmao Sarah at shifting you chins!! I hear ya :wacko:

I've been pretty active around the house but nothing that I would consider counter active to all the chocolate :dohh: (and yes... I still eat it :blush:).
After getting home from the hospital, I was down 10lbs (not great, considering he was 8 of that). The battery on our scale has died since and I have no clue where I am at now :coffee:. I started doing 50 squats in the shower every morning and 20 wall push ups :haha:
I still have not dared to try any of my prepegnancy jeans yet (but that's partially because they would put pressure right on my scar).

Btw, I'm impressed with the day you have planned!! I have no idea how you can do all that. For me, it's hard enough to schedule one doctors visit or outing in a day. It just seems like, everything has to be scheduled around feeding him (which seems like every hour).
Rob an I took him to the grocery store the other day and one lady commented that I should be home with him and not out while he is so little :growlmad:. Not sure why she felt like she had a right to say anything, but last I checked, I can't keep him cooped up forever.
Hello all..

Bitsysarah is having her c-section this morning, hope all goes well for her and baby :)

DL- I'm exactly the same, I'm calling the midwifes about everything lol xx

Benson seems unwell so we are off to the GP.. he slept all night didn't wake once for a feed in 6-7 hours, ate for 1 minute then an hour later nursed properly only to bring it all back up. I hope he is okay :(
thanks ladies. I know it best to keep her on one milk but men are just a pain in the hole :(.. Hv should be here soon lol..

DL hiccups i know what you mean.. And as i read your comment Paige started hiccuping to funny. She does it so much that i have no idea how to help her out. I dont think there is anything you can do you help them lol..

Paige's poo was that colour Ukgirl but i think due to changing the milk the other day it was dark green again my mum says that is due to the milk not lying in her belly its going right through. Although she has one dirty nappy yesterday morning then like 3-4 wet nappies in between and then 9pm last night just after her bath and nappy was put on big explosition so he changed that nappy and like 2 secs after having the next one on she did another but not as bag heehee. i think she was holding them in for her daddy :):blush:

I said good girl to her hahaha xxx
Steph/Doggylover: I'm not really sure what's going on with things right now... :shrug: After my sweep on Tuesday I had some spotting and cramping, and I think I had my proper "show" later. Then last night DH and I DTD hoping to get something going and I'm pretty sure I lost what was left of my mucus plug. :sick: Thankfully DH was totally oblivious! lol No contractions yet though I don't think...just cramping and BH. I have my regular weekly Dr. appointment tomorrow, so I'll be able to find out if I'm dilated anymore yet and she'll do another sweep.

ukgirl: hope Benson is doing ok and just going through a growth spurt or something. Does he have jaundice still? Maybe that's playing up.

Lily: Glad your stress test and U/S went well and that both you and LO are ok! Waiting is horrible, isn't it?! I hope both our LO's take the eviction notice and evacuate the premises much sooner rather than later!!

AFM, nothing much new. Still taking my RRL capsules, bouncing on the ball and eating chocolate. lol Planning to go for a nice walk this afternoon with a friend, so maybe that will jiggle Peter out! lol
lol readytomum jiggle him out! not long to go now!! exciiiting!

Benson is fine now.. the dr thinks hes having trouble latching since my boobies are so full of milk and afyer going six hours without milk he guzzled loads and made himself sick but yes he is just a bit grumpy now. the gp will review him in the morning :)

ong Aaron is still annoying the shit out of me! yesterday when he wouldnt come out with me I come home and had to carry Ben in his car seat upstairs on my own then the buggy.. I bathed Ben last night too and had to lift the bath up.. this morning I woke up and I had bled a lot :( Im meant to rest because of the pre eclampsia and high bp i went for a nap for 45 mins and he was really pissy with me for it.. he says I should stop acting like a victim.. Im starting to really hate him.. when I was in labour he told me to pull myself together and walk to the midwife station for pain killers.. now hes asleep and Im totally exhausted with Ben being grumpy and clingy. I dobt really see the point in him being here! sorry for the rant x

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