April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh candy, how horribly annoying of Aaron! :growlmad: I swear, men think that once the baby is out, that we are 100% back to normal!never mind the fact that our body just went through 9months of hell and then a very straining labor... But also the fact that we are now awake every few hours to Fred and change a baby!!! Not being able to sleep for more then 3 hours at a time is exhausting!!

I hope he stops being such a jackass and starts to help out more
Thanks Steph I think he saw me fitting back into my normal clothes and feeling better and thought I was upto everything like before I was pregnant, I spoke to him about it anyway and he sad sorry and that he'll try harder. He even made me a cup of tea lol. I guess he's not so bad!

I love your pics by the way xx

Sarah has had her baby this morning by c -section, I will let her announce the weights ect, both are doing well I assume :) Congrats to her and her family <3 xx
ukgirl- Sorry to heard he was such a dick towards you but im glad you have had some words with him aswell and hopefully he starts to help you out more. Try and take it easy though i know it easy said that done. But if he doesnt help you out and lets you do it all. I dont think thats fair. You'll need to keep hassling him. Fingers crossed for you though he picks his bum up lol

Afm: well its my night to look after paige. I took her over to mums early and the hv was out this morning. she was 6lbs 12oz and now he's 7lbs 3oz. yay for gaining weight.

On the milk subject paige love spitting it out as she drinks lol.
had to wait her up for her feed though as she would have just kept sleeping. ryan said he was going to take her to his mums after tea but he's fell asleep on the couch lol he's been awake since half 7 and it was his night with paige lol.. He's back to work on saturday going to be a weird night being on my own with paige
Kristy many many congrats on little Chelsea!!!

Julia Yay on getting released early hun!!! I hope you can get some more rest at home now!

My update:

Due date today!

So stress test and U/S went perfect yesterday, baby is still strong and growing, he is 3,100 grams : 6.8 lbs, plenty of amniotic, no complications at all. The U/S however shows that he is 2 weeks behind consistently this last month and he is still high in my stomach, and cervix is closed (even if it getting thinner). Docs and midwife see no "natural" labor coming soon, and they are against waiting past the 41st week. So if nothing happens this week I'm induced on Wednesday at midnight (nice...)

I consider the fact that I convinced them to wait 1 week more a small victory, it gives me and baby a little more time to have a chance for a natural birth.

My midwife will see me this Friday again, and on Monday and on Tuesday for sweeps (yay!) even though they are not doing them here officially. She is a serious natural birth advocate and has fought against the system for years. I trust her a lot that she will help me get things going the natural way.

Happy EDD my buddy! So glad all is looking fab with your baby!
Feels a bit odd that today is our due date, really didn't think I'd have my baby before you!

Hope you pop over the weekend, or if not.. that the sweeps get you going!

Don't forget your 40w bump pic! :cloud9:

I've done my EDD one just for a laugh, not sure if I'll post it though lol :haha:
Benson seems unwell so we are off to the GP.. he slept all night didn't wake once for a feed in 6-7 hours, ate for 1 minute then an hour later nursed properly only to bring it all back up. I hope he is okay :(

This is exactly what Vin did (although I did wake him up and undress him to get him to feed a tiny bit) His vomit this morning was projectile! He's been fine for the rest of the day though, it's very odd, what did the docs say?
post it Dan-o!! lol xx

Cherrybump I'm glad the HV sided with you! You know best as mum :) too much chopping and changing milk causes constipation.. Lucas was terrible when I started him on formula.. he would get so constipated he would bleed when he pooed, you don't want that xx
Men are silly they don't think sometimes, they don't realise how difficult things are.

My milk supply has suddenly dropped off since last night, I'm not sure what happened but suddenly I'm not engorged or even soaking through my tops :/ I hope my milk isn't drying up :( so far I'm continuing to feed him on what I've got. I see the midwives tomorrow for another pre eclampsia check.. hopefully my bp is dropping!! I'm so fed up.
Benson seems unwell so we are off to the GP.. he slept all night didn't wake once for a feed in 6-7 hours, ate for 1 minute then an hour later nursed properly only to bring it all back up. I hope he is okay :(

This is exactly what Vin did (although I did wake him up and undress him to get him to feed a tiny bit) His vomit this morning was projectile! He's been fine for the rest of the day though, it's very odd, what did the docs say?

Ben was also fine for the rest of the day, the dr said he isn't latching properly because my breast is so full, although my supply is suddenly a lot less, she said where he slept for 6 hours, he probably woke up very hungry and ate too fast and made himself sick. I'm going to express some milk at the next feed, I was getting around 130ml from each breast yesterday I hope it isn't less than 70ml today as Ben drinks around 60ml in a feed :/ xx
Ah I see, that makes sense, it did seem like Vin took too much as he threw up absolutely loads!

My boobs have also gone right down, but the milk is still plentiful.
Roll on the day when my supply settles, think it was about 6 weeks last time.

Wow 130ml is loads this early on! Don't forget he will get extra hindmilk that the pump cannot, so even if it's gone down, I bet he'll get plenty!
thank you :) he seems content enough he's feeding more often but he's got plently of wet and dirty nappies, as long as he continues to put on weight and soil the nappies I'll be ok with it, I lost my supply with Connie early on after a nasty clogged duct so I guess I'm just worried because of that :/

My milk comes in quite quick and chokes Ben sometimes so if he drank that quickly that is probably why. The dr said only to worry if he keeps bringing up his milk or gets a temp.
Cherry Emmaliegh spits it out the side too while she is drinking...little turd!

DL...Emmaleigh gets the hiccups alot and did so while i was pregnant too. I don't know what to do for them as my other kids never got them.

Ukgirl Sorry Aaron was being an ass but glad he is helping now.

Yay for Sarah!

Afm, well PeeWee hasn't been feeling to good today. She is so fussy and not sleeping except in 10-15 minute intervals once an hour or so. She has been up since 4:30 this morning and let me tell you mommy is tired. Allen is definitely on duty tonight!

Oh and stepped on the scale this morning down 23 lbs since having Pee Wee!!!
Congrats to BitySarah!! Can't wait to hear all the details and see a pic! :cloud9:

Sadly my walk doesn't seem to have jiggled Peter out. He's still firmly tucked away in there although I am *incredibly* stiff now! lol I've plunked myself down in the recliner and I'll likely be stuck here until DH gets home later and can pull me back out. I might try wiggling out in a bit though to bounce of the ball for a little while. That usually helps my hips loosen up. It's also definitely going to be a soaking in the tub kind of night!
Cherry Emmaliegh spits it out the side too while she is drinking...little turd!

DL...Emmaleigh gets the hiccups alot and did so while i was pregnant too. I don't know what to do for them as my other kids never got them.

Ukgirl Sorry Aaron was being an ass but glad he is helping now.

Yay for Sarah!

Afm, well PeeWee hasn't been feeling to good today. She is so fussy and not sleeping except in 10-15 minute intervals once an hour or so. She has been up since 4:30 this morning and let me tell you mommy is tired. Allen is definitely on duty tonight!

Oh and stepped on the scale this morning down 23 lbs since having Pee Wee!!!

I had my 2 week check up with the pediatrician today and asked him about the hick ups... He said, best thing to do, is nurse him/bottle feed. The sucking reflex will take care of the hick ups.
Grayson weighed in at 8lb 9oz :shock:! Seems like he is eating plenty :rofl:

Candy, I'm sure your supply is just adjusting to Bensons needs. I wouldn't worry about your milk drying out just yet.

AFM, I can't believe that two weeks are almost up already :cry:. In 5 short weeks I have to be back at work! It's so hard to think about being away from Grayson but I guess I will have to suck it up and deal with it :shrug:
Readytomum: maybe a run instead of a walk?!?!

Steph: oh our lives are ruled by Isabelle eating too! But I have zero shame and will nurse her anywhere with anyone around! As long as I have a seat we are good to go! So when we are going out I just feed her before we leave and then when out if needed.

Afm: I am utterly convinced I have thrush in my nipples. I will ask the midwife about it when she phones tomorrow. I have been known to be a hypochondriac in the past, but I don't want to take any chances with thrush.
After a busy day, Isabelle is cluster feeding again tonight. Literally every hour for half an hour, so I'm half an hour being milked, then half an hour free to run around and sort out bits and bobs, then back to my milking station!
oh I miss the days where I could freely do things.. now all I am is a milk machine and pillow.. Ben will only sleep on my boobies.. like he has claimed them as his territory I barely get time to poo now a days!! which by the way was not a great experience after birth haha hanging on to the towel rack for dear life!

Benson seems to feed for longer now.. about 15 minutes on one boob so I think maybe my supply is just right if they are meant to nurse that long.. Im still soaking pads so I guess Im good anyway lol

as for feeding anywhere Im with you there no shame lol.. Sainsburys has a brilliant baby room!! it has a little breast feeding room with a changing table and everything!! I love how far things have come since I had Lucas!
Lmao... I guess I was lucky (?) on the pooing front because it was pure liquid after not being able to eat for 48 hours :wacko:.
But much to my joy... Now that everything is "normal", it still does NOT feel pleasant :rofl:. Oh the joys of motherhood :haha:

I wish breast feeding was as accepted here, as it is in Europe. Not that anyone would ever say anything, but they would give funny looks... And I'm just not as skilled enough to rock the nursing cover... I feel like I am smothering Grayson when I use it ahahah.

So, Rob picked up a new battery for our scale today and I'm proud to say, that I am only about 3 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight :happydance:. But weirdly enough... I don't "feel" like the same size :shrug:
Congratulations bitsysarah!
Readytomum hope Peter makes his entrance soon! I was so sure you were gonna pop before me lol!
Candy glad benson is ok! Maybe your milk is just adjusting to his needs?
My supply is amazing in comparison to what it was with Paige! I'm not leaking overly, but when I feed him my other boob leaks and I actually squirted milk across the room when he slipped off in his sleep! My god he has been cluster feeding today too I know how you feel Sarah, he fed in total for an hour, then less than an hour later was on again and has been feeding like that all night! Poor Paige is desperate for cuddles but I'm constantly feeding! And genus usingnmy boob as a comfort too, and will fall asleepnwith boob in mouth! As I try to remove it he will quickly suck it back it and carry on feeding! Cheeky mr!
Steph love ur photo shoot pic soooo cute! And I so feel for you having to go back to work so soon :(
So I've been paranoid mummy since leaving the hospital! I think even worse than what I was with Paige! I think it's coz he was taken to scbu! We had a midwife come over 2 days ago to weigh him and he only lost 40g!!! :) but she said genus very jaundice and to put him in the window for sun, so we have for the last 2days in just his nappy! Then today a different midwife came and was so scatty! She hardly knew what she was saying then told me he was terrible and had to take him to the hospital, then changed her mind and said he is not too bad as he is alert and feeding amazingly, it's just his colour! So now I have to wait till Monday to see jother midwife to see if things have changed! Doesnt help for paranoia!
Personal question ladies! Has any one been passing large clots and getting very bad pains down low like tugging when trying to go to toilet incl weeing? It's very painful an I can hardly walk! I asked mw bout it but like I said she is scatty and just said as long as it doesn't smell down there and the clots. Aren't as big as palm of your hand its fine! But I don't feel fine :(
So who is next to pop? Exciting stuff!!! Xxx
awww kealz I feel your pain! Ben is using me for comfort too and it hurts lol.. I get pain when my bladder gets empty.. Im still kind of numb down there so the other day I forgot to pee all day and I was drinking like a fish when I went to the toilet it hurt so bad.. I feel pulling pain down there but I dont have any clots.. I had a lot of water loss which the mw called serious fluid and sometimes that has blood mixed in. I find most of the pain is in the morning.Have you looked in your notes at how your placenta was after birth? Mine was ragged and that caused a few blood clots.. I had one the size of my fist.... puke!!.... Ben is also a bit yellow he had a blood test before we went home and it all was fine..
My notes said that the placenta was complete and that's it! But apparently the midwife that delivered James said that it was a messy placenta! I was so out of it from gas and air and too busy smothering James in kisses to care so I didn't even hear her say that but Stephen heard her. So dunno what she meant by that! Yeah I know what you mean about painful emptying bladder! Also I find if I do a lot like walked to shops today, I get lots of blood loss where as I haven't had much whilst I've been relaxing! Speaking of relaxing hope Aaron's been a hit more helpful since your chat! X

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