April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

My overdue bump:


40+2 weeks today and feeling soooo heavy. I keep having bloody show, and had lots of BH all night long!

OMG Candy, pox is scary, especially when Benson is so young. I 'm not going any close to kids from today. I feel sorry for my friend - I usually babysit her 2 yo daughter, but the kid was sick last time, coughing and telling me her throat hurts... But we can't afford any kind of illness right now.
I sterilized everything too.
Lily you look phenomenal! Fingers crossed you are on the road to labour now!

Just had my last midwife visit. Isabelle now weighs 8lb 3oz which is 9oz over her birth weight, and 13oz from what she weighed this day last week! Chunky monkey!
It feels so funny to know that Jackson weighs 10lbs 5oz (9 oz lower than his birthweight) and he'll gain from there! He's so tall/long, that he looks thin even at that weight. My two giant boys! Liam just turned 3 and he's already over 40" tall and 36 lbs 6 oz! Estimated height is 6'4-6'6! Not sure where this giant gene came from, but it came with dimples on both boys as well, so I'll take it :D I'm in a gushy mood over my guys this morning if you couldn't tell. Jackson did his usual; feeding around 9pm, sleep until 1am, stay up and cluster feeding until 3am and then sleeping until 6am. Don't mind that schedule at all :) I've also found his room is almost soundproof :) No waking up Liam with his little cries :thumbsup:
Lily you look gorgeous! Such a lovely tidy bump!
Liam's mom you so have a right to gush over your 2gorgeous boys! I keep finding myself doin the same, I get all emotional looking at them think those are my children! I created those gorgeous beings! They grow up too fast so we have rights to gush while they are cute and adorable <3
Hope everyone is ok! How are all you new mummy's doing? Enjoying every moment I'm sure!!! And as for all you mummy's to be I hope your Los come soon so there are more gorgeous April babies to gush over! Readytomum could very well be holding Peter right now! How exciting!
Afm, all you evil ladies discussing Pizza Hut cookie dough whilst I had gestational diabetes!!!! Guess what I'm having for dinner tonight hehe! ;)
Lots of love to you all x
Hello girls! I thought i would jump on while i have a minute with Emme napping!

Yay for healthy babies!!! Emme had a 2 day check up and then will have her 2 week check up on Monday. She was weighing 7lbs 6 ozs but i know my little chunky monkey has gained weight her little cheeks are getting FAT!! lol

Lily beautiful bump!

Readytomum i am hoping by now Peter has shown!!! Can't wait to hear how you both are doing!

Well i have Evil Step mother drama with Laurynn and Brandon's evil witch! Laurynn is in a pageant tonight and she is controlling my time with her and what i have a say so in or not in. I am trying to be nice for the kids but my patience is wearing thin! Anyways off that subject and back to Emmaleigh...she loves sleeping on her belly...i lay her down on her back and she is back wide awake and will not go back to sleep. . .i lay her on her tummy and BAM she is out for hours....I am scared to death of SIDS so even though she is sleeping sound i am up like a frantic woman pacing the floors to make sure she is ok. Then i end up just sleeping with her on my chest so i end up getting some sleep.
lily your bump is gorgeous!!!! I read most women go into full.labour 48 hours or less after having a show so fingers are tightly crossed for you hunny xxx

omg the chicken pox thing freaked me out haha Im glad Im not the only one freaked out about sterilising everything xx

mommabrown the kids evil step mother aounds like a fat cow!! what a silly bitch she is trying to tell you about your own daughter!!

Ben sleeps best on his side and Im worried too about thay so I cant sleep when he's sleeping unless he sleeps next to me or Aaron keeps an eye out.

afm.. Im feeling really low today.. we took the kids to soft play which was great fun after an argument over if we should take the buggy or not.. which I won! Then we went to the amusements and I had to feed Ben in the baby room there. Which was very stressful as he needed a nappy change first and peed everywhere.. good job I took a spare outfit with me.. he's cluster feeding like crazy today my boobs ache from all the feeding and Ive not managed to wash any school uniform yet! The weather is gorgeous and I was hoping to get it on the line but now its almost 7pm!!

Aaron is just sitting on the computer while Im stuck doing everything with Ben and goodness forbid I complain about it.. There is no sympathy from him at all! x
Awh Candy that is no good....I bitched Allen out a good one the week after his mom left and I have had no more problems out of him. He is even getting up at night to take her since he finally understands how tired I get. Maybe you need to just walk over to him and hand him Ben and go take a hot bath so he has no excuse and you will get some time to relax.

I fret over everything now with Emmaleigh...Allen says she is already spoiled! Oh well Happy wife Happy life is what I say to him hahaha.
it must be the hormones mommabrown... Aaron is defo gonna get it soon if he doesnt step up!! I am loving the bath idea the only thing that would make it perfect would be a nice cold beer lol xx
A baby the age of our LOs cannot be spoilt! That's so silly!

I would majorly worry about them sleeping on their tummy or side as well, luckily Isabelle sleeps well on her back at night. She's started squirming from one side of her crib to the other and smooshing her head against the side which I don't like at all.

Her cord fell off earlier when I was changing her - gross. I squealed!
Hi all :D I've got alot of catching up to do as I imagine there have been a few more births since I was on last.
I just wanted to update that my little boy Max was born 3 weeks early on the 5th April. He's absolutely perfect despite a very speedy delivery. Congrats to those of you who also have your new additions:D I'm now goimg to go catch up. xx

Congratulations melon! Welcome baby Max!!

Oh ladies I had a huge reply typed up...and I guess I maybe fell asleep :haha: so it deleted :dohh:

steph I don't know how you could think Grayson was a big baby at your bf group - unless they all have midgets! He wasn't huge at birth - he hasn't put on 20lbs or anything since then?! :haha: you must be giving him the good stuff in any case!

Candy: I laughed so much at that story of you washing your boobs :rofl: I have to say, Simon has really manned up in the last week! During the birth he was offered a look down at the head etc, and he was all for it. He even had a look at the placenta :)sick:), and hasn't flinched at any of my gross bloodiness or leaky bits! He definitely has found some inner strength from somewhere!

Cherry: I think pumping whatever you can is amazing! Don't worry whether its 2 times or 5 times a day, any that you get and give her is amazing considering how difficult pumping is. Don't beat yourself up about not doing it enough. You tried all you could to keep her on the boob, and now you are doing the best you can to make sure she gets breastmilk :thumbup: I think that makes you a pretty amazing mumma!

Kristy: :growlmad: about still waiting for Chelsea!! She's hopefully not going to make you wait too much longer, come on time at the very least!

Also, so glad to hear I am not the only one traumatised by the first bath time! Mommabrown, it's lucky Allen and I didn't have to do it together of we'd have been a totally snivelling wreck! :haha:

Afm: Isabelle did a great job last night as well :thumbup: she slept 2 1/2-3 hours at a time (all in her crib!) and fed in between. We didn't all wake up until 7.30! She's still jaundiced (don't know if I mentioned that before) but I know it's totally normal....I still worry though! Both midwives have said its fine and she is ok, and my brother said the same, but I just can't help but worry. She's in the window now, having a little bit of sun!
We are hoping to nip up to my parents later which will be nice to get out. I'll feed Isabelle, then leave her with my mum while we take the dogs for a (short and slow, thanks to my stitches!!) walk to get some air.

Kirstabelle.........where are you and your baby?!?!?! We need to know!!!!!

Oh Candy, sorry Aaron is being such a douche!! Leave it to men, to think we can handle it all on our own and they dont need to do anything. Rob is actually pretty good... Usually I just take care of everything at night (since i'm up anyways), but he will always offer to change the diaper. During the day, I usually just hand him the baby when I need to take care of other things and he takes over. I agree Mommabrown, just hand him the baby and walk away!!
As for beer... I usually have 1 beer each night. Granted, they are super light american beers... but never the less... it makes me feel like a human again. Doctor said it is fine to have one a day, but to make sure I drink it while feeding (since it will not affect the milk LO is eating and it takes 2 hours to be out of the milk again...at which time you will be ready for the next feeding). Some say, that the beer actually helps your milk production :shrug:.

When Grayson has his cluster feeding moments, I end up with the worst nipple pain :wacko:. Even when rotating boobs, they both get sore.
Hi Ladies!!

Thought I would pop in and say hi when Roxy is bed and Lexi is finally sleeping!

Shes been a bit off today and hasnt slept alot atall, shes also got a rash on her neck which I believe is a heat rash - Ive got to keep an eye on it.

Ive decided to stop expressing today. Ive been expressing as opposed to breastfeeding so Roxy could help with feeding etc but its just been getting to me being stuck on a pump for an hour every 3 hours with Roxy running around causing havoc and not being able to move!! Boobs are killing me now and im not 100% happy about it but I think its for the best as I wont have time to do it when DH goes back to work.

Ill have to catch up properly soon, I mostly check stuff on facebook.

Much love xxxxxx
I had a good hard laugh earlier! Laurynn has been helping out so much with Emmaleigh and she decided ahe wanted to change her diaper...well she had pooped and I told her I didn't think she was done and she said oh yeah mommy she is really stinky....so off comes her diaper and Emmaleigh poops all over the couch!!!!!!!! I swear I wish you all could have seen Laurynn's face OMG I was laughing so hard my belly muscles ached so badly!!!

Oh a beer sounds nice too right about now....or a vodka and cranberry juice...After dealing with the Fat Cow I need somethingto keep me from punching her lights out at the pageant later.
candy - yay for your bp going down :).. hope the kids ejmjoyed soft play.

wow paige hasnt gained that much or i dont think lol i need to work it out. (i just lbs checked in the book ) ok they have her as 6lbs 12, then she went down to 6lbs 8oz then 6lbs 11lbs now 7oz so ive work out from were she lost from lol..she gained... 7oz maybe 8oz ...Does it go to 12oz or 13oz i dunno hahaha lol

Im shattered and all i wanna do now is sleeeep.. I dont wanna leave the hosue for the next few days but we're off to ryans mums tomorrow for a roast lol.

we have the hospital thursday for her hips and we've to go over to the library on wednesday to get her weighted again. dreading this as she will crying the place out once we strip her down lol.. poor girl hates being naked..

I spent those vouchers i got and got her few sleepsuits which say 0-3 months lol but look like they will drown her so they will be good lol.. a new dress 0-3 months new sun hat which doesnt even fit her head lol the hat is pointy and her head is long due to being breech for so long lol. I bought frames for her photos :) and even bought this cool born in 2013 frame lol but i wanna go back to hm for the baby vest that has that on it lol. or ill hunt on amazon for one :D..

I also bought so bottles for my pump since its not tommee tippee since all the bottle after from the one i got with the pump are from that make lol

Anyways hope your all having nice day and not over doing things.

Lovely bump lily and congrats to the ladies whom posted on facebook :) xxx
First time really being on the forums since coming home from the hospital but Baby Jaxon Salvatore surprised us and came early on March 14th! 7lb 12oz, 22 inches.

Went for my weekly dr visit on the 13th after having some mild contractions on the ride down to the doctor (which luckily is attached to the hospital), she did the internal and told me that I was a bit over 4cm and that the head was fully engaged. I guess I just looked shocked as I sat there because she picked up my clothes from the chair next to my OH, handed them to me and said "girl, youre in active labor. This baby is gonna be here by the end of the day. go upstairs to L&D. NOW!!" lol.
Hubby and I took a minute to make phone calls, then suddenly both break down and cry (tears of joy and shock) as we realized that our baby boy was coming!!!

After 30 hours of labor then 3 hours of pushing he was finally here. The dr that I saw the day before (that told me I was having the baby by the end of the day) ended up delivering my baby so I got to 'yell' at her for lying to me about that. :lol:

Lil chunkers growing so fast! I cant take it!

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omg sugaree what a shock labour!! I LOVE his little 9months inside onsie!! How early was he? he is gorgeous xxx

stmw Im the opposite.. Im breastfeeding straight from the breast but its so sore and Ben keeps struggling to latch which makes me more sore so Im thinking of expressing instead.. he has fed in short bursts non stop today. my nipple on the right side has a shooting pain in it ... ouch!!

That was funny about Emmaleigh shitting on the couch mommabrown haha!! Poor Laurynn!! Good luck for your little girl in the pagent later. dont let the bitch of a step mother get to you xx

cherrybump I also got new clothes for Benson yesterday.. ASDA are having a sale and I got some onsies and sleep suits and a very cute dungaree set... I think babies in dungarees are just the cutest!! xx

well I managed to get Ben off my boob long enough to actually eat dinner! granted it wasnt hot but oh well.. then I got to tidy up and wash the kids school clothes so I feel a bit better now. Ben has had a bath and some milk so hopefully he will settle nicely now but he's sucking his hands again so I think he might want more.. I think tomorrow if Aaron doesnt help I will just give him Benson and say he needs his nappy done ect.. I love Ben but I need some time for me too.. I cant have him atraced to my boobies 24/7! xx
Awh I am so jealous of everyone buying new clothes! We bought some and had so many given to us at our shower Emmaleigh doesn't need clothes till she is 6months old!!

Wow what a labor sugree! Was your due date right??

Candy Thanks Allen called me and told me to just steer clear of her and be the bigger person which isn't always easy to do but hopefully since she is so psycho about my Ex being around me maybe she will keep him and herself far far away from me! I laughed about it Emmaleigh too could barely clean the couch from laughing at Laurynn.
I would just hand Ben over to Aaron. That is the only way you are gonna get time for you and maybe ot will sink in to him that he needs to be more helpful. My milk is still there barely but it never came out by hand expressing. I pumped to get it out and it killed my nipples after doing it for so long too.
omg mommabrown I dont know why she would ever think you would even want to touch your ex with yiur little finger!! she must be insane to think you would want him! Allen is riht it is far better to take the high ground and ignore her. xx
Hi ladies!! Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Just so exhausted, lol. I have z bit of catching up to do so will go back and read soon. By the way, thankyou for all the congrats!! Chelsea and I came home from hospital last night and I'm just waiting on the home maternity services mw right now as I write this. Bp has gone down!! Everything I'd going well just having horrendous after birth pains, lol. Looked at my discharge papers for the first time last night and actually my official recorded established labour was 10 minutes. Wow that's crazy! I think it's taking me a bit to wrap my head around what happened!! Anyways ladies I'll be back on soon to catch up on all my reading and I'll post some pics of my beautiful girl!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Has there been some more births in the last 2 days?!
Oh doggylover- I just noticed that on the front page I'm the only one with Los birth weight in kg ( as the hospital has just started doing it that way) but I worked out that it would be 6 pound 8. :)
omg sugaree what a shock labour!! I LOVE his little 9months inside onsie!! How early was he? he is gorgeous xxx
He was (only) 3 weeks early, but everyone had me convinced my first would be 'late' so I had kind of expected to go over 40, not go 3 weeks early, though part of me had a feeling he was coming for a day or two before my appointment.
Before Jax came I realized that if I actually bought all the clothes I kept finding on pinterest that i would be in debt till he was in college :lol:, so I made a bunch of onesies. That one is probably my favorite.
Thank you :)

Wow what a labor sugree! Was your due date right??

It was. (excuse if TMI, but) the conception date that the dr associated with it was correct, so im guessing my due date was spot on. He just wanted out!

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