April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Morning ladies!!!

Good job everyone, you had the babies, am I the last one standing??? *hides in shame*

I'm packing my hospital bag as I have a hunch they will keep me at the hospital today, I will do my hair and will go for a NST.
I feel unwell, can't breath, like coming down with pneumonia. I was snoring all night. And baby moves less than usual, but still moves a little, has hick ups etc so I guess he is ok, but not thriving.
I'm ready for anything today, I don't care, natural birth, induction, c section. I feel so crappy I could scream.
My long walk yesterday didn't help at all, apart making me feel drained and sick :p I wanted to go to the post office to pick up some nappies, but can't I feel horrible. I had DH go and pick it up.

So wish me luck and I will try to update you in FB, if I can log in as my cell is an ancient one.

Good luck today lily!! Can't wait to see some pictures of your little man.

I think Maybesoon is still waiting as well. She hasn't been on here for a while but from what I can see on FB, mason is not here yet.

I hope you LO just decides its his time today... At the appointment.... Without any intervention. It sounds like your ready :hugs:
Morning ladies!!!

Good job everyone, you had the babies, am I the last one standing??? *hides in shame*

I'm packing my hospital bag as I have a hunch they will keep me at the hospital today, I will do my hair and will go for a NST.
I feel unwell, can't breath, like coming down with pneumonia. I was snoring all night. And baby moves less than usual, but still moves a little, has hick ups etc so I guess he is ok, but not thriving.
I'm ready for anything today, I don't care, natural birth, induction, c section. I feel so crappy I could scream.
My long walk yesterday didn't help at all, apart making me feel drained and sick :p I wanted to go to the post office to pick up some nappies, but can't I feel horrible. I had DH go and pick it up.

So wish me luck and I will try to update you in FB, if I can log in as my cell is an ancient one.

I'm still pregnant too!!! Due on frid but am ready for him to come at anytime !!! But being a boy he will prob be overdue lol... Good luck and hopefully things will get moving for you soon xx
OMG! Candy that man of yours tut tut. 3 days to recover i wish.
My scar is had the scabbing over stage lol and it hurts a little nothing that i need pain killers for though.

I take my hat off to all your bfing ladies. Must be tiring having a baby attach to your boobs most of the day lol.

AFM; Ryan's mum hasnt taking paige for the day. She would normally ask when she'd see her next said ryan asked her last night as we got out the car do you wanna take paige tomorrow. My face turned as if to say (why are you casting her kid of again) lol she said to ryan if its ok with christine. I said yeah i guess.. But tbh i have looked after her 2 nights running would be nice to get this living room hover since i dont like doing it when she's in the room lol.

:| she slept pretty well last night come 6am i let her co-sleep next to me.. I swear i was on the edge of the bed :( she loves having her arms waving around lol and bring her legs up to her chest making all sort of funny noises before relaxing again lol
Sarah, James's tongue is white, it looks like he has just been sick. An he is not quite latching on properly (as his tongue hurts bless him) so he is feeding more frequently but less amounts! As for me, my nipples are sore, not the same as when you fee it's more of a burning pain, all over my boob too! And nipple tip looks swollen! Very uncomfortable :(
I've noticed mums (and nans) like to intervene when it comes to breast feeding! At the end of the day hun you know your baby and her feeding patterns and cues. So just let it go over your head! You will soon learn that grand parents will try and push their techniques onto you and try to undermine you! Lol they do t mean to! It's just what grand parents do! I'm used to it now and just ignore it! As for feeding off one boob at a time, James is the same! Very rarely does he take other one! He will drain one and then he will fall asleep, ill burp him, but he never really burps as breast fed babies don't as much as formula fed ones then swap him over but he will have few mouthfuls an off he goes! :) you know what's right! That's all that matters!

Thanks so much for this. We don't have any of those symptoms so I guess I maybe overreacted to normal pain when feeding :blush:
And thank you as well for the support about feedin :hugs: it's good to know I am doing the right thing. It's so hard for me to know what to do sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I have to ask people before I pick her up or anything,just in case I'm doing the wrong thing. But Isabelle seems ok so far, so I guess I am doing OK at the minute.

Lily: sorry to hear you feel so crappy. I hope that your little man makes his appearance ASAP :hugs:

Steph: I'm so glad you have asked about pumping. I am so confused about how that all works :wacko: I didn't know you were only supposed to pump once a day to start with so :thumbup: learning something already!
And I would ignore the whole don't let him comfort suck thing. Isabelle comfort sucks half the time, but it keeps her happy and contented so I'm ok with that!

I had a bit of a crappy day yesterday, so exhausted and emotional. But I got some great sleep last night (thank you God for a baby who sleeps well) so I feel 100 times better today. Simon is off to work for a few hours so we are hanging out alone for the first time really!! Isabelle is asleep though, I'm clearly not a fun mummy!!
Sarah don't ever doubt yourself you are a great mummy ad doing everything she needs you to do! Having a baby dependinnon you is such a scary thing! James is my second and i still have doubts an worries! But you know your child, always follow your instincts and never doubt what your doing! Isabelle is a very lucky little lady!
Lily good luck my lovely! I hope you get to meet your little man very soon! Will b keeping you in my thoughts!
Well I had more to say but hole typing my brother phoned and now I have a massive headache! He is just turned 20last week and he has been with his gd now for just under 2 months! She has just moved into my mum and dads to be closer coz she lived 2hrs away! And now she has just found out she is 5weeks pregnant! I am so not happy. I just knew it was going to happen! I am not overly keen on her, infact I dislike her with a passion and I just knew this was going to happen!!!!!!!!!! Omg I'm furious! He is 20! He can't even look after his animals! He killed his snake for gods sake! The poor thing died of dehydration!!!!! This is wrong on so many levels! And now only I know he hasn't even told my parents... Omg... I'm sorry for the rant ladies I am just.... Omg the stupid boy! Thing is she has already had 3miscarriages with 3other different men and she is only 20! To me it's entrapment! Am I being unreasonable!?!?!?!?!?
awww Kealz sorry to hear you have thrush. Good job you both have medicine though so hope it fecks off soon xx

Lily good luck for today, I can't wait for an update!! xx

Doggylover, I'm also very hormonal and emotional right now, me and Aaron had a few fallings out and I've been bitch of the year for the past few days, I'm glad you are feeling better today and that Simon is home to help out for a bit xx

Cherrybump, wow you are lucky having someone to take Paige so often so soon!! I couldn't bare to part with Ben just yet, I hate people doing the work for me too lol, only Aaron is allowed x

afm.. I'm feeling much better today, I don't know what happened yesterday, I hadn't yet hit the wall of emotion which I usually hit 2 days after birth, this time I gradually got more and more pissed off until I exploded! It didn't help that Ben had been cluster feeding for 5 hours and I'ld got nothing done then when he did finally stop I was too exhausted to get up.
Me and Aaron had a talk last night we both admitted we had done shit wrong and probably asked too much of each other so we sorted that mess out, he's helped me out a lot more today and he seems a lot happier. It doesn't feel as tense in here anymore. He went back to work today so I'm wondering if some of the strain on his part was because he had to leave Ben.

anyway Ben's about to drop off my booby now and I'm dying for food, I'll be popping in later to check for updates on Lily :D

oh I almost forgot.... Steph.. the pumping thing is fine from birth. You can pump as many times a day as you need to, if you squeeze the back of your boob between your fingers and thumb like if you make a C shape with your hand, you can get the hind milk too. I usually pump when I know a feed is due or when Ben begins to hungry cry or fuss, if he hasn't woken up yet put it in the fridge until he wakes up then warm it up but do not shake breast milk as it breaks down the fat molecules. Make sure you wash and steralise everything you used that touched milk. I wash my pump after I use it then steralise it before I use it again. You can store it in the fridge for upto 24 hours but I would try not to leave it that long. xx
Kealz I agree with you that it's a bit soon for them to have a baby! They really should have been more careful. However I had my other babies at 17 and 21 and so I can't use age to say someone is going to be a shit parent, Aaron was 19 when Lucas was about 11 months old when we got together and he was really immature and couldn't look after himself but he was amazing with Lucas, he read the kids stories and done feeds and nappies.. so you can't really judge him yet until he becomes a dad. I do think it is very quick and a very silly thing to do so soon xx
Kealz, I can understand your worry 100%. It usually takes men longer to mature anyway... no need to throw another human being in the mix (unless you were planning for it of course). There are always exceptions to the rule (like Candy mentioned), but they have only been together for a short while and are not financially independent yet. Having a baby is hard work and very expensive. :wacko: I do hope, that everything works out for the best! Nothing you can do about it now!! But... you are def allowed to be frustrated!!
So now she lives with our parents, and they havn't told them yet?? Yieks... that can't be fun :nope:

Candy, as for sterilizing the pump... Do I need to sterilize the tubbing after every pump? Whats the best way to do that? I will be pumping at least 3 times a day at work, and I dont have access to boiling water there :shrug:. I know that they sell sterilizing wipes, but those wont help for the tubes either.

I cant believe that the pump doesnt come with more detailed information on this lol.
yea you have to steralise every part of the pump and bottle that touched milk.. do they have a microwave at work? You can buy a steraliser that goes in the microwave, I have one of those they are brilliant. Are you able to wash the pump at work? I wouldn't use the wipes xx
yea you have to steralise every part of the pump and bottle that touched milk.. do they have a microwave at work? You can buy a steraliser that goes in the microwave, I have one of those they are brilliant. Are you able to wash the pump at work? I wouldn't use the wipes xx

I guess I will need to get a microwave sterilizer. I hadn't bought one before, because I don't really have a lot of room at home for more things to stand around... but I can get one for work! And putting the tubing in there, will clean the inside of the tubes as well??
as long as you wash the tubing out properly and get all the milk out then the heat from the steraliser will kill any bacteria left

I've used the microwave sterliser for all 3 of mine and love it, they look huge but they fit away nicely and I can get a good 3 bottles plus my pump inside it xx
Thanks guys! Obviously ill support them anyway I can, I just can't help but feel like she planned this! My patents are going to be so mad! They are not ready in any way! They hardly know each other really! But we shall just have to see how it pans out! Either way that's my niece or nephew!
Steph you need to wash all parts first then sterilize. You can get small travel microwave ones, they look like little lunch boxes! as it will only be the pump you need to sterilize and not tones of bottles too! Will you be transferring into storage bags?
Good luck today lily!! Can't wait to see some pictures of your little man.

I think Maybesoon is still waiting as well. She hasn't been on here for a while but from what I can see on FB, mason is not here yet.

I hope you LO just decides its his time today... At the appointment.... Without any intervention. It sounds like your ready :hugs:

You're right maybesoon's edd is the end of the month, so she has some more time... :winkwink:

I'm still pregnant too!!! Due on frid but am ready for him to come at anytime !!! But being a boy he will prob be overdue lol... Good luck and hopefully things will get moving for you soon xx

Yay Maria, nice to hear I'm not the last one ha ha

Although both your and maybesoon have some time to have your LOs within normal, I'm the only one delayed right now :shrug: I feel like I'm pregnant for a year.

So -apparently :blush:- they didn't keep me at the hospital. Baby's NST was fine, although he is sleepy today. They kept moving me around to have him do something and a more experienced midwife told the students "babies have the right to sleep too, don't they?" which was very funny, and we were laughing so right there and then baby started moving. He is a little clown.

Then I met my midwife, who examined me and she said I'm in early stages of labor :thumbup:. I told her I don't feel anything, and she said it is the position of the baby that makes it pain free for now. She ordered me to go home have something to eat while I can and rest, have naps, make my bags. She said she almost broke the water while examining me, whoopsy! I made a lot of progress this weekend!
As for me feeling sick: it is the silly labor! :dohh:
Thanks guys! Obviously ill support them anyway I can, I just can't help but feel like she planned this! My patents are going to be so mad! They are not ready in any way! They hardly know each other really! But we shall just have to see how it pans out! Either way that's my niece or nephew!
Steph you need to wash all parts first then sterilize. You can get small travel microwave ones, they look like little lunch boxes! as it will only be the pump you need to sterilize and not tones of bottles too! Will you be transferring into storage bags?

I picked up the gift set kit yesterday with the 2oz bottles, 5oz bottles, and storage freezer bags. I figured that would give me a chance to try all different ones and see what I like best. My pump came with a little cool box that fits 4 of the bottles, so I'll be pumping into bottles at work.
I checked the Medela website, and they say that you dont need to sterilize the tubes, because they dont come into contact with milk :shrug:. I thought it did, but I also haven't used it yet. This is all so confusing lol
Lily yay :dance:!!! Early labour is the right way to be heading! And pain free sounds perfect!! Long may that continue! LO will hopefully be here in what... 24-48 hrs?

Steph I remember reading something (maybe in the bf forum) that you can pump, transfer all parts of the pump to a sealed bag and tore in the fridge and then pump again w/o sterilising. Not sure on the time frame, but pop over to them and ask.
yeh you only have to steralise the milky bits after washing.. I thought the tubes had the milk through them but if not thats good! .. you have to steralise the bottles but not the bags xx

lily yay for early labour... eat and sleep while you are pain free :) Hope things progress quickly for you xxxx
I sterilized the tubing the first time and then never again - unless milk would somehow get in there! At work (and even during the day at home) I just wash the milky pieces and then stick them in the fridge, and sterilize once at the end of the day. Maybe not how everyone would do it but I've not had any problems doing it that way with either LO yet :flow: my pump will pump directly into a bag so I just do that and it goes straight into the freezer unless I know I'll need it soon :)
And lily YAY for early labor signs! I felt like trash for a few days before labor and really thought I was coming down with a nasty cold or throat infection - thankfully it was gone when I went into labor!
i didnt know you could just put it in the fridge and reuse itI thought you had to steralise it each time you used it... defo easier at work xx
I checked the Medela website, and they say that you dont need to sterilize the tubes, because they dont come into contact with milk :shrug:. I thought it did, but I also haven't used it yet. This is all so confusing lol

I was talking to the Medela guy today by coincidence! The tubes only suck air, no milk goes through them, the milk goes directly in the bottle!:thumbup:
So, yeah the tubes don't need sterilizing. I thought it was weird too, until he explained it to me.:dohh:

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