April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

my cervix was closed and to the back the morning that I had my show.. I think if I hadnt been induced he would have come naturlly the next day x
Sarah sweetpea and Mommabrown, I'm so glad you guys just co firmed that!!! :wacko: I was sitting here thinking: how does this kid eat for 5-10min, pass out, cry for more food, eat for 5-10min, pass out again... And repeat that process for 3-4 hours :wacko:. Lucky me, Grayson did it twice today... Once this morning from 7-11am and now he's been doing it for the past 1.5 hours again.

I'm having another issue with feeding at night. Grayson will wake up hungry and I will go and feed him. If I'm lucky, he will nurse for 15 min (most of the time less). Then he will wake up 2 hours later and do it all again :shrug:. I cannot get him to stay awake ... No matter what I do.
I am really looking forward to this weekend, when I can start pumping!! Being able to give Rob a feeding shift and being able to sleep for 4-5 hours at a time just sounds amazing right now!!
I got carpel tunnel in my hands and they wake me up everynight with severe pain...it kills me...I'm hoping soon..

I had terrible carpel tunnel too! (It still hasn't really gone away for that matter... although it's a little better) I had to buy a brace to wear at night for sleeping. It helped a lot but it makes it quite awkward to sleep with it on sometimes. Most drugstores/pharmacies sell them.

Readytomum: sounds like quite a hectic 24hrs in the lead up to peters arrival. :hugs: I'm sure it was incredibly scary as well, especially being so out of it (I remember that feeling after Isabelle's birth) but the most important thing is that he is here safely, and you are (almost!) OK. I'm so sorry that your start to breastfeeding hasn't been great, but I think you are amazing for persevering and trying to keep your supply up to start feeding him again - what a dedicated momma. Make sure you are getting some rest!

I think feeling so out of it is what has made this all so hard. Things were going along nicely and then in such a short period my body was put through so many different things and it's just a little overwhelming! We tried BF again today and it's definitely gotten better now that things have healed a little bit, but it's still quite tender. I'm hoping my milk might come in tomorrow. Also, there are new sleeping plans in place for tonight, so hopefully I can get a much better sleep tonight. I know getting some good sleep will go a long way to making me feel better... both physically and emotionally!

I'm having another issue with feeding at night. Grayson will wake up hungry and I will go and feed him. If I'm lucky, he will nurse for 15 min (most of the time less). Then he will wake up 2 hours later and do it all again :shrug:. I cannot get him to stay awake ... No matter what I do.

We had that problem last night... and during the day too as well actually. Peter just seemed to be a zombie all the time. He would be sleeping and start fussing so we would feed him with the formula cup and he would pass out while we were trying to feed him and it was impossible to wake him up properly, even though he woke himself up originally!

We went to Dr's today to get things checked out since I was feeling so poorly and Peter was so sleepy. We're both fine, and as I've said hopefully some solid sleep tonight will be the answer I need! I hope everyone else is doing well!
steph Benson does that too, he feeds for 5-10 minutes then I put him down and 5-10 minutes later he wants more lol I call him chunk now, he's already almost 9lbs at 2 weeks old!

So the midwife visit was interesting yesterday... some of their advice really makes me wonder.. she comes in, sits down, doesn't introduce herself or anything and says.. so how was your birth, have you had any smelly discharge?? lol... well nice to meet you too love!
Then she tells me that if I'm engorged or uncomfortable I should feed Ben so I feel better.. even if he isn't hungry!! I was like errrrmmm no, he feeds enough as it is!!
Well at least one good thing come of it and we got booked in on our baby massage course :D going to absolutely love it!!
And she said that as I'm breastfeeding Ben is protected from stuff he would get from his jabs thats why they wait 2 months to give them so we can go to baby groups all we like! yay!

Im feeling better today after getting mastitis but still in pain and a mild headache hopefully it will clear up on its own. We are off to register Benson today and check his tongue tie!

readytomum I was worried about how much Ben was sleeping at first, it's been 2 weeks and finally we are beginning to see a pattern with his sleep and waking times xx
Candy, im so jealous that Ben is showing a sleep Pattern :wacko:

I guess, I can't complain, because Grayson at least doesn't have day and night mixed up... But boy.. The thought of 4 hours of sleep or a predictable pattern sounds dreamy :haha:

Any more word from Lily? She must e getting closer.
I wasn't kean on her going for the full day and to honest i'd rather she stayed with me instead. Just kind of feel out of place when he goes ahead and asks something like that. Feel like i didnt have much of a choice. I really need to grow a back bone like. After all she is my little girl and im meant to be the parent even if her dad likes to flog her off. :(:(:(

He's been told off lol

Edit: Ive had this post sitting here since last night due to paige waking up for a feed and bath lol she wasnt settling well either. But we had a fab sleep.

steph Im still feeding every 3 hours through the night but it works out at 2-3 feeds a night but at about quarter to eight he drains both boobs and goes to sleep properly.. during the day it is a mix of cluster feeding and sleep/staring at me lol xx

cherrybump if you are not happu hun then dont allow it. you are her mum she needs you most right now.. When my ex left me when I was three months pregnant and moved out he didnt get Lucas alone until he started weaning and then he only got him for two hours!! Xx
Got poorly boys here, so not been online long enough to post recently. Also dh is back at work now (great timing, not, lol)
Sidney is a bit better today but still grumpy, coughing and full of snot. Baby Vin is all bunged up and sneezing with a temperature, still able to latch thank goodness, but very sleepy, I have to strip him off to wake him up for feeds :(
Ugh, my poor boys!

Hope everyone else is better than us lol!

Any new april additions yet?
Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well... I'm sorry I haven't had a read back through more than the most recent page-- I'm sure there's lots to catch up on!

So Peter is finally here! He was born on Saturday, April 20th, at 4:46pm by section. He weighed 8lbs 1oz.

I went to my routine Dr. check on Friday and my BP was quite high so she sent me to Labour and Delivery for an assessment, and they decided we needed to be induced. So later that day around 4:30 we were admitted and they started me on a gel. A little while later they broke my water, and then later still they started me on the drip. Things were going veeeeery slowly, and I wasn't progressing very well at all. Thankfully I had gotten an epidural so I wasn't in pain during the process, but I was getting very tired and very frustrated. My blood pressure was still way high and I was feeling awful. I even threw up at one point. After almost 24 of hours of waiting for the induction to work they decided to c-section us instead. So we were shipped off to the surgery room. At this point I was so dopped up on medication and feeling so out of it that I don't really know all the details. I know I threw up again and my heart rate plummeted a few times. All I can remember clearly is that I was shaking uncontrollably and I was so cold, and then they brought Peter over and put him on my chest and I started to cry and I don't really remember what happened after that. All I could do was stare at him. :cloud9:

They kept us in the hospital for 2 days (which seems awfully short for a section!) and sent us home tonight. We were scrambling to sort out how we were going to do this since we weren't planning on a section and therefore hadn't thought about where I would sleep etc. My blood pressure was still really high when they released me, but I guess they're less concerned about it now that he's out.

We were really concerned about feeding him too. I've mentioned before that I'm pretty small chested and that they really didn't grow at all during pregnancy. Well it turns out I have very little colostrum as well, and Peter has destroyed my nipples trying to get what little is there. So we've had to start feeding him formula with a cup, and I've been pumping trying to get what colostrum we can and keep them stimulated hoping that when my proper milk comes in, it'll be in better supply so we can try regular breast feeding again. We spoke to a couple of lactation consultants in the hospital and have an appointment to see one on Thursday to check on how we're getting on and if I have milk yet.

So between the sore nipples, section pain which is making sleeping very difficult, and currently an upset tummy as well I feel terrible, but I'm so, so glad that Peter is here safe and sound! He's perfect.

Many congrats on baby Peter!

What an adventure, however you are very lucky to be discharged so soon! :thumbup:
AFM no news and no progress, baby is strong but no where close to labor. So I'm going to be induced as planed.
As our hospital has certain rules, I will not be discharged before Sunday, so I will try to update you in our FB group.
Congratulations readytomum! So glad your little one is here safe and sound, despite your ordeal :hugs:
Hope your milk comes in soon and boosts your supply. Also hope you start to feel more comfortable (and well again) soon!
Ukgirl, didn't realise you'd had mastitis hun, glad you are feeling better now! I had it with Sidney, never felt so ill, it was like flu but worse! Ugh!

Cherry, I don't know how you do it hun! Dont be afraid to put your foot down!!
I don't let Vin out of my sight! In fact I don't tend to let Sidney out of my sight for long either and he's going on for 2 lol!! Maybe I'm just a paranoid mother tho!!

Lily sorry bubs is still not budging, but its great to hear he doing just fine tucked away in there!
oh dano sorry to hear your little men are poorly! I wish them quickly well again! I got mastitis yesterday after I wore a tight fitted dress. it come on so quickly it was awful itwas 19c here yesterday and I was in bed shivering with the heating on.. achy all over and a pounding head :( Im feeling much better today so hopefully Ive avoided the antibiotics.

Lily sorry to hear you are going for induction.. I know you didnt want that but atleast baby will be here soon xx

we went and registered Ben today so it is official now he's got his little birth certificates :D

after registering him we went to the tongue tie clinic and they decided to snip the frenulum.. they took him to another room and it was over in less than a minute but I couldn't help crying I felt awful but he seemed fine.. I think I cried more than he did! he's been moving his tongue up and down and side to side and poking it out lots so I think he is loving the new movements :) xxx
Thanks candy..

Dano sorry to hear the wee man isnt well :( And thanks lol. I told ryan off and he says she'll have to get use to people:| he's pretty stupid lol.

I told my mum about him turning the heating up and saying that it wont use anymore money hahaha but thats wrong since it needs to heat up more.. I just keep turning it down and soon we wont need it on due to it getting warmer here. So ill save little cash on topping it up with 40 pound a month lol.

I got paige weight just now and omg.. She defo is gaining the weight like. She was 7lbs 3oz last weight and according to the lady in the library paige is now 8lbs :O im like what really just checked the booked she put in 3.65kg (8lbs) oh man oh man. I wonder if she'd holding on to poo aswell lol cause she aint poop since yesterday i dont think :| lol have to see when i see hv next lol...

Ohhh and putting her clothes back on what does she do.. Why is it always me she goes and pee's on :( she pooped the last time lol ive defo got a cheeky monkey lol xx
Ukgirl I watched Sidney have his snipped, its wasn't bad at all, he was more upset about being swaddled than the snip itself! I was so worked up before hand as well, you imagine all sorts don't you!? His latch improved so quick after it was done, well worth a moments discomfort, hope it works as well for your little man!

Cherry, what a fab weight gain, little chunk! Vin was also weighed today, he was 3.55, so not too far behind now after his initial slow gain!
cherrybump Ryan sounds so silly lol, of course it costs more to have it up higher :/ He shouldn't be palming her off on people, he should be spending time with her :/ So typical that she should pee on you at that moment haha! It was like Ben in bowlplex I took him to the baby room for a feed and decided to do his nappy first, he peed everywhere!! Thank goodness I take spare clothing in my bag or he would have been going home in just his trousers and hooded top!! Kids!!

ahh dan-o I don't know if I could have watched them do it! You are braver than me!! his latch is amazing already I don't need to pinch anymore :D He was more upset about the swaddling and fingers in his mouth than the snip, he hardly bled at all too which is good. Hopefully he wont cluster feed as much now lol. Did you find you fed Sidney less after his? xx
dan-o: sorry to hear that your boys are both feeling under the weather! That must certainly keep you on your toes being home by yourself with them. I hope they're both feeling better soon!!

ukgirl: that's exciting that you've got Ben registered! We did ours online last night, which is super convenient since it means we didn't have to get in line anywhere! We had to go to the dr's office yesterday for us both to get checked out, and it was not pleasant having to be out and about so soon!

Afm, last night was intense. Peter started cluster feeding and from around 11pm till 4am he would not let me put him down and wanted to feed pretty much constantly. I had to keep alternating between boob and formula to keep him happy.

Thankfully BF is going much better now. It's still pretty uncomfortable, but my nipples aren't all cracked and bleeding anymore. We've been supplimenting with formula still because he still seems hungry after BF. :shrug: Maybe I dont let him feed long enough? How long do you ladies feed each side for? And how do you know when they're done on a side?
Readytomum I let Isabelle feed until either she falls off the boob herself, or I know she is just comfort sucking because she isn't swallowing. Then I break her latch. It's usually around 15-20mins but can be as much as 30 or as few as 7/8.

Just had the health visitor- my chunky monkey is now up to 8lb 9oz! That's almost 1lb she's put on in two weeks. Fatty baby!!
oh readytomum I would have loved to do Ben's online but here we have to go down to town hall and do it, we got asked a million questions too. It was so easy in Norway, the midwife gave me a slip of paper which I just wrote the babies name and my name on and date of birth and they were registered. Got their birth certificates in the post.
It's nice to stay home and relax after giving birth. I'm glad both you and Peter are doing well and both checked out well! I have a BP check with the nurse tomorrow, I was tachycardic last night but I was ill with mastitis so hopefully all is better in the morning. My HR was back down today :) x
doggylover Benson and Isabelle are following the same weight pattern! lol x
Ukgirl, Sids weight went through the roof once his tongue had been done, he jumped from below 9th to 75th centile in a few weeks! My nipples stopped hurting and his poo went normal too! Not sure how much less he fed, but I'd say he definitely started feeding for longer, within a few days, so had bigger gaps inbetween.

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