April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Morning ladies!!!

Good job everyone, you had the babies, am I the last one standing??? *hides in shame*

I'm packing my hospital bag as I have a hunch they will keep me at the hospital today, I will do my hair and will go for a NST.
I feel unwell, can't breath, like coming down with pneumonia. I was snoring all night. And baby moves less than usual, but still moves a little, has hick ups etc so I guess he is ok, but not thriving.
I'm ready for anything today, I don't care, natural birth, induction, c section. I feel so crappy I could scream.
My long walk yesterday didn't help at all, apart making me feel drained and sick :p I wanted to go to the post office to pick up some nappies, but can't I feel horrible. I had DH go and pick it up.

So wish me luck and I will try to update you in FB, if I can log in as my cell is an ancient one.

I'm still pregnant too!!! Due on frid but am ready for him to come at anytime !!! But being a boy he will prob be overdue lol... Good luck and hopefully things will get moving for you soon xx

Good luck, Lily!

Maria, I'm still here, too! Due date tomorrow and scheduled for induction starting with Cervadil on Wednesday, Pitocin on Thursday. Scared!
Yeah lily!!!
Very good news, early labour woohoo, hope that's what's happening to me as I've been getting loads of period like cramps and BH can sometimes be 3/4 in an hour so hoping something might be happening. Got mw on wed so will see what she says.
Lily yay :dance:!!! Early labour is the right way to be heading! And pain free sounds perfect!! Long may that continue! LO will hopefully be here in what... 24-48 hrs?

Steph I remember reading something (maybe in the bf forum) that you can pump, transfer all parts of the pump to a sealed bag and tore in the fridge and then pump again w/o sterilising. Not sure on the time frame, but pop over to them and ask.

Wash every 24 hours. :thumbup:
Steph -- here's the FDA recommendations on sterilizing a breast pump. :thumbup: https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/...er/ConsumerProducts/BreastPumps/ucm061950.htm

"All breast pump parts that come in contact with breast milk, such as bottles, valves and breast shields, should be cleaned after each use. It is not possible to completely sterilize breast pump parts at home, even if you boil them. However, sterilization is not necessary to keep these parts safe and sanitary. You can do that by thoroughly washing away germs and bacteria with liquid dishwashing soap and warm water."

Tubing should NOT be coming into contact with milk (but it's possible if you have a forceful letdown). And you should NOT clean it between pumps unless you have multiple sets of tubing because it won't dry out in time for the next pump. Water in the tubes could get into your pump and cause mold to grow in the motor (which could then cause mold spores in your expressed milk!). Tubing needs to be completely dry before using it.

As has already been discussed on this thread, you can store your pump parts in the fridge for up to 24 hours without cleaning between pumps (this is helpful if you're exclusively pumping but not so much if you're only pumping at work. I just had dish soap at work and washed my pump parts in super hot water between pumps).
Speaking of breastfeeding -- We're doing it! Exclusively! Violet gained 5oz in the last 4 days and is only 2oz shy of birth weight at 6 days old. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I'm really having a hard time believing we're doing it, but it's awesome. She was nearly constantly attached to a boob for 4 days straight but we seem to be spacing things out more the last couple of days. So hoping she continues to gain.
Steph -- here's the FDA recommendations on sterilizing a breast pump. :thumbup: https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/...er/ConsumerProducts/BreastPumps/ucm061950.htm

"All breast pump parts that come in contact with breast milk, such as bottles, valves and breast shields, should be cleaned after each use. It is not possible to completely sterilize breast pump parts at home, even if you boil them. However, sterilization is not necessary to keep these parts safe and sanitary. You can do that by thoroughly washing away germs and bacteria with liquid dishwashing soap and warm water."

Tubing should NOT be coming into contact with milk (but it's possible if you have a forceful letdown). And you should NOT clean it between pumps unless you have multiple sets of tubing because it won't dry out in time for the next pump. Water in the tubes could get into your pump and cause mold to grow in the motor (which could then cause mold spores in your expressed milk!). Tubing needs to be completely dry before using it.

As has already been discussed on this thread, you can store your pump parts in the fridge for up to 24 hours without cleaning between pumps (this is helpful if you're exclusively pumping but not so much if you're only pumping at work. I just had dish soap at work and washed my pump parts in super hot water between pumps).

Perfect... Thank you for that Info :thumbup:. I feel like there is so much to know, that they don't tell you about!! :wacko:
I ordered a cheap microwave sterilizer online today, so I will have options :kiss:

I was going to ask you how things were going with BF Vi... but in case you were having a hard time, I didnt want to impose :blush:. So happy to hear that you are having so much success! But again, I never doubted you :thumbup:. You have so much knowledge on the issue now, there is no way for you to fail :hugs:. ... and If I didnt mention it before... Violet is absolutely beautiful :baby:
Little spy I am so happy to hear that violet and you are breastfeeding well!!! :dance: like steph I've been thinking about you and your boobs (not in a creepy way!) and hoping all has been going well, so I thrilled to hear it is! Long may it continue!
Hi ladies! Just thought I'd pop in while Peewee naps....we had all our check ups today I was released from Dr and put on BC. And Peewee is 8lbs 0 ozs and 20 1/4 inches long. We go back in 2 weeks for her 1 month check up and then at 2 months for shots. I am very proud of how well she is growing!

Congrats Little Spy on BF!! I wish I could make my milk come back in but after not being able to BF and now starting BC I don't see that happening. So glad all is working out for you!
My little guy can spend upwards of 35 minutes on one boob, but he doesn't make it to the other one unless its evening/nighttime feedings. He does most of his serious napping during the day, but we're due for the 7 day growth spurt any time now and he is a long, tall drink of water so he eats more like an older baby. *sigh*. If I feed myself well and hydrate properly I think I produce around 4-6 oz per meal time. Crazy! I pumped 20 mins after a serious feeding so his dad would have something to give him at "lunch" and still got 3 oz out. My boobs are sore, but it's worth it to give him what he needs. We tried formula as a sub for daddy, but he doesn't like formula (go figure). Can't say I blame him :)
hi all! Thanks doggylover for changing Chelsea's birth weight for me! Oooohh goodluck lilly! How exciting! Kealz, I think it was you who said your brothers g/f is pregnant and hes only 20 and not been together long? Don't worry hun, you may be pleasently surprised how things work out. I understand that hes your brother and so young, I'd probably worry if it were one of my sisters. But my partner and I had only been together for a few months when i fell pregnant with my first at 20 and we have now been together for over 8 years and just had a fourth beautiful baby. We grew up very quickly and have a beautiful family. I'm sure he'll be fine. All situations are different. Dont stress hun. xx Oh and I thought I would finally post some pics of my gorgeous girl!!


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Oh Kristy she is just gorgeous :kiss:

Mommabrown, so glad to hear Emmaleigh is doing so well!

Afm, last night I really thought we were in for a terror of a night. For some reason Isabelle wouldn't settle at all between about 11 and 12.30 which is very much not like her. I envisaged a night of screaming (which was happening and never happens!) but thank heavens she eventually settled and slept as normal. I'm still absolutely exhausted though. I'm getting plenty of sleep so I don't know what the heck is going on!
kirsty she is beautiful hun xxx

we are about to have our first health visitor visit :D today Ben is 2 weeks old.. he has started making cooing noises at Connie and Aaron too which is veeerrrryyy cute!
Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well... I'm sorry I haven't had a read back through more than the most recent page-- I'm sure there's lots to catch up on!

So Peter is finally here! He was born on Saturday, April 20th, at 4:46pm by section. He weighed 8lbs 1oz.

I went to my routine Dr. check on Friday and my BP was quite high so she sent me to Labour and Delivery for an assessment, and they decided we needed to be induced. So later that day around 4:30 we were admitted and they started me on a gel. A little while later they broke my water, and then later still they started me on the drip. Things were going veeeeery slowly, and I wasn't progressing very well at all. Thankfully I had gotten an epidural so I wasn't in pain during the process, but I was getting very tired and very frustrated. My blood pressure was still way high and I was feeling awful. I even threw up at one point. After almost 24 of hours of waiting for the induction to work they decided to c-section us instead. So we were shipped off to the surgery room. At this point I was so dopped up on medication and feeling so out of it that I don't really know all the details. I know I threw up again and my heart rate plummeted a few times. All I can remember clearly is that I was shaking uncontrollably and I was so cold, and then they brought Peter over and put him on my chest and I started to cry and I don't really remember what happened after that. All I could do was stare at him. :cloud9:

They kept us in the hospital for 2 days (which seems awfully short for a section!) and sent us home tonight. We were scrambling to sort out how we were going to do this since we weren't planning on a section and therefore hadn't thought about where I would sleep etc. My blood pressure was still really high when they released me, but I guess they're less concerned about it now that he's out.

We were really concerned about feeding him too. I've mentioned before that I'm pretty small chested and that they really didn't grow at all during pregnancy. Well it turns out I have very little colostrum as well, and Peter has destroyed my nipples trying to get what little is there. So we've had to start feeding him formula with a cup, and I've been pumping trying to get what colostrum we can and keep them stimulated hoping that when my proper milk comes in, it'll be in better supply so we can try regular breast feeding again. We spoke to a couple of lactation consultants in the hospital and have an appointment to see one on Thursday to check on how we're getting on and if I have milk yet.

So between the sore nipples, section pain which is making sleeping very difficult, and currently an upset tummy as well I feel terrible, but I'm so, so glad that Peter is here safe and sound! He's perfect.


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he is gorgeous readytomum Im aorry that you had a bad experience but Im glad you are both safe ans diing well.. I hope your upset tummy is better soon.. Congratulation on such a precious little guy! xxx
Oh Readytomum sorry you are having a rough time! I know exactly how it feels! I don't know what i would have done without my MIL here to help me this time!!!

So i have some great news...Allen has been at his job for 8 yrs and he recently applied at Pepsi...they turned him down and then today they call him and tell him they are really needing him to come in and work...he can't leave his current job of course so they gave him till Thursday to get all the finishing touches done and be to work on Friday!!!! I am rather nervous though as this will require him to be away working more.
Readytomum: sounds like quite a hectic 24hrs in the lead up to peters arrival. :hugs: I'm sure it was incredibly scary as well, especially being so out of it (I remember that feeling after Isabelle's birth) but the most important thing is that he is here safely, and you are (almost!) OK. I'm so sorry that your start to breastfeeding hasn't been great, but I think you are amazing for persevering and trying to keep your supply up to start feeding him again - what a dedicated momma. Make sure you are getting some rest!

Mommabrown: that's great about Allen's new job! Congrats! Sucks that he will be away more though, but i guess it's a better job? which is great for him!

Afm: nothing new at all. We are in little miss's "fussy four" as Simon and I have dubbed the four hours in the early evening when she fusses and cluster feeds. Not much fun at all :( and I feel terrible every time she cries. Literally just finished feeding her, so have about five mins while she is in her Moses basket before she starts to fuss again lol.
well went to the doc monday and bp was to terribly high and since I have not even staitrted dilating at all my doctor opted not to go forth with an induction today. He said since I have not dilated any that inducing at this point would carry greater risks to me and the baby. so he wants to wait one more week. the 29th is my due date and I am so discouraged that I have not even dilated. I was hoping Aiden would be here by now but he is def trying to take after his sister who went over. I am glad though that I am not being induced seeing how my experience was with my daughter. Just playing the waiting game now. It is very stressful and like I told my husband I would rather be waking up at night to a crying baby than the pain i'm waking up to now. I got carpel tunnel in my hands and they wake me up everynight with severe pain...it kills me...I'm hoping soon..
N gods Hands Emmaleigh came exactly the day after her due date...hopefully little Aiden won't keep you waiting much longer!

DL yeah it is a better job just not ready for the hours but he is a work -aholic anyways so maybe this way is much better.
Emmaleigh was doing that not to long ago and she would eat a tiny bit and stop and sleep for about 10-15 minutes then be back awake. Little stinkers...I hope you get some rest it makes it easier to deal with it all.
Ahhh the witching hour DL! You know you love it!


I suppose its better to have it in the evening rather than at 3am!!

Ngodshands: so sorry things aren't progressing :hugs: my SIL was 0cm dilated on her due date then gave birth two days later!! So try not to be too disheartened.

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