April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

ReadytoMum, my breastfeeding group told me up to 30min on each boob. If he comes off before the 30min and wants more, put him back on that boob (until you get the total 30min) :shrug:
That being said, I usually let him go back to the same boob for 22-28min, and then switch.
Dano sorry your lil guys are poorly! Hope they feel better soon!
Candy poor you! I can't imagine how sore it must be! And yay for getting benson registered! We had to Travel 40 mins away to get James registered coz where we usually would have got it done is being renovated! :(
Wow Sarah Isabelle is putting weight on well! It makes you feel so good when you know your helping them thrive :) unfortunately our mw cancelled on us on Monday so I still don't know how much he weighs since day 3! He is 2 weeks tomorrow! Bit seeing mw on Friday so can't wait to fin out how he is doing!
Readytomum I am the same has dl, I just let him go on till he falls asleep on breast, then I will offer him other boob if he stirs, if not then I put him in his bed! But it's pretty much demand feeding, which he is really demanding constantly, luckily not at night, but he has pretty much been feeding constantly for the past 4 hours non stop, will drop off for a bit then when I put him down he is awake and wanting more! Right now I've in ally had 20 mins to go to toilet and give Paige some cuddles bless her!
Lily I hope your induction is quick and your little man arrives safely Ino your arms soon! Will be thinking of you!
Maybesoon messaged me last night, she is hoping to be induced today/tomorrow I think so hopefully mason will be here by the end of the week too :)
Afm James is feeding so much inhale nearly had time to use the cream to clear thrush as its not aloud to be ingested (stupid idiots) so I have to put it on and hope it dries quick enough before he wants a feed otherwise I have to go and wash it off! And James's medicine has to be held in the mouth for a minute to work, once it's swallowed it doesn't do anything..... How do I tell a newborn not to swallow the thing in his mouth for a minute.???? So his tongue is still white and my boobs are still sore and will see mw on Friday and ask her!
Cherry I don't know how you do it either, I hate lettin Paige out of my sight let alone James! And omg to having the heating on!!! It's so hotni have all the windows open, our bedroom was 25•c last night! Slept with the window open!
Oh kealz that is horrible for James. I don't know how they would expect you to leave it in his mouth for a whole minute at all as he is an infant!! I hope you both get over the trush as it is no fun on either part!! Please keep us updated on Maybesoon also!!!

Cherry I don't know how on earth he could keep it so hot in there...they say a baby is as comfortable as you are so if your hot she is hot and it is wasting your money being so high!!

Emmaleigh isn't a big eater...she is so completely different than her brother was that is for sure.

Afm, I fell asleep with her in the bed this morning while feeding her...i woke up scared to death that she would have coked on her formula but it as out of her mouth and she was snoozing away.
How often does everyone's LO poop???...Emmaleigh started out going 4-5 times a day on Breast milk now since she is on formula it is every other day. I dunno if it is something i should be worried about!
Thanks momma brown!
As for the poop, James goes at least 6 times a day but breast fed babies usually do go more than formula fed babies, my midwife said its ok for a baby to o up to 6days with out going and formula takes a bit longer to digest than breast fed babies that's why they go longer between feeds and don't seem like hey feed forever, and the poo isn't as watery because formula is heavier If you get what I mean so don't panic! I love one of my midwifes she has been a midwife for 47 years and is amazing! I have no idea where he is from she is not English, but she has a wicked sense of humour and jut makes you feel so at ease and reassured! I'm seeing her on Friday thank goodness. The last midwife I saw was a scatty bitch and scared the hell outta me calling the hospital saying I need to get down there now his jaundice is bad. Stupid women! He is fine now, still a bit Red In the face but that is congestion I reckon due to a quick birth!
Aww it's so hard doin night time feeds trying to stay awake, I get scared ill fall asleep and suffocate James with my massive boobies! So I put the tv on and play on my phone to try and keep me awake! X
Thank you Kealz! I was so worried but after reading what you wrote I completely understand. I feel like a. Ftm all over again because there is so much I can't remember from the older kids.

I am glad you got a better MW what a hag the other one was!!
mommabrown Lucas only pooed once every 2 days on formula he got really constipated on it and had to mix in malt extract to help him go. It is normal for them to go less like Kealz said but if he starts getting constipated take him to the dr..

Kealz that medicine sounds very impractical for a newborn and breastfeeding mother!! You would think they had better stuff! Hopefully it clears up soon or your HV has some good advice... what about a nipple sheild? will that mean you can keep the cream on and feed at the same time?

Dan-o I've already noticed he is sleeping better this afternoon after eating for longer and he has swallowed better during the faster flow without choking. I'm so pleased I agreed to him getting it done he seems much happier!

afm... I'm alone with 3 kids and decided to dye my hair.... I don't know what I was thinking!!! I cleaned up and done dinner too :/

btw.. is anyone else still bleeding red blood and finding it painful to go number 2, 2 or more weeks after birth? I have the dr tomorrow so I'll ask there too but I've got pain in my lower abdomen too on the left and it's worrying me a bit
oooh Kealz I forgot to add that Ben was all red and jaundice looking after birth too, we got the blood test done and his levels were way low so he must have had the same as James as he was born in 57 minutes lol.
Yeah James was born in 35!!! He looked bruised round the face when he came out!
No nipple shields wouldn't work coz the milk wound still touch the cream when it pools in the shield! Plus I hate them, I used them with Paige and was never able to he her off then she got lazy with them so had to use them for 6 months of breast feeding lol x
Ukgirl I was just talking to Allen about my bleeding. Lol I am still bleeding bright red blood and I am ready for it to stop! After my section I lived on stool softners so maybe take some to help with pooping.

I honestly hated having sex while pregnant but I am telling you I don't know if I can hold out on Allen much longer. There is just something sexy about him taking care of the baby and helping me out around the house. I am more than ready these next 4 weeks need to hurry up!
oh Kealz I've not used them before so I didn't know the milk pooled in them like that :/ x Ben's go blood shot eyes from being born so fast bless him luckily he wasn't bruised x

oh mommabrown I'm glad it's normal then! I will try the stoll softeners :) I know what you mean about men and babies it's so sexy lol.. I have done stuff with Aaron (not sex) I couldn't wait lol shhh! :p
Yes I am still bleeding red. Although if I've sat down a lot it practically stops and goes brown. Then ill stand up for a while to go shops or cook dinner and I bleed heavily n red :( my clots seemed to have stopped but I've got the pains in belly too and my lady area feels bruised and sore to go toilet, wee or poop. Have you been doing your pelvic floors? My mw said it will help. But I keep forgetting!
Lol momma brown! I have no desire to have sex any time soon lol! Infact after Paige I lost my drive and didnt have sex till Paige was 8-9 months old... I made him wait from the day we found out we were pregnant, poor thing!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Nothing much new to report here. I think we're finally starting to get the hang of things a bit better. I've ordered some books on BF from Amazon, and I'm hoping they'll get here by Friday.

I desperately need to get out and buy some nursing bras, or some sort of bra that won't crush my nipples. :wacko: At the moment I spend most of my time in one of DH's t-shirts with no bra, or topless altogether! And while that works ok for just being at home alone, my parents are coming to help next week, and DH's the following week... not to mention we do eventually need to start leaving the house! :dohh: I'm not looking forward to having to do this again... I had such shitty luck looking for some while pregnant still. Sigh.
Had a bit of a scare from last night when I pumped waiting for Jackson to wake up for his 2am feed. Breast milk totally looked PINK! Light pink, but PINK! I then did some googling and found out that it was probably blood (ACK!) But I pumped again tonight and its all white (PHEW!) After a bit more googling and some thinking back on what I ate yesterday, there were jelly beans of the red variety and some mangoes..both of which can turn your milk pink! Dyes from the jelly beans and natural coloring from the mangoes. Plus I pumped out 6 oz! That's after a full days feeds from Mr. J.
doggylover Benson and Isabelle are following the same weight pattern! lol x

They are destined for each other! Our two little fatties!

Readytomum I also spend a lot of time topless "airing the nips" as Simon puts it. It really helped me in the first few days so keep it up. Now I mainly
Just do it at night, with a muslin draped over to catch any leaks lol.

Isabelle is not latching well at the minute :( she's really lazy about latching at night and is not doing as well as she can during the day. She's stopped opening her mouth as wide- any suggestions??
Sarah James is exactly the same at the moment, he cluster feeds loads through the day and of a night he is lazy wont latch then chokes coz he doesn't do a full feed so my boobs are so full it's too much for him. I'm going to ask my midwife tomorrow ill let u know what she said. X
Sarah when Ben wasnt latching due to his tongue tie I found it most helpful to pinch the nipple between two fingers to help him get more of the breast in his mouth it was more comfortable for me too :) lol shall we intend them for eachother.. they have no choice! x

Ive just had my bp taken again Im right down to 73/120 now so I dont have to go back for more checks my pre eclampsia is gone :D
Hey ladies, I just wanted to let you all know we had our app today at the sick kids. Paige's hips are still not properly in place so she has to wear a little harness keeping her legs in place. She'll have to wear it up to 12 weeks to get it into the right spots. It hard to change her bum and put clothes on her. All those new born clothes wont fit now and i just bought her newborn leggins since she didnt have enough :( lucky she wore the nice ones today but couldnt get them back on :( we'll just keep her in dresses until she gets it off again since we really cant get buttons on her now :(

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