April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Sarah as my dad likes to tell me, we have our off days so why can't babies! Lol
Just doesn't make our lives any easier!
James had an off day like that few days ago, I too bought infacol! But he was ok by the next day! Hope Isabelle is the same and just having an off baby day! :) it's hard at firs too as your not sure what's wrong and so frustrating. But just breathe and stay calm and you will get through it! I find if I get frustrated with him not latching on properly he does, and it's hard not to as h gets so worked up I feel awful but I try to soothe then try again and we are both calmer, so it's sontrue what they say thy babies pick up on stress etc! Looooved the pic of Isabelle an her new babysitter btw soo adorable! <3
Lol yep Dexter was being very sweet, two seconds after that pic was taken he has his big old head on her lap!

And thanks for the advice/tips/support (as always!). I hope you're right and its just an off day. I'm wondering if there is some growth spurt action on the go too as she may as well be soldered onto my boobs today :haha:
Aw how lovely! He will soon be running away from her grubby chocolate covered hands saying please don't pull my tail again lol so he might aswel make the most of her now while she isn't mobile! That's ok, that's what we r here for! My midwife actually said to me expect a frenzy feed few days as a growth spurt will be ahead, and she is a day older than James so he very well could be going through a spurt, and I don't know if you have noticed, but all of a sudden some of his newborn clothes don't fit, or are rather snug and size one nappies are looking too small!!! Lol hernia only 15 days old stop growing so quickly babies!!!!
Congrats to Lily!!

And goodluck to maybesoon! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.

AFM, we had an appointment yesterday at the hospital with a lactation consultant about supply issues. She weighed Peter and then had me feed him, and then weighed him again. Basically in the 10 minute feed for each side he got half of what she wants him to get. So definitely some supply issues which is why he's lost so much from his birth weight. He feeds all the time, but isn't getting as much as he should be at each feed. She's started me on some nasty tasting mixture called More Milk Plus, which is supposed to help boost supply/pqroduction. So hopefully it does the trick!

Because they're concerned about his weight we go back to the Dr's on Tuesday to get weighed, and then back to the lactation consultant on Thursday to see how the weight gain is going as well.

You don't have thyroid issues, do you? If so, a oid fenugreek.

I HIGHLY recommend reading "The breastfeeding mother's guide to making more milk" by West and Marasco. Awesome book. I have IGT/breast hypoplasia and have gone from 14 oz/day at my MAX (2-4 months pp) with Maisie to being able to exclusively bf Violet so far (which I can't even believe yet). And that's in large part due to what I learned reading that book, I think. I haven't even needed to see a lactation consultant this time! Just keep reminding yourself that every drop really does count. :flower:
Lol Kealz, they do grow entirely too fast :shock:
I find myself missing the fact that he is a baby :dohh:... If I feel like that now (while he is very much a baby at 3 weeks old :rofl) I can imagine how I will feel once I have to go back to work.
Gosh, I feel like Grayson is changing by the minute. He now started using his hands with a purpose lol. Before, he would just throw his little arms around, now he actually grabs my shirt (or smacks my boobs lol), or finger.

As for growing out of diapers...omg, the newborn size diapers are getting really small lol, but we still have about 15 diapers left and are trying to use them up :haha:

ReadytoMum, how are you feeling with the BF? Hang in there, it will get better :hugs:
No word yet from Lily or LittleSpy again? I hope they are doing just amazing with everything.
Last I checked on FB, Maybesoon was still in labor and waiting for things to progress! I can't wait to see pics of little Mason!!

Mommabrown, how is Emmaleigh doing? And ether yet, how are you doing? Are you starting to feel better.
Any word from Kristabelle or Nimbec? How about our ladies still waiting for LO to show?
I'm sure everyone is just really busy.

Candy, is Ben feeling better?
Sarah, I LOVE the picture with Dextor lol. What a sweet puppy!
Steph I was wondering the other day when you have to go back to work? Is Grayson going to daycare? I hate how you American mommas get such little time off :( it's so unfair. Lol at Grayson smacking your boobs- he's obviously trying to give you a helpful hint about what he wants from you :rofl:

Can't wait to hear about Maybesoon and mason's arrival! Keep us updated ladies, I don't think I have her on my FB.

Afm, my sister and brother in law just came to see Isabelle and she screamed the entire time lol. She is exhausted, so overtired, but she has finally fallen asleep in her bouncer, so I'm hoping that if she gets some sleep now then she won't be too overtired when we go to bed.
Oh boy Sarah... But I think you may be lucky and she will be nice and tired for you tonight :winkwink:.
I actually only have 3 more weeks at home :cry:. But, my boss gave me the option to take the first month back as part time or unpaid leave. As it takes right now, my mom will change her work schedule, so she can watch him for the first few months. It breaks my heart to think of him in daycare right now.

Maybesoon had Mason 4.41pm.
It seems that everyone is well. Hopefully she will come on here and give us an update soon!
he is looking much better today Steph so on the mend me thinks :) Ben grew out of first size nappies last week we had to switch to newborn size 2. Im starting on the cloth nappies when he hits 10lbs.. I thought he would be about a month old but hes already 9lbs at almost 3 weeks lol!!

sarah Ben has times and days where he just cries.. usually when Connie and Lucas are being loud and he can't sleep.. I get annoyed and frustrated but I tell myself it wont be forever.. one day he will be a kid like my other two lol.. I had times in Norway when I was alone with a newborn Lucas and a 2 year old Connie when I hadnt slept and both of them were crying I would have to just put Lucas down in his cot and Connie in her playpen and leave the room for a minute just to get myself together that they were just babies and dont know better.. they cry because they need something so I need to go back in there and figure it out.. then I could go back in calmer. It is tough work at times and easy to feel guilty when we get angry but the best parents get pissed off with the crying too lol. Its how you manage yourself in that situation that makes the difference xx

readytomum I read that pasta ups your milk supply so I made it for dinner last night and ate loads and it did help a bit.. but I drowned myself in water too so it could easily have been that :/ I looked for the stuff you have.. more milk plus.. but they dont sell it here :( xx

maybesoon's little boy is beautiful <3

I took Ben back to the bfing specialist yesterday.. she checked his cut and said it has healed but he needs a bit more cut so we need to go back and redo it. Hopefully this time I will be stronger lol.

hope you all have a loverly weekend!
Thanks for all the support/comments on the BF ladies! I really appreciate it. It's certainly gotten easier the last few days. No more sore nipples, and I've even eased up quite a bit on the Lanolin application even! Peter and I are starting to connect much better, and I think it's really paying off for both of us! :thumbup:

AND... I am SO happy to report that last night we SLEPT! That's right... instead of walking around my apartment in circles *all night* trying to soothe him to sleep, we had a normal calm night. I fed him, we slept for 2 hours. I changed him, fed him again and we slept for 2 more hours. Had one more feed and about another hour of sleep and now we're awake for the day. I can't believe it!! I got 5 hours of sleep while it was dark outside for the first time since he was born. lol We've been trying really hard to flip his night/day so I think it must finally have kicked in a little bit! Here's hoping it wasn't just a one off luck thing.

Also, Peter is one week old today already!! I've attached a pic from this morning of my handsome little man. :cloud9:

ukgirl: Sorry to hear Ben has to go back to get it snipped again, hopefully this time it fixes everything right up! It's the worst having to watch them get something painful done. When they did Peter's heel prick blood test at the hospital I thought I was going to have a total meltdown. I was bawling that he was so upset.

doggylover: That is a super cute photo with Dexter! lol Hadrian, our cat, has really taken to Peter too. Yesterday Peter was just laying down on the couch, and Hadrian came and laid down next to him and tried to rub his head up against Peter's hand hoping that he might get some pettings. :haha: It was pretty adorable. lol

kealz: What a little chunker James is! lol I hope Peter starts to gain some weight soon. We need to get his weight going back up. James must be a good eater!!

LittleSpy: I don't have any thyroid issues nope. Thanks for the recommendation on the book. I just got my copy of the "Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" and "Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding", he's a local expert on the topic and my Dr. recommended I check it out. I haven't had much chance to touch them yet though... eventually!


  • One Week.jpg
    One Week.jpg
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Ooh! I weighed myself this morning out of curiosity to see how much I had lost so far--one week after Peter was born, I have lost 26lbs!! :shock: Only 12 more lbs to go before I hit pre-pregnancy weight again. :thumbup:

Thanks ladies for all your support. I think she's starting to stay awake longer now to lol but she likes to be held alot :|. Once she has fallen asleep i pop her into the basket and then she wakes up again :( lol cant win. My brother has order a swing for her so cant wait to get it and try it out lol

Once paige has settle little more ill be back on here catch up with you all lol. Hope your all managing to get some sleep.

Well done to everyone breastfeeding. Not sure how i would cope at the growth spurt moment lol pretty sure paige has had or is having on. But with this harness on we have to take of 4oz when she gets weights as that itself weights 4oz :(

Keep well ladies and ill be able to keep up with most of you on fb xxxx
I'm down almost 30 lbs so far, putting me just under pre pregnancy! I had swelling after Jake (Jackson) was born and its gone now, so I'm sure I had a bit of stored water weight. I was being anxious about my milk production yesterday as well, but soon realized I just hadn't hydrated or eaten well the day before and drank a cup of Mothers Milk tea, drank a gallon of water at least and ate well but almost constantly yesterday and it seems to have perked right back up today. Jake is up to 11 lbs 5-6 oz today where a week ago coming home from the hospital he was down to 10 lbs 3.5 oz. he's a lively and lovely man to be around, sleeping, eating, pooing or just looking around :) Liam is finally picking up on cues as well, helping when Jake is "sad" (anytime he cries) and petting his head like a kitty. He's a good big brother :) Glad everyone seems to be faring well and gaining knowledge by the boatload! It goes a long way with these little ones :D
I actually only have 3 more weeks at home :cry:. But, my boss gave me the option to take the first month back as part time or unpaid leave. As it takes right now, my mom will change her work schedule, so she can watch him for the first few months. It breaks my heart to think of him in daycare right now.

That's great that your mum can help you out like that. It will definitely be nicer than having him in daycare for the first few months. It's awful to think that some people have no choice :( it must be heartbreaking,

Candy: I honestly don't know how you managed Lucas and Connie alone, it must have been so tough. :hugs: you're right, it's how I manage myself and my attitude when she is crying all day. Luckily yesterday there were lots of people about to help me so it wasn't too bad, even though I felt awful about her being upset.
That's great that Bens cut is healing well, but annoying to have to go back again :growlmad:

Readytomum: :happydance: for a good nights sleep and good bf!! It makes all the difference when you get some sleep. How are you feeling, pain wise? And cute about Hadrian!! Cats can be so sweet when they rub up against you, so cuddly!

Liamsmom: that's so cute about Liam helping! What a honey!

Well, after Isabelle's screaming day yesterday, come 9pm she conked out and slept amazingly all night! Only up twice to feed, with around 3hrs between each one after.
Today has been another fussy day and she hasn't stopped eating all day!! Literally every 30mins or so!! Simon is out working tonight so I am alone, and will be feeding all night no doubt lol!
doggylover: Pain wise doing really good! The first few days definitely had a few moments of big pain twinges, but since then nothing really. Granted I'm also trying to behave and listen to the instructions I was given, so DH has been doing the laundry and carrying grocery bags etc. I'm glad Isabelle slept well for you after such a noisy day. Hopefully she'll sleep just as well again tonight!

liams mom: I still have some swelling. My feet and legs are still quite large. I can only wear the one pair of shoes still... and it's starting to get quite nice out here now, so I hope the swelling goes away soon so that I can wear less warm footwear!

Has anyone heard from Nimbec or SweetPea recently? Hope they're getting along ok. Also any word from Maybesoon on how her and Mason are doing?

And who is still waiting... Maria and JenX?
cherrybump Benson is being really clingy at the moment too.. I put him in his bouncy chair to sleep and ten mins later he is crying for a cuddle. I can barelt get anything done. Interesting to see if the swing helps Paige! x

liams_mom my supply is back today I also hadnt eaten or drunk very much for a day or two when my supply went down due to being so busy.. after a good sleep and drinking loads and eating often I had a good amount of milk back :) What is mothers tea? x

Doggylover.. Im not sure how I did it either haha!! When you have no other options you take it as it comes. You have no idea how strong you are until you are put in the position where you have no choice. If I hadnt had coped they would have suffered so I sucked it up and got on with it lol. It is brilliant that you have people around to help you! I know what you mean about feeling guilty that shes upset. My mum had Ben the other day and he wouldnt settle it was hard because I think Im the only one who can do it lol.

as for swelling all of mine is finally gone with the pre eclampsia :-D my feet look so boney all of a sudden. I might put up a before and after pic for fun! I remember after birth I sweat a lot and peed a lot in the first few days thats when I lost a lot of the water retension.

Maybesoon and Mason are doing well. He is a little stunner! I will ask her permission to update :)

its 5am and I cant sleep! Ive been up since 3 you would think all I could do right now is sleep but noooo! lol x
I see that Izzy and Benson are both liking to be held. Good to hear, because I feel like Grayson is an angel, as long as I am holding him :dohh:. I've started to think, that maybe I should be letting him cry a bit... To settle himself... But then he starts to fuss a little too much (almost a cry) and I run to get him :haha:. I just have a hard time believing that LO can be manipulative this early. I figure, if they cry, there is a reason :shrug:. Maybe I'm just a sucker lol.
ukgirl: https://www.soap.com/p/traditional-...251666&utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn=pla

Sorry, I'm too sleepy to do much other than send you the full link, but if you drink it 3-5 times a day your supply goes "BOOM!". I only drank the one cup along with the eating and drinking and I've had more than poor Jake can drink in the past 24 hours. In fact I just had to pump some because he took all he could from one boob and didn't have any energy left for the second! :dohh: We all just need to remember to sleep, eat, and exercise if we can! :thumbup:
thanks liams_mom! haha dont worry about only sending the link Im with you in zombieville! cant wait to try the tea :D xxxx

Steph they absolutely do know how to play us from a very young age! Benson likes to scream until he can't breathe and turns red if I dare put him down lol.. the other day I was doing the uniforms for school and he was screaming at me so I had to leave Lukes shirt half done. I thought it wouldnt matter since he wears a jumper on top but that morning was his spring assembly and the teachers had made them remove their jumpers!!! Thank goodness he didn't turn around lol crinkly back! x
I just have a hard time believing that LO can be manipulative this early. I figure, if they cry, there is a reason :shrug:. Maybe I'm just a sucker lol.

I totally agree with this :thumbup: I don't know when they become evil and manipulative (hopefully no time soon!) but I know my nephew definitely knows how to turn it on and off, whereas in my mind Izzy needs something when she cries. Now if only I was able to figure out what that something she needs is when she's doing her big screams!

Readytomum: glad to hear dh is helping out so you can recover.
:rofl: @ at poor Lucas with is half wrinkled shirt. Poor baby! I still don't know how you ladies with other children manage :wacko:. I can barely take care of myself and Grayson, plus manage the housework!

They have this hilarious commercial running here right now. I will have to find the link and post it. That is exactly how I feel lol

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