April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Congratulations lily!! Lovely to hear you are back home now! Hope those stitches heal fast :hugs:

Look forward to pics!!!
Kealz I'm not sure hun, it's been a while since my older 2 were babies hehe. I think they just gradually become more and more alert. I'm guessing that from around 2-4 months they begin to be more awake. xx

Dan-o I forgot to ask how your little dudes were doing now? are they still full of cold? my 3 all have colds, I've never seen so much snot come out of such a tiny nose! lol. Ben's had it for about a week now. I thought that breast milk was meant to protect him from stuff like that! xx
Congratulations lily! I'm so glad that it all went well, and (as much as possible) you got the birth you wanted. Ouch about your stitches though, I hope they heal quickly and you aren't in too much pain at the minute.

Candy: Simon is good about taking Isabelle to another room if I need a few minutes (like last night while I sobbed :haha:) so it's great that Aaron is doing that to help you out. Those few minutes really make all the difference I find. My only dislike with it is that if he's been watching her for an hour whole I snooze, then I do the same for him so we end up missing seeing each other for those two hours.

It sounds like you've all had good experiences with dummies. I think our bad experience with my nephew has really put a cloud over how we view dummies, but honestly if this fussiness continues for more than another week I'll be cramming that dummy in her so fast she won't know what's hit her!
hehe Doggylover, Aaron took Benson for 20 minutes yesterday and I laid down, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out! He's asleep in the sofa opposite me right now while Ben is napping in his bouncer! He had a tummy ache so I removed his nappy and held his legs up, he done a huuuge greeny poo and then was instantly happier, I think dairy has a bad effect on him, I drank a big glass of milk before bed last night :/ It is nice to have a break but like you say you do end up missing time with the OH. I think your dummy plan is a good one :) I almost gave in and gave one to Ben earlier but I held off. I wouldn't have hesitated if he had screamed for much longer! x
I'm still trying to do all of Jake's math in my head. I suppose I should start actually using the app on my phone, but I don't bring my phone with me EVERYWHERE.. LoL :haha: He goes to bed around 8pm, sleeps until around midnight, feeds until 1:30am, wakes up around 5am and nurses until around 6:30am or 7am. He usually sleeps again around 9am through until around 11am or noon and then we have some awake and eating time. The afternoon is where I haven't really been keeping track of all of the eating/sleeping. :shrug: I know it happens, I know he's pooping, peeing, and gaining weight like a champ. I'm guessing that's all that really matters in the end.

Speaking of ends..Jake puts out some mean old grandpa farts! Some of them include poop that goes right up the back of his diaper and some are just gas, but if we put him in his vibrating monkey chair we get a whole bunch of them right in a row. It's adorable and gross at the very same time. :haha:
doggylover: we've been having the same debate here with the soother/pacifier.... we don't want to use one... but there's been a few times where Peter is having a total meltdown and sucking on his fist like he wants to feed, but he has NO interest in feeding at all, he just wants something to suck on and won't latch properly. So a couple of times we've caved and given him a soother while walking him around to knock him out. And then as soon as he's asleep we take it away again. We don't want to make a habit of it, but like you said, sometimes your sanity demands it!!

lily: Congrats on your LO's arrival!! Yikes about all the stitches though! Take it easy as much as you can and enjoy your new LO. :flower:

kealz: sorry to hear Paige is being such a monkey right now... I guess it must be hard on them to have been the center of attention for so long, and now have to share it. Hopefully she settles down soon for you!

Afm, I was just wondering how long did you wait before taking LO out for something other than a Dr's appointment? The only reason we've left the house so far is for Dr's appointments, and I'd really like to get out, but it's difficult with the incision and lifting restrictions... also terrified about the possibility of having to feed Peter in public somewhere if we're gone too long. Thoughts?
Candy :haha: at Ben's poo! Izzy is sometimes the same, you can see her squirming and then her face just goes :0 and she does a massive one, then is happy as larry!

Liamsmom: sounds like Jackson is on a pretty great schedule, especially in the evenings and overnight. How about you come and sort Isabelle out for me?! :haha:
Readytomum we have just started taking Emmaleigh out for walks not yet pushed it for any other outtings as I usually push myself to much after the section. I think it is when you feel comfortable enough to start venturing out

Emmaleigh has had a pacifer since she was 2 days old. She is a comfort sucker and will suck and suck even when she isn't hungry. I take it out of her mouth when she is snoozing away pretty good though.

I have had one of those weekends with the kids that just absolutely put me in a grumpy mood. The boys kept fighting with each other and as bad as I hated doing it I had to spank them to make them stop. It was so nerve racking. Then Laurynn is looking up thongs on the computer and I am like wtf!!!! I was so glad Allen was home last nught so he could take Emme and Landon outside so I could just get a moment to myself to collect my thoughts. 10 more weeks 10 more weeks then hopefully I get my children back.
DL: I'd be happy to! I think its because our babies end up working around our schedules (since we have the horses) and outdoor time definitely helps them sleep and sooth. Liam is always a little more raucous during the day if he hasn't been outdoors at all.

I guess that helps to answer the other question about when we take our babies out! We take them outside almost immediately after they come home. We got our stroller converted to bassinet mode or I'll wrap Jackson up like a peapod and we'll head outdoors to go help feed the horses and turn them outside. He seems to love the breezes and the smells (if they can truly smell this early). :flower:

We took the boys to Target yesterday and had a great time. We give Jake a soother (vanilla scented [Greg bought them]) when we're in the store and he gets a bit fussy if we're stopped in checkout. Walking around and hearing the voices always seems to comfort him, outside or inside. He won't take it at bedtime/naptime and :knock on wood:, he hasn't needed that much soothing. He cries when its time to get up and he's "starving"!!!!! At least that's the way I imagine him in my mind :winkwink:

Another positive soother story is Liam's - he used his for naptime and bedtime until he was about 3 mo old and then one day he spat it out and never took to it again. We didn't use it for anything other than soothing when we went out and he couldn't have the boob right away or at bedtimes. :thumbup:
Readytomum I took James and Paige out the the park when he was 5 days old, tge mw said fresh air will do some good, and last Friday we had to go down to the council office to let them know James had been born and update our files! I made sure I gave him a massive feed so that he would sleep for a bit, little monkey woke up 20 mins later for a feed while I was standing at a busy train station! I have a massive muslin square and slipped that into my bra strap then draped it over my front and on popped James! He fed for a 40 min train journey lol!!!! Then again in a restaraunt! You can but scarfs desigbed to hide you while you feed! I bought one but it was a teianlge of fabric you tie round you neck! It was awful and uncomfortable so I'm going to return it!!! Do what you feel is comfortable for you! Start off for a 20 min walk round the block maybe just for some fresh air after you've fed him and progress from there? Xxxx
Yep Sidney still streaming with snot as well, Ukgirl, bet its the same virus! Vinny is only mildly snotty now, its cleared for him as quickly as it has for me, thank goodness. Sorry yours are still full of it hun, must be wearing you out!! :flower:
Liamsmom: thanks for another (two!) positive paci stories- they are definitely making me feel more at ease with the possibility of giving izzy one.

Readytomum: we took izzy out at 4 days old (to the store and then a quick walk) and she's been out every day since then. Mostly it's just for a dog walk or a trip to visit family, but have been a few other places too. Feeding her in public doesn't worry me so it makes it a lot easier, if I was unsure of doing that I'd not be out half as much. Just whenever you feel happy going out I think is the key.
we took Benny out to our parents at around day 4-5 but out for a short walk when he was 3 days old. xx

dan-o there is so much about at the moment you cant avoid it when you have other kids its the weather.. the summer needs to get a wriggle on xx
We've been out a few times so far, but like I said each time was for a Dr's apppointment. So very direct purpose and not terribly enjoyable for anyone. We've gone for one walk in the stroller just around the block basically. I'm trying to be good and not over-do it with the section, but I'm starting to feel like I need to get out a little more.

I think DH and I are going out for dinner tomorrow night with some friends for a b-day party. It'll be the first time they get to meet Peter, and since it's not our event we can leave as early as we want...so hopefully it will be a good first "family" outing for us.
Oh man i thought it was just me with the crazy baby lol. Ive just put her down again after so many temps lol and this is the second time she as woke crying :(.. I hate leaving her crying it out but i know i should try and let her cry it out little longer. There's nothing wrong with her either. Nappy,feed and winded :(. soon as i pick her up she's all up for snuggles or she'll just stay away and then starts crying lol

So glad to hear you ladies are going through it to. dont mean that in a bad way..

ohh the crying has stopped again lol I give her 4-5 seconds before going off again lol.

Paige's swing arrived today but its over at my mums so we'll get to try it out tomorrow :) We have another app on wednesday at the sick kids to get her harness re adjusted.

Ohhh crying again....

Ok ok i better go resuce her aaah!!!
since it's not our event we can leave as early as we want...so hopefully it will be a good first "family" outing for us.

This is one of my favourite things about having a baby- having a really great excuse to leave things early :haha:

Cherry it is always really great to know that other people are going through the same thing, even when it is something horrible :hugs: I hope things improve with Paige ASAP. How is she getting on in her hip brace?

Afm: we decided that we needed to start trying to get our monkey into a bedtime routine. So around 8 we had some nappy free time, then a bath and feed and put her into her crib upstairs....and came back down for the evening. I stayed with her for a few minutes and she was wide awake. I left and then Simon let me (yes, LET ME!) check on her twenty mins later and she is sound asleep! I know she won't do this every night, but its amazing that she went down so easily tonight!!! Especially after last nights horror...
Doggylover – I know what you mean about the poo – Lexi had one the other day that filled her nappy (literally top to bottom) and then when I was changing her she started doing some more!!! I had to hold a baby wipe there!!! So funny! Its horrible when it gets to the point where you are crying *big hugs* I swear by routines!!! Roxy has been in one since very young and so will Lexi – I find the bedtime routine works miracles and it shows as every night straight after her bath, Roxy will give us hugs and kisses and go straight to her bed – fast asleep in 5 minutes and sleeps for 12 hours!! Hopefully Lexi will follow in her footsteps!!
Steph – I only manage to get things done when DH is not around – its so weird when hes home, everything is sooooooooo slow and I don’t manage to get anything done – let alone a shower haha!!
Littlespy – so sorry to hear about your husband  I really hope he is on the mend.
Readytomum – sucks that you cant sleep in the night – I find that the worst as your body knows its time to sleep but the babies don’t!! At least your getting naps in the day but I know its not the same – hope your not feeling too tired out from it all. Ive been taking Lexi out loads but thats only because we have to take Roxy out. I remember when we had Roxy and I literally only went out for docs appointments until she was about 8 weeks old?!
Kealz – do you find you constantly feel guilty as you can split yourself into two people and look after both kids?? I hate constantly saying “in a minute, just need to feed your sister” I feel so bad!!!
Lily – OOUCH for the stitches!!! Glad your breast feeding is going good though and don’t worry about the bathing – Lexi is crying everytime we do it – I think they hate being cold? Im not sure! It is scary though!!
Positive dummy story – Roxy had one after she had her milk as she always wanted more (even though she would be sick if she did). It also helped her settle for nap times. If I remember rightly I think it was at 6 months we literally just stopped letting her have it and there were no issues what so ever – I think its best to nip it in the bud before they become too dependant on it! Thats just me though! Lexi has been having one as she constantly wants to suck on something (just like her sister was). She seems to settle herself to sleep nicely though without it and so I don’t want it to become something thats used all the time (even though Roxy keeps shoving it in her mouth!!!!)
AFM – I think Lexi has a cold  she has been really sniffly and unsettled the past few days. I has to use a saline spray this morning as her nose was all blocked! Bless her! Shes still sleeping loads in the day and waking briefly for her milk and nappy change. She screamed the house down having her bath tonight – was really stressful as I was on my own and trying to make sure Roxy was happy aswell. Luckily she settled eventually but I really wish I had 5 pairs of hands to get both of them washed, brush teeth, dressed ect! Taking her to baby group tomorrow as Roxy goes regularly – am hoping it goes smoothly. It also gets Roxy out with some of the other children aswell which should be nice. Roxy has been a little trouble maker today – she constantly wants to paint, so I let her, and then we cant put it away or she will have a FIT!! It got to tea time and she was shouting “Pringles, cheese pleaseeeeeeeeeee” I explained it was nearly tea time so she cant have snacks and it was like I told her she can never have a snack again!!! Tears, tears, tears!! She then sat in her highchair “FOOOOD, MUMMMMM, NOWWWWWWWWWW!” oh my gosh!!! Shes a perfect angel but these terrible two outbursts are really testing me!! Hope everyone else is good :D
Oh boy ladies. Happy to hear that all are doing well (minus the copying with illness and no sleep)! I come on and read all the posts during the day... And always have loads to answer... Then I finish reading and Grayson starts to fuss (or is finished nursing and needs to be changed) ... So I never get a chance to answer to everyone :nope:. When I do have enough time to type (one handed from my phone, with infant attached to the boob :rofl:), I usually only get one of my thoughts in, and off I go, having to do something else. :wacko:
So... Long story short... Sorry about that ladies :flower:

ReadytoMum, we have stayed home for most of the last three weeks (except appointments, grocery shopping and my parents house), but I have decided, that this week, we need to start doing things. So, we have at least one outting planned every day this week :thumbup:. I need to get over my "breastfeeding in public" fear, and find ways to deal with it!:coffee:
Grayson is going through this new phase of eating for only 7-15 min and then falling asleep. It's bad at night, because there is NO waking him up! The kid flat out refuses. Then wakes up 2.5 hours later to eat again. I don't know if he has just become more efficient at eating (used to nurse for 30-45 min), or just lazy?? He is gaining plenty :dohh:, so that's no problem.

Also, question on pumping... I just started to pump and I keep in the fridge for Rob to feed the midnight shift. Well I think y shield is too big(?), because it sucks in part of my areola as well and causes my nipple to be sore. Now I don't have small boobs or nipples, so I am very surprised that M size nipple shield would be too big?? :shrug:. I ordered the small shield online today to see if it works better, but do any of you guys have some advice?

Sorry... Off to change and bathe the monster baby again :haha:
Steph, Isabelle wakes roughly every 2.5 hrs at night as well, and then she will eat for around 25 mins, then another 2.5hrs snooze. I don't know when she is going to start going longer stretches, but anytime soon would be perfect. Maybe Grayson is having a growth spurt and is also more efficient, so is eating for a shorter time, but also more often to get more, if that makes sense? :wacko:

Stmw: Simon and I are both big into routine, so we are going to try our best to get Isabelle into one as well. I think nights will be ok, but its during the day that she is always different, so we may struggle with that one for a while!

Afm: so tired today. No idea why as last night was no worse than any other. I was pissed with Simon this morning because he got up and didnt even offer to take Isabelle downstairs for half an hour so I could have a little extra sleep. Then when I got up after he left he had moved the wash basket I strategically placed last night so that when I got up I could sort out Isabelle's nappy washing, and just generally pissed me off!
The health visitor is coming again today, so I'm interested to see what weight Isabelle is now as I feel like she hasn't been eating that great this week. Then some colleagues at coming round after school which will be nice :) as long as they don't stay too long :haha:
Hey ladies still waiting on Aiden. I actually entered hospiyal last night to start the induction process. They r gooing to start pitocin in 45 min so keep me in ur prayers. Oh i started contraacting before med waas ever given. I hope the pitocin gives just the right right pussh. Ill keep everyone posted

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