April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Pmsl @ that ad!

I had to pop to the corner shop for pegs yesterday and it took half an hour to get both kids ready and out the door lol!! Not to mention the meltdown my toddler had as we walked through the door of shop and he realised we weren't going anywhere interesting!!

Still up to my eyeballs in snot here. Sidney very grumpy with it too, been ill for a whole week now, ugh what a nightmare! I'm never going out where there are other children again lol!!
doggylover: Pain wise doing really good! The first few days definitely had a few moments of big pain twinges, but since then nothing really. Granted I'm also trying to behave and listen to the instructions I was given, so DH has been doing the laundry and carrying grocery bags etc. I'm glad Isabelle slept well for you after such a noisy day. Hopefully she'll sleep just as well again tonight!

liams mom: I still have some swelling. My feet and legs are still quite large. I can only wear the one pair of shoes still... and it's starting to get quite nice out here now, so I hope the swelling goes away soon so that I can wear less warm footwear!

Has anyone heard from Nimbec or SweetPea recently? Hope they're getting along ok. Also any word from Maybesoon on how her and Mason are doing?

And who is still waiting... Maria and JenX?
Hi yes I am officially 2 days overdue and want my little man out !!!! If he's not here by thurs then I will be offered a sweep and will get a date for induction!!!
Hope all mums and baby's are well and I'm trying to keep up as much as possible especially seri g how your all getting on with breast feeding xxx
Maria fingers crossed you won't get as far as needing a sweep!

Steph: I agree. I barely manage myself and Isabelle, if I had another kid I'd be a total mess (more so than I am!) and that as sums it up perfectly!!!
Hey everyone!!

Im sorry I havent been coming on here - as most of you know its manic manic manic!! Ive been reading all the bits and bobs on facebook though!!

How is everyone finding bf/expressing? Ive stopped now and im happy - when I had Roxy I beat myself up about not being able to but this time im happy with my 3 weeks! Production was ridiculous (1oz every 4 hours) and Lexi didnt even seem to like it either :( I also think it was giving her a bad tummy (sounds weird I know) BUT she was having really runny runny poos until I stopped and now they are 'normal' - I know bf babies have different poo anyway but this was like water. So yeah....no expressing now - lets wait for my lovely boobs to dissapear!!!

Today was my first day alone with the girls as DH went into work for a overtime shift. I did all the night feeds as I didnt want DH to be tired in work, got up early, got ready, walked to shop for milk etc, came home, did craft stuff with Roxy, got the roast on as well as the normal boring every day house stuff. Im quite happy with what I achieved!! Oh and I sorted out all of Lexi's clothes into ages and put them in seperate boxes! All the drawers are full of tiny baby stuff!!! Some of which still doesnt fit her even though shes over 6lb 3oz now. I was looking at some of the "newborn" clothes today and its crazy how big it all looks!!

We had pictures done by the bounty lady of Roxy and Lexi and oh my goshhhh they are amazing!! Will have to wait 10 days until I can show you though as I dont want to post them to facebook and by the look of the website thats all I can do.

Hope everyone is good and the babies who are still waiting to make an appearance dont stay comfy for too long!! xxxx
Stmw I am super impressed with what you got done today!! I read on fb (I think) about you giving up on the pumping/breastmilk, but I always think that it's whatever keeps mum and baby happiest that is what's best for them, and if poor Lexi wasn't doing well with breastmilk especially then you definitely don't have any reason to feel bad about it. I can imagine all the newborn stuff is too big for her - most of Isabelle's is just about fitting and she is over 8lb 9oz now! Lexi must be drowned by it all!!

Afm...traumatised by what just came out of my daughters bum. I was feeding her, and she stopped and made a little :shock: face then this explosive noise that seemed to go on forever. So loud my in laws heard it in England (ok so we were on Skype at the time :haha:) and when I changed her.........oh my lord. Unreal. And so much of it. So very much.
Stmw I am super impressed with what you got done today!! I read on fb (I think) about you giving up on the pumping/breastmilk, but I always think that it's whatever keeps mum and baby happiest that is what's best for them, and if poor Lexi wasn't doing well with breastmilk especially then you definitely don't have any reason to feel bad about it. I can imagine all the newborn stuff is too big for her - most of Isabelle's is just about fitting and she is over 8lb 9oz now! Lexi must be drowned by it all!!

Afm...traumatised by what just came out of my daughters bum. I was feeding her, and she stopped and made a little :shock: face then this explosive noise that seemed to go on forever. So loud my in laws heard it in England (ok so we were on Skype at the time :haha:) and when I changed her.........oh my lord. Unreal. And so much of it. So very much.

:rofl: Sarah, that is awesome!!!! Grayson makes similar sounds regularly and Rob and I try to guess if it was a shart or the real deal. Sometimes it's so explosive, that I can feel it through the diaper while I'm holding him :shock:. Needless to say, my dad thinks its awesome :haha:

Stmw, I can't believe how productive you have been. I usually feel accomplished when I manage to shower and walk the dog :rofl:
Haha, doggylover. I've been so paranoid about Violet not fitting the "poop 3x/day" rule. Until the last 3 days.... She has had HUGE explosive poops 3 nights in a row now. So big that I've wanted to take pictures and show them off (I haven't! :haha:). I'm weirdly very proud of them since she is still ebf. :haha:

So... my husband had a heart attack yesterday. :shock: He's fine and no long term damage, thank goodness. No reason identified yet (they're keeping him overnight again for observation). They're thinking it's stressed induced. Really scary.
doggylover/Steph: it sounds like we have a windy bunch of LO's then! Peter is the farting king! He very rarely burps, but he farts ALL THE TIME. lol Just like his daddy. :rofl: He is also big on the explosive poops! He had one today that he managed to shoot up his back. :dohh:

LittleSpy: Oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry to hear about your DH. I'm glad to hear that he seems ok though and hopefully he'll be back home with you very soon. It must be stressful for everyone right now with new LO in the house. :hugs:

Maria: Hopefully your LO doesn't keep you waiting much longer!! Then you can come join us on the sleep deprived side. ;)

stmw: I am amazed by your to-do list from today! You're putting the rest of us to shame. I managed to shower today and my cousin stopped in for a 15 minute visit. Other than that I have fed LO, napped, fed LO, attempted to log onto the computer, fed LO, fed LO again, and had dinner. lol I am SO hoping Peter sleeps tonight. Last night was no-sleeping night so today I was pretty exhausted.

ukgirl: Poor Lucas and his shirt! lol I can't imagine having to iron my kids school clothes. :wacko: I had to wear a uniform to highschool, but it definitely never got ironed and lived on my bedroom floor. lol

Afm, last night was a no-sleeping night again, but thankfully I managed to get some short naps in today. It seems like Peter has gone on a sleep strike period! He doesn't want to sleep at night or during the day. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight though since he's been so sleeping so poorly the last two days. I'm on my own tomorrow from 5:30am-7:30pm since DH is back to work and back to tutoring again. So if it's a rough night tonight, it'll be a LONG day tomorrow!

My parents arrive on Wednesday though for a couple of days, and then DH's parents are coming for a week. So it'll be nice to have some help back while DH is away at work.
Haha, doggylover. I've been so paranoid about Violet not fitting the "poop 3x/day" rule. Until the last 3 days.... She has had HUGE explosive poops 3 nights in a row now. So big that I've wanted to take pictures and show them off (I haven't! :haha:). I'm weirdly very proud of them since she is still ebf. :haha:

So... my husband had a heart attack yesterday. :shock: He's fine and no long term damage, thank goodness. No reason identified yet (they're keeping him overnight again for observation). They're thinking it's stressed induced. Really scary.

Omg LittleSpy, that is horrible!!!! What horrible timing (not that any timing would ever be good for this sort of thing)!
My thoughts are with you guys and I hope it was a completely isolated incident that will NEVER happen again!
Huge hugs littlespy, glad to hear all is ok!

Quick update from me, all is good on the home front. Got a call from my dad on Friday at like 3:00 asking if we wanted to go to the beach for the weekend (4 hour trip there) and so we went! VERY unlike me as I am a huge planner/list checker/anal retentive in general but I'm glad we went. It was both kids' first time to the beach (not that Scarlett gave a crap!) and Tommy LOVED it, so glad we went in the end! I am quite proud of myself that I packed for all of us in like 45 minutes - a record for me by far!
I'm so sorry to hear about your husband littlespy!! How scary! I'm so glad there is no long term damage though and hope that it never happens again. Big hugs to you xxx
hugs to you littlespy I hope he has a speedy recovery and can come home soon xx

Sarah your post made me laugh.. You should hear the burps I get out of Benson after a feed.. it makes you wonder where they store it all up too! x

readytomum my uniform also lived on my bedroom floor haha. When they get to the point where they have to iron their own uniforms Im sure the iron will never see the light of day again lol xx

just a quick Q.. has anyone started using cloth nappies yet? How is it going?
Ok, whoever stole my nice baby and replaced her with a demon spawn lookalike, please give her back. This new demon is hard to like at times!!
Last night she squealed until midnight, when she eventually fell asleep, after much sobbing from both of us. She started to cry and was rooting, so I put her to my chest for a feed and she refused to suck. Lots of mouth on nipple action, but no actual eating. This went on for fifteen mins until I burst into tears and Simon had to take her away to settle her (never mind settling me) After midnight she did 3hr stretches between feeds which was fine, but this morning the screamin' demon is back. It's horrible :(

Littlespy :shock: your poor dh, and poor you. I hope he recovers quickly and nothing similar happens again.

Candy I am using my cloth and its going great. Her bum is super bulky, and I have to change her a lot more regularly so she isn't damp, but no poo has escaped (which is a miracle considering what she produces!) and I'm in a good washing routine as well.
Little spy hope your oh has a speedy recovery!!! :( last thing you both need to worry about with a new bubba aswel!!! Lots of hugs ur way!

Sarah do you give Isabelle a dummy? She might be using you (booby) as a comfort. I give James a dummy when he will not settle after I've tried everything, he won't feed just gum and latch and fall asleep. Within 20 mins of sleep he spits it out and then doesn't need it again till one of those moments! I didn't really want to give him one but I think he is going to take after Paige and only need it every now and then, she chose to give it up too just after her first birthday, just decided one day she didn't want it! X
We haven't given her a dummy as my nephew is attached to his, and its really put us off using one. If we knew she would be as good as your two and only take it when she was super unsettled, then I definitely would, but I'm afraid of her ending up like Jacob, who now throws a major tantrum if his dummy is removed from his mouth, or he doesn't get it ASAP. I think if she continues like this for much longer that it is something we will need to reconsider, as my nerves can't hold up to it much longer!
Maybe try it as a last resort sort of thing? So try soothing and settling as you would and if it doesn't work try the dum? She will spit it put and k ow none the wiser! It's difficult when they cry and nothing soothes them and you feel like your at your at your wits end! It's so good you have Simon to help you at those moments of ahhhhhhhh lol! I had an ahhhhhhh moment this morning, it's my first day with out Stephen here, I'd just started feeding James in bed and Paige woke up and wanted to get up n have cereal! She was screaming and crying and throwing herself on the floor! Even now as I'm feeding him she wants me to come and read to her and I've told her to wait and she has run at the room screaming and tripped over (not hurt herself) but is acting like she has lost a limb!!! I swear! Where has my little angel gone! This is not the same child! Ahhhhhhhhhhghhh
Oh dear :hugs: poor you and poor Paige. I guess she's used to having attention ASAP, and these first few days are going to be a steep leaning curve for her. You need to get a box of snacks at the ready that you can reach when bf James and use to bribe Paige!!!
Hey ladies! At last I'm home with my baby :)

This is the birth story, I'm not doing a thread about it , just posting it here:

As you may know I was overdue a week, so I went to the hospital for induction. On Thursday 25th of April at 6 am I was given a pessary, that actually started working really well as my cervix was already soft and 2 cm open. I had very light contractions every 10 min and at 9-9.30 am I went to the labor room were I was monitored and given a drip (for hydration). My midwife and doctor saw no progress for an hour in terms of baby going lower in the pelvis so they started pitocin drip too. That made the contractions a little more regular. Still I would say they felt more like a bad IBS kind of pain, totally manageable, and I was free to move around and change positions. My midwife tried to bring the baby a little on the left because his head was stuck on the right part in my pelvis and wouldn't come down, so with me moving around the bed and her help we managed to bring him lower in the pelvis and drop lower. At around noon they made the drip go faster, and my doctor came for artificial rupture of the membranes. That caused the contractions come even faster and very powerful. I kept managing it really well with changing positions and breathing techniques, so I denied an epidural. I had 3-4 REALLY painful contractions and then the urge to push came. They didn't take me to the surgery room immediately and just let me do it my way on the bed. I kept moving around while pushing in very unorthodox positions. It was so out of ordinary for hospital birth that all the student midwives came to watch. They'd never seen pushing outside the surgery room. I pushed 5 times, and then taken to the surgery for the final one, to get an episiotomy as baby was a big one, and I was anatomically too narrow for such a baby.
Baby was born at 1pm! He was perfect and cried immediately, he had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and we think that this and my anatomy was the reason why he wouldn't drop and the labor was not starting on it's own.
I unfortunately had to suffer 35 stitches as I was torn pretty bad, inside and outside. This was the worse for me, as I couldn't enjoy my little baby and breast feed immediately... I could have an epidural just for the stitches.. OUCH
At around 4pm I was taken to my room, and a little later they brought me my baby! He started breastfeeding immediately, woohoo! I had him with me all the time and I was responcible for feeds, diaper changes, everything but his bath that the midwives did for me.
Yesterday on the 28th we came home :)
He is a lovely baby, very strong, sleeps through the night without problems, and only wakes up once at around 3-4 am for a feed and diaper change. He is very healthy and alert.

I don't even dare complain for anything so far, I had a lovely pregnancy without a single problem, a wonderful birthing experience that I had a lot of control, and a very sweet & healthy baby boy.

My only problem at the hospital was 1 nurse that she was a total cow, she told me that my baby is dehydrated and my milk is not enough and to give him some formula. I was devastated for the entire day that she was there, I thought I was a total failure and I put my poor little baby in danger. Thank god the other nurses, and 3 different pediatricians were very supportive, told me that the particular cow is nuts and not to listen to her, that the baby gets exactly what he needs and he is the image of health.


Will update you more in the next few days, I'm pretty busy here at home, trying to get to a new routine. I can't figure out how to bath the baby yet. It has become my only challenge. He screamed so hard last night when I bathed him I'm now scared to try it again...

As for breastfeeding: we are perfectly ok, only I have 2 challenges right now, he only likes to breast feed in the lying position, and my left nip is a little sore but I sorted it out this morning with a little lidocaine gel that I rinsed off before I fed him. It makes the nip totally numb, no pain.
awww lily your birth story sounds perfect! I'm glad you are both healthy and doing well.. ok .. apart from the 35 stitches!! OUCH!! He is totally gorgeous, I saw his picture on Facebook. Some midwifes and health visitors think they know everything, I'm glad you got support with breastfeeding and everything is okay xx Congratulations!!! xx

Kealz my two are also acting up for attention, my little boy flooded the bathroom last night while in the bath and has blocked the toilet twice with toilet roll and my little girl is just being a mouthy cow! She keeps trying to wind my son up, she even kicked him in the face the other day and shut a gate on him!!! They are usually little angels, I rarely have to put them in a time out but they've had loads since we come home, I am trying my hardest to spread myself evenly between all of them but it's taking a while to get a routine going.

Doggylover, Benson is also a devil child today, he has screamed at me now for about an hour, Aaron has taken pity on me and taken him to the bedroom with him, I fed him but he brought it back up, he was sleeping but kept waking and screaming. I might introduce a dummy with him too. I tried with Connie but she gagged on it and spat it out so she never had one, but Lucas had one and it was amazing for us both! He just wanted to suck for comfort and I wasn't getting anything done.. kind of like now!! So I tried him with a dummy and he was like a different baby! He was so easy to settle and happier lol. I didn't have any problems getting his dummy off him, we used it int he end only for bedtime then we told him he was a big boy now and he didn't need it any more so he willingly gave it up, admittedly I think we did have the first night with him crying then the next night we went right down. You could try using it just at nap times?

Well I was about to do the housework after I had taken Ben out for a walk but he started crying so I fed him and up it all came because he wasn't actually hungry he just wanted a cuddle, but then he was too upset to cuddle and just screamed at me for an hour. Now Aaron has taken him I'm too tired to move off the chair and go finish the cleaning :(
Aw lily sounds lovely! Dennis is gorgeous! Ouch to the 32 stitches!!!!!! :-0
Candy omg to the flooded bathroom!!! I know it's just an attention thing it's so hard trying to spread your attention between your kids specially when trying to breast feed! Stupid question as I've got a 22month old but you forget the small things, when do babies start to be more alert and awake? James still sleeps most of the day and has about 2-3 maybe 4 hours a day spread out of awake moments xxx

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