April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Ngodshands... Fingers crossed that everything goes smooth and quickly!! Can't wait to see done pictures of little Aiden :hugs:. Keep us updated as you can.

Sarah did you start pumping yet? I know that you were going to. How many times a day can you pump without having supply issues later?
Steph I am literally just back from the supermarket and I meant to get storage bags for breastmilk, but forgot :growlmad: I haven't started pumping yet for that single reason lol! I think I am only going to pump once a day, as I only want enough for when we go out. Simon keeps saying I should pump so he can do a night feed, but I told him if he is up faffing about warming up a bottle, I'll wake up anyway, so may as well not bother with the bottle :haha:
Have you done any yet?
Steph I am literally just back from the supermarket and I meant to get storage bags for breastmilk, but forgot :growlmad: I haven't started pumping yet for that single reason lol! I think I am only going to pump once a day, as I only want enough for when we go out. Simon keeps saying I should pump so he can do a night feed, but I told him if he is up faffing about warming up a bottle, I'll wake up anyway, so may as well not bother with the bottle :haha:
Have you done any yet?

The other thing about the night feedings, is that you have to pump at that time anyway (to replace the feeding). I'm not sure how strict the pumping/feeding needs to be, but i aam terrified of messing up my supply lol :dohh:

I started pumping in the mornings (about 30min after the am feeding) and freezing that milk. I also have one bottle in the fridge for Rob to feed at night (I then pump at night as well, to replace that feeding). I just wonder how I can build more stock, without messing with my supply. :shrug:
Yeah I don't really understand how it works either. I suppose though the more you pump, the more you'll produce so you can continue pumping, if that makes sense?
I know millions of women do pump, I just don't understand the logistics in relation to supply either.

Isabelle was weighed again today - she's now up to 9lb!
Ingodshands good luck!
I haven't started pumping yet! I thinkin going to leave it a while longer to ensure my supply is properly established.
So do you guys remember me saying about my bros girlfriend being pregnant? Well she went for an early scan toda and she is 6 weeks gone and pregnant with twins! Omg! So she also decided she is moving back down to her mums even though she apparently kicked her out and my bro is moving down there too! I cried. She has got his wrapped round her little finger and got what she wants!
Lol just had health visitor round, done James's hearing test which he passed, And she is so impressed and happy with how I'm breast feeding as she was my health visitor with Paige and remembers how hard I struggled with her! No weight today though so might have to take him to the clinic in a week or so.
I can't remember everything I wanted to reply to now as dhe was here about an hour so ill go re-read and get back to you x
Oh dear lord yesterday I think an evil demon took over Emmaleigh! She screamed and cried all day and night long. She wouldsleep in tiny 5 minute intervals and even then she was only light sleeping. The longest I got her to sleep was laying out in the hammock. I have no clue what was wrong but today she woke up in a much better mood and is actually letting me get things done. I was a cry bag last night I hate it when she cries like that and it makes me feel so bad.
Oh god momma brown, I feel like its my fault - I made the same demon leave Isabelle on Sunday night and it must have skipped over to take over Emmaleigh :hugs: I hope things have been better today, and your sweet little lady is back, and the screaming' demon (as I like to call it) is long gone.

Kealz :shock: twins?! Jeez I'm sure that came as a shock. I admire your brother for going down to live with her, even though he has to give up his life where he is. He is doing the right thing for his babies, and I'm sure he is going to make an amazing dad. If she is as much of a cow as she seems to be, he hopefully won't be with her for long, but by moving I think that shows he is always going to be there for the babies. :hugs:

Afm: night two of trying out our night time routine with Isabelle. In bed at roughly the same time, she has settled to sleep, so hopefully she will stay asleep for at least an hour and a half...
doggylover/Steph: I don't really get the whole pumping thing either.:shrug: I think you need to pump in between regular feedings and that way if you skip a night feed and used pumped milk, it's like LO has "eaten" the same number of times anyway... or something like that!

ngodshands: Good luck!! Hope things go well for you, and looking forward to hearing about LO's arrival!

mommabrown: Peter had a night like that last night. He seems to get them every other night at the moment... he won't sleep or settle for anything. You can't put him down and he's a cranky pants. Since DH has gone back to work it's really hard on me because it means I can't pass Peter off during the night, or have DH home to watch him so I can nap during the day. :cry: I was getting so frustrated with him today because he still won't settle for a nap, and I need to sleep so badly! Thankfully my parents get here tomorrow for a few days, so I'm hoping I can catch up some sleep.

Afm, we had a Dr appointment today to see if Peter has started to gain some weight back yet. Sadly, he's still at the same as he was on Friday which is about 8% down from his birth weight. They're happy he hasn't lost anymore, but it's a bit concerning he still hasn't gained anything. So we have another appointment on Friday to check again, if he still hasn't gone up we'll have to go back to supplimenting with formula again. Although my Dr doesn't think it's a supply issue, she thinks Peter is a lazy eater... and unfortunately there isn't much you can say to an infant to tell him to stop being a slacker! :dohh:
Readytomum - shall I send Isabelle round to give Peter some tips on not being so lazy? She is an absolute animal when it comes to feeding! She attacks me at times like she's been in a famine for decades! She could give him her top tips on being a chubby beast :haha:
Readytomum - shall I send Isabelle round to give Peter some tips on not being so lazy? She is an absolute animal when it comes to feeding! She attacks me at times like she's been in a famine for decades! She could give him her top tips on being a chubby beast :haha:

Peter chomps on there pretty good too and screams the house down if he doesn't get fed fast enough... but I think after he's had his initial easy free flowing milk, he doesn't want to work to suck harder to get the rest. He usually just falls asleep instead. (But of course instantly wakes up as soon as you try to put him down!) :dohh:
Oh I hope Peter starts chowing down and gains some weight! Little monkey! I know how you feel since Allen has went back I am the same way. I was so upset yesterday I was in tears and he took her even being the handle full that she was.

DL oh today has been much better and hopefully the demon doesn't return! I have sat her down for several naps today.Emmaleigh is a healthy eater to!
Glad to hear Emmaleigh is less demonic today!!

Afm: a long night. Isabelle slept from 8.30pm until almost 11, but then she was up every 1.5-2 hrs, and for some reason after her 2am feed she would not settle at all. She got the hiccups which always keeps her awake, but she doesn't usually get them until 6am. So she was awake for an hour, which is very unusual for her in the night. However, that meant she didn't get her 6am bout of hiccups, and although she fussed slightly, she fell back to sleep in her crib and we both slept until 8am when Simon left. He didnt even come and say goodbye to us this morning :growlmad: I know we were asleep, but that is very much not the point!
Thanks everyone for their kind words.

just a quick Q.. has anyone started using cloth nappies yet? How is it going?

I've used mine twice and got pooped immediately lol, but I find them too big for Dennis, I'll continue with newborn sposies till we are out, we got many free packs at the hospital.
I 'm still waiting for some newborn size Alva to arrive, I really wish they come soon and they fit him nicely, it will make my life so much easier.

Doggy sorry you didn't get much sleep, you will sort it out soon though.

Ready to mum, don't worry, the babies who breast feed belong to a whole new growth chart to babies who eat formula, as long as baby poops and pees it means all is good. Peter will catch up with growth before you know it.

Mommabrown, oh dear, poor baby and poor you! She will be fine I'm sure, mine is acting like he is possesed when he goes no 2, IDK is it normal?
Lily, Isabelle also has a habit of pooping as soon as her nappy is changed! Especially at night...little beast!
Jake does the same when his diaper is changed! I've been living on lots of water and good health food during the day so his poops are the proper color, they're just explosive at times and very wet! And as I said before, it ALWAYS happens when the old diaper is off and I'm grabbing his new one. :dohh: Oh well, you can't hate them for getting it all out. He's a voracious eater and we got down to 10lbs 3.5oz in the hospital and we're up to 11lbs 6oz 2 weeks later. I'm thinking a pound is a good weight gain, especially when I can count on one hand the amount of formula bottles he's gotten. He just really doesn't like formula at all and I think that's because breastmilk is so sweet and that's all he's really gotten since day one. I am not sure I'd want to switch either :haha: I know I've said that before, but today the little hedgehog woke up at 4am and just hasn't really wanted to settle back down to sleep. Around 6, I did another diaper change and out came so much gas and poo I thought it would never end! I've put him back down and he seems to have settled into his crib for a bit now but its throwing off our morning. We're usually up at 7am and back in bed by 9am for our long morning nap, through to 12ish. Poor little lamb. I'm off to go check on him now. Wish me luck and no more poo! :thumbup:
Girls Emmaleigh is right there in the same boat as all of your LO's. Last night I was changing her into her pj's and fresh diaper and as soon as I get done and hand her to Allen she poops! She is always doing that!

Dl Emmaleigh is like Isabelle and getting the hiccups. I laid her down at 9 pm and she laid there and fell asleep and by 11 pm she was awake and ready to eat. Happens every 2 hours on the dot and at 4am she was awake for over an hour and a half then when I laid her down the hiccups start and the fussing begins. So by 5 am I just laid her on my chest and both her and I were asleep for another hour and a half. She is now fussing so I have to go.
thanks for the CDing feedback ladies :) Im waiting until Ben is one month old before I start which is actually already next week!! crazy beans! My washing pile was the stuff of nightmares but thanks to mr. sunshine Im gradually getting on top of it so I will jave room to wash and dry the nappies. Ben was a little monster yesterday but hes been much happier today and more alert.. he has been cooing at Aaron its super cute!! Tomorrow my oldest baby will be 7 I cant believe how quick time goes by! Sorru for the short one sided post my internet is broken and Im online on my phone. Will catch up properly soon xx

p.s loving all the facebook pics and statuses! xxxx
Oh candy what have you got planned for Connie's birthday?
Re: washing the nappies, I've got myself into a good little routine- put them in between 7.30 and 8pm after we take her last 'day nappy' off, they are done by around 10/10.30pm and ready for me to hang to dry. I put the boosters in the airing cupboard to dry overnight and the nappies on the clothes horse. I know it'll be harder for you as you have so much washing with the rest of the family, but it isn't so bad once you get into it!

I think Isabelle has a little cold. Last night she was grunting and snuffling all night, and earlier she got some good old bits of snot out!

I also tried out our sling earlier- Just around the house, but it was great and she felt really secure. Can't wait to use it to go out.
that was what I was planning to do too Sarah so they are dry the next day. Im hoping I can wash the clothing in the morning and the nappies at night and that should hopefully work lol x

sorry to hear poor izzy has a cold xx Ben is finally getting over his but hes still snotty he had his for almost two weeks. I hope she gets better soon x

Before Benson I was against slings but after he screamed at me and required cuddles constantly fir 2 days Im strongly considering one. my carrier isnt easy to do housework with lol xx

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