April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Re: carriers: I've used our Moby wrap with Peter a few times when we've had to go out for Dr. appointments etc and I love it! He's so snuggly and secure in it, and he falls asleep almost instantly. It leaves me with my hands free and there's nothing heavy to carry around like a stroller etc.

We have a backpack style carrier too, an Infantino, but he seems so itty bitty to use that one... so I'm not really comfortable with that one yet. Maybe in a few weeks once he starts to gain some weight!
^ I used my wrap yesterday to go to the pediatrician for a check up and to the church later, he absolutely loved it and so did I. IDK if I will use it much around the house though.

And a pic of Dennis from yesterday, after a feed!


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Oh lily he is GORGEOUS!! I could nibble him right up!!

I'm glad you ladies are also baby wearing- it's not common here at all and I don't know anyone who does it (lies: my brother wore my nephew once) so I feel a bit strange about it, but its something that is very important to Simon that he gets to do and I love the idea of it too so we will start a new trend!

Isabelle has been either sleeping or feeding all day. Poor munchkin feels very sorry for her snotty self! Attached a little pic of her super chubby cheeks!


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I gave in and gave Ben a dummy!! I was absolutely frazzled and at the end of my wick! Hes been screaming at me non stip for three hours constantly screaming!! I decided to do hotdogs for dinner I couldnt even put him down long enough to make that!! So out came the dummies.. he did take it and didnt choke and he seemed really happy at first so I put him in his chair and went to run a bath for Connie and Lucas and off he eent again :( he wouldnt take the dummy back and just screamed and screamed until I picked him up and fed him.. I really dont know how much of this I can take.. I dont get to do anything with my older two anymore I cant even go to the toilet :(
Sarah and Lily... LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! Such sweet little faces!! I just want to sniff their little heads :haha: (this goes back to the puppy breath conversation :rofl:)

Candy, Sorry Ben is being such a little stinker! Grayson doesnt really care for the pacifier either. We keep trying to give it to him, so he doesnt use me as a comfort pacifier, but unless you hold it in his mouth, he just spits it right back out :shrug:. So, needless to say... my boobs ARE his pacifier ahaha.
I also really dont get a chance to put him down at all. We try, but he really wants to be held all the time lol. I can't imagine having anyone else to look after... but I am sure, in a short few weeks, he will get better and Connie and Lucas will get the attention they need again.

Sarah, I spoke to my nurse about pumping, and here is what she said:

Its ok to miss a feeding one night... our supply will not change that fast. She also recommended that I pump one breast and feed the other (that way i'm not messing with my supply) or I can try and squeeze in one more pumpimg between 12 am and 12pm (about 1 hour after feeding LO).
Last night Rob took over one feeding (the 1am) with a bottle I had pumped that day... Let me just say... I did NOT sleep while he was feeding. First off, he decided to give him the bottle in the bedroom :dohh:. Very considerate of him, especially since I always leave the room to let him sleep :growlmad:. Well aside from that, it ended up being a 1.5 hour ordeal and in the end, I had to nurse Grayson, just to get him back to sleep. :haha:. Rob was super frustrated because I think he wanted to be able to do it alone and in the end... my boob was needed anyway. He told me this morning, that there was no point in him feeding at night because it turned out worse then if I just had fed. I had to explain to him, that Grayson and I have established a routine over the past 3.5 weeks and this was just something new to him. It takes time for him and Rob to get their own routine.

But... I learned one thing... I will be awake regardless, since I hear baby crying and fussing and can't help but want to make sure everything is fine :dohh:
since it's not our event we can leave as early as we want...so hopefully it will be a good first "family" outing for us.

This is one of my favourite things about having a baby- having a really great excuse to leave things early :haha:

Cherry it is always really great to know that other people are going through the same thing, even when it is something horrible :hugs: I hope things improve with Paige ASAP. How is she getting on in her hip brace?

Afm: we decided that we needed to start trying to get our monkey into a bedtime routine. So around 8 we had some nappy free time, then a bath and feed and put her into her crib upstairs....and came back down for the evening. I stayed with her for a few minutes and she was wide awake. I left and then Simon let me (yes, LET ME!) check on her twenty mins later and she is sound asleep! I know she won't do this every night, but its amazing that she went down so easily tonight!!! Especially after last nights horror...

Lol yeah it always nice to know someone else is going through the same thing also. She's not to bad hun. She got the harness re-adjusted a little bit. ive just had to let her cry it out and then she fell asleep. She stirring still but im trying not to rush over and pick her up lol trying to be brave and hope she doesnt become more clingy other wise ill get nothing done and ill have her in the sling all the time lol.

We have another app next week to get another harness put on and she'll get a bath to but we have to take our own bath in for her. and a little stretch to before the new one goes on.

Ohh she's crying again :(

I can do this i can do this lol xxxx
Oh cherry I feel so bad for poor Paige, but its definitely for the best in the long run. I think starting to let her have a few minutes is a good idea - I find sometimes Isabelle actually settles after a brief cry if I haven't I gotten to her quickly enough (that is rare though!)

Candy :hugs: give Benson to Aaron and either spend an hour playin and cuddling with Lucas and Connie, or spend an hour in the bath (or whatever!) to just have time to gather your thoughts. As long as benson is fed and changed, then you know he's ok and his screaming isn't for any major awful reason, so Aaron can handle him while you catch up on some you time.

Steph thanks so much for that info. I think I will try the feed off one, pump the other as Isabelle doesn't take both sides at every feed, so should easily be able to do that once a day. Poor Rob :haha: I'm sure he felt awful last night! And poor Grayson, being manhandled by a novice feeder :rofl: was that the first bottle he had tried? If so, I know now not to give Isabelle her first in the middle of the night!
And I know what you mean about being awake anyway. That's why I told Simon he should stop trying to help in the middle of the night (he changed nappies the first night or so) as I was awake anyway as soon as she cried, so stupid for us both to be up - he may as well get some sleep if I can't!!

Isabelle has now grown out of her newborn/first size clothes. I think she would have gotten another week out of them, but her cloth nappies are bulky so everything is tighter than in disposables! And we just got another present today in newborn size :dohh: she's wearing that tomorrow so at least she gets one wear out of it all!!!
Lily Dennis is so cute!
Dl look at that adorable little face, she is so gonna have you wrapped round her little finger hehe! I also tried my carrier out today to go to the doctors and shop! Omg so lovely and comfortable and James loved it! I never see anyone baby wearing round here! Sorry your Los are sick
:( poor lil loves its horrible when they have the sniffles!
I have to say touch wood James has been a little star, he is happy to Benin his chair and it gives me some time with Paige as she is struggling with sharing me, she keeps telling me to put James on the floor lol!!! He has colic I think though. He will be fine one minute then screech/scream stiffen up and pull his legs up, so I got some infacol and hopefully he will be ok in a few days :(

I really love my sling, it's hand custom made and I got to choose the fabric I wanted, love it!!!!! Here's a pic!


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Kealz, super cute sling!!! :thumbup: I saw it when you first posted it on FB! Its the Moby wrap (just custom) right? I have the Moby wrap and have to admit, i'm not really impressed. The amount of effort it takes to get it on and then to squeeze Grayson in it :wacko:. I think I may have to try a different carrying style other then Newborn wrap. :shrug:. I will need to :coffee: the manual and see what other options there are.

Sarah, This was actually Robs 3 bottle feed. lol. But it was the first midnight one. Grayson is great about drinking from the bottle (easily finishes 4 oz in one sitting :shock:, and then asks for more boob :haha:). Last night he ate 4 oz and left 1 oz in the bottle... I told Rob to just pour it out, since you cant re-cool it... and then Grayson wanted boob ahahah :rofl:. Poor guy, he just can't win.
I'm convinced that Grayson only wants to nurse for comfort afterward (since thats what he does to put himself to sleep). I can see myself now... nursing a teenager bwahahahaah :rofl:. Sadly enough, It makes me feel good that Grayson doesn't just want the milk (since I feel like a walking :mamafy:), but he needs his mama too :blush:

Oh and Grayson is out of most of his Newborn size clothes as well. I just sorted through them today and packed some away :wacko:. He fits into most of his 0-3 months clothes now... I can't believe he has grown so much already.
kealz I love love love that sling!

Doggyloger I couldnt give Ben to Aaron because he was at work.. he works 5am til 9am and then 4pm til 8pm so Im home alone with all three kids before and after school.. its really tiring. Aaron helped me out when he got home though and I managed to set up he front room for Connie's birthday. I do it every year when they are asleep.. put up balloons and banners they love it. We cant afford a party this year so Im taking her ice skating or to monkey world on saturday she can choose. :) I love the pic of Izzy on facebook! I love her fluffy hair she is so cute. Just think one day she'll be 7!! lol its crazy how quickly they grow up xx

Thank you for the kind words Steph :) I was so frustrated yesterday.. he is asleep next to me in bed right now and its hard to believe I was ever so angry at him now hes so quiet and peaceful lol. Benson kept spitting his dummy out tok.. he sucked it then looked really pissed off spat it out and screamed a me and I knew he couldnt be hungry because he had just been fed. He drained both boobs yesterday to the point where I literally had nothing left. Today my supply is up :/

Baby wearing sounds good to me about now.. as soon as my money is in Im off to buy a sling for Ben.. I cant carry on being chained to the sofa in a bfing frenzy! I guess I can just wap my boob out and feed him in the sling! lol
Hello all,
Late announcement but baby William arrived on 16th few, a few days earlier than I anticipated.
Hello all,
Late announcement but baby William arrived on 16th few, a few days earlier than I anticipated.
Congratulations Louise! Wonderful news!

Candy: ice skating or monkey world both sound awesome! And it's nice not to have to throw a huge party every year, especially since you have benson at the minute, I think a family day will be just lovely. Happy birthday to Connie! I'm sure it's hard to believe she is 7- I can't ever imagine izzy being that big!

Steph: it sounds like Grayson is quite the greedy boy! :haha: Isabelle comfort sucks after eating too, so I'm wondering how a bottle will go down with her on that front as well. I'm sure Simon could always whip his nipples out for a little sucking if needs be :rofl: see how he likes it!

Ok, I'm venturing out with the sling for the first time...I think I will take the pram too just in case, but have specifically chosen a mountain (not an exaggeration) for our dog walk today as there is no way on earth I could push the pram up it, so I have no choice but to make the sling work!
Congratulations Louise!
Happy birthday Connie! Love the pic of benson candy such adorable chubby cheeks!
Dl hope your sling walk goes well and izzy enjoys her first trip out in it! ( will prob be sparko and know none the wiser lol)
My midwife said that babies loose their suck reflex at about 12 weeks and usually stop using you as a comfort once they loose it! Though I remember Paige still used me Ada comfort. Steph I forgot to ask, how is you lil doggy getting on with Grayson? Xx
congratulations on the safe arrival of baby william louise!!

DL good luck with the sling! ds1 hated every one I tried him in but baby Vin loves his ergo! makes my life easier too lol!

kealz, I was used as a night time dummy for about 6 months, so my ds obviously forgot to forget lol!!!

just had the mother of all poo explosions here, up the back out the sides, clothes covered , the lot :sick: morning bath was required :haha:
lily and dl , those photos are so cute!

kealz, the wrap looks fab! too complicated for me tho, tried with ds1. clip and go suits me better lol.
sorry for typos and rubbish punctuation by the way, I bought an andriod tablet as ds1 always pinches my iPhone and I'm a bit all over the place on it lol :dohh:
Lol dano!!! These kiddos are obviously not getting the memo about comfort suckin hey lol!!!
And funny enough it's really not complicated at all! I thought it would be but it's so easy I got it 2nd time round! And I have no patience!!! How r the kiddos? Feeling any better? X
congratulations Louise!! The 16th is a good day to be born on! :p xx

Thanks Kealz hehe, He's dressed in a buzz lightyear onesie today I'll upload a pic later it's so frikking cute! Lucas used me for comfort sucking well after 12 weeks, thats why he had a dummy as a baby lol I think your health visitor is talking out her arse xx

Doggylover I think taking the buggy is a good idea :) xx

Dan-o omg I'm so glad Ben hasn't had a poo explosion yet!! Lucas done one when he was a baby it went right to the top of his head it was everywhere!! puke! ... enjoy cleaning that up lol x
Ohh kealz mine never read the book, they are both mini rebels lol!! :haha:

Snotting levels are only minor now, although Sidney managed to fall over on the quarry tiles and put his teeth right through his bottom lip on Tuesday, what a state, looks like he's done 10 rounds in the ring now and super irritable to boot lol :dohh:

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