April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Lol ok Kealz, you had given me a glimmer if hope, that I wouldn't end up like a walking dummy... But that hope us now gone! Clearly, my child will forget to forget as well :haha:
Sarah, how did the walk go?
It's funny because Grayson will nurse anything and anyone when need be :rofl:. Since I'm the only one with milk, I always win... But he still tries! (That includes rob btw lol)
Candy, how was Connie's bday?
DanO, poor Sidney, I hope he is ok :hugs:
Omg poor little love!!!! That's horrible! Is he ok now though! Gosh I completely freak out at the thought of something like that!!!! I know they are kids and they have accidents but still ahhhhhhhhhh!
Omg candy I know the sleep suit ou are talking about! From TESCO? We have it for James!!!! So cute looks so adorable in it!!! TESCO have some lovely baby clothes in at the moment! Luckily touch wood James has not had an explosion up his back yet but he peed and pooped on me yesterday loads, like omg he was a serious poop machine!!! Paige just say there goin eeeeerrrrr mummy disgusting lol!
I think the infacol is starting to work now James has been burping lots today!!!! And farting too lol!!!!
So I tried to share a picture of Miss Emmaleigh on here but I can't figure it out from my phone so I gave up amd posted it to FB. She slept from 10:30 pm to 4:00 am this morning! 5 1/2 hours of sleep is totally refreshing!

I have a baby sling for Emmaleigh but she doesn't like it so until she is a bit bigger we just put her in the stroller.

Bahahahaha Steph Emme tries to suck everyone too! I have a good laugh at Allen when she does it to him. She has even tried to nurse off Grandma!!!!

Kealz your wrap is so cute! I think Emmaleigh would like that one better as it looks to be that James is held right up against your chest and Emmaleigh loves sleeping on mine. :)

Congrats Louise!
Aww so glad she slept so well for you so you could sleep!!! James does 3-4 hours but I don't mind! She is a lil cutie!! Don't you think It's so different having a girl and a boy they are just so different! I love Paige she is my first an my lil princess, but James is my lil boy and I feel we have such a bond!!! He is gonna be a mummy's boy I can tell!
As for the sling! I could easily where it topless it completely covers me and James and there is no fabric between us he is straight onto my chest! It's lovely! Paige don't like slings this young, I didn't use one with her till she was at least 12 weeks x
Thought I might add a pic of baby Vin snapped on my phone just now :cloud9:

omg Dan-o!! Poor little man!! bless him, I hope he heals up quickly. When Connie was 2 she was sleeping in my bed and rolled out and bit through her bottom lip when she hit the floor face first, it always looks horrific when kids bleed because they bleed a lot!! Especially in the mouth because they drool when they cry and it looks worse than it is lol. That pic of Vinny is gorgeous!! He is a little heartbreaker! xx

Steph, Connie is having a brilliant time, we've got the day off school for teachers training so we've been to the park, opened presents and had food and cake, she's loving it! xx
Ben tried to nurse from my mum the other day it was so funny, she has massive boobies so I guess I can see why, When Ben's hungry he launches his self sideways and makes weird growl noises hahahaha!

Oh it's from Tesco Kealz! I was going to ask my cousin where she got it from, I love it! I love how cute the supermarket clothes are, in Norway you can't buy clothes in the food shops, only in baby shops and they are super expensive, I would pay £10 for one outfit, so here I've been going a bit crazy! £3 for an outfit!! YES!! lol.. Aaron now drags me in the opposite direction of the baby clothing. :p I'm after a sling now but I have no idea where to start. The mother care one is a bit mixed on reviews but I want to try it out before I buy. I will be able to get so much more done if I'm not having to sit down and hold Benny for hours on end x

Mommabrown I loved that pic of Emmaleigh on FB, she looks so grown up already! She's beautiful xx
Dan-o I just realised I have the same blanket for Benny as Vinny has, I love that blanket! xx
Aw dano he is a little stunner!
Candy Stephen is the same, he pulls me away from baby hits and toys! Just can't help myself haha! Just so lovely and affordable!
Here is a pic of Paige and James together! Just too cute xxx


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Oh ladies I love those pics! Vinnie is just GORGEOUS dan-o! I think that's the first pic I've seen of him, oh I could kiss those cheeks all day!

So good thing I took our buggy with me- when I got out of the car for our walk it started to rain so that was a sling no-go! So buggy it was and man was I exhausted after pushing it up- downhill was all good though!

Candy: so lucky Connie has the day off! What a great birthday automatically! You could look for a sling library near you. They let you hire slings out to try to see how you get on with them before you buy.

Two questions:
1) pumping: ladies who pump, how much on average do you get at each pumping session? And how much does your lo eat from one bottle in a sitting?
2) Gro-bags/sleeping bags: Isabelle is now hefty enough to use some of her groBags. Until now I've just covered her with a blanket at night. But is there any point outing a gro-bag on her considering I need to change her 4 times during the night? Is anyone else using grobags yet?

Isabelle is super fussy today. She only wants held or to be eating. And when it's me, she only wants to eat/comfort suck. I felt so stupid just now as she was screaming and I couldn't get her to stop. My dad tool her an its been silence ever since :( I know she is supposed to associate me with food, but I feel like such a crap mum when I can't settle her any other way but to stick a boob in her mouth. It makes me feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.
oooooh a sling library!! Ive never heard of those! thank you hun xxxx
doggylover: I have the same problem with trying to settle Peter. :wacko: If he's fussy and I'm holding him he just wants to feed/comfort suck... but if one of my parents or DH has him, he'll settle down just fine with some rocking etc. It's so frustrating! Sometimes I just want cuddles... I don't want to have to feed too!

dan-o: Beautiful pic of the little man! Vin is very handsome indeed. :flower:

kealz: Super cute pic of the siblings! I totally give you mama's with other LO's major props... I don't know how you do it! I feel like I'm losing my mind with just one!

ukgirl: Hope Connie's B-day party goes/went well!!

I'm sorry to everyone I missed! At the moment my parents are here so my computer time is very limited. We had another Dr. appointment this morning to weight Peter and he's still stuck at the same weight and not gaining. So the Dr has recommended BF him and then supplimenting with finger feeding with formula. I have a lactation consultant appointment this afternoon and I guess they'll get me all set up with that. It sounds complicated... but I guess it's probably not that bad. :shrug:

I hope if his tummy is fuller then he might sleep for a little bit longer at a time too... that would be really great! At the moment he only sleeps for a max. of 2 hours at a time before wanting to be fed again, even at night. It's getting exhausting!
No problem- hopefully there is one near you or that's your hopes up for nothing lol!

Readytomum: Isabelle does 2hr stints at night too- maximum 2.5hrs. It's crappy at times so I feel your pain.
Readytomum sorry Peter is not putting on weight, but at least he is not loosing weight! Is he peeing and pooping much? Hopefully topping him off with formula may help... Sorry your having a rough time with it at the mo :( xxx
Kealz Emmaleigh is a mommy's girl to the core! Landon and her are so different! In my and Allen's defense we have this crazy delusion that Landon never cried, always slept through the night and was all around an easy baby! Lmao but it is that we have completely forgotten what it is like having a baby in the house and we are in total quaos (spelling). We have no routine and are really just winging it like First time parents again Hahaha! I love the fact that your carrier allows him to be right up against your chest that is Emme's favorite place to lay even if she is wide awake she lays on my chest just listening to me talk to her.

Doggylover so glad you took the stroller! I love ours and we take it out for every walk! Emmaleigh just doesn't like her carrier it is a Balboa Sling which i thought she would like but she hates it! I don't do the sleepers either. I just put Pj's on her and cover her up. I am sure when she gets bigger and can kick the blankets off I will start putting her in them.

Readytomum I hope that Peter gets to putting on weight. I know when i was BF Emmaleigh we had to watch how many wet/dirty diapers she had to know she was getting enough milk. I also gave her a pacifier for the very fact she would feed for over and hour and wasn't really eating the last 25-30 minutes and was comfort sucking.

Candy I loved the photo of Connie and her cake it was super cute! I am glad she is having a great birthday!!!
She is going to be one spoiled girl ♥


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Momma brown I think you're right, when Isabelle is bigger and covers are coming off then the sleeping bags will be good. At the minute she stays nicely wrapped up in her blanket and its easier to get in for nappy changes!
Aw momma brown she is just so cute, I love how you always have her in a gorgeous headband! Paige hates wearing headbands and hats they stay on no longer than 3 mins!
Sarah we had 3 grow bags for Paige but she just did not like them! She loves having her legs out the covers! I'm gonna try it out with James as he likes to be swaddled and have his arms out where as Paige hated it so thats promising!
So the lactation consultant appointment was a bit overwhelming. My Dr. this morning had recommended finger feeding, but the lactation consultant wasn't a big fan of that and wants us to feed with the tube at the breast instead.

We've just got the hang of regular feeding and now I have to use this container of formula with a little tube that I have to slip into his mouth while he's latched on. And then when he's done feeding I have to wash out the container and the tube, and pump for 10 minutes on each side as well! (and then wash out the pump stuff!) If he only sleeps for 2 hours after he's been fed and I have to settle him, then pump for 20 minutes and then wash all this crap out before I can sleep (plus warm up the formula to begin with)... I'm looking at an hour maybe. :cry:

I don't know if I can handle this. It's just so overwhelming. I just want him to be full and happy and to start gaining weight properly. It also means we have to be home for every feeding until we stop the formula. :cry:
Readytomum, I think maybe littlespy used a similar system (is it called an SNS?) with Maisie, so maybe speak to her about how she coped with it all, as that definitely sounds overwhelming. :hugs: I guess the only other option is to go to formula full time. If you give this new system a go and find you simply aren't having time to do anything but feed and sort out the equipment, then you will be miserable and it may not be worth it. But you could find that once he is eating more that he sleeps for longer, and once you get used to how the new system works then it doesn't take as long to sort it all out.
(I realise that is not in anyway helpful, apologies!)
BUT I think it's amazing that you are willing to go to such lengths to ensure that Peter is able to get the benefit of breastfeeding. He is lucky to have such a dedicated mummy.

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