April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Holy crap Jen :hugs: sounds like you had quite the experience, but so so so lad to hear Fara is doing well - hope you are as well?

Readytomum: Simon is actually much better at settling Isabelle when she is in a super scream mood as well. Again when she gets me it's that want to comfort suck lol! Re:sleeping we have a crib (US call is a cradle I think) in our bedroom which is where she sleeps at night. We have a Moses basket (bassinet?) downstairs for during the day but she seems to hate it so mainly naps in her bouncer. And we have a cot (crib?!) in the nursery for when she is bigger. We always planned to have her in our room, but not our bed, and she seems to be happy enough with that. We do bring her into bed in the morning for an hour or so to grab some extra sleep though!

Afm: we've had a better evening tonight. Managed to get Isabelle to nap until after 7 so she aren't overtired and screaming before we started bedtime. I also insisted we move bedtime back as it seemed to suit her better, and fingers crossed it seems to have worked. I know she's way too young to 'train' with routines and sleep, but she seems to be adapting quite well, and we are adapting to her needs at night time to make things a little easier.
(This is the point she will probably start screaming her head off :haha:)
aww jnx sorry to hear you had a tough time but Im glad you are both safe and doing well.. Congratulations!!! xxx

readytomum.. Benny co-sleeps with me and Aaron. We didnt plan to do it but after many nihts of no sleep and other kids to look after.. we caved! xx

Kealz how is James doing now on the infacol? Benson is sleeping much better. I got to cook dinner without being screamed at today lol x

I dont really have much to say about Benson other than he is the most gorgeous baby! He will be a month old on tuesday and hopefully then our cloth nappy adventure will begin! Im so excited.. especially now the weather is nice.. he can chill out in his nappies and a t shirt :D xx
ReadytoMum, sounds like we had a similar birth experience. Out of sorts is a good way to describe how I've been feeling, too.

As for where she sleeps- what is sleep? That's what she does in the day between feeds. At night it seems to be nothing but eat, poop, eat, poop. But to answer the question, she has a crib in her nursery and a Hushamok baby hammock that hangs from the ceiling in our room right next to the bed. If she falls asleep in the crib, I nap in the recliner next to it. Not ready to be apart from her yet, even though her nursery is right next to our room.

Doggylover, thanks- I'm surviving. After I left the hospital, I noticed that it seems like the whole world looks different now. I never expected that. Maybe hormones? I'm kind of overwhelmed and stupidly emotional. Hope things go better with the adjusted bedtime for Isabelle.
Jenx sorry you had such a hard time but so glad little data is here safe and sound and your ok. Beautiful name btw!

Readytomum James sleeps in a Moses basket next to my bed, we will not be co sleeping with him as Paige is still co sleeping with us, :( we have tried to get her into her own bed to no avail! Bit James poverty his Moses basket so it's all ok!
Thanks or asking candy, not really working as well as I'd like, he is not screaming 24/7 but he is worse some days more than others, today was an off day unfortunately! He has been farting a lot though, but I just can't get him to burp!!!! Glad benson is sleeping better and yay for being able to cook dinner!!!! It's amazing how a tiny little person can throw everything off lol!!!
Oh Jen, you poor thing. Most importantly, it's good to hear that Fara is doing well. I hope you are on the mend and get to enjoy being the awesome mama that you are :hugs:

Candy, I'm not sure what Benson is doing. I'm certain it's 100% normal though :thumbup:. Just like they say, that the startle reflex is part if neurodevelopment :thumbup:

As for sleeping arrangements.. We have a pack and play next to our bed. We put Grayson to bed in the pack an play at bedtime (usually around 8 or 9). After the first feeding, he goes back in there. The last feeding is usually around 6am and at that time I just put him into bed with us. I do have to say... Last night he was super fussy from 2 am on... So I just pulled him into bed to get him to sleep.

During the day, I let him sleep on the couch in the living room. That way he is close by and like Jen said, I'm not ready to be away from him lol :haha:

AFM, so this may be TMI but I have had some itching for 4 days now. Felt just like a yeast infection but no discharge. I called the doctor and they said that most medications should really not be taken yet (because of the stitches). Well, since there was no improvement and the weekend is coming up, I decided to go in today and have it checked out. Turns out... Breastfeeding causes low estrogen, which causes the itching :shock:. The doc said that this usually doesn't happen until much later but it looks like my body is super sensitive to hormones :wacko:. I'm sharing, in case anyone else comes across this problem. I had never heard of breastfeeding causing this, so be prepared (possibly).
Doc gave me some estrogen cream and we should be all set :thumbup:

Oh and Shell, I bled for 2 weeks and have not had any since :shrug:. They say that it can easily last for 6 weeks though. Hang in there! I'm hoping that the BF keeps AF away for a while.. I'm not ready for that yet lol
Oh and as for bleeding, it's very on off. One minute I won't bleed for few days, will go to shops and bleed heavily, if i do anything I bleed. But I'm still uncomfortable down there too, my mw reckons I could have some membrane or plabcenta leftover so got to book appointment with the doctor. :(
And as for ad showing up Steph, I did t have a period for 7-8 months with Paige and breast fed her for 6, took a while for period to show after I stopped feeding her! How weird about the itching thing, funny enough the last few days every now and them I get bit itchy but everywhere, but the day before I was induced I had enzymes in my liver and that's a sign so might get them to check that for me too xxx
Oh wow Jen that must have been so traumatizing! Glad Fara is out and safe and sound now. My anesthesiologist had a failed attempt too when he was putting in the needle i was having a contraction and tightened up and it missed but he got it the second time. :)

Thanks girls I couldn't remember for the life of me how long i bleed for after the oldest 3.

Steph holy cow! I didn't know that either! I am glad that you know what is going on....but here is the question i have for you...My DR put me on low estrogen BC and because of the estrogen it dries up the milk so they made sure i wasn't BF anymore. Will it do the same to you?

Doggylover it is good to start off in a routine because eventually she will be used to it. My niece naps everyday at 2:00pm on the dot and has since she was about 10 months old and is in bed at exactly 8:00pm.

Candy of course Benson is handsome!!

Afm, well Allen started his new job at Pepsi today...I already hate the long hours. I really guess it is only the first day and I will get used to it but it has me beside myself today as we had a routine for 8 years.
Steph I was really itchy down there with my other two afterwards and have been again this time.. I just assumed it was from healing. Interesting what you dr said! I got my period back almost 7 months after having Connie and I wasnt bfing her but I was bfing Lucas and got my period at 2 months which caused my milk to change and made him really windy and sore.. apparently the hormones change the taste too but he refused my milk during AF so I had to put him on formula.. Im hoping this time AF holds off as long as possible but I know after baby number 3 Im possibly going to be seeing AF again sooner rather than later.
Jen, wow that sounds like quite en experience to go through, so glad your LO is safe and sound tho. Hope you have a speedy recovery from the c-section!

Ready, I bet you actually find it easier now its just you and Peter for the majority of each day!
We had a bedside cot for ds1 which he never went in until 4 months (co slept in bed with us until then) he then went from his bedside cot to his big cot in his own room sometime after 6 months (can't remember exactly when) this time we let ds2 dictate what he wanted to do.. and he is also a cosleeper. He doesnt feed much overnight tho, and seems to be getting fed up already, so I may try him in the bedside cot again tonight.
Steph, yep im also dry and easily irritated down below, have to be so careful what I use in the shower. It's deffo the hormones. I found it improved once the bleeding had fully stopped and I was no longer wearing panty liners. Also once my cycle kicked back in (once we started solids at 6m) everything went back to normal right away!

Momma, hope his new job goes well! Sorry he has to work long hours tho. My DH is the same as he's a chef, sometimes its like being a single parent lol!!

Kealz and Ukgirl, glad you are getting the wind under control! I do feel sorry for our LO's when they get pain with it. Vincent's spen thursday night and mist of yesterday morning projectile vomiting and farting like crazy, poor little thing was in a bit of a state! Back to normal this morning tho thank goodness. Wonder if it was something I ate which disagreed?

DL, very impressed by the routine! My days are pretty much one at a time and I do whatever it takes to gets both kids fed, clean and rested lol :haha:

Who was it that mentioned pp bleeding? I had it for 9 weeks last time, bright red light flow every day! Drove me bonkers! This time its been just on off spotting since I passed a load of large clots at about 2 weeks pp. Hoping it stops altogether soon!
Dan-o it's easier for me as I only have one baba to contend with! If I had two I think we'd be lucky to get up and dressed during the day! :haha:

Bleeding wise, mine has slowed down a lot, I would say its now like the lightest af you could imagine. But it WILL NOT GO AWAY. It's been like this for maybe a week, and I just wish it would stop altogether! I have to say that the whole experience of bleeding was not as awful as I had imagined. I get really heavy (and very irregular) periods so I thought that would mean I basically would bleed to death, but it was lighter than most of my normal periods!

Periods returning: I'm assuming mine won't for a very long time. They have always been so irregular (just after we started ttc I went 10 weeks with nothing! And I have no hormonal issues etc to cause it. My insides are just idiotic) so I imagine even when they are 'ready' to start again, it'll take a while to get round to it!

Afm: tired. Isabelle did two stretches of 3hrs last night, then woke at 3am and ate,mthen fussed until 4am...then awake again to feed at 5am and fussing afterwards so had to come sleep next to me (had to :haha:)

I'm not against bed sharing at all, but I don't know how people do it long term. When she's in with me I barely sleep at all! I'm so worried about her getting smothered or something! If we did bed sharing all night I would die I of exhaustion!
Ah now that's the first thing I do (after making everyone a drink and bfing LO)
I find I'm good for the day as long as I'm showered, hair dried and dressed in clean clothes each morning!! My 30 mins of me time lol!! :haha:
Oh definitely, if you don't get to show I always feel like the day hasn't started properly, like its a lazy day, and that makes it into a lazy day (if that makes sense?!)
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

ReadytoMum, I can't believe they want you to go through so much effort to supplement Peter, but I'm sure you'd do anything to ensure he's healthy and are really dedicated to making breastfeeding work.

I have to say that I bow down to all of you who are doing this newborn thing and have other children as well. I truly don't know how you do it!

AFM: It is funny how so many of you have babies outgrowing their first clothes already. I hardly bought any newborn clothes, then when she arrived at only 6 pounds 14 ounces, even the NB stuff was pretty big on her. We've gotten some more newborn clothes since then, and of the stuff that fits- the arms are too long on a lot of it and we have to roll the sleeves up. She's an itty bitty thing, but strong as can be and can move her head around, push herself up on her arms and everything.

just a quick Q.. has anyone started using cloth nappies yet? How is it going?

We've been cloth diapering exclusively since we got home and it is going pretty well. Really glad I got a newborn stash as she is so small. We've been using lots of GroVia AIOs, some Little Joeys (these fit her the best at the moment), and Clotheez (from Green Mountain Diapers) prefolds with Bummis covers and fleece liners. There are others in my stash like Swaddlebees and more but they are just too big right now.

Also, we've been using the two-sided cloth wipes from Green Mountain Diapers, and I am beyond thrilled that a stack of them fits perfectly in the Prince Lionheart Cloth Wipes warmer. So easy and keeps Miss Bitty from screaming so much. Love this setup so much, I ordered a second one for downstairs. I'd love to hear what's working well for others.
Hey ladies just a quick pit stop to say hi hope your all having a nice weekend! I have two demon children today, had an awful night with James upevery 1.5-2 hours and been whining all day today, he is only happy when on boob! This wind/colic is killing me today. He doesn't like to sleep in his chair, or in my arms or o. My chest, he wants to be upright! So trying to catch up on my housework is not happening!!!!! An Paige is miserable and wants me to cook dinner but I can't coz I'm bfing! So I ask Stephen but he is taking forever to do it and keeps coming in to ask questions. We are only bloody having bangers and mash!!!!!! Sorry for one sided rant!!! Will pop back in a bit if I get5 mins peace!
Kealz can you pop him in your carrier? That would keep him upright and give you two free hands? Also...what questions are there to ask about sausage and mash?!?!

Jen, I had only bought 3 vests and 3 sleepsuits in the newborn size, and Isabelle wasnt tiny (7lb 10oz) but I had to send my mum out for more sleepsuits. So we had 6 (and one outfit a friend bought) that we've been wearing on rotation. I'm actually gutted she's out of them as one of the sleepsuits is my absolute favourite. I may go and buy it in the next two sizes up!!
What sort of prefolds do you use? I bought newborn size prefolds (junior joy brand) but they are massive, and I don't know how they could be anything but hugely bulky on her. What fold do you use for them? I really want to use mine, but her cloth nappies are so bulky anyway (exclusively using fitteds and wraps ATM) and that is actually why her newborn clothes don't fit anymore - we could have gotten at least another week from them otherwise.
I also use cloth wipes and LOVE them. I use disposable wipes when out ATM as I have so many, but they are so crap compared to my cloth ones, they just seem to smear the poop, and they fold over too easily so I get one swipe out of each wipe!

Afm: Simon is out tonight working, so I asked my mum and sister to come over to keep me company since my dad is with Simon and my BIL is away. Well my mum got sick so can't and my sister can't come until 8 which is when Isabelle starts getting ready for bed...so I've still been lonely and dealing with her fussy session alone :dohh: took ages to get her to sleep for her nap- she was doing hilarious crying because she was so tired! I'm so awful that I just laughed at how pathetic she sounded! Poor baba!
Question on the gassiness.. It seems that Grayson gets gassy rather frequently, but he really never cries... he just fusses and "talks". So, it seems that he is getting more gassy at night. Last night he would not settle back down after his 4am feeding and just fussed in bed next to me until 7am :shrug:. I guess i'm lucky, because he never cried, but I feel terrible for him.
We have Gas Relief drops that seem to somewhat help, but do you girls have anything else you recommend?
Doggylover, the prefolds I use are the orange edge ones here: https://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/cloth-eez-prefold-diapers.html

I do different folds- sometimes just trifold, top with fleece liner and put inside liner, sometimes I use a Snappi under the cover as shown in the pics if you scroll down on the page of the link above. I found the GMD site to be very helpful in making stash decisions- so much info and so many photos of real diapers on different size babies.
Aww so its not just Vincent on a growth spurt then! He's just grown out of all his new born stuff and at this rate he's not going to be in 0-3 long either. Kinda sad in a way as he's not a 'newborn' any more and its gone by in such a flash already. Makes me feel broody for one more in the future, but realistically I don't think it will happen. Better make the most of his baby days, they will be gone in a heartbeat.. Sidney's seem like a distant memory already!
Does it make me a terrible person that in some ways I'm dreading my in-laws arriving tomorrow? I mean I'm grateful for the help with laundry, dishes and meals etc. but it destroys any semblance of a routine with Peter having people staying here and it means I won't get any quiet cuddle time with him, because the grandparents will have him all the time. :shrug:

They've only booked a one way ticket too, so their return date is open. I like his parents, and we get along quite well... but the thought of being stuck here in the apartment with them by myself all day for a week doesn't sound like much fun!

Re: Cloth diapering--those doing cloth diapering need to post some pics of their LO's sporting these fancy covers that everyone was so excited to be purchasing. I bet they look super adorable!!

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