April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Dl I did put him in the sling for a bit while I ironed all the kids clothes but he started to get annoyed in it. He has settled for the last 2hours while I eat dinner and pudding (homemade lemon cheesecake- so delish!!! Haven't made one in nearly a year!) so hopefully he will sleep ok tonight! Not sure about the gassiness Steph but I too would love to know I feel so bad for James! I think it doesn't help that I thinkni have a fast let down so he gulps it so quickly he takes in air, I can feel it going down as he is feeding... :(
Question ladies. Are your ohs freaked out at the thought I breast milk? Stephen is obviously all for me bf, but the thought Of it touching him freaks him out, he was helping me position James while covering myself with a muslin and he brushed my boob and got a vi on him hahahah omg he proper freaked out! Also I found this site that makes custom jewellery out of breast milk that she mixes with a resin! Ou just express a bit off and send it to her, and sh makes it. It looks gorgeous and it's a keepsake I that special thin you did for your child and I'd like to do it! She makes beads for pandora bracelets! He thinks I'm crazy!!! Am I? Xxx
Kealz I have already eaten half my placenta over the last three weeks so I don't think the breast milk jewelry sounds weird at all. Although I imagine it might get a bit stinky going through the post!

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. The transition has been pretty overwhelming. But I always read ur posts on my phone as I am nursing. So I managed to birth a child that will not be put down at all. This is why I never post. Luckily I have had loads of help from family and we gave up on the cosleeper and just do bed sharing now. But still up every 2-3 hours to nurse and change her so not getting much sleep. She won't be put down for naps at all. Hates the moby wrap, too little for the beco Gemini. Hates the Mei tai I got to try. Next up I am going to get a pouch sling because I am like a shut in who can't leave the house as she hates the stroller. Not cloth diapering yet because with not being able to put her down ever it is just too much extra to deal with. Also she is only about 7 lbs now and everything is huge on her. Have also had our share of nursing issues. We have nipple shields that I am trying to wean her off but she has latch issues. The lactation consultant thinks she may have a small tongue tie. So we'll ask pediatrician on Tuesday about that.

Sorry for long one sided post but wanted to explain my absence. It's been a long three weeks!
Kealz, Lmao at Stephens response to breastmilk! I can tell you... You are not alone ... Rob was poring it from one bottle to the other for feeding and some spilled on his hand ... You would have thought it was acid :rofl:. His face was priceless. :haha:
Kristabelle, yay for checking in with us. :thumbup: I was hoping that you were ok and doing well with your little lady. Keep us updated as you can.
Hi ladies! How is everyone? Wishing for some more sleep I bet, lol. Last night Chelsea wanted to feed EVERY hour from midnight till 5! Then finally slept for 2 and a half hours. But of course then I had to get up and get the other three kids ready before my mum, dad and sister came over. So today I am sooo tired! How is everyone ohs going with helping out with the los? I've found steven is helping out with the three others but not with Chelsea ( at all). I don't think he realises I need help with her too! He does not get up during the night either :( I guess maybe I just shouldn't complain because he does help with the others. One more question. Does anyone whose baby is bf, not poop everyday? Chelsea seems to hold for a couple of days then have explosive ones. Does anyone else have this? A health nurse is coming tomorrow to weigh and measure her so I'll check with her then. :)
They've only booked a one way ticket too

Oh my. That's not a good sign!! What if they never leave?! :haha: seriously though, I think that's a little rude. Of course they want to spend lots of time with Peter, but they need to respect your need for time alone with him when he is so little.
I was so firm with my in laws when they came - they couldn't stay with us as I needed time alone with Simon and Isabelle to get used to everything. Make sure you plan some outings for you all so that you aren't just stuck in the house. Even if its just a quick trip for you to the store or a walk round the block. That change of scenery will help you all get a break from one another!
Also, don't let them change your routine. Do what you need to with Peter and - well don't ignore them- but don't let them factor into the decisions you make about what you are doing with Peter at any given time. Let them work around you and Peter.
I will take some pics of Isabelle in her nappies - good idea!

Steph: I've heard that 'cycling' their legs up near their tummy helps them with gas. No idea if it works!

Jen: thanks for the link to that site. We can't get that brand here, but like you say the information is really good :thumbup:

Candy: I saw the pics of connies birthday on fb. Firstly, her outfit was so cute! And secondly, she got hungry hippos?! One of my fave children's games! I didn't know they still made it!

Kealz: I LOVE lemon cheesecake! I'm jealous :haha: Simon is intrigued by breastmilk and says when I express he will definitely try some :shock: gross. I haven't heard of the breastmilk jewellery- I have to agree with Stephen on that one though, I think that is a bit....unusual! Although a pandora bead would be cool!

Kirstabelle :hugs: sorry to hear your little lady is not settling well- you must just give the best ever cuddles and that's why she doesn't want to be put down! Disappointing that she doesn't like your slings/carriers or her stroller, that would make it so difficult to get out. I hope she starts to settle soon so you can put her down and do such exciting things like shower, eat using TWO hands etc! Also not great to hear about nursing issues, hopefully the nipple shields will disappear easily and she will resolve her latch issues soon. Maybe because she is so tiny she just has a tiny mouth?

kirsty I don't know how you do it with so many other kids! It's great that Steven is so helpful with them, but I'd be pissed about him not helping with Chelsea. Simon doesn't help at night, which was my choice, but I still resent it most nights! I hope you get to catch up on some sleep today.

Afm: I feel like I got no sleep last night. I don't know why because it was a normal night, but my sister stayed kind of late so I didn't get to bed until later so maybe that's why.
We're hoping to get to church for the first time today, and then my brother has decided we are having a BBQ tonight. :huh: it's like 8C outside, we'll all freeze! (Well I won't as I won't stay outside. Couldn't possibly with such a young baby :haha:)
Thanks Sarah!! I love dressing her up in cute dresses and doing her hair! Birthdays are the perfect excuse to get the best ones out :p Yes!! hungry hippos is an amazing game!! lol.. they relaunched it at christmas and it's suddenly become popular again and back up n price too! grr! You'll probably have noticed when you go shopping for clothes.. girls clothes are stupidly cute and you end up over buying on dresses and shoes! xx

Sorry I haven't been replying much to everyone, My internet was down last week and I only had my phone and only between Benson's screaming I was reading posts and replying what I can. MY internet is back up now and hopefully will stay that way so I can catch up prperly over the next few days!

Aaron doesn't mind my milk but I teased him the other day that he should drink it haha he gagged at the thought of that!

Bleeding for me has stopped now, I noticed though for the first few days after the bleeding stopped I had loads of discharge, it's calming down now and I'm so happy to be off the pads! Que AF to begin! :p

I've found the babasling in mothercare, it has 5 positions of carry but we will probably only use one of 2 to begin with, I can use it for feeding too, I'll use it for times when he wont settle in his crib or chair so I can get my housework done!

Also plan in starting cloth nappies this week and I've found a cool cloth wipe solution recipe on youtube and found out how to store them in a tupper ware box lol I'm sadly excited about it.

I hope you have all had a nice weekend so far! xx
OF COURSE breastfeeding is making me lose wait, it efficiently keeps me away from all food sources.:mamafy:

we used cloth all day yesterday and had less leaking than sposies :thumbup:
to be fair I have been using pampers and no leaks here, my friend gave me some huggies which dud leak a few times but ASDA's little angels were very good, no leaks BUT they weren't as absorbent as Pampers.. I'll let you know my opinion on cloth after I;ve used them for a week, I've only ever used sposies so we'll see how they match up. I've found that I can use wash cloths as reusable wipes and babiesrus have some super cute ones!
oh I forgot to add earlier I've found certain foods I eat can upset Ben and make him gassy or colicky, cows milk is the worst, and onions! So perhaps that could be affecting other babies the same way? Maybe it could explain why :) xx
At last my boy arrived this morning 9 days overdue. Very quick birth of 4 hours and didn't have time to get any drugs??? Went from 2cm to fully in 1 hour . He weighs 6/10 xx
Congrats Maria!

Kealz Emma was the same exact way yesterday....and come to find out Allen gets very annoyed with her when she behaves this way so I am the only taking care of her. Ugh. She is still in a mood this morning as well and I have tried to settle her but she will yap at me while fighting her sleep.

Oh Kristabelle sorry she is giving you a hard time. I agree with DL you just cuddle her so well she don't want to be put down!

Kristy Allen is great at taking care of Landon while I do all the tending to Emmaleigh too. I feel like they aren't properly bonded as when he does hold her it is for about 10-15 minutes max unless she is a sleep. We have no routine we are living in a mad house and nothing gets done all day! Now that he has started his new job Landon and I have eaten 3 square meals a day without him and are usually settling into bed when he gets here. So I feel like a single mom at the moment. It will get easier I hope as he does clean house and he has worked over 80 hours this week.
At last my boy arrived this morning 9 days overdue. Very quick birth of 4 hours and didn't have time to get any drugs??? Went from 2cm to fully in 1 hour . He weighs 6/10 xx

Many congrats on your little boy Maria :happydance:
Kealz I have already eaten half my placenta over the last three weeks so I don't think the breast milk jewelry sounds weird at all. Although I imagine it might get a bit stinky going through the post!

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. The transition has been pretty overwhelming. But I always read ur posts on my phone as I am nursing. So I managed to birth a child that will not be put down at all. This is why I never post. Luckily I have had loads of help from family and we gave up on the cosleeper and just do bed sharing now. But still up every 2-3 hours to nurse and change her so not getting much sleep. She won't be put down for naps at all. Hates the moby wrap, too little for the beco Gemini. Hates the Mei tai I got to try. Next up I am going to get a pouch sling because I am like a shut in who can't leave the house as she hates the stroller. Not cloth diapering yet because with not being able to put her down ever it is just too much extra to deal with. Also she is only about 7 lbs now and everything is huge on her. Have also had our share of nursing issues. We have nipple shields that I am trying to wean her off but she has latch issues. The lactation consultant thinks she may have a small tongue tie. So we'll ask pediatrician on Tuesday about that.

Sorry for long one sided post but wanted to explain my absence. It's been a long three weeks!

Wow sounds EXACTLY like my first!! I tried (and sold) every sling out there, he hated them all! Hated his carrcot, pram, the lot lol! Only way I could take him out was to carry him or use the car seat on the pram base, and that was only tolerated if we kept moving :haha:

He also had latch problems due to a TT, but that was solved with a little snip!
Congrats Maria!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little man! I hope your both resting and recovering well.

ukgirl: Glad to hear that Connie had a super birthday!! I bet she really enjoyed the extra attention since she's had to share it with Ben the last month or so. Good luck starting on with the cloth diapers! I think they're very adorable, but at the moment I can't even imagine having to add the extra work of washing/folding them etc. I feel like I'm already losing my mind sometimes.

doggylover: Apparently the in-laws DO have a return flight booked. They arrive today and leave next Sunday. :wacko: We have a Dr appointment on Monday and one on Tuesday, and depending how those go we might have another weigh-in on Friday.... so there's a few things to get us out of the house. We need to get groceries one day as well. Last night Adam and I took Peter to get IceCream for the first time. (Well, Peter got his later!) It was a nice little family date night and it was really nice to get out together for something fun. Today we're planning to head to the park for a bit before the in-laws arrive!

Re: Carriers--I guess I'm really lucky because Peter LOVES the Moby Wrap. As soon as I put him in there he's out like a light! It's super comfortable to wear as well. We haven't tried out the Infantino Carrier yet though because I'd like to wait till he gets a bit bigger for that one. He's also very content to be in his stroller/carseat bassinet and usually falls asleep in there right away too!

kealz: I'm not really sure what my DH thinks about breastmilk... I don't think he's too bothered by it. He finds it hilarious though when I'm feeding Peter on one side, and dripping all over him with the other!

Afm, apologies in advance if I mostly vanish over the next week again. Not sure how much computer time I'll get with the in-laws here. I always feel so rude being on my computer when there's company here. But the two of them spend a lot of time on their phones playing... so it's hard to say! I might be here more than usual. lol I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far!!
Hi ladies! How is everyone? Wishing for some more sleep I bet, lol. Last night Chelsea wanted to feed EVERY hour from midnight till 5! Then finally slept for 2 and a half hours. But of course then I had to get up and get the other three kids ready before my mum, dad and sister came over. So today I am sooo tired! How is everyone ohs going with helping out with the los? I've found steven is helping out with the three others but not with Chelsea ( at all). I don't think he realises I need help with her too! He does not get up during the night either :( I guess maybe I just shouldn't complain because he does help with the others. One more question. Does anyone whose baby is bf, not poop everyday? Chelsea seems to hold for a couple of days then have explosive ones. Does anyone else have this? A health nurse is coming tomorrow to weigh and measure her so I'll check with her then. :)
Well the poop thing is completely normal, especially with BF babies. Jake was going a bunch every day and now that we've settled into a rhythm, he seems to be down to one or two times a day. They're pretty watery and gassy, simply because I drink TONS of water. No diarrhea, but lots of exploding :)
Hi everyone - hope you're all doing well. Trying to read to catch up.

kirstyrich - Last week, Vi was saving poop for a couple of days and then having MASSIVE amounts of it at once (I went through 4 diapers in one change last Sunday. All FULL of poop. :haha:) but now she's pooping like 8 times a day. :dohh: I was really paranoid about supply problems when she was going a couple of days without pooping and would hope so much for poop so now she's really giving me what I wanted. :haha:

My husband had a mild heart attack (he just turned 34!!) last Saturday so things have been nuts here. :wacko: He's fine, his heart and arteries are healthy. They couldn't really explain the heart attack fully. He also had pericarditis which the cardiologist kept saying is usually caused by a respiratory virus but we haven't been sick in months. So... :shrug: Pretty scary and stressful (especially since he doesn't have health insurance.... we're pretty much expecting a 6-figure bill. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it).

So, apparently I paid most of my dues with my first child (who is still insane, so I'm still paying) because Violet is a DREAM baby (Or, actually I think this time I just know better than to try to force anything? Feeling very go-with-the-flowy and breaking ALL of the rules, for sure). Sure she often clusterfeeds from like 11pm straight through until 4am, and she won't tolerate being put down during the day (but will tolerate being wrapped - I have an Ellevill Jade - and the Beco Butterfly II - as long as I keep moving and singing until she falls asleep which is the only way I can cook or brush my teeth or get anything done), and won't stay in the side-carred crib (if I put her in it, she creeps all the way over to snuggle with me on the bed!). But whatever. She's only this tiny once and it goes by so quickly so I'm just trying to enjoy her rather than wish for when she's more independent. My main headache is my toddler being defiant. I can't help thinking the newborn stuff is such a breeze compared to a toddler! But I know it's because my girls seem to have DRASTICALLY different personalities. Maisie was a screaming nightmare a Violet's age and I was a crying hormonal mess with all the breastfeeding issues and in so much pain (still) from my tear and I was exclusively pumping 8-10 times a day for a total of like 7oz/day at this point. Really different experience all around this time!

Still EBFing, which I can hardly believe. I have a feeling I'll have to supplement in a few weeks (hope I'm wrong) so I'm just trying to enjoy not having to right now. She gained a decent amount at her appointment on Friday (7lbs 10oz - born at 7lbs 3.6oz) but I feel like I'm just barely making enough to make it happen right now and worry I won't be able to produce more than I am now :)wacko:).
Last night Adam and I took Peter to get IceCream for the first time. (Well, Peter got his later!)

:rofl: I assume when Peter got his ice cream it wasnt so cold though?! And much more milky :haha: that sounds like a great family outing :kiss: we don't do ice cream the way you do in North America, nobody here would ever really go out for ice cream - I'm jealous! Glad your in laws aren't staying forever - but a week is a long time!

Re: poo. I can't wait until Isabelle starts going only once or twice a day!!! I can see her poops getting less frequent, but still maybe 5 a day!

Littlespy :shock: a 6 figure bill? That would be enough to give you and dh another heart attack. I hope he is feeling better.
So glad things are going well with violet in general, but especially the bf. don't even think about having to supplement, right now you are ebf and that's all that matters. Get those galactogogues into you!

Congrats Maria on the arrival of your little boy! Can't wait to hear more details!

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