April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Readytomum, great news that Peter is finally putting on some weight. Hopefully it will now accumulate faster!! :thumbup:
Building up supply takes time. Dont be discouraged yet!! Just keep pumping (even if nothing comes out)... The pumping (or Peter nursing) signals your body to make more milk.
So, your comment about not picking up Peter prompted a question: do you let Peter sooth himself to sleep? I read somewhere, not to worry about any of that until 3 months :shrug:. I always rock (or nurse) Grayson to sleep and then put him in his crib. Now I'm wondering, I I should let him self sooth himself or if it is too early?!? :shrug:

Candy, I bet Bens smile is just gorgeous!!!! Can you get a picture? I have to say... When I see the little smile, nothing else matters :cloud9:
:rofl: at Connie and you getting sharted on! I was getting Grayson's bath ready and was holding him... Nude baby... And... I got totally peed on ahahaha :haha:
Hiya ladies,
Readytomum so glad Peter has put on some weight, hopefully he will continue to become a chubba bubba from here on out! Just keep doing what your doing :) what a fab mummy you are persisting with such an awkward way of feeding! Peter is a very lucky lil Man!
Steph and candy aww that's so lovely you got smiles from your gorgeous lil men!!!! Makes my heart melt when he smiles with wind let alone a real smile! Can't wait for that moment! Does anyone's lo laugh in their sleep? James has started to in the last few day, takes after his daddy and sister! The other night Stephen started laughin in his sleep, Paige must of heard it coz it set her off then she started laughing in her sleep!!! I tried to grab my phone to record it but it was charging in the front room :(
Dl so so glad Isabelle took the bottle!!! That's a worry if your shoulders for when you o out or even just need a break! Lily glad your having no issues breast feeding with a bottle too!
So in a few weeks its the year anniversary for my grandad passing... I can't believe it's been a year already! It's gone so quick! And I'm missing him so much, I so wish he could have met James :( my dad is a really stubborn proud man but today he had a little bit of a breakdown over it, it's horrible seeing him like that.. :(
On a lighter not though we went on a small shopping trip today and found a bunk bed today for the kiddos! I know it's a bit early but I'd rather get one now than buy a small toddler bed for Paige now then have to go out and spend more money later to get another one! Best thing is its got a trundle under it so when we have guests there is a spear bed for them! And James can stay in the cot bed for a few years then by time Paige is 4-5 they can both sleep in the bunk! Lol! Method to my madness I promise hehe!
Oh and omg to being sharted on candy lol!!!! I know how that feels! Apparently James is big on target practise haha!!! The boy has good aim!!! Still I prefer what's in James nappy to Paige's! Breast milk poop smells and looks gross but Paige's is human poop I tell you!!!!! Foul!!!!!!!! Lol ;)
Yay for all these baby smiles!! Isabelle has done a few as well, and I swear she giggled last night when she was eating. Probably plotting something evil...

Steph: I have heard there is a 4-6week growth spurt, maybe Grayson is in that and that's why he's eating so much? I've also been wondering about self soothing, as Isabelle feeds to sleep, or we bounce her in her bouncer. She has self soothed herself to sleep once or twice, but generally if she feeds and I put her down to sleep but she isn't quite done comfort sucking, her eyes pop open like a demon and she squeals until she's allowed back for more sucking! So interested to see everyone's take on this.

Readytomum: :happydance: so glad Peter is putting on weight! Keep up the good work both of you! And good on you for being strict with the grandparents. Sometimes that is definitely needed!!

Candy: :rofl: I'm glad connie found getting pooed on so funny - maybe she'll do all the nappy changes from now on?!

Kealz: :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your granddads anniversary, it's awful to think of how much people who aren't with us anymore would have loved our LOs. You are super prepared with the bunk bed! But as you said, better to get it sorted now and not have to worry in the future. Do you think James will be your last LO?

After me saying Isabelle doesn't generally self soothe, she has just hiccuped herself to sleep in her bouncer (the vibration is on though...) lol. She slept from 9.30pm until 2.30am last night :shock: that is the longest ever! And I fell asleep about 11 so got 3.5hrs uninterrupted sleep which is the most in four weeks!
Aw glad you managed to get some uninterrupted sleep!!! I think they are getting to an age where they don't need to be waking so regularly at night for feeds!
In terms of self soothing. As a whole I don't really, but he does do it. He is more awake now a days tran asleep( has anyone else noticed this?) so he will have a feed and fall asleep, then ill pop him down and he will wake up, stare aroun for a while then he is gone! But say like yesterday we were out at m mums so he was being held most of the day, so today he thinks its gonna happen again so when he doesn't get his way and get held loads he screams!
Lol dl, before I met Stephen he didn't want children, so when we got together he changed (obviously)!but wants no more than two, where as I wanted 3. But after the last pregnancy I was adamant it would just be 2. But seeing how quickly James is growing up I have started thinking lol but Stephen will not have it. Lol so I'm trying to enjoy him as much as possible.
Kealz maybe you can win Stephen around :haha:

I don't know who was just crying harder, me or Isabelle. She cried for an hour and a half on and off (mainly on) and nothing would settle her - she took a bit of boob but not much, had a little play, but got cross, didnt want a cuddle, screamed blue murder when I put her into her carrier...until I was sobbing more loudly than she was begging her to be quiet.
So we tried boobies again, followed by carrier and she is now asleep, lifted out of the carrier and into her Moses basket. Thank The Lord. I meanwhile, am still a wreck....
OK Ladies, you have officially made me feel like I am ruining my child :haha:. I NEVER leave Grayson in his carrier or swing lol. He is either on my arm or laying on the couch next to me. Sometimes Rob will put him on his gym mat for maybe 15 min. I really need to start letting him entertain himself :wacko:

As I mentioned, he has been super fussy from 4am on for the past 4 nights. Well last night was no different. It seems that the only thing that will make him (somewhat) happy, is to be cradled in my left arm on the couch (the bed does not seem to be sufficient :dohh:). I was determined to let him 'cry it out' at 2am, so I let him fuss for 15 min before Rob jumped up and try to sooth him. Turns out... poor child was still hungry :blush:. I fed him and he went back to sleep until 4am, at which point we had to relocate to the couch for our final sleep hour :wacko:. At 7.30am he wiggled a few times and made the biggest poo known to mankind :shock:. He has been all smiles since :rofl:
So, moral of my story, poor child had to poo all night :dohh:

Sarah, I am so jealous of you 5 hours of sleep. I'm going to need you to send me a detailed report on what you did (and ate), to make this happen :coffee:. We get our 3 hours between feedings, but that is really it.
At least dealing with a screaming match with Izzy is a bit easier with 3.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep?!?!
Kealz, I still find that Grayson sleep most of the day (which may add to my nighttime problem :dohh:). He is usually awake for 1 or 2 hours after nursing, but that only adds up to maybe 5 total awake hours during the day :shrug:
Steph if it makes you feel any better i kind of have to leave him to his own devices a lot o the time so that Paige doesn't feel left out!
Poor lil love needed a big poo! James is the same he gets super fussy and irritable till he has had one!
After saying that Steph James has been asleep most of the morning now lol!!!
Aw dl sorry you having a bit of a hard day today, hopefully after her nap she will wake up a much happier baby! Maybe you try I get some sleep aswel? The days of naps are long gone for me, if one is asleep th other is awake! Hope your day gets better later x
I know we say this all the time... but you ladies with toddlers... :hugs:...

I am now determined to let Grayson entertain himself a bit today. I just put him in his swing (with the lights and music going of course :dohh:) and he is sitting there rather content... now that will be the cue for him to start crying shortly :haha:.

Kealz, I always said, that I only wanted 2 kids. Now that Grayson is already 1 month old, I understand why you would want more. They grow entirely too fast! But think about it this way... once James is a bit older and Paige will be more independent, you actually will have a chance to shower and do your make up all by yourself again :thumbup:.

OH MY GOD... I just turned around to check on Grayson, and he has put himself to sleep in the swing :happydance::happydance:
Wooo go Grayson!!! And go mama!!!
So I have my mil round, she has only met James for 2 hours of his life, even though she lives 20 mins down the road! And she is holding him and he wakes up and starts crying, so she grabs his dummy and shoves it his mouth and he is choking on it, then he settles a bit and she has one finger pushed on the dummy to keep it in his mouth, so I say he might want a feed, it's been a few hours! So she carrys on. Then he really goes for it! Like cherry tomatoe red face, screaming so much nothing comes out and still doesn't pass him to me! In the end I had to ask for him back!!!! Grerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Wow Kealz... I'm getting anxiety just from reading that :growlmad:. I would have been FURIOUS!!! I guess its a good thing, that she does not come around much!
awww Steph Grayson is a good boy!! You are doing a brill job!! I had to pick up some bits fromt he shops today so I took Ben with me in the carseat and buggy, he screamed at me so much he stopped breathing I had to pick him up out of the buggy and carry him round the shops!! pushing the buggy! Fussy little man! I keep trying to snap a pic of his smile but as soon as my phone is out he's not willing to participate! MONSTER! lol. Haha for getting peed on at bathtime, Aaron stands there waiting for Ben to pee then finally gets the balls to remove the nappy and 9 times out of 10 Ben pees on him haha, I'm like a nappy ninja, whip one off and whip the other on before any pee or poo can escape.. yesterday I was just off the ball a bit :p hehe xx

Kealz - ben has done that sleep laugh too but I dismissed it as being something else because I didn't think he was old enough to laugh yet.. maybe he was laughing then! Connie and Lucas have had bunk beds for 2 years now, so Connie was about 5-6 when we put her in it, I didn't like her being so high up at first. I had to keep going in to check that she was against the wall lol. As for the evil monster in law! What a fat cow! (sorry had to do it) I hate it when they are like that, they think because they are older that they know best. It's not good for anyone to behave that way. What is she like with Paige? xx

awwww Doggylover I hate those times where babies just want to cry, I've had a few days like that with Benson, it's really hard :hugs: I hope she is behaving better for you now xx

Afm: I'm so frustrated, I brought my babasling today, it was like christmas, I couldn't wait to try it out! But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it properly!! Even after 1000000 youtube tutorials!! Benson was in it nicely in the shop and loved it but I just can't work it out!

On a positive note though, I've booked my 3 little monsters in for their first ever photo shoot!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to dress them all up! I'm going to have Benson in his cloth nappy in a pic! Lovely :D

I'm becoming everything I said I wouldn't! When I was alone with my older 2 I was convenience mum! Disposable nappies,wipes, bottle feeding, everywhere in the pushchair.. now I'm free to explore things a bit more since Aaron is with me and I'm not alone in this experience, I've become a cloth diapering, breast feeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping crunchy nut mother!! LOL I'm surprised at how naturally I fell into those things considering I used to laugh at mums like this :p
Candy I am the exact same! Never expected myself to end up cloth nappying and baby wearing either! Have you started using your cloth? How is it going so far? I hope we'll get to see the photos from the kids photoshoot? They ar going to be so cute! Your LOs are so gorgeous, they will be beautiful pics. Grr about your sling. Just keep trying until you find a way it works for you (even if that's not how it's really supposed to go!) I had Izzy in the carter again today and then Simon tried it, but he didn't like having it too tigh - he wanted her looser, but didnt unstandardised me telling him she has to be nice and tight to him so she is in the right position lol.

Kealz :growlmad: your mil sounds like a pain in the butt - like steph said thank goodness she doesn't come round more often. I hate hate HATE when Izzy is crying and the person doesn't give her back, because she only (usually!) cries when she is hungry and nobody else can help her with that.

:rofl: Simon just gave Isabelle her second bottle (which went very smoothly on her part!) but she somehow pushed the teat down into the bottle and he FREAKED OUT thinking she has swallowed it?! And he literally grabbed the bottle out and flipped her upside down and started beating her back (so she didn't choke...on the NOTHING she had swallowed) the poor child nearly had a heart attack, as did her father, who couldn't understand why I was laughing when he explained what had happened. Literally he just thought she has swallowed the 'nipple' bit of the bottle...even though its attached to the rest of the silicone bit!
Dl is it an Avnet bottle? Usually when Paige's bottle does that it's because it's been done up too tight and the air is not escaping like it Gould! Try looseing the seal (obviously check it don't leak) and it shouldn't do it again!
Candy I had the baba sling with Paige and I just couldn't get on with it! I tried and tried again but just couldn't get on with it it ao returned it! X
Not yet Doggylover, I have just brought a bin for them and a tupperware box for my homemade wipes, I just have to buy a few packs of wash clothes and pre wash them and I'm ready to go. I got the same nappy liners from boots, recommended by Lily and I found a box of nappy soak powder which you can use on a normal wash int he machine to kill all the bugs which was only £2 so I'm happy there. I'm so excited to start using them! I'm thinking of starting a blog about it. I will absolutely share the pics of the kids when we have had them done, I am thinking up picture ideas and stuff to take with us.
That's funny about Simon and Isabelle. Men are so funny when they freak out over the smallest things, But it is rather cute too! That's never happened to me with those bottles and I used them with both of my other 2 :/ The only thing I found with those bottles was that the air flow thingy makes them squeak lol.

You know when bottle fed babies get older right... they go up in teat flow.. so a new born has a 0+ teat and then you have faster flow for older babies... How does that work with breast fed babies?? Does the milk come out faster as they get bigger? am I going to have water pistol nipples by the time he's a year old??? freaky!

Kealz I kind of done it earlier but then he kept moving out of position. It really pissed me off in the end so it's probably going back, I'll ask the sales reps the show me how to do it first though and show me how to adjust it to fit me. It looks so easy on youtube :(
Kealz it was a tommee tippee, but I did have a bit of an issue putting it back together after sterilising it, so the seal being too tight could well have been the issue.

Candy where did you get the nappy wash stuff? It sounds good! I have reusable wipes and LOVE them. I've changed many nappies before Isabelle and only ever used disposable wipes but honestly now I wonder how I ever did change a nappy using them! The reusable ones are so great at 'gripping' the poop. I find I use 2/3 disposable wipes for a medium sized poo, but its two wipes with the same reusable and done! I think you are going to love it all! If you have two changing areas (we have one in the living room and one in our room) you might want to get two Tupperware boxes, as I always forget to bring the wipes down in the morning and have her naked before realising, and have to carry her naked butt to get the wipes, constantly fearing she will poo on me!
Hey ladies, just a fleeting visit as Kev is back in work again so we have to be in bed early as he's up at 5 - yawn!!!

Hope everyone is good.

Lexi has been prescribed emfamil (may have spelt it wrong) to help with the terrible reflux shes been having - hopefully it will sort all her pain out then!

Im sorry for being a bad forum buddy - I will catch up soon xxxxx
Hi girls so much to catch up on - plenty of nighttime reading for me...perhaps ill read out loud to Harrison it may help settle him!

Doggy lover that really made me laugh!!! Harrison does that too on the tommy tippee ones :)

Kealz grrrrrr I would have been fuming!!!!!!!

Candy I think it's GREAT you can be the mummy you want to be :)

Well Harrison is a bit more settled today. We have been going to baby massage classes and it seems to have helped him :) also on dentinox and has worked the best so far!

I have found that he is much happier on his front after a feed (I know not aloud but I watch him & docs advised it) however he/we get the most sleep when he sleeps on my chest....is it dangerous to do this? I never thought I would but in so desperate to have him settled and me to get a few hours sleep....I wake up instantly when he moves I just hope I wouldn't roll and squash him - any thoughts?

As for slings..well I sent oh out to buy a specific one and he came back with a crotch dangler cue argument!! Grrrr so now he loves it & Harrison was settled but I don't want to use it!!!

Also just out of curiosity how much have your babies put on in weight ie Harrison is now 10 pounds but everyone keeps saying he looks small & like a newborn....I find this a bit upsetting but probably just being sensitive due to lack of sleep haha!

Hope everyone and lo's are all well xx
Oh Sarah, I would have been in tears laughing about Simon! What a classic!!!!

Candy, I feel the same way about the Moby wrap. It worked great the first time, but I feel like since Grayson exceeded the 10lb mark, he just doesn't fit :shrug:. I had a horrible try at it last time and have not dared to try again. We also received the Infantino one as a gift and every time I put Grayson in it, he starts bouncing his head off of my chest and it looks like he is motorboating me lol ... Then he realizes that he's not getting fed and he gets pissed. :rofl:
So... Moral of the story... We are failing at baby wearing ahahah.

Nimbec, Rob keeps wanting to get a crotch dangler and refuses to understand, why I don't like them :dohh:. Hopefully you can return yours and get the one you like!

Candy, I can't wait to see the pictures of the kids!! They are going to be gorgeous!!

AFM, I went to the dentist this afternoon for my annual check up and cleaning. Before I left, we found a puddle of dog pee in the living room. Since I was in a rush, rob said he would take care of the dog. Well... I got home 3 hours later, to find the dog STILL locked in his cage :growlmad:. Wtf is he trying to teach him?!? He didn't bother walking or feeding him! Just locked him up and left him there! He knows exactly, that I feel like 30min is max for discipline. His response: I've left him locked up all day before! Are you Kidding??? No: I'm sorry... Or I forgot! So needless to say... We have not spoken to each other since! The man has no ability to communicate (during any argument) or apologize! His solution is to just walk away and then pretend like everything is ok the next day. I don't know what to do! Any suggestions? I'm so fed up with this juvenile behavior.

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