April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

lily I find other people are more uncomfortable about me bfing in public than I am.. do you?

afm Im getting annoyed with another mum I know from Lukes class.. she and I have gotten to be friends and gone to a cafe ect.. she keeps dropping in things like... I bath my kids everynight.. dont you??? errrrm no I dont because they dont need it and it makes Connies eczema bad.. gosh its not like I never clean my kids lol they bath three times a week so every other night. I think thats fine!
My ex was on skype tonight to the kids it was brilliant they kept talking about jow amazing Aaron is haha I didnt bother stopping them this time. He made fun of Benson crying too.. what a cock!

Ben weighs 13lbs now he is following the graph perfectly :)

It was my first public BF, but it was ok. The neighborhood is quite hipstery, also has a lot of med students and I don't think anyone batted an eyelid :thumbup:

What an obnoxious woman!!!
Your ex is such a weirdo, ew.

Yay on Benny's growth!!!:thumbup: Good job mama!

My take on jabs:
My kid will get vaccinated. My parents disapprove, and I can see their point, but I'm scared of the diseases, especially meningitis...
Whoa lily, from what I've heard it's usually people's parents disapproving of the, NOT vax-ing their baby rather than the other way round!
I see why people don't want to, and its each to their own, but I kind of have an expectation that other people will vax to keep their kid safe and stop the spread of diseases, so I need to do my part as well. Plus I think a lot of the info about vaccines is maybe hyped up and a bit of scare mongering.

Candy, forgot to say :haha: about the kids being so full of chat about Aaron to their 'dad'. And making fun of a baby crying? He honestly is a bigger prick ever single day!!!
thanks Lily xx

I know a bit about vax since I love medicine and have some nursing knowledge. Part of the reason vaccines are so unpopular is because when the MMR vax was produced some crazy ass study linked it with autism which we know now has no solid ground to base that theory on but people listened more to the negatives and didnt really losten when it was proven false. A lot of scare mongering goes on with vax. Of course some kids have reactions to the vaccines but is very rare and in most cases only mild. Ive heard some ladies say there are dead baby cells in the vaccines and baby cells from animals which is disgusting and untrue. None of the vaccines contain any living organisms its against the law to inject someone with a live virus. The main ingrediant of a vaccine is egg white. most reactions come from an intolerance to egg or a mild reaction around the injection site usually redness and swelling which goes away after a few days so be careful with babies legs for a few days.

another thing... calpol is a funny thing. Your kid can go one of two ways on it. Either babies get very wakeful and hyped up on it or it makes them drowsey. Connie gwtsbhyoer and Luke gets drowsey. I got my calpol for Ben today. His jabs are tomorrow morning.

Its normal for babies to be a bit restless a few hours after so do not worry about that. Usually the 2 nights after jabs are sleepless lol :)

Im for vax but I dont think negatively of people who dont vax. Its another one of those parental debates that tend to get heated lol x
Loving all the photos of everyone's LO's on FB!! Such gorgeous babies we have!

Peter had another weigh in today, and at 7.5 weeks he's now at 10lbs even. :happydance: He's still a light-weight by the weight chart which still puts him only in the 25% percentile of weight, but the doctor is very happy with how quickly he's started to catch up and gain weight, so we're doing good!! Hopefully the little man keeps it up!

Afm, Peter has been quite sleepy today and rather fussy the last few days so I think he must be going through a growth spurt right now. He's got to the point now where he makes faces and smiles and coos and makes gurgling noises. Ahh it melts my heart when he smiles and starts babbling away. :cloud9:

Don't get me wrong, having a baby is wonderful, but now that he can interact a little bit, it makes all those sleepless nights seem so much more worth it! :thumbup:
Sarah that is why I had Allen take Emmaleigh to get hers. I can't take it and it makes me feel so horrid!

Candy, Liamsmom, and Readytomum Emmaleigh is 9 weeks and just weighs 10lbs 2 ozs. She is small but her Pediatrican is very happy with her weight gain. I think Peter is growing at a perfect rate for him!!

Candy my kids did the same before all this shit happened and your Ex is a down right piece! I would have smarted off saying at least he doesn't sound like a donkey braying like you!

I don't bat an eye at people Bf in public if people can watch nasty dirty films and think its ok for a woman to walk around with her boobs and ass hanging out what is so wrong with BF??

I am kind of peeved today. My SIL is on my nerves. When we were up at my MILs she was saying how she is broke and was selling all their stuff to pay bills and then today they go and buy a 6000.00 motorcycle. I got a nice birthday present from my best friend that she is pregnant with twins and is due Jan 4th with them. And as for my Af being regular it isn't.....she was due to start but hasn't yet.
Aww my munchkin is still the smallest! She is 8lbs 2oz today. She dropped down to 5lb 8oz in the hospital because of her latch issues and then caught up well when we started using the shields but then a few weeks ago she had even more issues even with the shield. Everyone including the LC kept telling me she would outgrow it etc and it would get better with time. I bought a baby scale becausr i just had a feeling that things were not right and got it last Friday and put her on it and she weighed the same as at her ped visit two weeks before. I freaked out and took her to ped next day and also did a supply pump test. My supply is slightly low because of all her suck issues so we have been supplementing all this week and she gained almost a pound in a week! So now she is only 6oz from average. Which she will prob have caufht up with by the end of this week. It has all been stressful and upsetting but I am feeling better about it now. I think it will be hard for us to get back to ebf as she doesn't drain the breast properly. I am increasing my pumping to try to compensate and taking all sorts of galactagogues but that is pretty exhausting. We are def going to keep bf'ing for as long as we can but until her mysterious suck issues resolve we will keep supplementing. I have been trying to post about this for ages and only getting a chance now because she is so sleepy from her shots today!

The most annoying part of it is that my MIL and her sisters keep making comments implying that all her great behavioral changes are just because of the formula. So ridiculous as they started before all that. Plus she was a total nightmare for the first four weeks and was gaining perfectly all that time. So frustrating.
Steph, DL, Candy: The pony issue is completely bothersome and I can fix it since I own the pony, its just that trainers are being completely obnoxious this year! I'm a professional, but we don't have a kid small enough to show "Ian" and this girl was supposed to have him showing and getting him out on trial and it just didn't happen. It took me finally finding him a ride and getting a good customer on my own and telling her he was leaving to find someone to take him on trial! Needless to say, we won't be sending another pony to her. :growlmad:

Candy: May I say, what a dick! And good for you BFing in public! I have my little BF'ing cover that I use when needed! I'm not nervous about it anymore, just because its my baby and I want him to eat boob! Plus he hates bottles and pacis, so its not easy getting him to take either :dohh:

DL: I'm so sorry about Izzy's shots and your "situation" with the calpol! I haven't tried "tylenol" with Jake yet, but probably will before this next round of shots.

Kirstabelle: Damn family for always thinking they know better! My mom never suggests anything other than trying to make sure I keep BF'ing Jackson for at least 6 months (which I have always planned to do anyhow) :thumbup: I don't really have anyone else to yell at me about the baby. I guess I should feel fortunate :) I am super happy for you that you caught on to Annelise's weight leveling out and got on the ball and got her all caught up. It just goes to show that we do know our babies best! My SIL also had some latch issues with her first and it kept her from really BF'ing her second which I thought was a little lazy, but I never said anything. I know having a BF'ing issue can be disheartening and make you want to give up, but at least give it a shot first? I try not to judge since all moms are different and I don't know all of the facts.

AFM: Jake is outgrowing EVERYTHING. That is all. :haha:
Thanks! The first thing annelise has grown out of is socks. So weird.

The best part if all their commenting and judging is that no matter how many ounces of formula I give her she still doesn't like any of them. Ah, I love my child!

Yeah bf'ing probs are just the worst. They give you all sorts of bad feelings. I will def try with no 2, I am still trying with no 1, lol! No matter how much she sucks at sucking mama will stick it out as long as possible... I say as I feel a dribble of breastmilk running down my belly from my suck- challenged suckling babe. Sigh.
Kirsty I'm so sorry to hear that you're having trouble with bf, but I'm happy that Annelise is making good progress on her growth- the big footed girl that she clearly is. And oh yes, obviously formula is a miracle cure that turned her into a perfect baby. That must be why no formula fed baby is EVER fussy, in a bad temper, or has a bad day :dohh: honestly what are people thinking sometimes?!
Also, excellent throw in of the word galactogogue. It's been far too long!

Candy: I read in the natural parenting forum that some people said the vaccines have aborted foetal cells in them. Obviously I knew it was crap,mbut I just wonder how people can believe that? Like do they think the vaccine makers go around abortion clinics collecting it all up?! What is wrong with some people?!

Readytomum glad that Peter is doing well, he is certainly piling on the pounds now!

I think Jackson wins for biggest baby though! He is clearly a boob MONSTER! And little Annelise is our tiniest, but she'll knock you out with her big feet! Isabelle is right in the middle, at her weigh in last Monday she was 11lb 1oz, so her growth has slowed slightly, but nothing to worry about. I imagine she's heading up towards 12lbs by now.

Afm: hello sleep! Last night she slept for eight hours! Then a feed and another 2hrs! I'm 100% convinced it is linked to her vaccine, but I don't care. It was brilliant (apart from the rock hard boobs!) and since I had imagined shed be up all night, a pleasant surprise!
I think people will say anything to bring you round to their way of thinking Sarah, even if it means lying out their arses to scare the crap out of you! There is no way aborted babies in vaccines. They list the ingredients on the packs lol.

Benson had his vaccines this morning, I BF'ed him while she done it, the first jab was fine but he hadn't been latched on long with the second jab and he cried his little eyes out for a moment or two. I'm used to jabbing my kids so I was fine with it, he settled down after about 20 seconds but Aaron wasn't impressed, I tried to warn him before we went but he didn't think it was going to be as heartbreaking as I told him it would be first time round. He told me after he wanted to punch the bitch nurse haha, she was lovely though he's just being an over protective pleb!

Ben's really sleepy and his leggies are already swollen, I've given him calpol and going to put him down in my bed so we can curl up together and have a cuddle poor little chicken xx
Aww my munchkin is still the smallest! She is 8lbs 2oz today. She dropped down to 5lb 8oz in the hospital because of her latch issues and then caught up well when we started using the shields but then a few weeks ago she had even more issues even with the shield. Everyone including the LC kept telling me she would outgrow it etc and it would get better with time. I bought a baby scale becausr i just had a feeling that things were not right and got it last Friday and put her on it and she weighed the same as at her ped visit two weeks before. I freaked out and took her to ped next day and also did a supply pump test. My supply is slightly low because of all her suck issues so we have been supplementing all this week and she gained almost a pound in a week! So now she is only 6oz from average. Which she will prob have caufht up with by the end of this week. It has all been stressful and upsetting but I am feeling better about it now. I think it will be hard for us to get back to ebf as she doesn't drain the breast properly. I am increasing my pumping to try to compensate and taking all sorts of galactagogues but that is pretty exhausting. We are def going to keep bf'ing for as long as we can but until her mysterious suck issues resolve we will keep supplementing. I have been trying to post about this for ages and only getting a chance now because she is so sleepy from her shots today!

The most annoying part of it is that my MIL and her sisters keep making comments implying that all her great behavioral changes are just because of the formula. So ridiculous as they started before all that. Plus she was a total nightmare for the first four weeks and was gaining perfectly all that time. So frustrating.

I can totally sympathize with you! I've had the same troubles with Peter. He's a lazy eater and he has a high metabolism, so he wasn't eating enough at the breast to sustain him and allow him to gain weight like he should. So we had to start supplementing with formula too because he wasn't gaining anything. The first week we started he jumped from 8.6 to 9.6, and then another week later he's up to 10lbs now. I think it's made him less fussy too because he feels fuller now.

I'm taking an herbal mixture to help keep my supply up, but he clearly prefers drinking from the bottle since it's so much less effort! We still BF at the start of every feeding, and then top up with formula every other feeding and that seems to be working ok for us. Hopefully my supply will hold out till 6 months anyway.
Aww poor Aaron! I suppose we will all get used to it, I don't think the next time will be so bad now I know she didn't really mind it too much. And lol at "I'm used to jabbing my kids" candy- you make it sound like you have then shooting up!! :rofl:
lol DL its better when they are older, as soon as the nurse shows then the chocolate buttons all is forgotten.

I forgot to tell you all that tesco sells fennel tea! It is meant to boost supply, I am going shopping tomorrow so will pick some up and let you know if it works or not. I noticed though that fried food boosts my supply too lol yum yum bacon!!
As for supply:

I spoke with Maybesoon (who had some BF issues and has reverted to lots I pumping), who recommended using Fenugreek supplement and fennel tea. It has doubled her supply within a week (and gives you the lovely side effect of smelling like maple syrup).
I go back to work full time on Monday, and was worried that the third pump of the day, would not give me the output I need. My right boob is what I call my "worker boob" - super productive :haha:. My left one is what I call the "man boob" :dohh:... Bigger and half the output :rofl:.
I just started the fenugreek and fennel tea yesterday. I have a good baseline from pumping for the past 4 weeks every day... I will give you girls an update next week, to see if production increased! I guess worst case scenario... I wil smell like maple syrup :haha:
I can't find fenugreek here I'm wondering if barrets sell it or boots?

I'm so excited to hear if it has worked for you too Steph LOVE the name for your boobies hahaha! Mine are oddly the same except the opposite way round!

Does anyone else get weirdly over happy when thye can feel their boobies are full of milk? lol I keep poking mine to make sure they are filling up hahaha!
Steph :rofl: at the names for your boobs! Only you!!!

I feel like I don't pay enough attention to my boobs now :haha: I don't know what my supply is like :shrug: the health visitor asked me last week and I didn't know and I still don't! All I know is that Isabelle seems satisfied after feeding and always unlatches herself (usually with milk then dribbling down her face!) and she is putting on weight. So I guess it's ok for now?

How will I know if I have a supply issue?

Candy: when I woke up last night after her mammoth sleep I couldn't stop feeling my lumpy rock boobs, and weirdly enjoyed then 'deflating' as she nursed herself into a coma!
Candy: I read in the natural parenting forum that some people said the vaccines have aborted foetal cells in them. Obviously I knew it was crap,mbut I just wonder how people can believe that? Like do they think the vaccine makers go around abortion clinics collecting it all up?! What is wrong with some people?!

OMG who says such thing????

My parents are against vacs for some hippyish reason of their own, that I don't understand completely. They disapprove of vacs starting at 2 months old, they think kids should have vacs only when they start going to school (I see their point there), and they didn't complete our vacs. My mom would take me to Pox parties, and organize them too if we happened to be ill. The crazy 80s... I know for a fact this practice is now illegal. My parents were of those parents who started the "vacs are the devil" thing...:dohh:
Ive heard of delayed vaccinating lily. For vaccinations to work well I believe they have to be done at certain points in childhood. There is a new rotavirus vaccine starting when our babies are three months old. Im not sure if ours will get to have it because the nurse said it has to been done before four months old and the vaccine is in 2 parts meaning ours will be 5 months old when they are due the second dose :/
My friends little girl was born poorly with a hole in her heart so they had to wait until she was over a year old to have her vaccinations.

question for you DL how is Isabelle the day after her jabs? We have baby massage tomorrow and at the moment Ben is screaming blue murder and constantly on the boob for comfort I wonder if he will be okay for going tomorrow? How long was Izzy upset for after hers? Its been so long since Ive jabbed a NB my older ones take the jab get the sweets and carry on lol xx
DL you will know if you have a supply issue if LO stops gaining weight. You shouldn't worry about it. Isabelle is obv an excellent nurser! That's all you need, someone to supply the right amount if demand. Seriously don't worry! If you want you can do the pump test my LC gave me. Not everyone agrees with pulp tests as an indicator if supply though. But basically you pump after a feed and note the amount you got from each breast and then pump again an hour later and note the amounts from each breast then pump a third time an hour later and note amounts again. The third numbers are is the most important. 33 is average for both breasts combined. Mine is about 20. So I am at about two thirds of where my supply should be. Which the LC says is not bad at all considering all the issues and that I have an inefficient nurser. Please don't anyone do the test and freak out as I said it is not the best measure of supply only weight gain of your LO is as baby gets more from the breast than the pump does.

I reek of maple syrup. I have been taking fenugreek for a week. I also take mothers milk special blend which has fenugreek fennel blessed thistle goats rue etc in it. And then I just started taking go-lacta which is moringa leaves and that is supposed to be amazing. That was recommended by both my mw and my LC. I started that on Sunday and I think that actually is doing something. I pumped 3oz after a feed this am instead of my usual 2. I am going to get mothers milk tea too. I will try everything!! The go-lacta is expensive so if you don't "really" need it it wouldn't be worth it. My next plan is to rent a hospital grade pump for a while as that will be way better at providing the level of stimulation I really need. As long as I can keep my supply up annelise will get better as she gets bigger and older and then things will be easier to maintain.
And you can't nurse in between pumps. You have to do it when you know LO is down for a while it you can give a bottle. Sorry about all the typos!

Candy annelise was sleepy and irritable all day yesterday and last night. I gave her Tylenol (same as calpol) at midnight as she was screaming the house down and this morning she is so much better. A little but sleepier than usual but not cranky and grumpy like yesterday. Poor things. We got the rotavirus vax yesterday. I guess they do it earlier here.

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