April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh yeah and ready to mum you could also look into taking domperidone. It is available in Canada but not the US. I would be taking that if I could!
they haven't released it here yet Kristabelle, it's released next month, he should be having it at 2 months like Annelise but the earliest he could get it is 3 months and the nurse isnt sure if he can have the second dose after 4 months :/ fingers crossed he can still get it xx
Wow Kristy... You have done your research :thumbup:. I can't believe how dedicated you are! That is awesome!!

Sarah, I don't think you should have any concern about your supply. Izzy falling off the boob, with milk running down her little chin (like a proper drunk :haha:) should be indication enough!!!! Clearly she would not be that wasteful, if it was in short supply!!
I only worry, because I have to add another pump secession in the afternoon and I need to make sure I end up with enough milk to take home. Right now, I get 6-8oz during first pump and then 2-4oz during second pump. I'm concerned, that I will get less again for the third pump. I want to be able to bring home 13-15oz total a day.

Candy... I'm constantly pocking my boobs :rofl: and I'm always super disappointed at night, when Grayson drained then lol
Steph I just feel like I have to try all the things I possibly can to help so that I don't feel bad about not being able to ebf. But you can only do what you can do.

Yeah I think it's a good idea to take some kind of supplement if you are doing a lot of pumping as it just not the same as LO. But I bet you will be fine as your supply is very well established. Good luck with going back to work full time!

That is so weird candy. I wonder why they can't have it after 4 months? Here it was an oral vaccine. Annelise didn't seem too bothered by it. She also seemed to like her cherry Tylenol lol
OMG annelise just did a power spit up. Over my shoulder and then I felt it splatter along my calf as I was walking. The dog helpfully cleaned up the drops that hit the floor. Dogs really are gross creatures lol!
lol Steph I love that you are just as weird as me!!! :p

Kristabelle ewwwwwww at your dog HAHA!!! It is an oral vaccine here too. I dont think Ben is going to drink it lol he spits out calpol and infacol and looks disgusted that I tried to feed him anything other than ilk lol!

He seems much happier now... touch wood.. his swelling is going down. He is smiling and I managed to bathe him so fingers crossed that he is over the worst of it now.
Steph that's true about izzy not wasting it if it was in short supply! She is like a proper drunk with milk, she usually passes out afterwards too!! Is there anyway you could fit even another pumping session in during the day to try and boost supply? I don't even know if that would work, my knowledge of this is all very limited!!

Lily omg at "pox parties"! That's insane! I managed to catch pox without the party, I'm sure you would have been just fine doing that too!

Candy, Isabelle has been asleep most of today, and when she was awake around dinner time she was NOT happy. She cheered up at bedtime, but has gone straight down so is obviously still very sleepy. I say take Ben anyway, and worst case is he falls asleep or is on the boob, but you still get out for a chat with people! I think the dr should have given me a sweet yesterday for being good!!

Kirstabelle, I don't think I could do the pump test for that reason - Isabelle would definitely nurse in the time before I got to the last pump, so it wouldn't be accurate results. She is that greedy, but she wouldn't take a bottle from me. But like you say, she's gaining weight and as long as that continues ill live in blissful ignorance of how my supply goes :haha: thanks for the info.

Oh, and a few weeks ago Isabelle spewed what I would say is an adult amount of sick :shock: and while I got her changed, it had pooled in the bottom of her bouncer and our dog drank it. All of it. :sick:
Bahaha Emme did this to Allen a few weeks back as he was holding her over his shoulder carrying her to our room...we have no inside dog so we did have to clean it ourselves.

Sarah I love the photo of you and your family on the couch very cute!

I have been in a rather foul mood for 3-4 days now and I bit Allen's head off last night. I told him I don't see how he was such an amazing dad with the oldest 3 and don't help with Emmaleigh more. SO i handed her off to him and went and soaked in a hot bath for an hour and he rocked her and put her to bed. AF is late but I think she is getting ready to show I am gassy and crampy and moody.
Shell, hopefully AF is just late?!? Lol... How exciting would it be, to have the first April baby sibling on the way?!?
Sorry you've been cranky... I know that can be a pain.

I think I may have just had a huge CD breakthrough at the home front :thumbup:. Rob has been 100% against any CD. He said, that he was raised with them (yes, he's that old :rofl:) and refuses to use them. So today I ordered a few Rock a bums to try (advertisement victim right here lol). When Rob got home I pulled up the website and showed him without saying anything. He actually thought they looked cool.... He had no clue that modern CD look like that :rofl:... He was thinking that I wanted to use the old school, white cloth diapers with pins lol

He is still not sold but it's one step closer...
Krista: I'm taking a More Milk Plus supplement from Mother Care which has fenugreek, goats milk and blessed thistle. The stuff tastes Vile! I don't think it's really a supply issue at this point though since my doctor has explained that some babies just don't thrive off breastmilk because it's not high enough in calories. The supplementing with formula after a breastfeed is working well for us, so hopefully it will continue that way.

Re: dogs cleaning up spitup.....Ewwwwww!! I miss having a dog around to clean up food bits that fall, but some of the things dogs eat make my stomach turn. :wacko:

Mommabrown: hope things settle down a bit for you, and if it is AF that she makes a speedy exit and doesn't hang around too long!

Steph: glad to hear that Rob is slowly being swayed to the cloth side.

Afm, I had my 6 week checkup today (a week late) and I'm cleared for exercising again etc. I'd really like too...but I'm not sure how possible that's going to be with my nap-hater child. sigh.
Sarah L, glad your checkup went well :thumbup:. I've been cleared for working out for almost a month... I have worked out a total of 2 times :rofl:. Seems like that is the last thing I want to do.
Rob and I are on a health food diet since Monday, so I am craving some serious junk, carb, sugar food! Even though most of my clothes fit again, I don't like the way they are fitting... And to be honest, I needed to lose a good 10lbs before getting pregnant lol.

Did you ladies decided on a method of BC? I know that you normally start around 6 weeks. I have decided on Mirena and have an appointment in 4 weeks to have it put in.
Hahaha I am not ready for the sibling front Steph! I have not worked out once other than walking. I have only been released for 3 weeks and after 9 months of sitting on my ass I can't get motivated. And the manipulation of poor Rob! Bahaha that cracks me up.

Emme is kind fussy this evening and wanting to held.

Readytimum strap him in his carrier and go for it!
omg the thought of exercise just makes me want to stick my greys box set on and veg out on the sofa with a huge bag of doritos! In the evenings when Aaron is at work and I have all three kids alone I rarely get time to sit down. I cant eat or drink or pee because Im so busy lol. Thats my workout right there!

Also me and Aaron are huge fans of the bed picnic and going out for lunch at places like harvester. We'ld never last on a healthy eating diet haha!

Well Ben is back to himself this morning so looks good. Just wondering... did any of you ladies feel more bonded with your baby after the jabs? Ive had a lot of depression for the last few weeks over court and I feel like it effected ny ability to bond with Benny but feeling so sorry for him yssterday and giving him lots of snuggles in bed has helped to get closer to him. I feel like I have a deeper connection with him for it. Is that weird? I guess since Im so busy all the time I rarely get time to appreciate him properly and get snuggles that I wasnt screamed at for lol
Candy I would say its the snuggling in bed that did it. Just getting to spend some quality time with him, and having him so close by all day must have been great for you two.

Exercise....no. No thanks. I hate exercise. I do, however, walk the dogs everyday. I do at least 2.5miles, and did right up until the day before I was induced, and started again 5 days after Isabelle arrived. With this pair of labs I don't have any option! But, my sweet tooth means I am not losing any weight! Like you steph, I could have done with being a few (or maybe more than a few!) pounds lighter before getting pregnant.

Steph, everyone thinks of the old school cd when you mention them! My family were dead set against them, my mum even said she would still use disposables on Isabelle at her house, but now they see how easy it is they are won over (kind of!) And I just found out last week Simon was a cloth bum baby too! And we aren't really that old (I'm enjoying my last few weeks of 26...)
Oh also,I meant to ask about boob pain :haha:

Last night and this morning one of my boobs feels almost bruised. It's sore to touch in certain areas, but there are no lumps or hard bits, and Isabelle was drinking just fine from it. Any ideas?
Sarah: I'm thinking that with the boob pain its probably just overworked from Izzy and all of her little drunk baby nursing. My boobs get that way if Jake has had a very "productive" and healthy day of feeding.

Candy: Honestly (and I know this sounds horrible), I think its a bit like having sex with your hubby/partner. No matter how far apart you feel, a little bit of snuggle time and you guys are back on the same level playing field. There are days when Greg has had Jackson all day and I feel useless, except that Liam adores me and that helps a lot. :winkwink:

Kirstabelle: Just chiming in here that there is obviously nothing a dog won't eat, mine included. Jake has only spit up maybe 6 times in his short baby life and its usually if he's done an "Izzy" and drunk nursed himself to sleep. He'll be so full of milk that it will just slip right back up again and all over me. :wacko: Let me just say..not a fan of the baby vomit!

AFM: My little monkey slept from 8:20-5:20! Daddy brought him out to me (since I was already waiting up for him) and he drained one boob and wanted to play, but by 6:20 he was tugging at his ears and his face which is a certain sign of "I AM SO TIRED MOM!", so we headed back to sleep for a bit. This is where my little rockstar is now. We are currently in our second leap and I have found that we seem to understand each other better already. He doesn't look at me and instantly cry anymore, he seems to give me a chance to read what he needs and do the right thing before he starts with the pouts. His cues are even more pronounced, so I don't feel like such a dumbass sitting there wondering what it is he wants. :haha: He's outgrown the little snuggle nest we were using in his crib which had a minky cover (which equals super soft) and have had to resort to putting him to bed on his crib sheet, which he seems to dislike :cry: My poor munchkin! So being the horrible mother that I am, I broke down and bought a minky fitted crib sheet. :blush: You cannot ever love your babies too much, can you?
done an "Izzy" and drunk nursed himself to sleep.

:rofl: I love that this is a thing now!!!

Funny you mention the ear pulling, I've noticed Izzy has started doing that recently too, usually with her left hand while she sucks her right hand, and again it means "hey I am starting to get tired here, sort me out mother!!! It's so adorable :kiss:

Also for anyone who didnt see on fb, my dog just upped the anty and licked Isabelle's poop off the used nappy. I nearly had a heart attack. He is so disgusting.
Sam, I'm going to be sending you Grayson for some sleep training :haha:. On our best nights, he will sleep from 9pm - 2am, then 5.30 wake for another feed. I think that maybe I should let him fuss for a bit (I know he's not really starving lol), but it breaks my heart to hear him suck his little thumb vigorously :cry:... Cue, boob in the face :coffee:
I've also noticed a huge change in his eating behavior over the past 3 days... He only wants (and takes) boob when he's hungry :shrug:. I know that I should be happy about that (since it means he is finding soothing through other means), but I miss being able to fix EVERYTHING with just a simple boob fix :cry:. I'm certain, that this change is because I'm working and he has to find other things during the day... Ugh... Stupid work!!
We also made a huge leap backwards last night :shock:. He slept for 3 hours, then 2.5, then 2!! I forgot how exhausting that can be. I think that he may be coming down with a cold (since my throat is sore) and that's what caused his bad sleep last night :shrug:

In other news, Sarah Dexter is gross!!! Ahahaha but my first thought is: less for you to clean up???
omg yuk at licking poo nappies! Your doggies are disgraceful! LOL xx

Benny also pulls at his ears I thought he might have been getting poorly so I'm glad you mentioned this I was going to get him checked over for ear infection.

We were at baby massage this morning and omg it was great! All the babies were 8 months and under and they were all so chilled out and cooing away. I felt a bit of a tramp though, all the other mums were older and only had one kid, they looked a bit like.. ewwww council house mum... at me when I said Benny is my third lol. Whatever bitches! All most of the mums do at those things is brag about their babies anyway.

After baby massage we went shopping and ran into Chico from the Xfactor, Im nto really a fan but I was a bit star struck haha, he kissed Benny and called him cute then after we had our picture taken with him he gave me a kiss too!! OMG I was trying to hide from Aaron haaha but I went bright red, I was shaking for ages after.. I'm such a sado!! lol

If you don't know who chico is... he's this guy lol...

Candy :rofl: You had a bit if Chico time today then?! What was he doing there? Please tell me it was just his weekly shop...
I guess if Benson is pulling at his ear more than when he's just tired get it checked out? I'm always of that school of thought - child touches ear = ear infection. But I have noticed izzy only does it when sucking her fist, and yawning, so for me I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious.

Steph, I feel for you with boob no longer solving all problems. Apart from that one time, we are still good on that front, thank God. It probably is because you're working and he is soothing himself during that time (well I hope he is and other people aren't letting him comfort suck :shock:) just keep booking him up and he'll know that when you're there, comfort can still come from mommy.
Izzy is all about fist sucking at the minute, so during the night when she's starting to wake up she starts doing that, but might do it for half an hour, so I spend the whole time watching her and waiting for her eyes to open so I can boob her. A few times she's even gone back to a deep sleep....little madam, I felt so rejected!! Plus since I'm awake anyway I she may as well have some good stuff!

Hmmm, so usually we don't start getting izzy ready for bed til around 7.30. She plays for a bit, then feeds then bed anywhere between 8.15 and 9pm. Well tonight she was wide awake at 7 so I said to Simon instead of us fighting her for half an hour to try and get a nap before bedtime so she isn't overtired, maybe we should just bring bedtime forward slightly.
Well she comfort sucked until 8.30pm anyway :dohh: but she has been comfort sucking a lot today, so not sure whether she may have done it anyway. I don't have a good feeling though....

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