April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

EWEEEEEEEW at your dog Sarah!

Girls Emme has been eating her fists too. No ear pulling or anything. Steph I hope poor little Grayson isn't getting sick. My friends baby has bronchitis from hot to cold air that Katie thought was a cold too.

It so hot here that even the air is hot when the wind is blowing...ugh...Landon and I are in a stand off because he wants to be outside all the time and won't accept NO as an answer so then i end up shouting at him to go to his room until he decides to listen to me and then I wake Emmaleigh up. *Sigh* It is never ending. I have explained and explained about heat stroke and he is so stubborn he don't want to hear it, then he will lay this I am lonely crap on me and make me feel like utter shit. I hope this doesn't go on all summer.
Shell is school out for the summer now? I'm sorry he's playing up for you, is there anything you can use to bribe him to stay inside? Video games etc? (Haha, it's usually trying to get them off those and outside here, the too hot thing is never an issue!) and eugh about the heat. I don't do well with heat at all.

So I want to go to a baby sensory class. I've looked up ones which are close, and chose one on a Friday morning. I emailed and phoned both numbers (twice) and nothing. So I am just showing up tomorrow and if they say "oh you haven't reserved a space" they will be getting a piece of my mind! I hate it when people run a business,....but don't answer the phone. How do they expect to get any business that way?!?!
Oh my mother has crossed into crazy territory. She was just on the phone and told me she needs to stop by more often to see Isabelle. That would be fine if it weren't for this reason

"She's becoming very clingy with you.twice yesterday when she cried and was handed back to you she stopped crying. It's not good for her to rely on you so much, and its not good for you not to have any help. She needs to get used to being with other people"

What a load of shit (pardon my Francais!). She is NINE WEEKS OLD. Of course she will settle for me, her mother who feeds her whenever the leech demands, rather than someone else. All she really knows is me! She was just cranky yesterday. Plus, it's a pile of rubbish because she is handed to me, stops crying long enough for the person to say "oh back to mummy and all is well!" And then she starts screaming again! I often worry she isn't attached enough to me :haha: sometimes she just prefers some alone time as well. And boy does that cut me deep!

Am I wrong in thinking the woman is insane? Isabelle is way too young to be clingy, and way too young for it to be an issue, right?
Yes Sarah school is out until the 2nd week of August. Landon has never been to fond of staying in and I tried to bribe him with Candy and Movies today. He sat through half of it and was right back out outside again. Crazy kid.

Sarah I do believe your mom has crossed over to the looney side. At 9 weeks old they haven't developed any attachments yet and there is plenty of time for that especially if you Mom is someone she sees regulalry. That made me laugh my mom never sees Emme only twice since she was born and Emme is Emme with her and she just deals with whatever mood she is in.
Sarah, I agree with Shell ... Your mom is crazy!! I will bring this back to my previous argument... You spent 9 months making her and the last 9 weeks feeding her... Of course you are her favorite! How sad would it be if you wernt :shrug:
Sarah I see that your mum is tryong to help you but she has kinda come across as creepy haha. I think she probably thinks that because Isabelle is so attached to you that you arent get much time to yourself so she wants to help more. Plus she wants more cuddles with her grand daughter too haha but she probably hasnt thought about the fact that you like being high on Izzy's demand list. Can you ell her that she crossed a line when she said that to you? Maybe tell her that you are grateful for the offer but if you need help you will ask for it? Im wondering if she knows how rude she has come across as and if she would be mortified to find out that she upset you? xxx

Chico was in town for some celebrities on ice show. I needed putting on ice after meeting him hahahahhaahaha!! He touched my hand!!! :D

Mommabrown my kids are the same. It has been shitty weather here for the past week though so Ive had no problems keeping them inside but its a nightmare to get them out when its hot. Especially since Ben is too young for suncream and we have to cover him up until 6 months I dont like having him out in the heat either xxx

Thank goodness it is friday!! Roll on summer holidays!! I suppose I best get up and get ready for the school run. I would rather stay in bed all snuggled up to Benny though :( xx
Sarah I see that your mum is tryong to help you but she has kinda come across as creepy haha. I think she probably thinks that because Isabelle is so attached to you that you arent get much time to yourself so she wants to help more. Plus she wants more cuddles with her grand daughter too haha but she probably hasnt thought about the fact that you like being high on Izzy's demand list. Can you ell her that she crossed a line when she said that to you? Maybe tell her that you are grateful for the offer but if you need help you will ask for it? Im wondering if she knows how rude she has come across as and if she would be mortified to find out that she upset you? xxx

I'm pretty sure all that is true! She did say something about me needing a break (I must look worse than I think!) so I think what she means is what you said - that she wants more cuddles and that she wants to be able to help. She would be upset if she thought she had upset me, that's definitely true. She didnt really upset me, I'm more just baffled as to how anyone could think a nine week old baby is clingy?! And I think she has totally lost the plot!

And yes :blush: I'm super needy and like Isabelle needing me! Ok sometimes it gets a bit much (like the three nights in a row it took an hour and a half to settle her and only the boob would do) but generally I don't look for other people to help me out, even simon, I'm happy to do it myself. I probably shouldn't be that way, but I just feel like if she's crying then she's my responsibility and other people don't want to/shouldn't have to deal with it.
Ah Sarah that is because you are a very wondeful mom! I feel that way too. When it is just me and Emme home its easier for me but throw in the other kids and its like a circus!

Candy I have no problems getting him outside its staying in that is our fight. Allen sat down and talked with him about it again lastnight and told him not to be Sass mouthing me either. He seemed to have gotten his point after the millionth time but we will see how goes.

Emmaleigh is using her hands more and more each day...she opens and closes them but still can't hold an object she reaches during tummy time for her toys but still can't make her hands move them. I can't believe she is getting so big already 9 weeks old. It doesn't feel like she should be this big yet!
Oh shell I agree!! At 9 weeks they are supposed to be little helpess newborns! I feel like Grayson will walk off to collage soon :haha:.
Well I think Benson is clingy haha.. I cant do fuck all without getting screamed at lately. Tell your mum she is welcome here to help me if she wants haha!
You look amazing Sarah!! I love that pic of you and Isabelle yesterday. I saw on one you said you had many chins! I think you are gorgeous :) and I only saw 1 chin! lol x

my cat got put down today. She was almost 18 years old. I got her when I was seven years old so she has seen me grow up and now my own daughter is 7! She had a great life and her death was very loving and peaceful. It was just sad to let her go.
Me and Aaron are having problems again. This time I cant blame court but Im beginning to feel numb now. Like suddenly Im not hurt by his actions I just feel fed up. I feel like Im reaching my personal limit for it all.

Benson didnt sleep before 11.30pm last night and screamed at me for 3 hours straight. I didnt give him a bath in his bedtime routine I think that was why. Then he screamed at me again all morning Ive got a pounding headache Im broken hearted from Crystal and Aaron is back to being a dick. I think an early bath and bed is going to fix it. I hope at least :(
Candy sometimes we just have to shut our hearts off for awhile to protect ourselves. I have been grupmy with Allen all week and he honestly has done nothing wrong but all of his actions irritate me badly. Honestly it is me being a hag and making it difficult. I hope things get better.
Wow your cat was old!!!! Our usually end up getting ran over......by me hahaaha I have traumatized Landon. We can't have them as we found out he was allergic last year to them. Sorry for the loss of you kitty.

Steph I know...I am not ready!! Emme is so happy just laying here naked. Wanna make her smile strip her little but down to nothing and she will smile for hours on end.
Awe Candy :hugs:. I hope Ben stops screaming at you. It must be really hard, when your dealing with 1 million things!
Letting go of a Pet is aweful... Even when you know, that its the right thing to do! Especially since you have had her since you were a little girl! There is nothing that anyone can say, to make you feel better... Just know, that I'm thinking of you!!

As for Aaron... You know my issues with Rob, so I can relate! I found two things that worked for me:
1) following a friends advice: "be the person that you want to come home to!" Aka, treat him the way I want to be treated. After a few days (yes, it took him that long :dohh:), he started coming around and we have been much better since!!!
2) tell him how you feel without adding in the emotions! For example: rob had been really short and almost disrespectful in his tone to me... I had been ignoring it but finally had enough... After he did it again, I just plainly told him that I didn't appreciate his tone and that I would like to be talked to with the same respect and curtsy, that I show him. His answer: "I'm sorry, I will work on that :shock:" ... And he has been great since!

As for being numb towards him... Maybe it's a good thing?? Now you can fake the emotion that is appropriate to get him to come back around? I always find that being upset and crying gets nothing accomplished... So being able to think clearly may help?!? This could all be horrible advice but its how I deal with things :shrug:
awwww mommabrown I'm glad I'm not a cat in your house lol xx Poor Landon!! :p xx

Steph that is really good advice Im glad it has helped you and Rob get closer.

Sorry I'm not replying much, I'm getting screeched at again -.- I didnt want to just read and run though. I'm waiting for Ben to fall asleep so I can cut his sharp little nails which have been scratching my neck for the past 20 minutes! xxx
Candy so sorry about your cat :hugs: losing a pet is such a tough time, add in a fractious newborn and relationship issues and you have yourself the worst day ever. I open benson lets you get some respite soon. Or I'll send my mum round for you!!

Shell Emme is much more advanced than Isabelle! She is only just starting to tolerate tummy time, and certainly isn't reaching for stuff yet. She may bat it accidentally but that's all!!

We went to baby sensory class today and it was great! I thout izzy would sleep through most of it, but she was awake the whole time, save the last five/ten minutes. I think it's because there was so much to look at and hear that it kept her attention well. So I was very pleased. Plus a nice bunch of people at it, so we'll definitely be back to that!
Sarah our Pediatrician said from the time she was born that we should be doing tummy time. I was like what???? We didn't do it till about 2-3 months with Landon. But she is on her tummy for about 20 minutes twice a day and she loves the designs on her toys so they keep her attention.
I am glad that you could go to the class with out the reservation. It sounds like she had fun and was an angel for you.

Ok so I got the kids early today because Fathers Day is Sunday and I know that they should spend time with their Dad...even though he has made my life hell I still couldn't bring myself to keep them from him. I am going to have them make him a handprint and poem picture like we did for Allen and let them give it to him. I know he will probably be a dick but it is from the kids and that is what matters.Their stepmom made them hug her today at the police station. I told the kids it didn't bother me because apart of being with their dad is being with her and I understand there is always going to be a relationship with her. They didn't know what to think because they are always mean and rude to me and I just try to take the higher road because I love my kids and don't want them feeling torn between him and me. As much as I would love to be a hag to them I won't so my children will at least grow up respecting other people.
Shell you have an amazing attitude :thumbup:! And I think your right... In the long run, he will look like the dick that he is!
Awesome picture of Allen btw!!! He looks so in love :cloud9:
Thanks Steph! Emme honestly has Daddy wrapped around her finger already. When she throws fits I say you better not act like this when you are older or I'll spank your butt....he chimes in and says oh no you won't. ...no one is going to make my little girl cry or they are gonna have to answer to me!

Cute picture of Grayson at the Pool also. We are going to my sisters tomorrow so Emmaleigh will get to go swimming for the first time...other than bath time routines. Lol
Shell, I agree your attitude towards the kids stepmom is amazing, and they will remember when they are older how you acted with dignity, and their dad was an ass.

I'm jealous of you ladies in the US able to take LO swimming so easily! I have to get Izzy a wetsuit before we can go (and I mean to an indoor pool!) because they aren't so warm.

Tummy time, just in the last fortnight she's been doing better with it. A girl at my bf group said that every time i change her, just flip her over for a minute, and she'll get used to it. I did that, and now she will do up to 5 mins a day. I don't like to push it as it can send her into a huge grump if I do it at the wrong point in her mood :haha: But we're getting there...
Shell, you must take pictures! I'm sure little Emme will look stunning in her bathing suit!! It won't matter if she likes it :haha: ... Cuteness in a pool!! :thumbup:

Sarah, I'm embarrassed to report... We still don't do belly time :blush:. Grayson spends a good amount of time sleeping in his belly or laying on our chest. Does that count? I will have to try the after diaper trick... Maybe he will tolerate it :shrug:

Candy, hope the rest of your day was better :hugs:

Sarah L, hope little Peter is doing awesome and you've been able to get back to working out.

Sam, how did everything turn out with the pony? Is he coming home?

Lily, how are you doing with everything?

Kristy, did Annelises positive trend continue?

Sorry for missing our other awesome ladies. Just wanted to see how everyone is holding up!
Shell I agree that you are amazing with what you are doing. You are an amazing mother! Your children are very lucky. Not many mums would do that after what he has done to you xxx

Benny finally settled down and me and Aaron got to spend some time together :)

Aarons so silly!! Yesterday at work he decided to arm wrestle his co workers and now it looks like he may have fractured his wrist!! In his defense he beat everyone except one who destroyed his wrost so now he cant help me out very much! :(

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