April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph: The pony is in TN now, or will be this morning, which is where I wanted him to go in the first place. That is not to say that I didn't field a call just yesterday afternoon about leasing him in New York for 40,000 US/year. I always get those calls JUST after they've left! :dohh: Not that I'm upset, because I truly think TN with this little girl is what's going to be best for him for the summer. He needs a good and loving kid for a few months to get him back in the game and get his little pony head set on straight! Not that it ever wasn't, but I think the trainer that had him didn't/wasn't doing nearly as much as she said she was with him as far as keeping him in work. :growlmad:
Those were also such cute pics of Grayson in the pool! I can't wait to take the boys to the pool here this summer. The weather has been kind of nutty in Virginia, so we're waiting it out a bit before we go out to the community pool. When Liam was teeny, my mom's friends had a gorgeous private pool we could use anytime, but alas, no more :nope:

Shell: You are a strong woman and I respect you for what you are doing for your children. My mom and dad were divorced when I was 2 and she NEVER spoke poorly of my dad, just that we all made mistakes in our lives and people can change. I knew what had happened was 99% my dad's fault, but I never "blamed" him because of her. I grew up knowing that my parents were people too and for that I will be forever grateful to my mom. :kiss:

Candy: I'm sorry you and Aaron are going through some stuff right now. I'm sure it will sort itself out. Sometimes you have to step back and take a good hard look at yourselves as a couple to get a picture of what's going on in your relationship. As I said up there to Shell, I am a firm believer in "it takes two" whether your relationship is going well or poorly. Like Steph said, just asking him and letting him know how you feel might be enough. No one can read minds and at least letting him know what's going on with you emotionally might be enough to set him straight, otherwise he might never know. Its frustrating when your partner just won't open up. Greg is that way sometimes, but I tend to coax it out of him sooner or later when something is bothering him. :flower::hugs: Whatever it is, you know we're all here for you :)

Sarah J: Everyone is right that you don't have two chins! You are lovely! Its us self deprecating, cheeky girls that have the great senses of humor, right? Jake doesn't mind tummy time, but he will only tolerate Liam jumping up and down and making the floor vibrate so much (since this is usually what happens when we do tummy time). He does like it when I get down there with him and he can smile and laugh and then his head falls down and he is no longer amused. Go figure :haha:

AFM: Yesterday was amusing. A friend came over so we could ride, my horse decided he didn't want to come inside since it was 79F and breezy (GORGEOUS!), so I rode my husbands horse, Indiana. He's very quiet and forgiving and super lazy..unless your CRAZY ASS neighbor's dog comes barking over the hedge in their yard right as you're getting your stirrups and girth sorted out. Needless to say, Indiana tripped over himself spinning away from the barking dog and I landed in a heap. Indy was fine, picked himself up and trotted off; I was fine, but royally pissed at my neighbors! Thus far, they don't leash their dogs up, they've chopped down all of the trees that ran along our property line which provided shade for the horses and our arena and left giant stumps with leaves growing out of them, they've yelled at me for asking their grandson not to play along the fence line when we're riding..the list goes on. They are very truly the real deal "American country neighbor". I've asked our landlord to build a 20ft wall between us and them :haha: Not really, but he has promised to provide a nice line of cyprus trees to block them out :happydance: Jakes schedule has changed a bit again, but I'm leaving it up to him since he's two months old and there's really no arguing about it. :shrug: Goes to sleep around 8:30 and gets up at 5:30 or 6, eats one WHOLE boob, goes back to sleep until 10ish. I think its the growth spurt at 2 months that's giving him the nods so early in the morning. Silly little bugger! Anyhow, that is why I'm usually replying to you ladies around 7AM now :winkwink: I hope everyone is having a great weekend wherever you are! xx

PS - do you all have any great nicknames that only you love for your baby? Jake's always been "hedgehog" since we were on hedgehog watch while waiting for him to be born and because of his hair, but I have always called him "noodle" because he's my little floppy noodle. LoL Greg hates when I call him noodle, but that is my buddy's nickname!
liams mom that was scary about your horse! Im glad yoi are both okay. Stupid dinlo neighbours!!

My nickname for Ben is chunk lol.. When he cries I say Whats up Chunk?

Im so fucked off! I cant have fuck all. All I wanted today was to get my hair cut. I took Connie and LUcas to get theirs done but Aaron didnt want to wait for me to get mine done. So I had to come home. Im so fucking pissed off. I cant have anything for myself I cant even go in another room for five minutes and be left alone. Im raging! I tidy this flat everyday and before I got up this morning the kids had already trashed their room and the front room and Aaron cooked dinner yesterday and left shit all over the sides. I have Benson to look after too so cant get fuck all done and now hes hurt his hand trying to be some sort of touh guy at work he cant help me out!! So Ive locked myself in the bathroom and everyone else can fuck off until Ive calmed down. Im so pissed off! Its like Ive become a slave to everyone!
Candy, hugs!!! I know how you feel... I hate those days.

I was in semi panic myself yesterday. I had to clean the kitchen after DH played Master Chef, for 2 h I was scrubbing, then 4 rounds of laundry, I cooked something other than meat with meat - tired of eating only meat the last 2 months :( while baby was crying and cluster fed all day... I only had water 2 cups of coffee from 8 am till 8pm. And then I had no more milk. Baby wouldn't take the bottle to drink some milk from my milk bank, and just fussed and fussed. DH -being a wise ass- only said, well didn't you know it could be hard?
Thank you very much!

At 10pm I had a fenugreek tea and a hot shower and milk came. So I fed babba and we all went to bed.

really lousy day.
mommabrown: that's an amazing attitude to take towards your ex and the kids stepmom. Kids pick up on a lot more than we realize, and although they might seem a little confused by it now, they're grow up to respect you a lot for it!

ukgirl: I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. :( It's always heartbreaking when you lose a pet. I'm a firm believer that our furry friends are just as much a part of the family as anyone else! That really sucks that you're having such a rough go right now with Aaron and the kids. You're a pro at this now though, so take some deep breaths, smack Aaron, and go for a walk with Benny in the carrier to get some fresh air leaving the other two at home with Aaron. Hope things get better soon!

Steph: Super cute pics of Grayson in the water!! We haven't tried swimming with Peter yet, but when we head out east to Nova Scotia later this summer, Adam plans to dunk Peter in the Ocean which will be an adventure. (Poor kid--the water is going to be FREEZING still!) I was looking at some of those little swimmers diapers yesterday, but figured we should wait till he actually needs them to get a better idea of what size we'll need!

doggylover: That's great to hear that Izzy is getting more comfortable with tummy time! It seems like everyone does it for quite a short amount of time... Peter will happily do tummy time for 15 minutes or more. Is that too long?? He's hilarious to watch because he'll slowly inch worm himself from one end of the playmat to the other, but because he can't hold his head up he flails his arms around a lot trying to get it to move forward. :haha:

liams-mom: I'm glad you got the pony situation sorted out! That must be a bit of a relief. Also, your neighbours sound like total morons. :dohh:

Afm, Peter had a super weird day yesterday. We had a busy day and he just slept through it all! We woke up around 8 to get ready for our Library sing along event. So he woke up and ate like normal and fell asleep in the stroller on the way (around 9:30). He slept all through the library program (I even took him out of the stroller and held him, didn't flinch) then we went over to a friends house for lunch and he continued to sleep until 12:30ish when he woke up and had about an once from the bottle, then fell asleep again. He slept from 12:45ish-3:00. We had our mom's coffee from 2-4 and when he woke up at 3:00 he had a quick feed on each boob and was back out again till 5:00.

It was SO strange! He doesn't nap much during the day, and yesterday he slept for like 7 hours during the day! And he still slept his regular 4 hours then 3 hours last night too! I was getting paranoid that he was getting sick or something because he was so out of it, but a few of the moms at the coffee hour whose LO's are the same age as Peter said they've had a few days like that too, and that he probably just had a growth spurt and is now recovering. He didn't have a temperature or anything... so that seems like a likely possibility. :shrug: I guess we'll see what he's like today!
Liams mom isn't that the luck of the draw about them calling after he has left! I am glad he went some place that will do him some good and her! I call Emmaleigh Pee Wee. Landon is Little Man and a name that has stuck with him even his friends call him Little Man lmao! But both my kids with Allen look very similar to each other so Emmaleigh was dubbed Pee Wee. Allen didn't like it at first but I still do it.

Candy I am sorry hun! :hugs: I would tell Aaron as calmly as you can that this is the one thing you would like to do for yourself leave all the kids with him because lets face it you were up taking care of everyone being pregnant, sick, and when you returned home after having Benson. He needs to just suck it up and let you go out for anor so and let you pamper yourself.

Thanks ladies! I have both my parents together for 30 years now and divorce was so disgraceful to them but i knew it was the right thing for us as we were horrible together. It was always better off for the children to not have to grow up in a home with fighting like that. At first when they were babies it was easy to handle all this with dignity but the older they got the harder it became and Allen always reminded me of how acting like a hag about their dad would only hurt our children so i always just put their feelings first and over time it just got to be part of it. There are lots of times these last 7 months i would like to tell them what a jerk he is but they have to be the ones to figure it out so they understand for themselves instead of being pitted against him.

Anyways Emme is so funny! We have a large mirror on our bathroom door and Emmaleigh sees the baby in the mirror and starts talking to it and laughing at it! Hahaha i stood for 30 mins laughing and talking with her this morning!
Sarah L: I don't think 15 mins is too long for tummy time at all! I am trying to build Isabelle up to around that, she is doing just about five now so we've some way to go yet!! I get scared of doing it some days in case it makes her cry, which is stupid. I need to not be such a baby about it!
Also, on Wednesday Isabelle slept like a trooper during the day as well. She normally sleeps quite well, but she had a 3 hr nap on Wednesday which she never does!!! Some days I guess they are just more sleepy than others (aren't we all?!)

Candy: I'm sorry you're having a shitty day :hugs: I can't even imagine how hard it is for you having three babies to look after, especially during the week as I believe Aaron works at the times before and after school so you have them all by yourself. Make a hair appointment (and maybe some other bits?) for during this week and say to Aaron that he IS looking after Ben during that time, and that's that.

Shell so funny about Emmaleigh and the mirror! I was showing izzy herself today when she was grumpy, and she gave herself a really dirty look,mail most as if she was saying "gosh mum, that baby in the mirror is real grumpy, good thing I'm not like that!" Silly monkey!

Sam: I call Isabelle all sorts of things! Isabelly-bum or belly-bum mainly! And there is a matching song, which I won't go into to! Or lots of little bits like precious baby etc. glad you have got the pony sorted.your neighbours sound like fun ;) I have to say I am so so jealous of Jackson's sleep!!! How do you get that from him?! Isabelle is a great sleeper compared to some babies, but nowhere near that!

Lily: sounds like a tough day for you yesterday, but am glad that by the end you were more rested and your milk was back.

I have to say actually, we all seem pretty lucky that the babies sleep quite well so far (usually, touch wood!) right? Is anyone really suffering with LO?

Afm: I'm pretty upset :( I don't have a huge pile of friends, I have 6 'close' friends, 5 of whom I went to school with. One lives away, but the others all live within half an hour, and one is the girl I've mentioned before who just had a baby recently.
Well they have made zero effort to come and see Isabelle, and even my friend with the baby isn't making much effort - it's always me texting her to arrange something. So I invited them all for lunch today so they could catch up with Isabelle and I. Well, when my friends baby (Lyla) was here they didn't even look sideways at Isabelle :( and they barely spoke to me. Plus, I found out they go to visit Lyla all the time, but never make any effort to come out to us. And they have apparently been out for lunch etc together recently.
I'm gutted. I would totally understand if the others just weren't really interested in babies, but the fact that they go to see Lyla means they are, they just aren't interested in me and MY baby. And I thought now that I am not working I would get to see them more when they went for lunch/dinner (because before I worked so far away I never had time after work, only at weekends) but obviously I am no longer even considered for things like that.
And I know that if I stop making an effort with them I will never see them, and they would blame me for that. Plus if I stop seeing them I literally have one friend, and she lives an hour away :(

So yeah, I'm upset with them. I couldn't believe they would come to my home and basically ignore my child. Then when Lyla left they wanted to see her, by which time she was tired and grumpy and in no mood to see people at all.

And now she is super grumpy and screaming the house down.........
Also, I know some of them keep up to date on fb but Sweetpea, nimbec, littlespy, teamo, Melissa and Kristy....I hope you're all ok and LOs are as well!! Keep us up to date!
thanks ladies :) Ive booked in a hair appointment for tuesday morning and he is going to sit and look after Benny ha! Lily I was reading what you wrotr thinking that my situation is exactly them same. I was wondering the other day why Im suddenly loosing so much weight then I realised I only get time to eat lunch and dinner. Im glad to hear the fennel tea helped with your supply. I havent tried it yet.

readytomum Ive noticed that since Benny started the second leap he can have days where just sleeps and sleeps then the day after he will be awake then the next day back to sleeping. I found that setting up a routine has settled him down a bit and I am starting to see times of day where he usually naps.

mommabrown you are a million percent right. No one wants to get divorced but in relationships where things are so horrible that the kids suffer you have no choice but to put their needs above your own. Getting divorced was the worst time of my life but looking back Im so glad I did lol. I bet you feel the same xx

omg Sarah Im actually mad at your friends too!! How dare they come to your house and treat you that way. They sound like total bitches if Im honest! I would defo hang out with you and Izzy :) I would say fuck them. No use being friends with people who treat you like that. You have a baby now and you can make new friends at baby group. Friends with people in the same situation as you and you will see them every week at baby group lol. I met my two closest criends that way and now we ho out for lunch and coffees with the kids. Its great! I hope they havent made you feel shit about yourself because you have nothing to feelbad about. They are terrible friends xxx
I forget who asked about nicknames for LO... but I call Peter "bright eyes" a lot, as well as the usual 'sweet/beautiful/baby boy." He also gets called "wigga-worm" a fair bit because he's so squirmy. :haha:

doggylover: Your friends don't sound like they're doing a very good job of earning that title... My friends sort of vanished once we got pregnant because they're all in such a different stage of life that they have nothing to do with babies. We get together once in a while, but I always have to initiate. That's why I was so keen on going to some of these mom and baby groups... I need to make new friends who are in the same situation I am!
Oh Sarah your friends sound like such bitches. We were all thinking it but I am just going to say it. I have 2 really close friemds like Readytomum mine all jumped ship when we got pregnant. Maybe you can make friends at the baby classes and groups instead and will surely have more in common. :hugs: I am sure if all of us girls lived closer we all would have awesome get togethers and swoon over our beautiful munchkins.
If we all lived close together that would be amazing! I vote the Uk ladies move to the warmth of the US!!!

Yeah, I know that they aren't really 'into' babies, and aren't anywhere near ready to have their own, but if they can show affection towards my friends baby, why not mine? I think I've been clinging on to them for a while even though we've grown apart, because I didn't have the chance to make any new friends because I was working so much, but like you ladies said, I am going to a few baby groups so I hope I'll make some new friends there.

If not, Isabelle and I will be best buds, and that'll do me!!
Sorry girls been trying to read and keep up, life is manic generally at the mo!
All is well though, Lucas is now 13lb 1 oz and a chunky monkey, over double his birth weight! Hes so far pretty much a dream baby, sleeps in his own cot now and goes around 10-11 hours at night.
Im starting College in sept, training to be a sports massage therapist so hopefully wont have to go back to the police and can work around the children, so thats exciting and ive already started my studying.
Just wanted to say Sarah, cant believe your friends treated you that way! thats appalling!
And Candy, good for you making a hair appointment, i went today and just a couple of hours to myself was bliss!

Hope everyone else is well, im trying to keep up but its so hard! xx
Also, I know some of them keep up to date on fb but Sweetpea, nimbec, littlespy, teamo, Melissa and Kristy....I hope you're all ok and LOs are as well!! Keep us up to date!

Trying to keep up when I can with reading even if not responding. Still looking for a decent internet solution out here (my phone doesn't even work as a phone here!! :dohh:). We're doing well, just still pretty mad with moving and having 2 under 2 and now, as of Thursday, we've added a kitten (11 days older than Violet) from the animal shelter to the mix because we're just a couple of morons. :haha::dohh:
Nicknames: Dennis is my cup cake! <3

Yep very lucky w/ our babies sleeping so well, aren't we?
Dennis sleeps from midnight till 8-9 am. I decided to not wake him for a nappy change at 3am ( I feed him while he sleeps). I'm glad I did, he doesn't pee so much at night. He was mildly wet at 8 am, nothing crazy.

I'm cutting out coffee again as it makes him crazy during the day though.
Littlespy you may as well just go all out I guess, get all the madness in at once :haha: I hope that violet is still feeding well?

Lily, I am so jealous of Dennis' sleep as well! That's amazing! I have been limiting nappy changes during the night too. I always change her at her first waking after her long sleep and last night at 4am changed her into a brand new nappy...an hour later I was woken by the sound of her pooing in it :dohh: so brand new nappy off after an hour...next brand new nappy on....another hour and I was woken by more poop noise! She never poos at night, and twice last night in new nappies. Evil monkey!

Happy Father's Day to all the April munchkin daddies out there! <3
Im so jealous of your sleepy babies. Benson goes from 8pm to 1am then feeds every 2 hours after that. He poos ALL THE TIME! I never just have a nappy woth wee in it. Part of the reason why Im still using disposables at night.
Candy I'm so glad you said that as I've heard all this stuff about bf babies going days without pooing. Isabelle can hardly go a few hours without exploding!!
Sarah, your friend with Lyla, is she the one that had issues in the pregnancy.. Not bonding and all? Maybe the other girls are paying attention to her for that reason?? Maybe they feel that you are secure enough, that you don't need it?!? Just a thought :shrug: . Can you maybe talk to them? No harm in asking and telling them how you feel right? Also, they may not invite you out as much, because they are just used to it being that way.. When you worked, you had no time, so maybe it's just a routine now?!? Either way... Talk to them! You can still blow them off later, if their answers are stupid :haha:
Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies!

Sarah...as she gets older it does seem like you become great friends. I love that Laurynn and I can talk about anything that is on her mind even boys, although she still gets embarrassed by it. She is my best friend other than Allen. lol

Emme is a Super Pooper too! She doesn't pee hardly through the night it is all when she first wakes up and it is like a flood! She will poop 5-6 really big stinky poops a day too! And for sleeping we get from about 8 pm -3 am now then a feed and then from 3am till 8 or 9 am.
I guess we're a little slow on the nice long sleeps here! Peter will generally sleep from 10:30 till 2:30, wake up for a feed, then sleep for another 3 hours. If I'm really lucky I might be able to get him to go back down for an hour or two. So I usually get about 6 hours a night. :wacko: I'm such a sleep lover though, so my preferred nights sleep is 9 hours--so only getting 6 broken up hours is definitely taking its toll!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful April Munchkin Daddies!!

Unfortunately my DH is sick, so he can't play with Peter today and is pretty sad about it. Poor guy.

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