April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Im glad its not just my poopy baby who messes his nappy all day long!

I hope all your OHs have had lovely fathers day! Weve been visiting our parents today. Aarons mum was being a complete dick. She kept holding him up and his head kept slumping down and to the side then she kept tickling him to get him to laugh but he cant laugh yet so he jusy got really upset. Then he got hungry and started to cry but instead of giving him back to me she gave him to Aarons sister!!! grrrr She got funny because we had to go see my parents too and I said I would feed him at my mums house. The thing is thouh I dont mind getting my boob out infront of my mum. I camw from that womans vagina ya know she wiped my ass for three years lol Its easier to feed Ben there than in front of Aarons mum and dad. Im so tired and fed up lately I couldnt give a shit anymore lol xxx
Ah readytomum I like to sleep too. When I first had Emmaleigh everyone was like oh newborns sleep more than you think Hahaaha yeah right! I have tried napping with her but the house won't stay clean and Landon won't get fed if that happened.

Candy I am sorry about your MIL. I love mine and I actually did flop my boob out infront of her or the whole public before I could infront of my mom for some weird reason.:hugs: some people don't have common sense sweetheart. :hugs:

We are going to Allens Dads later which should be fun as he has Alzheimer's and can't remember much and is often a jerk to Allen...but its his dad and I tolerate it because I love Allen and he loves his Dad. We had a get together at my sisters yesterday for my Dad and the kids swam and had fun. Emme hated the pool. I blame the cold water because she loves her bath tub. But she was still swooned over and I go a nice break to spend time to myself and with other adults.
Sarah J: I think your friends sound like quacks. Why would they ignore your sweet little Isabelle for another baby? That's ridiculous! Maybe next time you see them have her in a jumper like the one I'm about to post:

ReadytoMum: Peter sounds like he's doing well, he's just a hungry monkey! I don't know if I'd mind being needed like that by Jake. I guess that makes me :wacko:, but I don't mind. I have insomnia anyhow, so I'm up and down almost as much as a baby would be :dohh:

Lily: I went on a Diet Coke kick about 2 weeks back, completely forgetting that it was caffeinated, and needless to say Jake didn't sleep very well for about 2 days. I couldn't figure it out at first and then I wanted to bang my head against a wall!

AFM: The gist of my current situation is that I've bought my first cloth diapers for Jake. I went with the Omni's because I'm new and I only bought a couple to start me out. I bought bamboo inserts and some bamboo wipes, some badger balm (I love the smell!) and some diaper wash :happydance: I've got everything coming from different places, but it should all be here within the week. I'm excited to try it, Greg is curious and my mom isn't sure that cloth diapering is "for us". :haha: I'm guessing she feels that I don't do enough laundry, but I'm actually hoping this spurs me into being more "domestic" :blush:
In other news, Jake is having a lazy Sunday. We didn't get our usual long nap this morning since daddy wanted to have him to himself, so he got spoiled sitting on daddy's lap. He'd nurse then get passed off and the trend just kept on going. Not that I mind Greg loving on the baby for one day. He got bottled boob this AM too because Greg wanted to feed him :winkwink: Ahh well, I shouldn't complain right? He's down in his crib now, gave me a little fuss - probably wondering why in the hell he's only gotten the boob 4 times today so far and its already 1PM and then he passed out :sleep:

Greg says to thank "the ladies" for the Father's Day well wishes!

Candy, I hate when I'm around people that I dont feel 100% comfortable with... they will want to hold Grayson (and I want to let them).. but the entire time I am on edge!! We had friends of Rob come to the hospital and their 10 year old daughter wanted to hold him. Since they were HIS friends (that I had never met :wacko:), I didnt want to come off as a bitch and let him deal with it! Now I look at the pictures of the girl holding him, and it still makes me soooo angry :haha:. So when it comes to BF, I feel the same as you... I will do it at my paretns house all day long, but don't feel comfortable to do it anywhere else (other then in the backseat of the car ahahaha).

Shell, I'm sorry Emme didnt like the water :nope:, I'm sure it was just not her usual bath temp and she (being the proper lady that she is) decided that it was no good :shipw::cold:
Since we have super hot weather here (usually year round), our water was at a comfortable 80F and Grayson tolerated it very well.

Sarah L, you ar enot alone on the sleeping front!!! Grayson will usually do 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours! We have ONCE gotten a 5 hour stretch out of him :haha:. Reading about all of these great sleepers, made me think I had a bad sleeper, but I think these other babies are just crazy ahaha

Sam, I'm still waiting on my detergent to get here, before I can start prepping the things I have received. So far, I have 1 Omni, 1 Echo, and 1 Kango (which I ordered from Babyhalfoff.com) with Bamboo and hemp inserts for all (thanks to all the recommendations from here :haha:). Just from playing with them, I really like the Omni as well. I like the option of using it at a pocket, or a shell. The Echo doesnt have the pocket option, so I wont be able to have it ready for Rob to use :dohh:. The Kango is really interesting as well... it's a pocket, with a zipper on the outside. I'll give you my review when I'm finally able to try them.
Rob is still not sold on the idea and my mom thinks it gross lol. Oh well... since I am doing the laundry, I guess its not up to them lol

BTW, Babyhalfoff.com is a really cool website!! They have 50% of one or two different things a day. So I bought the Kango for $12.95 and the insert for around $5. With shipping, it still cost me $23 for the diaper and the insert, but not bad I think. Now I'm just waiting for my Rockabums to come in (which I honestly just bought because they made them sound so cool :haha:

AFM: we had a busy day last night and got home late (9pm) but I still wanted to give Grayson his bath (we had been out around people all day and I felt like we needed to clean him properly :haha:. So instead of going through our bath routine, which takes some time, I just jumped in the shower and had Rob give me the baby... so I showed the baby with me! OMG, it took 5 min and was super easy. He loved it and we were done in half the time!! :thumbup: Is it weird to shower with your baby?? :shrug:
Nope Steph I do it too. Emmaleigh looked at the water and smiled really big the first time she loves it. These happen like you said on hectic days.

We had some CD that were given to us. They need folds in them so we have thought of just using the cover when we go to the lake instead of using her diapers filling up with water and I find the little swimmers aren't worth buying as we don't go out swimming enough with her.
AFM: we had a busy day last night and got home late (9pm) but I still wanted to give Grayson his bath (we had been out around people all day and I felt like we needed to clean him properly :haha:. So instead of going through our bath routine, which takes some time, I just jumped in the shower and had Rob give me the baby... so I showed the baby with me! OMG, it took 5 min and was super easy. He loved it and we were done in half the time!! :thumbup: Is it weird to shower with your baby?? :shrug:

Nope! My nephew Sam Hated bath time so much he would just scream the house down. So until he was a few months old James would just take him into the shower with him. Now he totally loves bath time though and likes to get whoever is bathing him soaked!:haha:
I am really enjoying the cloth diaper love going on in this thread!!! And I am so jealous of you ladies with ready access to all the softbums stuff. I was using mine today and its definitely my favourite diaper. I need to email the website I got it from to ask when/if they are getting another shipment and order a million of them :haha:

Steph, you're right about Lylas mom being the one who didn't bond during pregnancy, an day mum said the exact same thing - that my friends might be overcompensating for her, but feel like I don't need their help/input, especially since I am much closer to my family than she is. I should talk to them...but I feel kind of embarrassed about it all, like I'd be saying "why don't you like my baby?!" And come off sounding like an insane mother!!

I think Sam is right and I am going to get that onesie for Isabelle!!

Sarah L, until about two/three weeks ago Isabelle was on Peters schedule too. Remember he is one of the later April babies, so he has some time to catch up. I was so worried because I too need a lot of sleep. I think I'm coping ok...if I had a terrible sleeper I would be screwed!!

Candy so sorry your mil was annoying you. I hate it when people tickle Isabelle, including Simon! She's too young to find that funny people...do something more age appropriate!!

Isabelle wore her "wild about daddy" tshirt today for Father's Day, and she made Simon some pancakes for breakfast (I may have helped...actually so did he!) then we went to church and the day went downhill. I blame the woman behind us who said "oh your baby is always so quiet!" Well,that's just asking for trouble!!! She went APESHIT during church, and Simon took her out - a guy kindly held the door open for him and then let it shut and it hit her on the head. She went even MORE apeshit. I could her her outside the church screaming. Simon tried for about 10mins to calm her, then had to come back in while she took a breath and get me to come and boob her. Since that was right at the end, I couldn't stay in the vestibule so walked back into church to our pew while feeding her, and sat and fed her while everyone filed out past us.

So that adds church to the list of places I've fed Isabelle now! It's the only place I had been a little apprehensive of, but everyone was giving me encouraging smiles as they walked past so I am 100% ok with it now! I whip the bad boys out anywhere, anytime. There have been a few situations I've been more hesitant about, like church, but when I went for it it actually turned out better than expected!

Then she hadn't slept for three hours, and we went out this afternoon and she slept for four hours straight so when we went to my sisters for a BBQ, she was in a horrible mood :( she perked up when we got home though - she just doesn't like other people sometimes!!
Oh Sarah you should just walk around with those things out readily accessable for Isabelle!

Allen has been in a horrible accident. Some lady slammed on her breaks in the middle of highway and he had to swerve off the road to miss her and another vehicle hit Allen. He was crying on the phone saying he thinks the guy is dead and now I am sitting in a dreaded wait for his call back to go and get him as he was in a company truck. I am baffled he wouldn't even really tell me much and what I could get out of him was in bits and pieces between his sobbs.
Shell, that's awful. Please keep us posted and my thoughts are with Allen.
Just talked with Allen...he is ok but it killed the man driving the car.He was crying and a mess. I didn't know what to say to him except I love you and hang up. I can't imagine the pain Allen is feeling especially on Fathers Day.
Oh Shell... I am sooo sorry!! What a bad start for the day! I'm so happy that Allen is OK, but I can only imagine how he must feel! Just make sure you keep telling him that it was an ACCIDENT. If he hadnt swerved, someone else could have died (possibly him). Gosh, I hope he deals with it ok and comes out stronger :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sarah J, I love that you are so BF strong!!!! I wish I was more like you :cry:. about 3 weeks ago, we were at our friend pool party and I was going to BF Grayson in the corner under the BF cover... Rob gave me a really appalled look and pointed out, that I could go inside. Since they were "his friends", who are all without kids, I went inside. :growlmad:

Send some of that "I dont give a F... attitude my way please!"

and I think Izzy is absolutely right, to not like being around people all the time. Not only do you always have a perfect excuse to leave early, but it will keep people from touching her :haha: (in fear of making her cry)
Oh and as for the Omni, the red one is a special edition (calendar bum for december last year :thumbup:), so whoever you got it from, clearly must be able to get other ones as well. I would be happy to send you some, if you really want more... though I'm sure they are not THAT good :shrug:
I fell asleep nursing on my parent's couch today - lying down! I'm def in the 'I could give a shit' bfing crew I pretty much whip them out anywhere. Many times when NIP I don't think people even realize what I'm doing! The first time is the hardest and then it gets much easier once you get over that hurdle. It helps that DH is supportive of NIP though and doesn't get uncomfortable.

Happy Fathers Day to all our wonderful daddies!

Since I went back to work Scarlett reverse cycled a little and waits for evening - nighttime to get the majority of her calories for the day so she can get fed from the breast vs bottle so we are still waking pretty frequently in the night. She sleeps much longer stretches on the weekends when she is fed on demand during the day from the boob. I think she just tolerates bottles of breastmilk during the weekdays but just takes enough to take the edge off her hunger and waits for me to get her big feeds. Usually I can count on her sleeping 8/9-2 then up at 4 and up again at 6 for the day when I have to work. It's not toooo bad as she's in her bassinet beside our bed until the first wake up and then we cosleep for the other two wakings so I just pop the boob in and drift back off.

Momma so sorry to hear about Allen how horrible :hugs:

Will have to do a bigger update soon but both kids are passed out and this mama is TIRED and going to bed!
I wouldnt mind nursing in front of them but the atmosphere when I go there is so tense it feels unnatural to just feed him. Aarons mum is lovely but shes quite strict and ot just makes visiting them very tense.

Shell Im so sorry for Allen. Im thinking of you and your family today. Its sobbering to think that something like that can happen so quickly and randomly. It really makes me think about my life and appreciate the people in it more. I hope thay Allen can forgive himself and understand that it was a terrible accident he isnt to blame. Did they say why the lady slammed on her brakes? x

Things between me and Aaron are getting progressively worse. Yesterday things were greatthen this morning I asked if I should make an appointment at the drs for his wrist. It keeps clicking when he moves it. He said he didnt and I said that I think he should because it doesnt sound like a muscular problem it sounds like maybe hes fractured it. He got so angry with me I walked out of the room and he threw his work top at me. I know things are much better than my last relationsjip and Aaron isnt abusing me but this situation is still not healthy to be around. I think I have to decide either to stick it out and fiht or shut up moaning about it and finish it. Putting words into practice though is much harder. I love him so much.
Baby started a high pitch scream, and he was inconsolable at 3am, 6am, and just a few min ago. Coincidentally these are the times he eats. I held him close and hummed, and he is now asleep. It was not a normal cry, it was a screeching sound as if he was in terrible pain. Could it be a reflux? Or gas?
I feel so sorry for him...

DH said it is because he is tired.
I have a massive headache now.

Candy, sorry things are going south, maybe try to give him some space as he is in a bad mood? I always say that one should break if it is abuse, addiction, or adultery. Everything else is fixable. Especially if you love him.
Everyone has bad days where we act like total arses, so just ignore his moody behavior today and see what happens.
Shell I am so sorry to hear about Allen's accident. I'm glad he's ok, but can only imagine how awful he feels about the other man. Like steph said, just keep reminding him that it was an accident, and if he hadn't swerved it could have been him very seriously hurt. Not that it will make him feel any better right now, I'm sure.

Steph: I emailed the woman I got my softbums from and she said she will be doing another order soon :happydance: I don't know why I love it so much, it just seems to fit Izzy perfectly! I'll probably get more and end up hating them!
Also, Simon once tried to say to me maybe I should nurse Izzy elsewhere....let's just say he hasn't even thought about mentioning it ever since!! Like Sweetpea said, most of the time I don't think people even know I'm nursing her, my uncle certainly didnt when I was doing it and having a conversation with him! But i do understand that not everyone is comfortable doing it, as it is a very private thing.

Candy :hugs: I'm sorry to hear about you and Aaron. Everyone goes through rough patches, but like lily said almost everything (apart from her three As) is fixable, but it doesn't mean things will look up right away.

Lily, sometimes Isabelle does an insane screech, and usually feeding her is the only thing that ends it, so I wonder too if its some sort of issue with her digestive system. As long as he is ok now that's the main thing. Pop a Tylenol, and maybe invest in some earplugs in case he does it again ;)

Afm: I'm pleased to report that we had a "bad" night....but the reason I am pleased is that if a bad night is now 5, 2, 1.5hrs, then I haven't much to complain about!!
Candy, I know he is not abusing you, but throwing something at you (this time it was only a shirt) is absolutely unacceptable!!! He needs to respect you no matter what mood he is in! And I think you have to demand that respect from him! I'm very sensitive when it comes to things like that, sorry, so my firs instinct would be to take the kids to your moms house for a couple of days. Of course that is very extreme... So maybe have a calm, stern, conversation with him tonight... Letting him know, that is outburst was 100% unacceptable. :growlmad:

Sweetpea, the sleep schedule you describe is very similar to ours. I wonder if me being at work has anything to do with it :shrug:
But on weekends, I may get 5,3,2... But that's really it. Either way I guess, I'm not exhausted, so it works for us (not that I would appreciate a but more :haha:)

Lily, on the wonder weeks app they mention that LO find new sounds because they are learning control of their voices. Do you think maybe he was just doing that? But then again... Late at night, from a deep sleep... Hmmm ... See if he does it again. Maybe he had a bad dream??
Thanks girls for all your support. He is so deppressed everytime we talk he tells me he is so sorry. The woman had no license and it was pouring down raining hard. Allen thinks she was drunk too. The woman that was the passenger in the car that was rolled as was listed in critical condition last night as he is praying for them and their family so badly. The police said it was the woman that stopped in the middle of the roads fault but in Allen's heart he feels all the blame. I can't help but to be selfish as this was almost Allen's life taken. I know how horrible it sounds but I am so thankful he is ok and still here with me and the kids. I feel awful as we had been bickering earlier on in the day and I hung up on him and was so mad...over petty shit. Candy it made me look at how I talk to Allen and treat him and re-evaluate everything.

Lily it chop it up to gas. Emme gets a horrible scream and stiffens up. I lay her down on her back and pull her legs up close to her belly or do bicycles. I know its hard through the screams and cries but it eases them and back to sleep she goes.

Candy when shit seems to be rough how you two weather it together is a test of your strength andnlove for one another. Sometimes we have to look past all their flaws and learn to love that part of them too. Lord knows Allen and I have had our arguements but we always learned more about each other from them. In our first year I kicked him out or he moved out so much he lived in a black plastic bag. Steph is right you have to have respect to treat each other the way you want to be treated. Even when your mad. I hope all works out for you and Aaron because I know you love him dearly. :hugs:
thanks for the advice ladies. I dont think this is going to end well though. Sometimes its not enough to love someone if they dont love you back the same. Maybe leaving will shake him up a bit and he will put his priorities in proper order. Im totally finished with it.

Lily if he seems well otherwise I would aso say gas. Try like mommabrown said and bend his knees to his chest it and take his nappy off. That helps xxx
You are 100% right about one thing: you can't change someone's emotions.

I really don't believe (just from what you have said) that he doesn't love you... But I do believe that he is overwhelmed and has decided to shut down. Maybe being left to himself for a few days will give him a wake up call... I sure hope so!! Men can be so stupid sometimes!! Whatever the outcome may be, I know your going to be fine and find the best solution for everyone!!! :hugs:
It will be interesting to see how he hold up in an empty house.. Having to clean by himself... Do laundry... Cook... Lol... Unfortunately, he won't get a good picture of what your day looks like, because you will be taking the kids with you (so that's much less work for him).

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