April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

you all have super babies haha my baby is lazy I guess :p He can't roll yet he tries but doesnt even get to his side, I'm not bothered though Lucas didnt roll until he was about 5 months old and didnt walk until he was 18 months old. It happens when it happens, I was freaking out that Ben hadn't begun to hit things then suddenly he started one day, He only started grabbing on the weekend. This is the down side to these groups everyone compares babies without meaning to, I dont mean that in a negative way. Connie was very fast she sat at 4 months unaided, walked before a year she passed all her mile stones ages before she was meant to but mile stones are a rough guide, Luke was late for everything, all babies are different you CANNOT compare babies it's not good ju ju. Isabelle will grab one day and you'll explode with pride because she took her sweet time doing it, Ben will roll over one day and I will explode with pride too lol.

I noticed at lunch time Bens clogged tear duct has finally cleared up, I suddenly realised over my chicken sandwich that I've not wiped eye goo since friday :D yay! No probing!
oooh yeah... as for AF... I'm glad it's here I had missed it lol.. call me strange if you like but I like to know where I stand in my cycle and with my body lol. I'm getting the Mirena coil fitted next month so it's good to be clear on not being pregnant since at the moment we are only on condoms and we're not very good at using them LOL. I couldn't have the copper coil because I bleed too heavy on my period and the coil can make them even heavier. I have fainting attacks as it is.
Candy, have you had the Mirena before? I heard the same thing about the copper coil, so I decided against it as well. See, we don't even use condoms right now... We are using the 100% safe pull out method :rofl:. But then again, we don't DTD nearly enough right now, for me to worry.
I was very surprised this weekend when Rob mentioned another baby :shock:. He would like to have a little girl and was wondering if it was too early to even mention it lol. As we were leaving the hospital with Grayson, a nurse said: now I don't want to see you back here for at least two years, ok?
He has taken that comment to heart and even mentioned it during that conversation, saying we couldn't think about it yet because we had to wait two years :rofl:... Silly man. I told him, that ideally I would like to wait for Grayson to be 1 and then start trying.

Candy, how soon will you know, if your supply is affected? Are you taking any supplements? I hope nothing changes and Benny gets to keep enjoying the boob :thumbup:
Steph that is cute that he wants more if he had to go through the pain I'm sure he would wait a while LOL x we used pull out method sucessfully for 3 years before trying for Ben but I know now we dont want another baby I'll get pregnant in a flash! The mirena looks like the best option, its more effective than the copper coil and the hormones in it are a tiny amount that stay in the uterus and it makes periods lighter if you even get one at all.

Ben's already effected by my milk :( he's just bringing it up and having diarrhea and just very very grisly and clingy today. I got puked on twice just now :( The bfing advisor told me to keep going but I fee awful making him sick she said its very rare that my milk is effecting him this way so dont worry its just my milk probably and you will all be fine lol xx

Do you know when you plan to have another baby yet? xx
Do you have any frozen milk that you could substitute with, and keep pumping? I'm sure your advisor is right, and that you should just stick it out (only if you want to of course).
I have an appointment for the Mirena as well In a month. For the same reasons that you mentioned, I like the idea of little hormones and no period lol. Plus insurance covers it and I can have it taken out with no issues.
I would like to have another LO with an 1.5 - 2 year age gap. So I will see where Rob and I stand (financially and relationship wise) when Grayson turns one. Seems like that is still ages away but it's really not :wacko:. I can't believe Grayson is almost 3 months already!!

I just went ahead and washed all of the 3-6 months clothes and got them ready. My guess is, that the 0-3 will last another week (at most). We also went to babysrus this weekend and bought a few more outfits. They had a 50% discount on all of their clothes... Omg... I love shopping for LO clothes!!! So much fun

Question for you UK/Ireland ladies: rob has been obsessed with the Isle of Man motorcycle race for years. He was just watching this years race in TV as we were discussing visiting my grandma in Germany soon. He's never been outside of the US, so this is very new territory for him lol. Anyway, I was thinking of combining the trip to Germany with an Ireland trip (so I can visit Ireland and we can take a ferry to Isle of Man). Do you girls know anything about regulations, tickets, etc?
We are using condoms and I was on BCPs for this last month but my period came 5 days late and my dr said to skip the next 2 cycles and see if it regulates with hormone interferance....truth of it is I am done having kids and Allen wants more....so I think we are going to start ttc or at least ntnp method as it took me 15 months after my tubal reversal to get pregnant. If it happens it happens and if not I am good with that too.

Oh Steph I am jealous that you are going to Ireland...Allen refuses to travel across seas as he don't want to go any where he can't walk back from. I honestly think he has a fear of flying although he would never admit to it.
Oh Shell how exciting that you may be trying (or not preventing) again soon! May as well have them close together, right?!
Don't feel bad, Rob never even owned a passport until I made him get one and he is 44 :shock:!! Since I grew up in Germany, I have lots of friends and family there, so I try to go back every other year. I think Rob is intrigued by Europe, but would never go if I don't push. He's not afraid of flying, but he's not very adventurous either :haha:. I can always convince him, if I add something in, that he likes ... Like the motorcycle race. :thumbup:
Before he conceived, we always talked about taking a guided motorcycle tour through parts of Europe. We found a company that does it all over Europe as provides the bikes and everything. Now that we have Grayson, that won't work though lol.
I could so convience Allen of that! He got rid of his motorcycle because I got pregnant with Emmaleigh and would no longer ride with him. It sounds like it would be so fun to take Greyson to meet your friends and family and back to apart of your heritage! Lol at not having a passport. My FIL is almost 70 and just got his first one so he could go to Alaska since he would be passing through Canada. So you could only imagine what it is going to take to make Allen get one.

I was very aggravated to ntnp at first but the wreck really made me see that I am not in control of everuthing so why the hell not it can't be any worse than having 3 older kids and a newborn right I mean hell I am alteady bat shit crazy so I can't go to much farther off the deep end. Lmao
Ahahaha Shell, you'll do great either way :thumbup:

We are keeping the motorcycle tour on our bucket list... Far far far down the road :haha:
Hey girls I have a question....Our Pediatrician said Emmaleigh can start eating baby rice when she is 3 months....I remeber with my other kids it was between 4-6. Anyone know the new guidlines for when they can start eating solids?
Shell, the guidelines here are to wait until LO is 6 months before introducing solids, but I know a lot of people do introduce before that for various reasons. 3 months does seem quite young to me though, is there a reason that she would need to start it?

Steph :dance: yay for coming to Ireland! I know nothing about the Isle of Man TT, but I do know you can get the ferry from belfast to IoM. I don't know anything about getting tickets though, sorry!! I do know there is also a lot of racing in Northern Ireland - the North West 200 is a big event, and the Dundrod Races (which incidentally is where I live!) are both on at different points in the year and you may be able to combine them with the IoM race if they are at the same time?

Lily, I can't believe Dennis rolled!!! That's amazing! Well done to him!

Sarah: so glad you got a good nights sleep. That moment when you wake up and realise the time is terrifying though! I feel your boob pain - if its been long sometimes I pump during the night when she nurses off the other side. It amazes me how hard boobs can get!

Child #2....that'd be an immaculate conception for us right now :blush: we still haven't dtd since her birth. In fact, we haven't dtd at all in 2013 :blush: we keep saying we need to, and Simon has decided tonight is the night. I'm scared! :blush: it's just been so long, and I'm worried about how it will be post partum. But we need to rip off the band aid and do it. Honestly, I'd be happy enough not doing it for a long time, until we are ready for number 2!!!
Not sure when we will go for that.i think it depends on my work situation. If I get another job in 2014 then we'll delay.if not, probably start trying (or at least ntnp) sometime in the first half of the year. We'll play it by ear I think.

Simon had a meeting tonight so I had full bath time responsibility for the first time. I was doing a great job, I've never seen Isabelle so excited in her bath! Kicking like a wild woman! Then when I rinsed her hair I guess she swallowed some water and she started choking, as in she went red and was gasping for air. I whipped her out and started thumping her back - no different. I thump her harder...nothing. So I am practically beating her, and she eventually starts breathing loudly (to be fair I probably just couldn't hear her before that. She was probably fine!) so I set her in her towel, and she was silent as a mouse...for about 3 seconds and then the poor girl screeched. Rightly so, after her mother ripped her from her bath and beat her, all while she as dripping wet and starting to shiver!!
I shall not be doing bath time alone again anytime soon...
Sarah no there would be no reason. I can't even remember at what age my others started eating solids. He has told us this our last 2 visits and it seems so young to me too.

Oh Sarah after not dtd for awhile even just a few weeks things were different down there for me. It felt so amazing and crazy especially because we have Emmaleigh's crib in our room and I felt every little sound would wake her so it was definitely different.
Poor Isabelle having all sorts fun in the tub and mean ol mommy ripping her outta there. Lol
baby rice is 4 months here but I know plenty of mothers who give it at 3 months. Just make sure the tongue reflex is gone before you give it xx

steph I dont store any breast milk Im scared of doing it wrong and making him sick so the only milk he vets comes from le boobies. It is nice that you can go to Germany with Greyson and show him off to your family there! I bet they are so excited to meet him!

Sarah good luck for tonight haha! Poor Isabelle Im sure she is fine now. Connie choked when she was a baby I didnt see her at first she was completely silent then I looked at her face all bright red and whipped her out of her seat and slammed on her back until the spit up come out. Scared the hell out of me! xx

Well things with Aaron were going amazingly well.... until he punched the bedroom door while changing Ben. I was mad because I asked him to find Connies swim suit for her lesson tomorrow but he couldnt find it and didnt tell me until I was going to bed! Then I heard Ben crying and it sounds like he has a sore throat and I said his sister has a sore throat and I hope she didnt hold him on Sunday knowing she was sick and giving him kisses. I only found out today she was sick she said to me sunday she had a hangover now Im thinking she lied because she knew if I knew she was sick she woukdnt get within 10 feet of Benson! Of course Im pissed off if someone knew they were sick and made my kid sick. He got all pissy he had Benson on the changing mat over the crib next to the door and she punched the door so hard that there is a hole in it now... I went fucking insane at him. How dare he do that in front of Benson while Ben is right in front of him on his mat!! Hes on the sofa tonight! Stupid idiot!
Damn him for acting that way around Benson! Wtf was his sister thinking also. I am like you no one sick around my baby. I still make everyone wash their hands before they hold her too. I am so sorry you are having a shit night. Maybe after laying on the sofa awhile he will realize he is being an arse.
Sarah J, you just had me laughing in tears with poor Izzys bath time story :rofl:. This will make her tougher for later on... Tell that's life's a bitch and sometimes unpleasant lol, especially when your enjoying a nice warm bath :haha:
:thumbup: for the other races, I will need to do some research!
As for DTD... Just get it over with. It sucked for me the first time but gets better every time. Like you, I think I'd be ok without right now, but I feel like its my womanly duty. Afterall, if roles were reversed, id feel the same lol

Candy, Aaron is such a tool! :growlmad: I can't believe he would do that I front of Ben! Good thing you sent him to the couch!! :hugs:
Hi ladies!

This is the first really free time I've had to write to you all day. :wacko:

Candy: I can't believe Aaron was being that much of a tool, but I think maybe antagonizing him about his sister might have hit a nerve with him? It would seem he wouldn't know whether his sister was sick and picking at him about it might have set him off. I ask this ONLY because I do it to Greg :blush: I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I get set off and I know what buttons to push to get him right where it will bug him and I hit that button. Its no excuse for Aaron to hit the door, but again, we need to treat them the way we would expect to be treated. I need to work on it myself.
I'm sorry your milk is treating Benny poorly right now :nope: I'm nursing and pumping like crazy in hopes that AF won't rear her ugly red head!

Steph: That bike tour sounds so exciting! I'd love to do something similar but on horseback, especially in Ireland! That's always been a dream of mine. I have a friend that lives in Australia and she's said I'm welcome to come ride any time, but I think Australia might be a damn long trip. :wacko: I love to travel, but sitting on a plane for hours and hours on end might kill me. I had a rough time getting from the east coast to the west coast and that's within the country. :haha:

Shell: The guidelines that I've always gotten are 6 months before solids as well. Only 4 more months of straight nursing to go! :coffee: Greg's been trying to get more involved with feedings, so Jake's had maybe 2 oz a day from a bottle and I still feel guilty! I sit there telling myself that its my milk he's getting from the bottle so I'm still providing, but dumb mommy brain keeps mumbling something about it not being my boob in his mouth.. :dohh:

Sarah J: Izzy's bathtime story is quite silly! I love your stories :flower: I'm not sure if I should be upset or relieved that I don't have any crazy stories to tell you guys about Jake yet. :shrug:

AFM: I am proud of my littlest man. He's been sleeping through the night for almost 3 weeks now! One more week and it will officially become a "habit" :happydance: Let's hope we can keep it up for 7 more days/nights/whatever! He's done a lot of sleeping during this leap too and he's already started doing major vocalizations. Its adorable because he'll be cooing and ahhing and then he's be all "AAHH-HAA-AAH" and he'll still be smiling but shouting in his little baby laugh. He is also INCREDIBLY ticklish! I swear I've never seen a baby that reacts to being tickled like he does. He squirms and smiles and even laughs out loud. I didn't think they were supposed to be able to do that for months. Babies are so amazing. I think everyone is right that each baby will excel in his/her own way whether its something small like being ticklish or something big like being able to sit up on their own at 3 months. We are all proud and I certainly want to hear about all of your babies great milestones and accomplishments! My mom even said Jake did a full on push up while she was watching him last night while I was riding my horse. She thinks he'll be crawling before he's doing anything else; I told her there was no way that could happen because I don't got no time fo' dat. LoL Oh well, you ladies sound like you're all doing well with your bubs and that's what counts.

Sam sounds like jake is doing amazingly!! Izzy is a big talker as well, but so cute about James laughing. I'm sure that is adorable!

Candy: :growlmad: aaron needs to control his temper clearly. I hope you gave him hell, especially since he knows what you have been through before and should know that you will not accept any violence like that anywhere near you kids. Plus, a hole in the door is just inconvenient!

Sooo....last night. Well, we didnt end up dtd because no matter what we tried, it hurt :( I ended up in floods of tears because I felt so bad about not being able to go through with it. Now I'm even more scared for the next time.

For the last two nights Isabelle's sleeping has stunk. After me being all high and mighty about how great she was sleeping, nothing less than five hours...she is back to doing three hours :( so last night I was up at 1 and 4, then again at 6 when she came into our bed. Now, that wouldn't be so bad, if she hadn't also decided the last two nights that when she is getting her nappy changed she is going to scream the house down. I thought maybe two nights ago she hadn't been properly awake so it startled her, so I made sure to give her a cuddle, stroke her face etc last night before putting her on the mat...she screeched. I wouldn't have bothered changing her at 1 usually, but she had pooped. And at 4 more poop. So all in all, two not so fun nights :(
liams mom I did not antagonise him

well Aaron is sick today he woke up ill and so here I am once again doing everything. I only got 5 hours sleep. Im hanging today.

Sarah if you worry about it it can make you tense up and that can cause pain. The first time was painguk fo me too. Im sorry it was such a bad experience :hugs: xxxx
I was definitely tense about the whole thing. It all felt so forced :( I need to try and relax for next time. If only I could down a few glasses of wine lol (I know you supposedly can drink while bf, but I don't drink anyway, and always hated wine when I did! :haha:)
Hahahaha, I'm just back from walking the dogs and its roasting so I am sitting in the sofa with my top pulled up... Next thing I feel something dripping down me, look down and both boobs are leaking away :haha:

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