April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Candy get away for a few days but like Steph says I think he loves you. Men are wimps when it comes to love...they shelter their feelings and heart up so that they don't get hurt....Remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you if a boy was being mean to you meant he likes you....It still applies into adulthood! lmao! I know I was so scared of my heart being broken after my divorce that Allen could have told me a million times he was sorry and I held on to it but it was his first serious relationship and my 2nd so I had a heads up on him...I would find a sitter and you two go out together and just spend some quality alone time with out any of the kids and rekindle that romance!
I cant leave though because I have Connie and Lucas in school. I could possibly go away on the weekend but I think it would hurt him too much. I know he loves me but I think he takes me for granted. Today he chose to play an xbox game over me. It sucks.

In brighter news, Ben has had diarrhea today. I know it was no ones fault but Im angry that he got it after we went out to visit people which is silly because he coukd have got it anywhere it could even be post imms diarrhea.
Today our prefolds came and we tried fhem out after the bath. Benson loves them! Im not so sure about them yet though I think I need more practice but they were rather bulky.
Candy I have never used my prefolds as nappies - I use them as 'accident catchers' when izzy is having nappy free time on her playmat. I thought they were too bulky as well. I'm sorry you feel Aaron takes you for granted. I hate that he played Xbox instead of doing anything else. I told Simon on Saturday that I hate when he goes on his comp etc instead of paying attention to Isabelle when she's awake. I kind of made him feel ashamed of how he'd been behaving, and he's been much better once I explained to him why I felt the way I did. I know that might not work for you, but maybe worth a shot?

Shell, I think it's natural to feel relieved that it wasnt Allen who was hurt. I am relieved he wasn't, so I can't imagine how much that feeling is magnified for you.

Not much new for me today. I'm going to toys r us this week to get izzy some new toys as I feel like she needs more stimulation, and I know in the next month or so she'll be looking for more to play with. We purposefully didnt buy much before she arrived, as I said I'd get bits when we needed them, so this is our first big trip.
Oh yay for new toys! Emme has a lot of them as I am a shopohlic for baby girl stuff lol!
I think it is kinda natural for a guy to take you for granted when our babies are so small and need us more. They kinda feel useless and not intentionally being an ass. I agree I can ask Allen to do things for me when I am stretched thin and it makes me feel like he cares and he feels helpful. Sometimes you just gotta come out and ask or tell them as they are senseless.

Today is a shit day. I feel like shit as Allen has cried again saying its his fault that the man died and I can't comfort him. I just want to be able to say some thing magical to him to make him feel better. I feel like he is shutting me out. I honestly wish I could carry this burden for him and take all his pain away.
Including her playmat and her bouncer we have 5 toys for Isabelle! Not including all the stuffed animals people bought her. All the other three toys are lamaze toys as I love them, but she needs some bits and pieces to chomp on!

I wish I could give you some words of comfort or help for your situation, but I know you are doing a great job of supporting Allen, and that's all you can do. I imagine that this is something which will never fully leave him, but I hope it gets easier for him with time. :hugs:
We have a playmat and tummy pillow which is like a boppy pillow with rattles amd chew toys attatched. She has these funny little socks that rattle and make a scrunchy noise when she moves her feet. She also has a kick n play mat that plays music and lights up when she kicks which she absolutely loves.I can't wait till she is able to be in her Jenny Jump either. Lol I don't know who gets more excited about her toys me or her! Lol

Thanks Sarah...he has told me not to call him or text him while he is driving and that he does not like driving far away now so I will do as he asks. I must respect him and give him room to cope and I figure he will come around when he is good and ready.
I understand his worry about driving now. I know it's nowhere near on the same level, but I've had two accidents (one not my fault, someone hit me, the second was just me and a wall and I totalled the car) and it really does make you nervous about driving, that's something he'll carry forever I think.

We also have a tummy time thing like you described, but she doesn't take much notice of the bits on it yet. But when she is ready for touching and holding toys...I want to be ready to pull them out!
I know what you are saying. Emme has all sorts of toys...while pregnant my BIL walked into the store and started playing with toys...he said if they didn't entertain him she wouldn't like them...then he bought all the toys he played with! Bahaha this coming from a guy that steals my babies socks to pick up chicks.
Oooh....let me know what toys you end up with Sarah!

I don't have hardly any toys for Peter either... he has his playmat with some dangling toys to swat at, and the dangling toys on his bouncer which he loves to swat at.... but beyond that we don't have much. We have the plush vegetables from IKEA, and some stacker toys which he can't use yet... and that's it! He's starting to get better at grabbing at stuff, but can't really hold anything yet. I wish we had some more toys for him as well so when he's ready for them we've got them!
Sarah L, don't feel bad, we don't really have any either. I keep thinking its too soon but maybe not! Grayson is most fascinated with the ceiling fan at the moment :haha:

Shell, I'm thinking of you and Allen tonight! I hope he starts to feel better very soon!! :hugs: there is absolutely nothing you can do or say unfortunately... I think he will just have to cope and come to you when he is ready.

AFM, I received my 3 pack of RockaBums today. They are not as well made as the softbums but I won't know until I can try them. I should be getting the detergent tomorrow, so I can finally wash these diapers and get going lol. I also found another deal on babydeals.com for a different brand of CD. I don't think it's a popular US brand, but they retail for $30. I paid $14 so I couldn't resist. Lol I'm now up to 7 pocket diapers, and I havnt used a single one. This CD better work out for us... I've got too much invested already :rofl:
Sarah, I now understand how you could have spent 500 pounds... Im at $200 already for the diapers, extra inserts, wet bags, liners :dohh:
oooh Sarah using the prefolds as accident catchers is an amazing idea!! I love letting Ben be naked. He loves it too but he pees all the time. He has a widgey though and he manages to pee on his own face lol. Once it went in his mouth when I was changing him. So gross!!

I have a few lamaze toys for Benson I love themso much. I had them for my other two. He likes the spiral toy hanging over him so he can hit and kick the bits on it. I recently brought him some wrist rattles and rattle socks which are now his favorites he loves trying to shake his arms around and when I shake them for him. I have a playmat which I use for tummy time but he doesnt really play on his tummy yet. He just looks around for a while then cries lol.

Shell I would be thankful it wasnt my partner who died too. I think it is natural to be thankful that Allen is okay it doesnt mean you dont feel remorse for the guy who was killed or the lady who is injured. Its a horrible situation for Allen to be in I hope he can forgive himself. xx

I think Bens diarrhea has stopped now. My new nappies should be here today I am so excited to get them on him. I will be prepping them as soon as they arrive haha.
omg I've just found out why Ben has been pissed off with a poorly tummy and why I've been a moody sensitive bitch for the past few days... I just got my period back :D :D :D I never thought I would be so glad to see it lol. I hope I can keep breast feeding through it this time! It's really heavy too. I hope I don't loose my milk :/ That's what happened with Lucas and he didn't like the taste.
Dennis is 5kg this morning! I'm a proud mama! That's 11 pounds for my non metric friends.
He is getting a little more round, no longer a skinny newborn. Still like a banana baby though.

We have the following:
Pram string from Heimess

Mobile from Goki It is his no1 favourite toy, he can look and talk to the bugs all day

This little guy from Keptin jr

A few stuff from Etsy:

Nursing necklace

Teething Carrot

A doudou doll that is sold out

I also got him a plastic rattle, because I destroyed the box it was in at the store as we were browsing :O Very clumsy.

My granny got him Chicco goodnight stars projector
And my sister got him the playskool lullaby glow worm
He loved the twinkle twinkle little star melody!

Also some stuffed animals we received from friends and relatives at the hospital, but I will sort them out, I don't like tons of those. :(

500 pounds for cloth nappies sounds better than 2,500 pounds for disposables lol, at least you can resell a few or donate etc. The disposables go straight to garbage...
I got my complete Disana set for 130 euros, very very cheap. I also got 3 LL OSFA that I don't particularly enjoy. They don't fit well, the elastics are weird, and they smell very plasticky. I much prefer the cheap ones from ebay, I have another 3 from Yellow Bloom and they are lovely.
That's it though, I'm not spending any more money on nappies. I have enough.

I tried to use flats (the flat muslin cloths that came with Disana set) with nappy nippas but I 'm no good with those. Maybe I should practice my folding... IDK
those toys are lovely Lily! The mobile is gorgeous xx
Lily I love all your toys. Simon and I both really like wooden toys, so I'll have to have a look on etsy for some bits, I never would have thought of there! Way to go Dennis on all the weight gain! I can't believe your disana set was only €130, what a bargain. Unfortunately, I don't have your willpower and although I know I don't need anymore, I keep buying them! I also have 3 LL osfa, and although I haven't put them on izzy yet, I'm not even impressed with how they look or feel. I was going to sell them straight on, but LL have brought out a new version which is on sale, so now my older ones aren't worth as much. Will keep them for now, maybe a Change bag nappy.

Candy: is it good news about your period?! I'd be gutted if mine came back now, I love not having to deal with it :haha: I remember you said before that it caused problems for you and bf, so fingers crossed that won't happen this time.

Steph, the money I spent on nappies doesn't include all the bits like wet bags.....they don't count to me :haha: I dread to think what my overall bill is! If you got some of the happy heiny pockets they should be pretty good, I've heard good stuff about them. I have a HH wrap for my fitteds but haven't tried it yet as its massive (even though its a one size) and bulky. But it looks like its great quality. Can't wait for you to be able to get started!

You ladies are making me panic about Izzys development (or lack thereof?!) Peter can grab stuff, Emmaleigh and Benson are kicking out at things, Grayson loves his ceiling fan :)haha:)....Isabelle can't do any of that yet. She does sometimes bat her hanging monkey on her playmat, but I think it's always accidental. The only thing she grabs is my hair...
And I read on my wonder weeks app that the next leap is when she should start being able to roll from tummy to back....since she hates tummy time without her tummy time aid, that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

She's only 10 weeks old and I'm already worried she's behind! I know she'll develop at her own pace blah blah....but I don't want her to be the dunce kid in the corner!
Sarah: To be fair, Peter doesn't grab at everything, he spends most of his time hitting the dangling toys on the bouncer and playmat. He does love to grab my hair and daddy's chest hair though. :haha: Thankfully he hasn't discovered our glasses yet!

Peter is totally awesome though because he slept for 6 CONSECUTIVE HOURS last night!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: That's a new record for us! I woke up after 5.5 of that when DH was thumping around getting ready for work and went to make sure the boy was still breathing once I realized how long I had been asleep for! :dohh: Peter was of course fine and slept for another half hour before waking up. My boobs were ROCK hard, but it was such enjoyable bliss to get that much sleep all at once. It was so desperately needed too!!

I turned the ceiling fan on in his room last night for the first time... so maybe he hypnotized himself into a deep sleep?! It'll certainly be on again tonight just in case it had *any* small part to play in this sleeping marathon!
^ I enjoy not having a period too!

I wouldn't worry with development so much. Kids may be advanced in a few things and a little behind in others. Eventually they will all catch up.
Dennis still hasn't discovered his hands & thumbs, and has no interest in touching anything.
However he was smiling socially when he was just 3 weeks, laughs in his sleep loudly (LOL) and he turned from tummy to back today (and was so confused he cried).
He will probably start running around soon, but have zero hand eye coordination...
Each baby grows differently ;)
:rofl: at running around without hand-eye coordination Lily!! Your right about the different developments though!!! I think every baby will do just fine in their own time!

As for grabbing... Not so much at toys here! He does like to hold on to things while nursing... Hair, my shirt, the burp cloth that I shove under his chin :haha:, my finger! But I think it's mostly just reflexes. Though I LOVE, when he puts his little hand on my boob while feeding... Like he is holding his "bottle" :cloud9::haha:

I don't expect Grayson to be turning over anytime soon... Mostly because we don't do belly time enough lol. He is however arching is back a bunch when I change him... So he may turn to his belly soon :wacko:
Steph, the money I spent on nappies doesn't include all the bits like wet bags.....they don't count to me :haha: I dread to think what my overall bill is! If you got some of the happy heiny pockets they should be pretty good, I've heard good stuff about them. I have a HH wrap for my fitteds but haven't tried it yet as its massive (even though its a one size) and bulky. But it looks like its great quality. Can't wait for you to be able to get started!

It was actually the Bum Cheeks Minky. Has anyone heard of (or tried) them?
Ah Emme loves the fan too. It seems like when we go to peoples houses that is the first thing she looks for. When she is put down we turn her mobile on and she loves kicking and smiling at it. As for rolling she rolls from side to side and when laid on her tummy she will roll over to her back...it will come in due time.

As for AF I wish that thing never showed back up. That is one of my favorite things about being pregnant was no AF.

Sarah Izzy will start in due time no worries hun.

Steph Em loves pulling her blankey up beside her face it is so cute! I think it is adorable that Grayson cuddles your boob lol.

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