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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

liams_mom what job do you do? Xx

Well the long and the short is that we breed show ponies. Here in the states its VERY different from anywhere overseas, except maybe Germany and even there its usually horses being imported.

The horse world here is extremely cut-throat and elitist. People are shady, trainers always want too much money, ponies get hurt and no one tells you, the list goes on and on.

We breed them to lease them out. We saw a nitch for "kid-safe" pony hunters and we worked hard to get the status we achieved, BUT, one little mistake on your part and it could all shatter and fall to pieces. A rumor, a sour pony, a relationship with someone that no one else likes and your credibility is ruined in 5 minutes when it took you 15 years to get there.

I've seen it happen, you have to be EXTREMELY careful who you speak to and how you speak. Everyone knows everyone else and will open their big mouths, whether they like you or not. I love my horses and we're extremely invested in their well being and there are a few trainers we love to deal with, but the rest are walking drama llamas. It stinks.

I'm a moderator on a FB board I created for people to post ponies they have for lease and sale and a bunch of trainers got in to it on a post someone put up for a stolen pony the other day. Everyone had an opinion, everyone seemed to know whether the pony did or did not actually belong to the original poster, the thread went on for about 50-60 comments, everyone damning each other. Finally the OP actually CALLED me to try to explain herself, like I could do more than take the post down..I really did not want to be involved and I hadn't even posted on the thread/comment. I just took everything down and requested that people leave the subject alone and let the police and the people directly involved sort the mess out.

The worst part is she kept calling me and I kept getting PMs on my phone when I was out with Greg and the boys! This was also the day that Jackson started gagging and had a huge bubble and spit up all over me and the floor. It was rough. :dohh:
I got the Frezyderm sunscreen for babies: https://www.amazon.co.uk/FrezyDerm-...UTF8&qid=1372075223&sr=1-2&keywords=FrezyDerm

It is the brand my midwife suggested, my pediatrician said no sunscreens though, like Candy says they have chemicals.

Ha! I decided to never have sex again.
just kidding!

However Dennis will get some minimal sun exposure during car rides and walks so I got it to be on the safe side.
I can risk a few chemicals, but I don't want to risk a sun burn.

I will apply a tiny bit on his leg to see if it irritates him
wow your job sounds extremely stressful. You sound like you are doing amazingly well with it though. Its nice to know soneone else with GAD here. I have a few friends wjo have it too. I find more people are open about it now than in previous years. xx
lily I dont blame you because you live in a hot country where sunburn can be dangerous. If your mw recommends it then thats fine xx
Candy, the sunscreen they have here is for baby's but its still not recommended for under 6 months. They say that the chemicals can cause allergic reactions. Since that seemed to be the main concern, we made sure he was safe on the part. Still, we have only used it 2 times and we made sure he was wearing a hat, had water shirt (that has 50SPF) and pants. :shrug:
^^^^^same with Steph about sunscreen. But I limit Emmes sun exposure a lot so if we are out we have an Umbrella at the lake/river/pool/etc. She has only went once and the water was extremely cold and she didn't like it. We are going to attempt again soon though.

Lily I wat first too. He liked it but I was like is this my body! Bahaha

Sam omg that craziness! That is a lot of how people are here about things too. They jump to conclusions before knowing the facts.

Afm, after a long day of cleaning everything and washing everything, putting everything away i was exhausted. Emmaleigh slept so good last night. I got a 3 hour stretch at first and she woke up to eat about 1 1/2 ounces and then she slept for 6 hours! I know it was probably a fluke and won't happen again but I got some rest and felt better this morning.
^ don't overextend yourself with house work etc...
Although I have a girl over once a week to help me out, I still do most of the work in the house, and I managed to destroy my left wrist (DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis) from picking up baby too often and stressing my wrist when BF. It is a struggle to pick up Dennis, or even wash a glass, or turn the stupid faucet. I have to have my wrist in a splint now :(
Yikes lily! That would be so awful to barely be able to pick up your own baby or even the basic simple things. Will the splint help it or is there something more invasive they will have to do?

I try not to over do it but with Allen working long hours and gone all the time I find myself taking on all the reponsibilties. I think once everything settles down and school starts again that it will be easier.
If I manage to keep my wrist in a neutral position with the splint I'll be fine in 4-6 weeks.
If not, I will get a corticosteroid injection, but I hope not as I EBF.
Lily, dealing with an injured wrist is annoying!! I hope you recover really fast and don't need the cortisone.

Shell, 6 hours :shock:!!!! That is amazing!!! Hopefully she will keep up that trend :thumbup:

AFM: this weekend was the first time that I noticed Grayson looking for comfort when being held! Don't get me wrong, obviously he wants to be held for comfort but usually he will look over my shoulder while I hold him. He was fussing this weekend, so I picked him up... Once I did, he laid his head on my collar bone and started sucking his thumb :cloud9:.
Oh Steph how adorable!!!!!!!! He just wanted cuddles with mommy!!!
I hope it does too but I know is my hopeful wishing and that may have been a total once in a lifetime deal! Lol
Oh Lily I hope it works and you don't have to get the shot at all!
Steph: Isabelle also likes a nice clean nappy to poop in. If I'm lucky and get her right away, I can just take the liner and maybe the booster out of a fitted and save the bulk of the nappy for another round :haha:
Too cute about Grayson cuddling you! :kiss: that little honey!

Kirsty: it's strange that Annelise fusses randomly when eating :huh: it's not due to anything you eat or drink??
And I didn't even think about the leaps to explain Izzys eating/sucking! Must get that app open again ASAP! Thanks!

Candy: haven't gone swimming yet but I plan to get either a happy nappy or a Charlie banana swim nappy for when we start (probably next month). The happy nappy seems good, but I love the Charlie banana print :haha: and then over the top I'm going to get a warm in one wetsuit for her (google it) as I've heard the local pools aren't too warm even in the baby pool.

Lily: :rofl: I hope they didnt make your hoo hah smaller! But I have also not dtd yet as it hurt when we tried so am right there with you. I think I just need to push through the pain and get that first time done, and then hopefully be ok. As with some of the others we use condoms, and I don't think that helped the time we tried!

Nothing new with me at all really. I have found a local nappucino morning on Saturday for cloth bum mums to get together, so I may go along to that. The same people are also looking for models for cloth nappies for an article in a local magazine so I put Isabelle's name forward for it. Not that I want her to be a model at all, baby modelling in a serious way is not for us, but I think for a cloth photoshoot as a one off it would be fun. Plus you get one free nappy! (No idea what brand. Hopefully a gNappy!!)
Sarah: We haven't taken Peter swimming yet either--but I can't wait to try it out! He loves bath time now, so I bet he'll like swimming too. I want to get him one of those full-body swimsuits (looks sort of like a short legged wetsuit) but I can't find them in 0-3m... they seem to start at 3-6m. :shrug: Maybe we're too late in the season and they're already all gone.

Steph: Awww.... super cute about Grayson wanting some mummy snuggles! Those really are the best kind of moments.

Liams_mom: sorry to hear the pony drama is continuing! It must be a stressful business indeed. One of my uncles has race horses, and they've started closing down a lot of the race tracks around here, so I know he's feeling a lot of pressure to get rid of the horses--but they're like his children! He'll go bankrupt before he sells them.

Afm, we were away at my parents this weekend and I was really worried that it would mess with Peter's new found love of sleeping at night--but thankfully it did not! He's still sleeping 6-7 hours at night and has been for almost a week now. I'm trying not to get to used to it because as soon as I do it'll change!

Tonight Adam and I are going to have our first couples date since having Peter! We're just going down the street for frozen yoghurt while my sister and her wife watch Peter. We'll be close by if needed and it will give him some time with someone other than mommy or daddy looking after him.

Re DTD: We haven't done it yet either! And honestly... I have NO desire to either. :wacko: Especially with it being so hot here right now, the last thing I want is someone touching me! It's bad enough having to carry Peter around. I hate summer.
Ok, this is a personal post because I found this incredibly amusing...:blush:

Today was our official start of CD use since my inserts finally arrived and since they were used, I washed them once and popped Jakes first CD on. Actually, Greg did since I wanted to see how daddy friendly the Omni really is and its VERY daddy friendly (my mom is still apprehensive). Since we only have 3 inserts at the moment, I'm working on the premise that they should last me about 12 hours if he doesn't cause too much "trouble" and poos just once late in the evening as per usual

..so what's the first thing that Jake does?

He has a blowout! :haha:
Question: A see a lot of people using the acronym STTN (sleeping through the night)... but how many hours does STTN mean?
Question: A see a lot of people using the acronym STTN (sleeping through the night)... but how many hours does STTN mean?

I'm going to go with a stretch of 5-6 hours between 7-11 pm and the next AM?
Benson isn't STTN he goes from 8pm-10 or 11pm then every few hours wakes for a feed :/ I was getting a 5 hour window but that stopped during the second leap.

I'm going to get him a short legged, short armed wetsuit for swimming, we will go next week because daddy has a week off work :)

Lucas may have SPD I have a meeting on friday with the school nurse, it's sensory processing disorder, its where he struggles to focus and if there is too much going on he just get over loaded and comes to a stand still, he also repeats questions and sentences until I give him a full answer back, so he'll repeat over, we're getting ice cream aren't we mummy? and he'll keep asking with no space for me to reply until I say yes Lucas we are getting icecream. Then he can carry on. I really hope he's just a little behind and needs more focus.

Ben's just had a huge tantrum because I was playing with Lucas and he didn't like it haha, just had him weighed, despite the poorly tummy he's now 14.7lbs and still following on the middle curve :D x
Liams_mom: from what I can gather that seems to be about right. I don't know who decided on that though... sleeping for 5 hours is certainly not what I would call 'sleeping through the night'!

ukgirl: I hope Benson gives you a break with the sleeping soon!! Peter has been an all-star sleeper recently and I feel so much more human! It's so incredibly hot here right now though so I feel really bad for the poor little guy because I know he's hot and sticky but there's nothing I can do about it. :wacko: Everyone is a getting a little miserable and summer is just starting! :dohh: I hope the meeting with the school nurse goes well! If there's one thing I learned from working with kids it's to not apply labels to them before you have to because they develop at widely different rates--so don't let the nurse push you into anything! Lucas just might need a little more help settling himself and working on concentration and focus. :hugs:

Afm, we're off to buy a second hand baby swing tonight! It looks like it's in great shape and they only want $30 for it. Peter falls asleep best for his naps when he's in motion, so it'll be nice to have a swing to plunk him in instead of putting him in the stroller and walking him in circles around the apartment. :blush: (We do got OUTSIDE with it too... but if he's inside asleep for at least one nap then I get to spend some time on the house chores)
Ok, this is a personal post because I found this incredibly amusing...:blush:

Today was our official start of CD use since my inserts finally arrived and since they were used, I washed them once and popped Jakes first CD on. Actually, Greg did since I wanted to see how daddy friendly the Omni really is and its VERY daddy friendly (my mom is still apprehensive). Since we only have 3 inserts at the moment, I'm working on the premise that they should last me about 12 hours if he doesn't cause too much "trouble" and poos just once late in the evening as per usual

..so what's the first thing that Jake does?

He has a blowout! :haha:

I guess Jake really wanted to try those bad boys out :haha:. I had to learn, that you can't wait nearly as long with CD. We have had no leaks, since I change him every 2 hours. I know we could go much longer with disposables (hence i still use them at night).
Happy birthday lady!!! Enjoy your day!!

Shell, the diapers arrived!! Thank you again! Now I just have to wait for the pre folds to get here :happydance:
Thank you so much readytomum that makes me feel a whole load better! Lucas has always been a bit behind in his development he didnt walk abefore 18 months I am hoping hes just a late starter.

Sarah I love the charliebanana swim pants I have been looking at the green ones with the blje heart on the back x

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