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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh Sarah I think that is adorable of your nephew! My niece is a total Aunt Shellies girl and it makes my youngest sister and mom so angry sometimes because Joslynn won't leave myside if we are all together. But if Uncle Allen is here she is right cuddled up with him and blowing me off. Lol. I find when Laurynn and Brandon are here with us that Emmaleigh gets a lot more stimulation than when it is just me and her or Landon and her. Landon is so scared of her and making her cry that he really only looks at her. But anyways she gets a lot more stimulation and is happy yet by time I am trying to settle . r for bed she is so tired and cranky that she eats a tiny bit then is up earlier in the mornings.

Yes it seems like it has had its moments of dragging by but since Emmes birth I feel that it has zoomed by. We have had a pretty lazy day and all remained in our jammies which never happens and later tonight they are shooting off some since they have started selling the already for the 4th of July. Emme has been sleeping alot and i think maybe teething????????? She has two little white slits on her bottom gums and is chewing her fist and drooling alot. I am going to call her Dr Monday morning and see if its at all possible but i am almost certain that is what is going on as Laurynn had her first 2 by 4 months.
Bwahaha Sarah J, I see nothing wrong with enjoying your nephews attention! I take every advantage I can get with little kids... If that means I have to go shove someone in a dark room for a while... Well so be it :haha:. Oh and not to be mean... But given Simons awesome accent... I can see LOs draw to it ahaha
I'm sure Izzy will fall right back into her routine at home!

Kristy, I can't believe AF is back already :wacko:. I thought mine was back a few weeks ago but I guess I was wrong... Just a day of pp bleed :shrug:. Has AF messed with your supply at all? I was alway under the impression that nursing at least once every 3 hours is what kept it away :shrug:.
As for my supply being back up (at least on Friday), it's def my worker boob that's stepped up! But man boob did double its output as well (not hard to go from 1 to 2 inches, vs 2 to 4 lol).

Sam, I'm looking forward to pics of Jake in his spify little diapers :happydance:

AFM, I may be in trouble ladies :haha:. Rob brought in the mail today and I had received another diaper lol. In all fairness, I bought it a while ago. He was a bit... Well not really upset, but disturbed... That I had ordered more (since we have 6 at home). Little does he know, I have 7 more coming :rofl:. Ups
Steph: Grayson and Jake look very manly and adorable in their Omni's. Since they're such long, tall, sturdy boys, the cloth really doesn't bulk them up too much! Just wait until I have 12 inserts in his pocket. LoL :haha: Greg is on board with the CD'ing, but he's not so on board with all of the money I'm spending on them for the "initial investment"..In all fairness, I told him! :shrug:

Sarah J: I am very glad you that are still very much alive! This board just wouldn't be the same without your flying boobs! I'm sorry Izzy's schedule is silly again, but a 3hour 45 minute nap is nothing to sneeze at either! That's a wonderful stretch! Now to get her doing that around 1-4PM and ready for bed by 8! Silly babies thinking they have all the control over their schedules :winkwink:

Shell: I am so glad that everything is looking up for you and your kiddies! :happydance: We are all crossing our fingers and wishing on stars for you guys. I'm sure Emme will be thrilled to have her stimulation back full time too!

Kirstabelle: I'm not discussing "AF" in fear of well, just plain in fear :blush:

AFM: Today was a pretty laid back day. HOT HOT HOT, but fairly simple and straight forward. Jake put in his longest sleeping stretch EVER after the night we had last night. 12 hours. 9PM-9AM. OMG I kept watching him on the monitor! Liam slept from 9PM-10AM. Both boys had super long naps as well. Jake napped from 12 noon - 4:30! (I think his sleepiness from his shots was wearing on him today) My morning was very very quiet :cloud9: After that we just hung out and I nursed and made dinner. Those were my two jobs :) Greg took Liam in to town to get blades for our riding lawn mower and did lunch, Nana did the horses waters and breakfast.
I put Jakes first cloth diaper on tonight! I couldn't keep it on since the inserts aren't ready yet, but it looked great on since he's the size of a 4 month old. A lot less bulky than I was expecting. I'm thinking of getting a gDiaper or two to see how that does on his booty as well. They take the same inserts as any other CD and have a great reputation for being long lasting and they have some really cute ones! You can even tie-dye or dye the white/coconut colored ones to your own taste!


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Omg Sarah stop saying you would like your baby to nap less! I am coming and switching babies with you! Lol and please make sure to check into Bnb regularly so that we can rest easy knowing you are still alive! Glad you are getting some male attention while Simon is away as well. I am so pathetic I get excited that my child likes me better than most people. I think it is actually a tie between me and dh though. She is such a daddy's girl! She has been good all day. She is often better on the weekends. Then she is a demon as soon as her daddy is gone in the week! I also meant to mention on the taking a bottle thing, we have the boob bottles and it was the only way we could get her to accept formula. She would take breastmilk out of anything but would scowl at formula. We put formula in the boob bottle and she chugged the whole thing- 3 ounces!! The ones we have are como Tomo bottles. Lots of good reviews on amazon. They ar a bit expensive but if you are only giving occasional bottles and it gets you some time to yourself it is worth it!

AFM I am having my first glass of wine since LO was born! The LC and my doula keep telling me I need to relax to boost my supply. So wine it is! My doula comes twice a week. She is amazing and just so positive and it is so nice to be able to have a non judgemental person to ask about baby stuff. With fam and friends that is harder to get!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
Steph I wonder if AF coming back so soon is because of supplementing? I still feed every three hours or so except at night. I also wonder if her good night sleeping is the cause. She has been doing 5 hour stretches since 5 weeks old. I would rather have sleep every nught and AF once a month though. So far I haven't noticed much with my supply. But I just got my domperidone and my hospital pump yesterday. So maybe those two factors are keeping things okay?
see I ebf and feed every two hours and af still came back for me. I think iy just comes when your body is ready not how often you bf I hope you dont get issues like I have Kristabelle xxx

I have only left Ben once with Aaron for 15 mins I cant leave him with anyone else yet either Aaron wouldnt leave him yet even if I wanted to lol.
Hi again ladies... Im knackered!! me and Connie ran 5k for race for life today. She was amazing. 100m in she lost her wobby tooth in her water bottle haha but she kept going and didnt stop until we crossed the finish line! It was an amazing feeling to get our medals at the end. I dont usually tell people this about me but I grew up in a bad home environment with ome things happening to me so at the age of 12 I developed anxiety which turned to agoraphobia when I was 16. I didnt leave my house for a year. I had some therapy and improved but my marriage to my ex sent me back down with GAD. My main triggeres are feelibg trapped and being crowded. It felt amazing to run with a huge amount of ladies and a few times I felt nervous I pushed through it. finishing the race was a huge acheivement for me with my anxiety .

Bens poo is bac to normal colour today as my AF is coming to an end. Im hoping he will be okay now.

I spoke to my aunty today who said that my cousin old her she didnt use cloth nappies because they are too heavy. I told her thats bullshit lol my next blog will be about weight and bulk of cloth me thinks
Candy I have to admit that the cloth is bulky on Isabelle. A few times at my mums we've stayed longer than expected and Isabelle pooped a lot so i used one of my mums disposables and couldn't believe how teeny her butt was! I didn't like it! But I know since I mainly use fitteds they are more bulky than the cd most of you ladies use.
Well done to you and Connie! And especially well done on overcoming your fears- you're an amazing lady.

Sam: please get a gDiaper and let me know how it is as I've been thinking of them on and off!! So ill let you test them out for me before I splash out :haha: I can't believe how well your boys sleep- lucky momma!! The heat makes Izzy cranky, sounds like it makes Liam and Jackson sleepy!

Steph: you will have to bribe your mailman to leave your cloth packages in a pre arrange place! Or order them to your work so rob never sees them arriving!
And :haha: at your comment about Simons accent!

Kirsty: haven't heard of those bottles so will definitely give them a look, thanks! And Annelise is normal in her behaving for daddy and being a demon when he leaves - Isabelle does that with my family a lot!!! They just do it to show us up! Enjoy your wine - you definitely deserve it. I can't imagine how all consuming Annelise has been over tha last two months, but you always seem to be thinking positively and taking it in your stride which is amazing!

I was out of favour with Jacob today and my sister was in- the fickle boy! So everything today was auntie Katie instead of auntie 'sawah'. I was devastated! Miss Isabelle was in a major sucking mood tonight and sucked for an hour with a five min break when she fell asleep. Did the same last night and both nights she has sucked herself to sleep and then I just cuddled her for a bit to make sure she was really asleep. I don't mind it really, but hope its not a new habit. If only because my poor nipples couldn't handle it!!
Candy I can say that must be an huge achievment for you to go out like that. The photos you posted were adorable of Connie!

Sarah ouch! I always love those extra cuddles when she falls asleep.

Kristabelle that is so funny that she is such and angel for daddy! Emme is the exact opposite. Often gives Daddy hell lol.

I have had a great weekend with the kids! Was fixing the boys hair today and Landon had HEADLICE! So we buzzed all his long beautiful hair off. I cried he cried and the only way I could help him calm down was tell him he looks like Emmes twinky now. So that made him smile but everytime I look at him I want to sob.
Candy, the pictures of the 5 K were so cute! Way to go Connie. I'm certain, that I would have had to be carried for at least 2 of the 5K :haha:
And I could not imagine dealing with larger crowds, if I had experienced anything like what you describe! I truly hate being around crowds as it is!
Also good news about Bens poop going back to normal :thumbup:. Does that mean you will be able to continue BF?

Sam, I'm with Sarah on the gDiapers. I think they look super cute and was debating on buying one... but... like I mentioned... I'm in fear of my life, if I bring home anything else right now :haha:

Oh Shell, boo for headlice!! :nope:
I did see all the pictures you posted of the kids on FB and it looked like you guys had an awesome weekend. Lauryn (sp?) looked super cute with her braids :thumbup:

Kristy, ah :wine:!! Good for you!! I hope you enjoyed it!
I think I may be only one, that has been having beers, since LO is here lol. I had 3 beers at a pool party this weekend :drunk:. Of course I brought a bottle of expressed milk so poor Grayson wouldnt get drunk with me :haha:
How has your supply been holding up with AF back?

AFM, first weekend using CD. Aside from a few leaks (on Rob :haha:), we did pretty well. I have realized, that 7 are not enough to get me through the day though. It seems like Grayson will wait for me to change him and as soon as he is in a nice, clean diaper (with matching shirt and socks)... he will poop :shrug::wacko:. I don't think, that I will ever have CD supporters with my family or Rob, but I really dont care :haha:

I can't believe the weekend is over already and I have to go back to work tomorrow :cry:. These days fly by entirely too fast.
Hope you girls have a good start to the week.
Maybe Rob will like CD's once he's not getting pee'ed on anymore :haha:

Sarah I am glad I seem like I am coping well, as I am quite often a weeping wreck. Especially when she is doing loads of fussing when eating. That is awful. She will fuss nursing and fuss with a bottle and its a nightmare as then she won't sleep which only makes her fuss more about eating. Which then affects my supply and the cycle continues. I think AF might have made my supply dip a bit, but its hard to tell as she fusses even when I don't have AF, but then randomly doesn't fuss at other times. It is all completely unpredictable. Like I could have chalked her fussing the few days before AF coming to AF coming, but Thursday she ate perfectly and only had BM bottles all day instead of formula so it couldn't be the taste. But I can't blame formula because she had formula bottle at night no problem :shrug: The weirdest part is that she always eats really well at night, and sleeps really well then also. I just wish that goodness would extend into the daytime. I live in fear of the opposite happening. My daughter: The enigma.

Congrats on your run Candy! Conquering fears feels amazing!! I hope AF doesn't mess with my milk too much either, I can't really handle another thing going wrong with her eating!

Sarah the thing about Izzie sucking but not eating is one of the third leap things... according to my trusty app ;) She must be within the leap now as Annelise is supposed to start it in a couple of days. I hope Annelise decides to want to suck a lot, me and my supply issues would love that! I do love my hospital pump. That things is a sucking beast! Hopefully AF will get lost ASAP so that things can get happening here!

I hate when the weekend ends too Steph. I love having DH here to help me. He's my favorite just as much as he is Annelise's :) He is taking next Friday off as we are taking the little Imp to a specialist tongue tie clinic to get her checked out even though the LC, the ped, the nurse at the ped and the chiropractor all think she doesn't have a tongue tie :shrug:
Candy, the pictures of the 5 K were so cute! Way to go Connie. I'm certain, that I would have had to be carried for at least 2 of the 5K :haha:
And I could not imagine dealing with larger crowds, if I had experienced anything like what you describe! I truly hate being around crowds as it is!
Also good news about Bens poop going back to normal :thumbup:. Does that mean you will be able to continue BF?

Sam, I'm with Sarah on the gDiapers. I think they look super cute and was debating on buying one... but... like I mentioned... I'm in fear of my life, if I bring home anything else right now :haha:

Oh Shell, boo for headlice!! :nope:
I did see all the pictures you posted of the kids on FB and it looked like you guys had an awesome weekend. Lauryn (sp?) looked super cute with her braids :thumbup:

Kristy, ah :wine:!! Good for you!! I hope you enjoyed it!

I think I may be only one, that has been having beers, since LO is here lol. I had 3 beers at a pool party this weekend :drunk:. Of course I brought a bottle of expressed milk so poor Grayson wouldnt get drunk with me :haha:
How has your supply been holding up with AF back?

AFM, first weekend using CD. Aside from a few leaks (on Rob :haha:), we did pretty well. I have realized, that 7 are not enough to get me through the day though. It seems like Grayson will wait for me to change him and as soon as he is in a nice, clean diaper (with matching shirt and socks)... he will poop :shrug::wacko:. I don't think, that I will ever have CD supporters with my family or Rob, but I really dont care :haha:

I can't believe the weekend is over already and I have to go back to work tomorrow :cry:. These days fly by entirely too fast.
Hope you girls have a good start to the week.

Yes that is Miss Laurynn. It is so weird as she was my first baby and only girl for so long and she is growing up so fast on me.

Its funny it seemed as kids time was so slow and now it just zips by.

My mom only did CD as that is all her and her family knows. She tried talking me into it but I am just a Lazy American by all standards. Lol I am sure that it will grow on Rob after awhile since its all new to him.
Steph and Sarah: I will be happy to test out the gDiaper for you. diapers.com is having a big 20% off sale on the currently and I'm tempted to get three :dohh: Can't have just one! They might not be on sale again if I like them!!!! At least that's my reasoning.

Also Steph, I've been :beer: right along with you. I usually have maybe 2 beers a week. I usually drink them before Jake goes down for his long nap in the afternoon. They say you should drink them during the nursing session so that by the time they're done its in your system and won't be in theirs :shrug:

Candy: That's huge that you overcame your agoraphobia. I've also been diagnosed with GAD and have worked hard on putting the things that caused it behind me. My boys help me get out of my head and that's part of why I love spending so much time with them! Getting out and riding Kenny and exercising works just as well and I'm guessing that running a 5k would do the trick too! So proud of you for pushing past your anxiety! Amazing! :wohoo:

Kristy: You have to be one of the strongest most positive criers I've ever had the privilege of knowing! It was awesome to see your LO take the paci tonight! Congratulations! Like I said, in 3 years, you're going to want that thing back in there 'cuz that's when the "whyarreah" starts in :wacko:

Shell: I'm so sorry about Landon's hair! :nope: I remember the first time I had to have Liam's hair even just trimmed I started to cry and telling everyone that would listen that his hair would never be the same :cry: To be honest, it never was quite the same again and I miss his long curls! Jake has finally started to lose some of his fluff and I'm wondering how it will grow in.

AFM: Another quiet day here. Hot again, so we didn't do much outside other than take care of the horses as normal. Daddy has taken this coming week off to stay home and have fun during my birthday week. We didn't end up having the BBQ today simply because it was just too hot! No one wants to stand around eating hot food when its 90F outside :nope: Jake just wanted to play tonight while I was getting him settled for sleep, so we did just that. We played! :tease: He's such a goofy little man already, I can't wait to see what happens next. Touching wood, but no crazy choking or gagging today and I've been a lot more careful about getting burps up immediately instead of waiting for one giant one to explode all over me. :wacko:
Thanks everyone :) the main thing was we had a lot of fun and raised some decent mkney for a good cause :)

Sarah I must admit I love how slim line disposables are but they fill up with all that gross gel which makes them heavier than cloth after a few wets.

Ben had a tongue tie it was no big deal they took him in another room swaddled him up and a quick snip and he was back and getting some booby. I found it harder than he did I cried more than he did. I hope all goes well and she soesnt need her tongue snipped but if she does it will be fine xxx

mommabrown sorry to hear Landon had lice. Mine only had them once. I washed everything and lotioned them up haha I hate nits they are so difficult to get rid of once they catch them. Good to hear tou had fun with the kids despite that xxx
liams_mom I found with my own GAD that I have to keep pushing myself to do things whixh scare me in order to beat it down. Exercise seems to work well for me too xx

has anyone gone baby swimming yet? Do you put baby in a baby wet suit or just swim nappy and shorts?
Sam, target sells the gdiapers as well (which I just noticed yesterday) and so does babysrus. I have a million 20% off coupons for babysrus, since they keep giving me more, every time I buy something :haha:.
I'm glad to know, that I'm not the only one enjoying adult beverages!!

Candy, we take Grayson swimming a lot. Granted, it's very hot here so we are not worried about the outside temp. I put him in his board shorts and a wet shirt. We went again yesterday and he seemed to really enjoy it.
has anyone gone baby swimming yet? Do you put baby in a baby wet suit or just swim nappy and shorts?

We are looking for baby swimming classes but there are none near by.
There is one swimming pool I can get there with public transportation but classes are for 6months+
So I will contact them at the end of summer. I have a swim nappy for Dennis from Popolini , but I'm guessing they will make us wear the disposable ones.

I'm taking Dennis swimming in the sea this week. Did you apply sunscreen on your baby's skin?

Ladies, did you DTD yet? We tried this weekend but WOW it hurt so I said no.:cry: It's been 2 months since I gave birth, should it feel this bad???:shrug:
Next weekend we are going somewhere romantic, and I'm panicking we will not dtd again, because of me.
WTH? Did the doc made my hoohah smaller?:growlmad:
Lily, we picked up sunscreen for baby's and used it. The sun here is entirely too strong to take any risks. Even just going for a walk outside is bad enough. When we got it, we tried it on his arm first and had no allergic reaction. :shrug:

As for DTD, yeah... Especially the first time was no fun :cry:.it does get better though. Just keep trying!!
But do you girls find, that even after having done it a few times, it's still somewhat painful at first?? We DTD yesterday in the shower and ... Ouch... :growlmad:. I'm thinking, that's it's related to the lack of foreplay these days. It's usually like: the baby is sleeping, let go :haha:
Steph: That is exactly how I feel! Right now we're out of condoms which are our only form of BC at the moment and from a few experiences my friends have had (that are now moms), we don't do the pull out method. I have a feeling we'll be off to buy some at target today to hold us until I get my Mirena next month. :blush: I will look for a gDiaper there though if we go! I know they have them at BRU but I don't know if we'll be driving all the way out there. I think we'll be trying for a trip to FL next fall, so the boys will be 1 year plus a bit which will make for great beach trips! We'll probably head to Kissimmee for a few days for Liam since he is really into Sea World (no ass of the rat for me) Plus they have free beer :happydance:

Lily: We did the same as Steph, using a touch on Jake to see if there will be a reaction and then applying it all over. Its too dangerous outside not to, at least here on the east coast! We put Jake in swim shorts and a SPF/rashguard type shirt and sunblock. He also has a sunhat since he won't be getting dunked any time soon. Liam is your typical three year old, board shorts and a swim diaper for accidents since he's told me himself he likes to pee in the warm water.. typical male. We have had many discussions about that :dohh:

Candy: That's awesome that you just keep pushing yourself. Believe me, I know how hard it is to get through it. Its good to know that I'm not the only one on the board that has GAD :hugs: Its a lot rougher than people give it credit for and I've really been putting off of my medications for Jake. I won't do it to him, even if I feel a little :wacko: Its nice to be able to come on here and vent to you girls instead of feeling trapped in my head. It really does help. Like I said, I really push myself to go out and exercise even if its hot and I'm feeling lazy. I have a few triggers as well and with the business I'm in, its very hard to avoid them :nope:

AFM: The house is quiet again this morning :cloud9: Daddy is home this week and I'm feeling a bit more relaxed than normal simply because I'll have some help and we'll be able to get out more since there will be two of us to watch the boys :thumbup: I hope everyone else is doing alright out there in baby land. xx
you shouldnt use sun lotion on babies for the first six months because the chemicals go in their skin. You should dress them lightly and cover them up in the sun. I think there could be specialist baby ones in America ect but in England not even banana boat baby sun cream is safe until afyer six months xx
we have lots of sex it hurt the first few times now its much better. We use condoms but Im getting the coil next month :)

liams_mom what job do you do? Xx

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