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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph: I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about my cousin. I figure its kind of like an old boyfriend coming out of hiding (or something). I feel like its good timing, but I've reached out so many times and gotten no response what so ever. I'll let things fall where they may and only go as far as I'm comfortable. We aren't in close proximity, so I don't have to worry about any strange "drop-ins" :wacko: I'm enjoying my little mans sleeping too, but I miss our smile and giggle time! CD'ing is going well! We are still using disposables at night as well until I can find a decent overnight (Guess I'll have to ask Sarah J or Candy :winkwink:) I still need more inserts so I'm not doing laundry EVERY day, because then I'm defeating the cheaper purpose because I'm paying for electricity and detergent :blush:

Sarah J: Its is a fact that all of our babies are going to be lovely Rhodes Scholars. They will all go to the best schools, on full scholarship, of course. And that is completely insane about your father's employee! What is wrong with people?! :shrug: I'm glad Izzy's getting some needed sleep with some tummy rubs though!

Oh wow. Jake just did a rather large poo as he was giggling and laughing at the mobile on his swing. Now I know why he was looking so happy :rofl: I'm looking at my poor deflated baby sitting over there and pushing out more and more and more poo. I think I'll wait another minute to make sure he's really finished. :haha:
Oh I always leave it a few mins after a big poo...just in case. Isabelle likes a poo after her first morning nap, but it needs five mins or so just to be sure she doesn't sneak in an extra bit!

Re night nappies, I bought two special night nappies (bambooty) as they were on sale. Not impressed at all. Have used them four times and had two leaks - I never have leaks!!! They are all in ones, and I will use them as a day nappy instead. If she is out-peeing them at 11 weeks I can't imagine they will do us when she is any older!

I currently use a fitted nappy (tots bots bamboozle) with a size 2 little lamb bamboo booster, and a wrap. I think two parters are the way to go for nighttime personally. I know I'll need to up what I use as she grows, but will probably boost what I have for a while (maybe put a booster between the nappy and wrap as well) before looking at specific night nappies. Not sure of US brands but I've heard wee notions night notions are good.
Sarah J. :rofl: @ that lady! Of course this is not funny to your dad but its crazy what she has come up with. As I was reading the first part, I thought: oh poor women.. How cruel of her cousin!!
The true story is so far from it, that I can imagine how well she must have tricked everyone over the years. And why fess up now?? She's done so well for 13 years... Seem counter productive :haha:
I hope Isabelle feels better soon! It's so terrible to watch these little babies feel sick and there is NOTHING you can do to help them :cry:. Have you tried to sit with her in the steamy bathroom? I hear the humid air helps decongest them and get the snot moving.

Sam, I usually wait out the poops as well ahaha. If not, I end up cleaning not one, but 2-4 diapers lol.
Tonight he had a HUGE poo as we were at a friends house and I had him in his Omni with the extra long bamboo insert.... Thank god... I'm sure we would have had a blowout with any of the other diapers. Way to go Omni... Everything stayed in :thumbup:

AFM, I went to visit a friend after work, whom I havnt seen since we were both pregnant. Her LO is 6 weeks old, so it was nice to catch up. I was amazed by how little her LO was :shock:. Made Grayson look like an elephant :haha:. Granted, Grayson has always been at the top percentile and hers is at the bottom lol. Also, it's amazing how different the two are. She is very strict on when she feeds him. He eats every 3 hours and she won't feed him before. Amazing to me, since Grayson just has to look in my direction and I throw him a boob :rofl:. So we both were nursing and hers ate for a solid 30 -45 min, while my chunker ate like a pig and was done in 10. Of course he asked for more about an hour later (which he got of course). I would never be able to deny him food :shrug:, but it's just crazy how everyone has a different strategy and it works for them.
Here is something that just shocked me though: when her LO feeds at night, the whole ordeal runs about 1.5 hours :shock:. Between feeding, changing, burping and getting him back to sleep, she will need that much. Our night time feeding last 5-10min from pick up to drop off. (Granted I don't change or burp Grayson at night and he happily goes right back to sleep... If he even wakes up for the whole thing :haha:). I could not imagine dealing with her LO routine (as she must think the same of me). We got home at 9 tonight... I changed him, sat on the corner of the bed, fed him for 5 min, put him in his crib. He moved around in his bed for maybe 5 min and fell asleep (which is the norm or him).

Do you ladies spend that much time during the night? Do you ever restrict their feeding?
Steph I am exactly like you, Isabelle opens her mouth slightly and my nipple is in there :rofl: surely it's not good for such a young baby, or for your supply, to restrict their feeding times like that? I always wonder about people who do that - do they feed themselves on such a strict timetable? I eat when I'm hungry, so does Isabelle!!! Plus, I can't be doing with any crying and moaning, boob fixes that!!!

And our night time feeds last maybe 15 mins, 20 maximum and I've also stopped changing her.mi do burp her, but mainly because my favourite thing in the world is her up on my shoulder, totally passed out after a night feed :kiss: I wish I could keep her like that all the time!!!!

So I out her down for her nap, she cooed and chatted away for 15 mins then,,,BAM dropped off to sleep! Why won't she do that in the evenings for bed?!?!
Oh that woman you know steph reminds me of someone my SIL knows - she feeds her baby for 18 minutes and then stops.

I have so many questions about that...not least - where the heck did she pull 18 minutes from?!?!

I also hope someone comes and takes her food away when she is still eating...
What is the 18 minute thing about? I feed for as long as Ben wants to on one breast, if he's especially hungry I'll switch him when my boob is empty and if he only eats a tiny bit I will put him back on the same boob next time. Sometimes he just wants a snack and sometime the little sucker wants a full blown buffet!!

OMG at stealing 170,000!!! She deserves prison really. I mean if she needed it to feed her starving children or to take care of her dying mother I could maybe have some sympathy but spending 1000 a night in some swank hotel is just taking the piss really!

I learned in baby massage if your baby is congested you can use some baby oil ( just a small amount) and using your index fingers you can go from their forehead over their eye brows and to their temples, then under the nose and out to the ears and then at the chin and out the ears then do light cirlces around the temple area. It is meant to be very effective at unblocking the passages that get clogged during a cold.

Do you remember I told you about Lucas having problems at school with his focus and stuff... well I just took him to see the school nurse and she says that the hearing on his left side is down so when he hasn't heard properly what his teachers have said he stands still and waits for them to repeat t to him rather than doing the wrong thing. Also she said children with hearing issues sometimes repeat themselves!! So hopefully this is it and we are on the right track now.

It's a bit odd that your cousin wants to talk to you all of a sudden after 10 years, I say you point out the elephant in the room and ask her what she is doing talking you like she's your friend after ignoring you for so long. What have you got to loose right? x

Aaron just said to Benson... ''what was I doing again??'' and Ben lifted his vest up and pointed to his nappy!! hahahaha totally reflexes at work but the coincidence was just too funny!!

Ben is still having very watery poo even though it is yellow again now so we are off to the drs in a bit xx
Awe Sarah... I too love the "sack of beans" over the shoulder, but I don't feel coordinated enough to do it at night (mostly because I am usually still asleep myself :haha:)... If probably end up burping a pillow while Grayson is snoozing in his crib :rofl:
18 min time limit ?? Well if be surprised if that kid did not end up overweight later in life! He/she will shove as much food as possible down the hatch in fear of being cut of lol. Poor thing.

Candy, how cute that Aaron and Ben are having conversations now ... Even if unintentional.
I saw your FB post about a Cloth class! I think that is a great idea!! Especially since you have a good variety of different diapers to try. I honestly find that the hardest part about CD... Not knowing what diapers will fit right. Are you going to set yourself up as a distributor and try to work from home a bit?

Sarah L, I saw your post about ice cream bread. I think I may have to try that this weekend (I'm sure it's diet friendly right :shock: :haha:?).
Oh and Candy, great news about Lucas (not that he has problems with his ear, but that is something that can easily be fixed)! Do you have to take him to the pediatrician to check his ear? I would have never even thought of that, but it makes complete sense :thumbup:
I'm not sure yet steph I was thinking about being a distributor with additional classes because most people are put off because they don't know how easy they are to use. If I get enough people on a class I can do it at the library. It's just trying to convince people to use them and come on my class lol xx
oh I forgot to add... after I posted here me and Aaron took Benny to the dr for his poo, it is normal watery bf baby poo... I feel seriously silly now! Then we were on our way to get lunch when the school phoned to say Connie was coming up in a rash and they had pulled her out of class. So I went to the school office to check her thinking it was an allergy rash (my kid is allergic to everything!!) But this rash was weird it was like little blisters.. but not chicken pox.. she's had those and it wasn't that, so I took her straight to the drs but had to wait 2 hours to be seen, turns out she has hand foot and mouth!!!! I had to call the school and get them to check Lucas, thankfully Lucas is fine. Connie is fine but she can't go to school until the rash has calmed down
Oh no fun Candy! Hopefully the rash will clear up over the weekend? Try to keep her isolated from the boys ... If that's even possible lol.

I find, that the two most deterring factors about CD are the lack of education on them (teaching a class is the perfect remedy) and not know which diapers will work for you. So your idea is awesome.
I was thinking about starting a website and offering a service to buy the insert and try the different diapers. Return the diaper (not insert) and get refund for the diaper... Then they could order the ones they liked. I really wanted to do it with local diaper makers (mostly SAHM that make them). Idk... I wish there were more people around here that CD... Just so I could get some support (since my family is still against them lol)
I see only one option: we all move closer together and run a cd business together. And,since the weather here sucks, I vote a move to Florida!!

Seriously though, I'd love to be able to do something like you two mentioned and basically then be a Wahm.

Candy so sorry to hear about Connie being sick. I wonder where she caught it? Fingers crossed Lucas and Benson don't get it. I'm glad to hear there is a possible explanation for Lucas and the problems he's been having. Hearing problems will not be fun, but he can learn techniques to cope with it and make his life easier.

Afm: just had a poo that came out the top of the nappy...at the front, into her belly button. I think that's pretty impressive tbh, no idea how she propelled it out with so much force!!!
We went down to my school today to see everyone on the last day of term.the girl who was covering my maternity leave said she was speaking with the woman whose career break I was covering, but who decided to come back (putting me out of a job), and the woman said that she doesn't even want the job, she's just taking it as its convenient, until she is able to get the job she really wants :shock: how can someone do that?!?!

Plus she made the girl covering my maternity strip all the posters etc off the wall and my classroom looked so bare :( I was very sad.

So hence why I need a new job working in the cd business!
oh sarah what an inconsiderate fat cow that woman is!! You are welcome to join me in my CD campaign to save the landfills from pampers! lol

All the mothers up the school were looking at Connie and diagnosing her.. saying oh no thats not hand foot and mouth.... I said well the dr said it is and he is a dr so Im going by what he says... what a bunch of annoying bum heads!! Gosh! It really angered me for some weird reason lol .
Candy: Hope Connie is feeling better soon and isn't too bothered by it till it settles down!! Good for you trying to organize a CD session/sale. I think too many people don't understand cloth diapers and so they're not willing to give it a go. If I could have attended something like that I might have been persuaded to try it out!

Sarah: Peter has blowout like that all the time!! I don't really understand how they manage it to be honest.. we have talented little babies! :haha: I'm really sorry to hear about the woman whose job you were covering, she seems pretty inconsiderate to take the job just for the sake of it.

Steph: You should TOTALLY try the ice cream bread! It's like a small miracle and tastes SOOO good! lol I used Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice cream, and I'm excited to try it with another flavour too. It's a light flavour, but delicious!

liams-mom: That's really weird about your cousin. I hate when people suddenly pop back up all of a sudden, and I think FB makes it so much easier to do that than it ever was before. Whatever you decide to do about it, I'm sure it'll work out ok.

Afm, Peter had his shots today and he took them like a total champ! He only cried for a few seconds and then he was fine!! :thumbup: When the Dr. gave him the oral injection from the dropper Peter gobbled it down and actually whimpered when she took it away because he wanted more! lol Silly boy. She weighed him too while we were there. He'll be 10 weeks tomorrow and he weighs 11.4 lbs now. :cloud9:
Sarah I'm so pleased that peters weight gain is going so well!! How are you getting on with combo feeding? Are you still managing to breastfeed him for some feeds?how were you during his shots? I was a mess!!

Does anyone else feel like by the time they get the baby to sleep the night is almost gone?! I guess we go to bed pretty early (10.30-11) and since she isn't usually down until 9 (and that's if she doesn't then do any silly bits!) I feel like I have no time! Plus I want/need to Hoover but don't want to wake her.... I can Hoover all round her during the day,but never have in the evening so don't want to try just in case....
Candy: I totally applaud you for keeping up with the CDing thing and hopefully making a great class out of it! You were born for that kind of thing because you pick it up so fast and learn so much so quickly, but you can still help us dummies out when we're stuck :) I'm mostly a SAHM as well, but I honestly don't think there's many CD'ers around here, maybe closer to the bigger towns and cities :shrug: I do hope your family gets sorted out, poor Lucas and his ear, poor Connie and her Hoof and Mouth :nope:

Sarah L: That's great about Peter getting back up that weight scale! Like Sarah J was asking, how is his schedule holding up? Are you still BF'ing when you can and supplementing when needed? He's such a cutie :kiss:

Sarah J: I'm so busy with the boys all day long I'm pretty sure there is NO time left in the day, so I have to stay up all night...Since that won't be happening, the answer to your question is yes. The day disappears and I just want to go to :sleep: No time for vacuuming or preparing for anything but the next day! :wacko:

And what is it with all of these wierd ladies keeping themselves on schedules for their babies. "Ooh, his next feeding is at 7:45 - 8:03 on the nose" Say WHAT?!? Jake is good at letting us know when he's finished and ready for bed. We've got his favorite games figured out already, he really seems to like peekaboo and imitating mommy's noises and then I imitate him so we end up having an interested conversation sometimes. Its great :cloud9: But when he's ready to be boobed again, he will definitely let me know :blush:

AFM Jake wore his leg warmers again for you ladies that wanted pictures on FB. It is a good way for a baby who is in cloth to have "pants" but no pants :haha:
I should probably go because I'm tired an I need to drink 3 more bottles of water before bed. .explodes.
Sarah/Liams_mom: I still try to BF feed Peter at every feeding, and then use formula as a top up every other feeding... or at least that's what we started out doing. But lately he's been fussing after the just BF feeds like he's still hungry and taking more formula on the formula feeds, so I'm a little worried that my supply is decreasing, or at least not increasing to meet his growing tummy. :nope: So I'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to keep up with the BF for anything more than a comfort suck really. My original goal was to make it to at least 3 months, so hopefully we last that long at least. (preferably longer!)

Re: Schedule...he still eats pretty much every 2 hours during the day, and at night he's been sleeping for good 6-7 hour stretches. Last night though he slept back to his 4-3-1 schedule after getting his shots and he was very cranky and fussy last night. So I'm hoping it was just the shots that messed him up and that he'll sleep well again tonight!

Re: Shots... I managed to hold up really well! But that's because Peter was such a champ! After the first one he cried for only a second and then went back to the boob. The second shot was definitely worse. He turned bright red and let out a scream and then cried for a few seconds after that one too. But that was it. He was very quickly consoled so it wasn't too bad.

Anyway, it's Canada Day here on Monday, so we've got a long weekend kicking off today! :thumbup: Although being on mat leave sort of takes the fun out of it because an extended weekend doesn't mean anything anymore. DH is working all of it anyway. It's also Toronto's PRIDE this weekend with the parade on Saturday. So if the weather isn't too terrible Peter and I might wander down to check it out.
Sarah I think you'll make it to three months just fine! And then just keep going as long as possible I guess. You've given Peter such a wonderful start by bf him for so long, all that good stuff has made him grow so much!

Afm: I went to the cloth nappy meeting today and really enjoyed it. It was the first one they have run in belfast but they are going to make it a monthly thing, which is great. Met lots of new mums and babies, and got Isabelle sorted to "star" in a cloth bum modelling pic (for the nappy library's brochure I believe, not Gucci or anything ;) ) it was so nice to chat about cloth with people and see other examples of things I don't have yet, and see what I may want to buy.

A dangerous venture though....so many nappies....bank balance will be down soon I think!!
hey ladies,

I get Ben into bed with me at 7pm and he's usually asleep at just gone 8pm so I sneak out of bed like a ninja and go get dinner sometimes he wakes up and cries so I have to go back, last night I managed 9pm. But yes I feel like I don't get enough time in the evening to myself too. I hoover during the day, we live in a tiny flat though so it inly takes me 5 minutes to do all the rooms.

Do you remember on friday I took Ben to the drs because he still had an upset tummy? Well the dr looked at the poo sample and said it was ok, he didnt send it off for checking or listen when I said it was extremely watery either and sent us home well today Ben has more watery poo and it smells disgusting, really sour and wet, I'm so fucked off! Tomorrow I'm going to send off my own sample without seeing the dr, he didn't even examine Bens tummy or anything, and when that test comes ack saying he's lactose intollerant or needs antibiotics I'll be launching a complaint! Silly twat.

I have hand foot and mouth now too thanks to Connie, mine isn't as bad as hers I just have pains and tingly sensations in my hands and feet and a bit of a sore throat. Lucas has a few spots too but nothing major.
Oh candy sounds like you're all suffering at the minute :hugs: I wonder is Bens poo issue is maybe to do with you being sick?
You know what'll cheer you up? Buy a nappy in that £10 deal I sent you :haha:

I wasn't best pleased this morning -Simon knows I'm feelin sick, and because of that I'm exhausted and just feeling a bit run down. We were both awake but in bed when Isabelle woke up...he just rolled over and went back to sleep, so I had to get up with her. I know is his only day off and lie in, but would it have killed him once?!
My cold isn't even really that bad at all, if I could get a full nights sleep I think I'd be fine. Those two 10 minute feelings during the night just disrupt my sleep cycle I guess. Still very lucky compared to many though!!

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