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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Kristy, thank you for the info... I'm going to see how next week pans out. With the extra pump every day, I'm hoping things will improve. However, if my supply continues to drop, I will be ordering some go lacta to try.
As for the CD, I didn't even bother buying any fitted. At this point I need the easiest solution or Rob will out right refuse. Like you, I'm looking for trip fit (since clothes have to fit over them). Do you have other ones to try?
Oh and baby in the middle... Yes, I could see how that will work as birth control :haha:
Steph: Grayson sucked for 90mins?! How did your nipple not fall off?!!! With your cloth, it might be that he just had a super wee session at an unfortunate and coincidental time! But it's likely that one microfibre insert won't cut it for him for very long as it doesn't hold as much as a natural fibre of the same size. You can add a bamboo, hemp or cotton doubler, or change to a natural fibre insert instead. Boo at it happening for the first time you used cloth. Grayson must have known and saved his pee up!!
And you're right, I need to suck it up and dtd just to get it done.

If I drank a whole bottle of wine though, I would DIE.

Sam: :rofl: at Jakes poospolsions! I love that he saved them for daddy though, he knows how to treat mummy well! I had a pretty special explosion of my own this morning :shock: I wish she'd saved it for Simon!
We used to have a beagle that my mum dog napped after finding her wandering the street in a storm, clearly having been abused for a long time :( she was the most nervous dog, but so loving, so I have a major soft spot for beagles. We have a cat too, but he isn't interested in us or Isabelle! My nephew is cat obsessed tough and when he tries to give Arthur toddler cuddles, Arthur is out the door so fast!

Shell: I hope that Allen is improving every day and that his fear of being in the car isn't a permanent thing. Im glad to hear he is taking a positive out of it and being more affectionate all round. Emmaleigh must have known he needed some cheering up which is why she started giggling, that lovely baby! Love the pic of her and Landon (I assume?) you put on fb, your babies are so gorgeous!

Kirsty: I'm sorry that Annelise isn't giving you much time during the day. Isabelle eats in the same manner, five or ten mins per session and that's it. And since Annelise is still gaining weight I guess she is getting what she needs? Worrying though that its a deviation from her norm.
You'll get round to using your cd eventually. I have loads of fitteds too and they are bulky and take an age to dry, and aren't cute,.....but they hold my girls impressive poop in there superbly!! :haha: I use the occasional pocket or all in one,but am using them almost exclusively at the minute as they are so reliable (plus now Simon knows how to use them and he is scared of everything else, even though they are easier!!) Annelise will be in diapers for a while yet, so plenty of time to get them on her.

Candy: I loved your pic of Ben in his flat!! It looked great, and so secure. What brand is it? Sorry af is being a bitch, and it is so surprisingly since you ebf. Also glad to know I not the only person to boob baby as soon as I return! I think it's as much comfort for me as it is for her!!!

Afm: so I went today to get Izzy her new toys. I wasn't impressed. The selection in babies r us and the early learning centre wee shocking! Basically twenty versions of exactly the same thing :dohh: so I bought two things (a wooden rattle and....another lamaze toy. I am keeping them in business atm!) then I met my SIL and nephew and was moaning to her, and when we were at my parents she pulled out a whole big bag of toys my nephew had when he was a baby. They are things I looked at, but I resent paying £6 for a piece of plastic, so now I don't have to! Just lifted the whole load of toys and so now Isabelle has PILES!! Mostly it's all teethers, but there is another lamaze in there :haha: and lots of wee bits and pieces. This is the benefit of having a nephew, we get so much stuff from my SIL it's saved us a pile of money!
Simon is away on a stag party this weekend, so I am staying with my parents. I hate staying in the house alone, and would majorly panic at being alone with Isabelle overnight in case anything happened. So I have to cart all our stuff up there tomorrow.

Then, this afternoon/evening, Isabelle was awake for three hours straight! That's her longest stretch to date! Then she had a fifteen minute nap in the car and another hour awake before bed. She totally zonked out, so I'm hoping for another good night.

Lots of kisses to all the babies!!!
Oh and more reference to slim fit cd: Isabelle has a pile of leggings with little dresses etc and when she wears fitted nappies under them, it's ridiculous! So since its warm and I plan to have her in a tshirt and leggings tomorrow (and a vest, I always have her in a vest!) I've had to make some careful nappy choices so she doesn't look too bootylicious!!!
:rofl: @ bootylicious !!!!
Sarah, I can't believe you have all those toys now!! Yay for Isabelle :happydance:. And little leggings and a shirt... Love! Makes
Me jealous you have a girl. Lol...?boy clothes are just not as cute!

I know that I have a huge pee baby but it happened again tonight :dohh:. This time, the pee came out the leg lol. When I took the diaper off (after less then 2hours), the pad was completely soaked. I really hope that these inserts are just useless and that the bamboo and hemp ones will do better. What's the average time a CD should last? I'm used to disposables, that have a blue line when full lol
Yep I have some pockets and some aios as well. Once she is bigger I have some best bottoms a bum genius and my Chinese pockets to try. I want to get a fuzzibuns to try too. Yeah we have another 2 years of diapering and I'm confident that we'll get it going in the near future. I can imagine fitteds under leggings lol I am amazed you can get them to stretch like that!

So not wanting to jinx it but we have has a very normal day so far! Successful normal nursing and taking her bottles. I so hope this continues!! First normal day in two weeks!

Hope your extra pumping sorts it out Steph. You have such a well established supply I am sure you will figure out a solution. You could also try the mothers milk tea. That is fenugreek with other things like fennel and blessed thistle. Mine is coming from amazon. Yes I am aware I am a crazy woman!!
That happened to me the other day too steph! With a Chinese pocket. But I think I just hadn't done it up tight enough and had gaping at the leg hole. I was glad it just went all over me and not on her swing or something. The fitteds and lil Joey covers never leak. But I put a dog wee wee pad under her when I put her I. Her swing in the cd anyway- quite a sight it was!
Yes Sarah that was my Little Man Landon. Lol he loves his baby sister and she loves him dearly. Thanks by the way I think Isabelle is gorgeous too with her full head of hair and bootylicous bottom! Lol

I have these CD covers that someone gave me that I am never going to use I will take some pics if any of you gals want them. There is only 2 one yellow one brown. Most of my friends here either use disposable of bumgenius.
if you are getting leaks drip some water on the inserts if it stays on top you need to strip them. Gaps in the legs wont hold in fluid so make sure those are tightly done up Ben is a mega wetter I can't get away with longer than 2 hours in a pocket nappy x

Sarah Tesco sainsburies and asda do cool baby toys. So do mothercare. In tesco the best ones are in the bbit with the baby bottkes ect.
oh Sarah forgot to add.... the flats are from tesco baby :) xx
About the leak... What was shocking to me, was the second leak yesterday was with my Omni (which has adjustable legs)! But in all fairness, the insert was completely soaked.... So I guess it had to go somewhere.
So only 2 hours? Good to know! I think we will stick with disposables for night time right now. Not having to change him until 5 am is just a blessing lol.
I am also not making rob use the CD right now. When he watches Grayson, he uses disposables... But when I get home, CD are on! And I really like them (thankfully lol since I keep buying more).
Steph most I would go is 2hrs unless Izzy is asleep. We actually had a leak today (I guess the leggings and cd combo didnt work too well !!) but I think I hadn't done it up tightly enough as it was at the waist. When you put the diaper on, 'cycle' Grayson's legs around, if you see any gaps at the legs it will leak and you need it tighter. No wonder he pees so much either, the amount you boob him! :haha: that's why I have to change Izzy so often!!

Candy: I read your blog and you make the flat sound so easy! Were the expensive from Tesco? If not I may give it a go!!!

Kirsty: Hope Annelise 'behaved' for the rest of the day!!!

Afm: Simon is away this weekend so I'm staying with my parents. Who made another comment yesterday about Isabelle being too clingy. And my dad said (after Wednesday's fiasco when she wouldnt take the bottle) "She needs to get used to bottles. What happens if you die?"

:shock: What does he know that I don't?!!?
:rofl: Sarah J... I love that your dad skipped right over "going to the movies" "a dinner date with Simon" or "a weekend getaway with friends"! Surely death is the first thing that pops up :rofl:. He must have known, that you would find excuses for all other possibilities and therefor gave you an example thr you could not refute! On the positive... You won't die (it's a fact, take my word for it)!
But... Maybe getting her used to the bottle would be good?!? Maybe you can try other bottles? They have ones that are that are much more similar to your boob!

AFM and my permanently attached boob ornament ... Aka Grayson :haha:... I'm only trying to make up for the time I miss with him while at work :cry:. Due to this, I have to overcompensate and permanently attach him to me lol... It will only get weird, when he starts school and I'm still trying to do it :rofl:.

I will have to get used to changing the diaper every two hours I guess lol. With disposables, I can get away with 3 usually.

Can you girls recommend a good cover? I want to expand my stash to included some fitted diapers as well. I don't think Rob will ever fully be on board, so I may as well add in some more difficult ones.
I have a thirsties cover and its great. I bought a small and she's almost grown out of it and I'm so sad about that! It's got a double gusset which I love. I don't know if you get tots bots brand in the states, but they are very slim and a good size which means that even though they don't have the elusive double gusset which I lve, they contain well. Rumparooz are good as well!

Yeah, I think my dad meant get her used to the bottle so we can go out...but somehow it came out that I'm dying :rofl: if I knew she would eat when I'm gone I would be more inclined to go out for an evening with Simon, but I can't express very much which means we don't have loads to give her in bottles :( my boobs only respond to my boob monster!!

And I think it's as able to have Grayson attached nonstop when you're home! I think it's as much comfort for us as for them!!!
Bahahahaha Sarah your mom may have told him about the time you went out and was running through the door with your boob out! The dramatics may as weel be death for him lol. I have never left Emme she has went with us everywhere and honestly it is for my comfort of knowing she is ok and not crying like a devil child.

Steph your new found love with CD is amazing. I can't do it....it is just one of those things that I don't quite understand and even reading articles confuses me. I know the basics of folds and covers that my dear is about it. Most of my friends CD and use bum genius. I am so glad that you are excites about the tot wraps they were just taking space up here.

24 days left until court....believe it or not I am pretty calm the closer it gets the better I feel. Brandon called me this morning from his Aunts, as they don't care for the kids and I chatting on and off all day like their jerk dad does, and he has a lot of things he is bringing back home and seems so excited. He asked about Daddy(Allen) and wanted to make sure he was ok from the wreck (his dad would flip out if he even talked about Allen with me at his house) and I reassured him that he was ok. He was ao worried and I think that made me feel like no matter what happens we are going to be ok as he really does love and care for us. I really love my kids and this has been a long 7 almost 8 months and I can't wait for them to be home.
Sarah J, one things for sure... It's comfort for me lol. Not sure how he feels though :haha:

Shell, your court day in 24 days is the final one? Do you think that the kids will be able to come home?? I truly hope so! We will have all of our fingers crossed for you!!!

AFM: good news on the supply front :thumbup:. Adding the extra pump in the morning has boosted my supply. Hopefully it will stay that way.
Last night Grayson slept like all of your wonder babies :haha:. 5hrs, followed by 4hrs (he would have kept sleeping but I had to wake him). I woke up at 4 am to a soaking wet bra and blanket with a rock in place of my "worker" boob :shock:! I shoved a burp cloth in my bra and kept sleeping :haha:
Steph yes this is the last and final court date! I feel pretty good about the kids coming back home. Laurynn was seen to be safe as well as Landon last court hearing and the shitty lawyer we had wouldn't allow the judge to grant her to come home because it would be breaking her and Brandon up.

Yay for Grayson sleeping good! Bahahaha the worker boob is apparently a workaholic! Lol
Oh Shell, I guess it's good that they wouldn't break the two up right? I really hope the stupid court system will see how important it is, for them to come home!!! All the rooms are ready right? If I remember correctly, you were moving closets while pregnant with Emme

My worker boob is a champ :rofl: btw... The man boob... Well it's still trying to get by with the bare minimum
Yeah we moved the boys into Laurynns old room and the girls into the boys' room. It is all finished and they love their rooms. I guess it was good but it was Allens old lawyer stopping it which i feel made it look bad. It was hard for me but now I am just antsy waiting and ready for them to be back.

Slacker man boob! Bahahahahaha
lol'ing at your man boob Steph! Thank goodness for your worker boob. Glad your supply is back! Probably most credit to your worker boob!

I have no hope of ever leaving annelise with anyone. She still cries when most people hold her and absolutely will not be put to sleep by anyone except me, Jake and the doula.... and the doula can only do it by mimicking everything I do with her while she cries and then she gives up and goes to sleep :( And with her weird eating temperament the chances of her eating without me are probably close to zero.

I kept forgetting to say to you ladies with the babies who don't like tummy time, carrying them in a tummy to tummy position in a front carrier works the same muscles. So if they like that you can do that as well. Then you dont have to feel bad when they faceplant and cry!

For covers I have some Little Joeys, Thirsties, Best Bottoms and Flips. The Best Bottoms and Flips you can get specific inserts for to make them AI2's so they are pretty versatile. We've only tried the Lil Joeys so far as she is too small for OS dipes yet. But nothing has leaked out of them at all. You probably have already stumbled across the diaperpin.com website Steph, but if not that has loads of reviews.

AFM - AF is back! Can't believe I was just saying I want her to stay gone and then she arrives like a day later! I had been somewhat suspicious as I noticed EWCM recently and did think "hmmmm"...
Kirsty: this is why I'm saying nothing about af, I don't want to risk it!! You're so right about using the carrier for a type of tummy time, what a great idea. Now the weather is nicer I might start carrying her for more of our dog walks because of this. That said, I carried her the other day and it was so humid when I undid the carrier at the car my shirt was soaked in sweat...as was Isabelle's babygro (and that was also my sweat!!!)
How often does your doula come by? How is Annelise getting on today?

Steph: you and your boobs make me laugh! Which is not something I've ever said before :haha: glad your supply is back up. And I think Grayson sleeps pretty well tbh!! Isabelle can do a great first stretch, but after that wouldn't do anywhere near as long as Grayson - her longest second stretch was 3hours but its usually more like 1.5hrs, then maybe 45mins.mto remedy that......I boob her real good and it knocks her out again :rofl:

Shell: I can't believe it's been 7 months since your babies got taken away. Where has that time gone?! Although I'm sure it's dragged by for you, waiting to get them home. Court will be here in a flash, and I'm so glad that all the signs are positive that Laurynn and Brandon will be able to come home. I will be praying for you, and crossing everything I own!!!

Not much new with me. Still at my parents, thankfully my dad's not been right yet and I am very much still alive :haha: my nephew is also here this weekend as my brother and SIL are away, so that's lovely. I've spent everyday this week with him, and he's loving me at the minute, so I feel very privileged! I asked who he wanted next to him at dinner, and he said "auntie sawah". I was in that seat so fast I'm surprised smoke wasn't coming off my shoes!! He generally prefers Simon to me, my sister, her husband...even his own parents at times, so with Simon away I am basking in his love! It's quite sad really!

Isabelle didnt sleep great last night or go down too well tonight. She's napped until 6pm both days, then been up for around 2hours by bedtime, so she is so tired she has fallen asleep at the boob almost immediately. That means she is getting hungry again very early in the night. I like her having a long afternoon nap (yesterday it was 3hrs 45! Longest ever nap!) but would prefer it ended sooner. Hoping its just a fluke, and that combined with being away from home means when we are back in our own house she will be back to longer sleep stretches.

Hmmm...other than that...................I've got nothing!!! It's a pathetic existence I lead...

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