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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Sam :rofl: of course jake had a blowout straight away! Anytime I put a new nappy on izzy...poo heaven. They are little monkeys!

Sarah: I've also heard that sttn is 5 hrs, and I think what Sam said about it starting between 7-11pm going through is a great way to measure. That said, if it started at 7pm and went 5hours to midnight I wouldn't feel like I had gotten a full nights sleep at all,mso wouldn't count it as sttn. For me, I have decided it means LO sleeps from whatever time they go down (for us latest would be 10pm) until 5am, as I feel like 3, 4 and 5am are "the night" they have to sleep through!
I loved peters shirt which said something about his aunties, I thought it was great! I hope he has fun with them, and that you have fun on your night out.

Candy: glad to hear Ben is growing well, all his night feeding is making him grow! I'm sorry to hear about the worries with Lucas. Will there be anything you can do to help him if he is diagnosed?
Isabelle was also doing great stretches until about the last 10 days. Grrr!

Afm: well today Isabelle was not happy. She would be sitting, happy as anything, then just suddenly start crying - and I mean tears. She was getting herself so upset, and nothing other than boob would settle her. She hardly had any happy awake time at all, and had a two hour nap from 5.39-7.30pm, which is very unusual. She went down well anyway, but she did that last might too and last night was crappy (may have seen on fb we were up at 12.39, 3.30, 5, 6 and up for the day at 7.15) so I am so tired right now.
She had been doing wonderful nights of at least 5hrs, but the last week to 10 days she has been back to 3/4 hours which isn't fun at all. And she gets up so early now (around 7-7.39 everyday) so I'm more tired now than ever I think!
I'm hoping its all leap related (I checked the app for the first time in a few weeks and we are in the third leap right now) and will end soon!!
Candy, i meant to ask you: is SPD(?) similar to ADHD? People always believe that you can't focus when you have ADHD, but the truth is, you notice everything and therefore have a hard time to focus on just one. IF Lucas does have it, he will just need to learn to focus on one thing at a time.
Either way, I really hope everything turns out fine... You have enough to worry about :hugs:
My other question about STTN when people say stretches are you counting from the beginning of a feed to the beginning of the next? That is how they told me to measure things at the hospital so just making sure I am using the same measure as others. Annelise did a 7 hour stretch on Saturday night! But I didn't start the last feed until about 1130 so technically she didn't STTN although for me I felt like she did as I felt amazing!!
kristabelle: I don't know when you're supposed to start counting the time... when I keep track of how long Peter sleeps for I start the time after he is fed and swaddled up in his crib and I shut the door. And then I stop the time when he wakes up hollering like a mad man to be fed! :haha:

So the swing we picked up tonight looks great!! Sadly we don't have any 'D' batteries handy so we can't try it out right away. I'll have to get out to get some tomorrow. Also Adam's co-worker that gave us the toys has got some clothes for us too apparently, so I'm looking forward to checking those out! I love hand-me-downs!!
Me too Sarah! I have a big basket of toys that are all hand me downs from my SIL! It's crazy because at this early stage everything is hardly used, so if you didn't have anyone to hand it down too, it would kind of go to waste! My SIL is lucky to have me borrow her stuff :rofl: batteries...already causing problems! Imagine what it'll be like at Christmas time in a few years!

Kirsty, I count Isabelle's sleep from when I know she is actually asleep. So eg if I start feeding her for bed at 8pm but she doesn't fall asleep until 8.45pm, I take 8.45pm, and them until I wake up and glance at the clock.

Think we are in for another fussy day. On her playmat this morning she just started crying and nothing I did while she was down would stop it. The only way she would stop was if I sat her in my lap looking at her playmat. She was nappy free at the time,mso there were a tense, loud, few minutes when I had to out her nappy back on and get her dressed through the screams. And all the pathetic tears!
Forget the fact that it is 4:30 am and I am up pumping but...

7 hours, boobed her and she's right back down!

Sarah I think he has to be refered to a peadiatricition and assessed properly before he gets diagnosed officially. Im hoping he just needs focus.

Steph I dont think it is ADHD because he is a well behaved kid heocuses on one thing at a time so intensly that if tou talk thim he doesnt respond or he shuts down and if I ask him to do something like put his shoes on if he struggles he has a complete meltdown sometimes ending in timeouts.

Im doing a CD class from home today :)
Candy you are leading a cd class? That's awesome!! How did that come about? I'm going to go to a local cloth nappy meet up on Saturday and I'm excited!

Nicole, yay for Scarlett's sleep!!! That's amazing!!

I am totally exhausted today. I'm not really sure why as last night was pretty good (up at 1.30, 4.30 then up at 7) but I think we both have a bit of a cold. Izzy is snotty and snuffly, and I have a headache and feel chilly even though its warm.

I just stared her to sleep. No joke, she was grizzling on her bouncer so I turned her to fully face me, and we just stared at one another til she fell asleep!
lol sarah I stared Ben to sleep in the restruant last week while stroking his head it was nice. Im glad Isabelle isnt STTN lol it makes me feel better knowing Ben isnt the only one! He is only a day older than her maybe its a phase type thing? Or hes making up for having a poorly tummy last week.

well a girl on fb saw I do CDing and wanted to know how and it went from there maybe I will do more I was a bit unorganised today and Ben has been very fussy x
Oh that sounds good! That'd be a nice thing to be able to do from home, as long as Benson cooperates next time!

She has sttn (well what I consider sttn) once, the night after her first jabs. She was doing so well for abut 3/4 weeks she would sleep at least 5 hours, with lots of nights of 6 or 7, but not lately. I hate getting up before 3am - I feel like if its from 3 onwards I get a good stretch of sleep myself (usually go to bed at 11 latest) but last night I didn't fall asleep nail 11.30 so only got two hours before getting up again.

And I haven't been best pleased with Simon. He used to take Isabelle downstairs in the morning and never offers anymore. It meant I got maybe another half hour sleep...I remember it fondly!
Sarah I forgot to say that the CD group sounds amazing! I wish we had that down here! maybe the jabs mess up the sleep :( Aaron has become less hands on too its annoying because Im often alone with three kids :( xx
I've said it before, I don't know how you ladies with more than one LO do it. I am exhausted just taking care of one!

I found the cloth group through Facebook, it's part of my local cloth nappy library


May be something similar on there for you? But I've found fb is the way to go now to get info on groups and classes as it seems to be updated more often than websites.

Isabelle was awake for three hours this evening before bed. Evidently, she has excited that twenty minutes sleep is plenty as she is now staring at me through the bars of her crib.
Im just thankful Benson wasn't a twin!! haha omg I would be dead by now!!

Sarah thank you thank you thank you for that link!!! I found their fb page and requested to join their group. Aaron thinks IBe lost the plot because I was so happy to find mums like me round here! yay!

I just hage to share this quickly also... the tiny thing that I love dearly about my baby... the way he waves his feet up and down happily while I'm breastfeeding him melts my heart! <3
Candy, your not alone with not STTN. We only had one night where Grayson slept for 5 hours and I think it was a fluke :haha:.
Your CD group sounds awesome :thumbup:. I wish we had more people CD here... I'm still the Lone Ranger lol. My whole family refuses :dohh:
Let us know how it goes!

Sarah :rofl: at staring Isabelle to sleep!! Poor baby probably even thought she had a chance lol. Hopefully you both will start to feel better really soon.
As for Simon, have you told him? Im sure he figures, that you just don't need (or want) him to take her?! But, don't feel bad... I always get up with Grayson after getting up with him all night. Even on weekends :growlmad:. But... I have never said anything to Rob, so I can't really be mad... I just wish he would think to offer!

AFM, Grayson had been REALLY stuffy all day. So much so, that I pinch my boob when feeding him (in fear that I will suffocate the poor child while he is eating ).
I tried the whole steam shower, but it didn't help :shrug:

I also realized, that there are tons of CD raffles in the US. I had no idea, how many different manufacturers (or moms at home) there are. You always hear about the popular ones, but there are some really cute other brands. I've been busy filling out all the online forms, in hopes of winning :dohh::haha:. I hope my email has a strong spam filter :rofl:
Nope Steph, like you, I've not mentioned that I want Simon to help - I also jut wish hed think to offer!

So my poor snuffly baby was snotty and snuffly all night. BUT she definitely slept well anyway. She was stirring at 3 and 6 but didn't wake. Since I was awake anyway due to her pervert style heavy breathing, I fed her while she slept. Then from 6 onwards she was in bed with me attached to me boob for an hour just sucking. I can just hear her stirring upstairs now. Must boob her ASAP...
:rofl: Sarah J at boobing her without her asking! I do the same.

I hope she feels better soon. Grayson slept really well ... Even though he was breathing like a chu chu train all night. He slept 5 hrs followed by 4 :shock:. Of course I woke up with a very angry worker boob :haha:
Hi ladies! Figured I'd try and stop in for a few minutes this morning and catch up a bit.

Sarah J and Steph: I'm sorry your babes have the snuffles! I'm crossing my fingers and toes that Jackson stays out of the sniffles until I can give him some of our homeopathic cough/cold medicine which our ped doesn't "recommend" until, at the earliest, 3 months. Even though its homeopathic it really seems to help with respiratory things and we still use it for Liam even at 3 years old :thumbup: Breast feeding is also well known to help with such things, so keep boobing your babies girls!

Candy: That's so exciting that you've found some ladies that are local :happydance: I love all of my momma friends, but so many just aren't down with the super natural parent stuff :shrug: They think "hell, why don't you just leave him with some bottles" and I'm of the mindset that I'd always love to BF him. I'm very into spending time with my kids because they're going to be some of my best friends when they get older. I want to know them inside and out. :cloud9:

AFM: My cousin that has been estranged for close to 10 years found me on FB yesterday and just messaged me like nothing had ever happened. I was a big taken aback :wacko: I've attempted to contact her a few times and I know she's received my messages and she's never replied, then yesterday I get a message to the tune of "Congrats on baby #2 and Happy Birthday, Sam! Hope you're well, blah blah blah". I'm not really sure what to do. She was like a sister to me for a very long time and then some crazy stuff happened, she decided I did some things that she didn't like (even though it was all gossip and I hadn't done anything) and she stopped talking to me for 10 years.. I still love her, she's family, but I don't know what she wants..I'm a bit unnerved by the sudden communication. In other news, Jackson slept from 9pm-7am, then was down again from 8-11am, then again from 2-6pm and then in bed again by 10pm yesterday. I feel like I'm being deprived of awake time and that with all of the sleep he's getting, I'm going to have to get a lot smarter. They say sleep is when the brain is truly developing and if that's the case, I'm in for trouble. :dohh:
Sam, enjoy Jakes sleeping! I'm sure there will be days, where you miss it. I wonder if he may be going through a growth spurt again?!?

As for your cousin... What a weirdo!!! Do you plan to answer and keep up with her? I really hate, when people disappear and then expect things to be normal (like nothing ever happened). How are you doing with CD? Are you full time? I still only get to do it when I'm home from work and on weekends. Plus I still use disposables at night (I just like the fact, that I don't have to change him at night... If I had him in cloth, I would have to change at least once)
Steph I've stopped changing izzy at night. i had gone down to just one change a night (time depended on when she went down and when she woke up, but troed to get t halfway through the night if possible) then decided i would see how we went with no changes. last night we went from 8.30pm-7.45am on one nappy, no leaks! Since she's unwell I didn't want to upset her last night to even check for leaks. Night before I tried out a new night nappy and it did leak - go figure.

Sam: I would be unnerved by that too, why now? Maybe she just thought that bday and Jake combo was a good time to ease in, with something pretty general to say to start off?
And I am so jealous of Jakes sleep lol! Is it maybe the heat? Genius kid coming your way! (Obviously all the April munchkins will be geniuses! And gorgeous too!)

I feel so sorry for her, she is just miserable :cry: we've raised her crib at one end to see if that helps ease her congestion as she seems worse when lying flat, but I don't want to raise it too much just in case...of what I'm not sure, but just I'm case :haha:
Poor wee mite just wants to be cuddled and boobed. This I have no problem with, but she does need to sleep and is pretty much refusing to go down unless I'm cuddling her. Since I'm also sick, and exhausted, that isn't gonna work overnight!

Oh just kidding, some vigorous tummy patting seems to have done the trick....for the next few minutes at least. Poor pup. I shall just sit on our bed next to her crib and creepily watch her, whilst coveting cloth that Simon will never let me buy!
Oh, this is really random, but I love having about of gossip as I never have any.

My dad owns a company and a woman has been his "right hand woman" for 17 years.she came to all our weddings, bought presents for Jacob and Isabelle when born. She's always been a bit strange, but very kind and very involved in her church etc. well my mum phoned me two days ago to say she is in prison. I literally couldn't believe it!
She had told my dad that she had stolen £3000 from her cousin by fiddling his accounts which she took care of, but that guilt got her and she owned up, and he had her arrested. She got a year in jail, so we were all thinking that's a bit harsh for a first offence, she said she'd pay it back, and she had used it to pay for her dad's funeral and expenses for caring for her mum who is sick. my dad wrote a character reference for her...

Turns out she stole £170,000 over 13 years and was found out by her cousin, denied it, so he had her arrested. A very different story! She also actually spent the money on paying for friends to go on holiday with her, and stay in a hotel that was £1000 a night!

My dad is so angry that she lied to him, understandably, and the whole thing is just insane. Our business only employs 10 people, and she has been there so long it is just such a shock, but has given us all a good bit of chat round the dinner table! Just shows...you never can tell...

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