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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

wow Sarah, Simon needs to step it up! That's really unfair, I think sometimes men see us as the main careers of the babies since we birthed them ect, but it should be a joint effort. Aaron's off this week I told him one day he has to just sit and watch what I do on a daily basis and see how tough it is to be alone with 3 kids under 8!
He just doesn't THINK. I know he wouldn't ever do stuff like that on purpose, but it irritates me just as much that he puts no thought into things! He definitely sees me as Isabelle's main career, which I guess I am during the day, but feel like things should be pretty evenly split when he's at home.

Plus, I just don't understand how he doesn't want to spend every waking moment with her! If I had to go to work all day like he does, I'd be fighting for time with her when I got home.

Do men just not have the same in built "thing" that we have that makes us crazy for hogging our babies?!
Sarah: I know I have a similar issues with my DH too... He loves Peter to pieces, and he gets super excited to show him off to people etc. But when he comes home from work after a quick hello he's off to the computer to do whatever the hell it is he does on there. It's not that he doesn't want to spend time with Peter, it's more like he doesn't think to ask because he thinks we're busy playing or something so he doesn't want to interrupt (even though we've been together ALL DAY). So I've taken on the plan of giving him a few minutes to check e-mail etc. and then asking him if he wants to come hang out with Peter--his answer is always yes and then they have a great time with daddy singing to him etc. Hopefully after enough times I won't have to ask anymore and he'll just come steal him for some daddy time.

Candy: Oh no! That's terrible that you got sick too. Hand, Foot and Mouth isn't too common over here, but the one little boy I know who did get it was in so much pain he couldn't walk. :nope: I hope you guys all get rid of it quickly and that you don't have to worry about anything that serious!!

Afm, I'd really like to try and get Peter to bed earlier in the night. At the moment he goes to bed around 10:30pm when we go, which means that we have NO baby free time in the evening. Going to bed at the same time means I get to maximize my sleeping time, but I think it would be nice to try and have some quiet time in the evening too. Maybe we'll try it Tuesday night since Adam is home from work on Wednesday.... that way if it goes terrible, he'll be here to give me a break for a nap!
Sarah j, I am ALWAYS getting up with Grayson too, even when I have to get up for work in the morning and Rob doesn't. I don't think there has been one morning, where he took him and I kept sleeping. In all fairness, I've never asked. I don't think I would be able to sleep anyway lol. But I think Sarah L is right... Men just don't have that parent instinct... And since we just do it anyway, why bother?

I hope Sarah J and Candy feel better real soon! Candy, it will be nice to "train" Aaron on your day to day... Maybe then, he will be more apt to help you without asking! You mentioned in FB that he had a spot on his hand too... Did he end up catching it as well? I've never heard of it here, so I couldn't even imagine wht a pain it must be.

Sarah L, isn't it just annoying how men go on with their activities and need to be prompted?! I work all day too, while Rob watches Grayson 2 or 3 days a week. As soon as I get home, he does not get to have the baby back :haha:... Though I am sure, he doesn't care lol. It's a man thing.
I have been telling Rob about the ice cream bread and I think we will make some today! He is not sold but I'm super excited :happydance:

I get Grayson to bed between 8.30 and 9.30. I feed him and put him in his crib. He will sometimes move around for a little while, and then fall asleep. Usually at that point I just go to bed with him, since I have to get up for work at 5.30am. On weekends, I'll sneak back out and watch TV with Rob. It's a perfect time for us, since I get enough sleep for work but also get some alone time with Rob when I want to. Grayson actually slept for 7.5 hours on Friday night :shock:. So I am well rested for the upcoming work week lol.

AFM, I had ordered 1 AI2 Rumparooz and 1 Rumparooz cover. It looks like they made a mistake, and sent me 2 AI2 :shrug:. Since the cover is much cheaper, I guess I lucked out :haha:. Sarah, I think you had suggested them and I really like them!!! The double gusset has held in two poops now and Rob is actually impressed with them.. His words: see that technology makes sense, makes me actually consider liking cloth! :thumbup:
Ahahaha... I keep trying to tell him, that the previous leaks were 100%?user error, and the others work just as well... No luck convincing him there.

Sam, for our bigger babies and CL. The Rumparooz fit amazing but I feel like they will outgrow them sooner (they seem to be cut on the small side). I really prefer them over the Omnis now (less bulky). I also like the RockaBums... As long as you use a sepperate insert (the ones they send with it suck), they are super trim and havnt leaked (aside from my first day, where I just as well could have put the diaper on his head :dohh:... No diaper would have been able to withstand my technique ahaha :rofl:)
Steph I didn't know rumparooz made ai2, i need to look into this, I am a big fan of an ai2! And yay for getting a little something extra from them! Great news about Grayson sleeping for so long! He's now a better sleeper than Isabelle, so all the worrying you did before about him only sleeping 4 hours first stretch was for nothing!!

Sarah: getting some baby free time in the evening is great, I definitely recommend trying it! Good thinking to do it the night before Adam is off, but I'm sure it will go fine. Does Peter sleep downstairs until 10.30? If so, it won't be much different for him I guess?

Like steph, I try to get Isabelle down between 8.30 and 9.30pm. The last few nights haven't been too great though - tonight it took 25mins to soothe her to sleep. Last night she was asleep when I put her into her crib, but woke an hour later for 15 minutes of whining. The rest of the week was similar.
I don't get it because she self settles in her crib for her nap :shrug: I try not to wait until she's too tired to feed her so she isn't over tired by the time she goes in. I've put her in asleep, awake, drowsy... Very rarely does she go straight to sleep and stay asleep.

Damn babies and all their crazy ways :haha:
well Connie isnt in pain I dont think but she has big sots I have tiny spots but I also have pains in my hands feet and legs.. like stabby tingly pains. Lucas has tiny spots too and I never found any more spots on Aaron lol.. I have them coming on my face now :/

Im so jealous of you ladies whoa re free to shop for cloth. Aaron would have a fit if I brought anymore nappies¡! :(

I forgot to mention I tried to spread word of my cd class on the fb group for attatchment parenting mummies and the page owner got really shitty with me and now shes advertising her own nappy class
ypu ladies and your cloth obsessions!!! Ive just bid on a nice floaties swim nappy and a new tots bots nappy with cuuuuuute gingerbread man print! I hope you are all satisfied. Youve waved cloth at me like waving vodka at an alcoholic... Aarons going to kick my ass haha... well atleast I get gingerbread men nappies and cute fishies print swim nappies first :p xxx I cant wait for fluffy post but I feel there should be a nappy rehab center.. we're sick sick people! xx
Steph: Just make sure you use self-rising flour! I don't know what could be stopping Rob from wanting to try it out... it's ICE CREAM! Duh! :haha:

Sarah: Peter tends to have two or three naps a day (but they're a couple of hours long). One of them is usually in the stroller while we're out and about, one in his swing or playard, and the other one snuggled up with me in the recliner in the morning. We're actually all on one floor, so it would be just as easy to put him in his crib I suppose, but he tends to nap only when he's in motion or when he's snuggled up on someone's chest. But, he falls asleep in his crib just fine at night and self soothes himself to sleep. :shrug: Crazy babies.

Afm, HAPPY CANADA DAY! We're in the process right now of trying to re-arrange our living room to create a play area for Peter and what a headache that is! We have too much furniture, and because we had to combine our office and living room into one room in order to make the nursery, we REALLY have too much furniture in that room. So we sold our pull-out loveseat and moved the filing cabinet into the dining room and I think we might have a workable arrangement now. :dohh:
Hi girls.

Candy I am so sorry you and the kids are sick. My friend Kammie's kids have Hand Foot and Mouth disease too and she is 6 months pregnant. It seems to be going around bad here. I hope you all get to feeling better really soon.

Emme usually goes down between 8:30 and 9:00 but we just got her back to sleeping normal and not being up every hour eating on Saturday night.

Sarah Allen does the same thing then bitches about how Emmaleigh only wants me when he has her. What she is doing is watching me and he assumes she wants me. Then if she cries he hands her back. I told him if it was left up to men to populate the world and raise children we would be a dying breed! Lmao

Steph glad you got the CD! Grayson looks so adorable in his jumperroo!

Afm, not much on the front side new with Emme other than she is back to sleeping a bit more normal. I am preparing for court which is in 2weeks and dealing with my mom who is really sick. So I have been really bitchy and arguing with Allen quite a bit.
Candy, yay for gingerbread swim nappies :happydance:. Can you get away with not telling Aaron lol?!? He likes clean new undies as well, doesn't he?? Lol so he should not deny his son the same :haha:
I went out this weekend, trying to find tshirt s to match all these CD. Amazing how difficult it is to find tshirts for 3-6. :shrug:. Everything they have are onesies and they defeat the purpose of showing off our cute prints :haha:. I'm trying to use this heat to my benefit (ie dressing in just cute diaper and shirt) lol.

Sarah L, happy Canada day! Peter looked adorable in his little parade outfit btw!! Super cute!

Shell, I hope these two weeks go by super fast and you get these kids back where they belong... With you :hugs:. Is Allen doing any better?? From the pictures, Emme seems to be doing fabulous :cloud9:. Such a little doll!!!
I'm prepping the pre folds right now, so I can try the covers :happydance:

AFM: my mom got upset with me for using the jumperoo... Because its a crotch dangler (as they all are) :dohh:. I had to explain to her, that he only gets in it for about 5 min and that the base of the seat is actually not all that narrow. Our pediatrician feel comfortable with it, as long as Grayson has good head control (which he does).
Also, Grayson has some green poo the last few days. Nothing crazy but it made me wonder if he was fighting something... Well this morning, AF showed :growlmad:. Go figure this would happen 4 days before my Seattle trip, where I will be on a 5 hour plane ride with LO b myself! Awesome :nope:
Candy I wouldn't bank on winning the gingerbread man tots bots - people properly collect the tots bots prints, and I saw one selling for £35 last week, which is double what they are new!!! And a gingerbread man print and a robin print were going for over £80 on eBay two weeks ago :shock: for two nappies!!! How are you all feeling now?

Nothing new with me at all today. Well got Izzy weighed and she is now 12lb 12oz so still totally average in the 50th centile!
He is doing better and better each and everyday Steph! It is just hard to keep my opinion to myself and I can frustrate him sometimes.
That sucks about AF! Hopefully it will be gone before you leave. They have soft cups which are intended for your period but women use them to get pregnant too. They hold everything in with no leaking that might be something to look into for your flight.
wow Sarah I had no idea they went for so much!! I have my eye on some new bambootys, I've managed to get Aaron to agree to them because we are thinking of CDing Benson over night now he's at 3 months.

Steph AF is such a pain in the ass!! Always showing up when it's not wanted! I hope it settles down before your flight so it's not heavy on the plane. I'm so jealous by the way, I'm a huge Grey's Anatomy fan and going to Seattle is one of my dreams! xx
Candy, I am also a HUGE GA lover!!! My sister moved to Seattle almost 2 years ago, so I love going to visit. Unfortunately, it's as far away from Florida, while still staying in the US :cry:. I don't get to see her much, but very much enjoy when I get to go.
The funny thing is, her ex-boyfriend looks just like McSteamy :rofl:. I have attached a picture. Unfortunately they broke up and then he moved to Seattle (I think the breakup may have been partially at fault for her decision to get far away)


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Oh I love mc steamy!!! I also love greys, but feel like the last season wasnt as great as the others.

Candy, I have mentioned before, I bought two bambooty night nappies and am very unimpressed. One leaked after three hours, and the other leaked as well after a full night. If that's happening at 11 weeks how will they do her much longer?! I might use them for day nappies instead, for longer car journeys etc. And yeah, I didn't realise that the tots bots were so in demand until I saw it on fb recently! Oh oh, I saw some tiny nippers leg warmers in bumble bee print! You need to get those for Ben to complete his outfit!!!

Steph, ahh I missed the bit about your af. Sorry to hear that, especially at such an inconvenient time!! I'm happy your moms all about not using crotch danglers (as am I) but I think a jumparoo is a bit different as they are only in it for a short while, and their feet should be taking some of their weight(right?)

You probably read what I put on fb about Isabelle's nights. Things are getting worse every night. I don't get it at all. She self settles for her morning nap, sleeps well all night...but when I put her down for her night time sleep she just goes BANANAS. Sometimes it's not so bad and she'll just cry for a few minutes, but tonight she was unbelievable :shock: I'm trying to not just use the boob to soothe her as i don't want it to become a habit at night (too late??).

Oh, also, last night when she woke at 5am I woke as she was sucking her hand. I guess I fell asleep again......and so did she! We both woke up at 6.30pm. So...maybe she isn't waking up at 5am for a feed? I don't know whether to try and leave her again tonight and see what happens? I guess so...
oh Steph McSteamy was one of the best. I cried and shouted noooooo at my tv when he died :( Poor Mark and poor Lexi. Oh I could cry just thinking about it! Wow to your sisters ex bf. haha he does look like him! xx

Sarah I will pretend I didnt just read what you said about the last season! I love the whole April and Jackson thing. I loved when he saved the little girl jn the bus but Micheals proposal to April was mega cheese and uncomfortable to watch haha.

I thought it was a different nappy brand you had leaks with at night. I was reading on FB what Sophia said about the bambooties and thought they were a safe bet but I guess not.. Which ones do you recommend for night time? Im thing of using a flat and a booster or a bumgenius with 2 soaker pads.

Im so sorry Isabelle is being a monster at the moment. Benson has been too and he has been going to bed late and lost his 5 hour block of sleep. Ive seen a small white dot on his gum. I think his first tooth is coming but I cant feel it yet. He has me in tears at times the way he screams at me. He sounds so angry and it makes me angry but the anger turns to frustration and I end up crying with him only for him to settle down and fall asleep on me looking peaceful and wondering why I got so worked up in the first place :/

Have you given any thought to a dummy? I am considering it because Ben will comfort suck at bedtime for upto an hour and I become a human dummy. I think it will be good for me and him.

Today is the day we find out if Benson has a bug causing his upset tummy I half hooe he does so I can sort out his poo and tell the drs off with a huge case of i told yoh so's thrown in but I have a feeling that its not a bug and his lactose intollerant.

My kids are back to school today hooray!
Dennis had his first vaccination yesterday and it went pretty well. He was fussy before he got it and he actually stopped fussing when the doctor injected him, he just stopped and looked at her :O weird kid.
However, instead of getting a sleepy baby as a side effect, we have a super fussy baby who hates everything, diaper changes, hugs, laying down...

I was so happy to receive his new activity mat today but he only played for a little while, then he started crying again.

I just want this day to go by quickly because I feel so tired of the crying...

Candy, Dennis will not take the dummy unless he is VERY hungry. All the other times he just spits it out with a face full of disgust. He sometimes even gags to it.

I hope Benny feels better soon, and i really hope it is just a bug and not lactose intolerance.
lily: we had the same reaction to the shots. Peter did NOT get sleepy, and was instead a crabby pants! He even reverted back to his 4-3-1 sleeping pattern that night! Thankfully the next day he was back to normal and so were his sleeping habits!

Re dummies: We've tried several times with Peter because he's always sucking on his fist, but he hates them! He just spits them out all the time and then shoves his fist back in. :shrug: We'll keep trying because I'd rather he use a dummy than his thumb... you can take a dummy away when they hit a certain age but his fist/thumb is always attached to him! :nope:

Candy: I hope Benson is feeling better and that it's not your milk causing his tummy to be upset! Poor mite, it's so sad when babies are sick and there's nothing you can really do about it. How are Lucas and Connie making out with the Hand Foot and Mouth?

Sarah: I hope Izzy settles down for you and gives you a rest! Just remember, no phase lasts for ever, so she'll change her habits again sooner or later!! In the meantime, tell Simon to buck up and take charge of dealing with her more often to give you a bit of a break. If doesn't offer (same as my DH) then tell him you need some time to yourself and pass her over!! It will make you a better mum by giving yourself some time to recoup a bit, so don't think of it a guilty thing!!

Afm, nothing much new. I signed Peter up for some free summer programs this morning. There's a group called Mothercraft that's run in co-operation with the government here and they provide free baby/toddler/children activities in various centers around the city. So we signed up for a Baby Music activity, and a Baby Circle Time one where they sing, read, and do rhymes. They're both once a week for about an hour, so it will give us a little bit of built in structure, which I know I certainly miss now that I'm not at school or working. :nope: Half the time I have no idea what day of the week it is even since one day just seems to flow into the next one!
well I took Connie to dr again today because the blisters were getting huge. The dr said its nit hand foot and mouth afterall it's an allergic reaction to something so she is now on bendryll and steriod cream. Lucas just had a few spots and me too so I thought we had it but our spots are just sppts that we never noticed before I guess lol. Look hard enough and you can find all sorts.

Benson is three months old today. My mum tried to get me to feed him baby rice I keep telling her not for another month. She is so funny she was getting Benson and they were both giving me sad eyes and saying horrible mummy wont feed you will she Ben haha! She respects my choices though which I love most about her.

Me and Ben just had a bath together! I filled it quite deep to 37c.. it was looooovely. He kept laying back and floating his legs up he loved it. Too bad he pooed in it so I had to shower after too haha.

Aaron is super fantastic amazing dad today!! Connie lost her tooth which had come out last week. She was trying to find ot to put under her pillow but she had lost it and she started to cry. I keep all her teeth in a jar.. I know its weird... anyway... Aaron went and got one and pretended he had found her tooth. He is so clever!! I have a happy girl again now :)
Candy: I did love the April/Jackson story last season I have to admit!!
You could get a Bambooty night and see how you get on with it, just because I didn't like it doesn't mean it won't work for you! I'm hoping that as Isabelle changes shape slightly it may fit better and work for us later on. I use a fitted Bamboozle (made of bamboo) with a large bamboo booster and a wrap. It's totally soaked in the morning, but no leaks yet! I say give what you mentioned a go. Worst case - it doesn't work, but you've only lost one night (and one change of clothes!!) If you have proper jammies for Ben maybe put him in those while you try, then if it leaks you only need to change the bottoms rather than take a whole sleepsuit off and replace it?

Lily: so sorry to hear Dennis hasn't been in a good mood since his vax. I hope he sleeps it off tonight. Remember we talked about the LL pockets? At the cloth nappy meet i was at, a woman whose son is 16lbs said they still don't fit him well and are too big!! When do these supposed OSFA start to really fit?!

Sarah: those classes you signed up for sound great! I really love going to our different groups and, like you said, it gives you structure. I am constantly confused as to which day of the week it is as well! Not having school really throws me too!

Afm: thanks again so much for all your help and advice re Izzy and her fussiness. She settled really well tonight (fingers crossed!) and I feel a lot more relaxed and rested.

teeth: so glad you mentioned them Candy. Has anyone else got any toothy action going on? I don't even know if we do as little miss won't let me look in her mouth! But I have mass amounts of drooling, and constant chomping on the fist. Does that sound like it may be something?

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