April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

we have mass amounts of drool too that is normal for their age and will calm down once they learn to swallow it. Hand sucking is also normal its a form of comfort and self soothing and they donit a lot when they are hungryor tired too.
When she is crying next take a look at her gum usually on the left side will come in first. If you see a white dot rub it gently but firmly with a clean pinky finger you might feel a tooth or might not.

I think Bens is just a toothy peg.

Also an update on the runny bum issue with Ben. I called his health visitor and spoke to her about things yesterday morning and this afternoon she called me back. She asked me if I was coping. I dont understand why people keep asking me if Im exhausted or if I am coping. All my kids are fed well dressed well bathed every other night and well cared for I am just trying to find out why Benson has the shits! His poo is watery and stinks of sewage.. that is not normal! Now I feel scared that they think I cant cope because I took him back to the drs after the dr said he was fine. The dr didnt even look at him or check his poo! Im so angry aboit how the whole thing has been dealt with.
Candy, what a great idea of Aaron!!! I would have never thought of it :thumbup:. And poor sweet little Connie, I can imagine how upset she was :hugs:, so glad she has Aaron around (and you of course) to save the day!
Does Benny still have watery poo?? Maybe you just looked exhausted that day, and that's why they called to ask?? Don't worry yourself, your are doing an amazing job!! Taking care of 4 children (to me, any man gets included in the group :haha:) is exhausting, no matter what you do!!!!
Def good news about hand mouth and foot though. Treating just one thing for one child is easier then an infectious skin irritation. Hopefully the Benadryl cleared everything up.

Sarah, like Candy said, the drooling and fist eating seen to be age related! Grayson usually aims for two fists :shock: and drool just pours out of his little mouth... Especially when he is concentrating lmao. We call him Drooly-Julie :haha:

After our great sleeping weekend, we are back to 4,3,2 ahaha. But it was nice to get a weekend off :rofl:

Lily, I hope Dennis is feeling better and enjoying his gym!

Sarah L, Peter looked adorable in all his little Canada day shots

Shell, two weeks to go!! Keeping my fingers crossed :hugs:
Remember we talked about the LL pockets? At the cloth nappy meet i was at, a woman whose son is 16lbs said they still don't fit him well and are too big!! When do these supposed OSFA start to really fit?!

teeth: so glad you mentioned them Candy. Has anyone else got any toothy action going on? I don't even know if we do as little miss won't let me look in her mouth! But I have mass amounts of drooling, and constant chomping on the fist. Does that sound like it may be something?

Having a tall and skinny baby I might never actually use those pesky LLs :growlmad:
I will try again next week.

Actually I'm using disposables these days because I have my left hand in a splint and can't do much with it.

Teeth: I think he will start teething soon, lots of drool and lots of fist chomping. :wacko:
I hope teething will be smooth (yeah right) without fevers at least.:nope:

Dennis is a liitle happier today, we slept together in the same bed last night and he didn't wake up at all. It wasn't my intention to sleep together I just fell asleep while nursing lol but we had a good rest.

Weight and height: Dennis is 5250 grams and 59 cm at 10 weeks!
Weight and height: Dennis is 5250 grams and 59 cm at 10 weeks!

Peter and Dennis are almost the exact same size! Peter at his last measurement was 11.4 lbs (converting Dennis' weight he was 11.5) and Peter was 58cm long! I know what you mean about having a long baby!! Peter is growing out of his 0-3 month stuff because he's too long for it, but he still has lots of room in them width wise!
Yes! His clothes are ok in length almost ready to wear the next size but too wide haha! I'm sad looking all the tiny newborn outfits he didn't get to wear! Looking back I shouldn't have bought so many cardis and long sleeved onesies because the weather was so hot!
I'm glad they are gender neutral, I will keep everything for baby no2 or for when my sis has a baby!
Candy same thing is always happening to me when I am trying to figure out Annelise's terrible eating problems. Everyone is always trying to "diagnose" me with PPD! I do not have PPD!! I have a baby who has some sort of issue that nobody can seem to sort out and yes that makes me angry and frustrated but not at HER at you people (Ie LC, Drs, MW etc etc) Bah!

We are now doing cow's milk elimination (me and her) as the next "thing" to try. So she is on wretched nutramigen which smells like kibbles and bits and is giving her diarrhea... no more STTN, just tummy aches and diarrhea! She still has her crying jags through some feeds but she seems to be eating more and more willing to nurse so *maybe* this is it?! If not this then I am pretty convinced she has silent reflux, but ped says she won't prescribe reflux meds until we have done 2 whole weeks of cow's milk elimination. Really hoping the diarrhea stops ASAP as that is making everything worse. Along with not being allowed chocolate and cheese. Bah again!

Today we are taking her to the tongue tie specialist as couldn't get in last week. So another "thing" to check off the list.

Mummy WILL sort this out!!

Sorry for all about me post just in the middle of trying to get ready for our appt! Sorry about HF&M candy and sorry Izzy is being a nighttime terror. It could always be worse, you could be cleaning up dog food scented diarrhea at 4am also! Hope she improves though! Just wait, you will figure it out and then she will change! x
And we are in the same boat with clothes, things too short but next things too wide. And her head doesn't fit through the hole of things that do fit her body, my poor little lamb!
Kirsty, you are seriously one amazing lady. Here's me moaning because my brat has a few bad nights, and you deal with so much and work so hard to sort it out for Annelise. I bet y sit at home reading some of my moans thinking "stop your whining you lucky sod!" :hugs:
Sounds like a particularly unpleasant time for you atm with the new formula being so horrible for her. Hope the tongue tie appt goes well. I'll be counting down the days until you can get her reflux meds!

Last night was better in some ways, miss Isabelle went straight to sleep, not a moan! But then she had a very disturbed nights sleep (so I did too lol!) she's in a good enough mood today though which is nice. That said its now 6pm and she's been awake since 2pm with just 15mins for a nap :shock: she is so tired, and I fed her to sleep but her eyes popped back open when I set her down. She is all whiny one second, and then grinning at me the next. She's a bad egg sometimes :haha:
Kristabelle its good to know Im not alone I was beginning to feel like I was going insane. Ben has all these smelly wet nappies but everyone keeps saying hes fine. We get his test results tomorrow from a culture if thats clear they will test lactose intolerance. I hope Annelise gets better soon its not nice having a baby with a poorly tummy. How did the tongue tie clinic go? Hope it was jist as simple as Bens. I cried more than he did lol xx

Cant wait for Bens results tomorrow. Tonight we are CDing through the niht with a tots bots bamboo aio and an extra bamboo soaker pad.. fingers crossed it holds up :)
Ah Sarah j if there is one thing I've learned it's that you can't compare other people situations to your own. If I had a very calm baby that didn't fuss much then when she did it would seem worse whereas I'm used to my little volatile minx because she's like that a lot. Like the first time she was totally calm in her car seat I thought she was suffocating somehow as she wasn't screeching lol! Although having said that the dog poop diarrhea seemed pretty bad until candy said poor bens are like sewage, which sounds worse!! Our poor babies! Annelise makes these extremely concerned faces when it all comes squirting out. I feel so bad for her! I sort of want her to be allergic so that this is worth it!

Annelise had her tongue tie released today. The ped, the nurse and the LC all said it was too minor to be affecting anything. The tongue tie clinic dr said the movement of the tip of her tongue is impaired by the tie and could well be the reason she can't empty the breast effectively. But they also said because she is so old there may be learning curve before she becomes efficient even after the procedure. I watched it and it was upsetting but honestly her shots were worse. She recovered quicker from this than the shots. They did it with the hot wire rather than scissors. She did nurse after the procedure but I didn't notice much of a difference. I pumped after and got more than usual so I think she is still getting used to it. She did wolf down a 4oz bottle though so she is eating okay.

Candy I hope Ben has an easily treatable infection and you don't have to do dairy elimination. It is such a pain. And I am dying for a yogurt! Hope your night dipe holds up too!
good morning... WE DID IT! Our first night in cloth! It held up remarkably well! We had a minor leak at 5am but by then he had been wearing it for 10 hours!! x

Kristabelle yay for getting Annelise's tt snipped. It does make a huge difference. It will take her a few days to get used to it she'll poke her tongue out and wag it around lol. Its fun to watch. If you rub the wound a few days after just gently with your finger tip it helps healing. I cried like a twat when Ben had his done. As soon as he got boob he was fine. I agree with you. The jabs were worse xx

Hope you all have a lovely day
She is all whiny one second, and then grinning at me the next
lol :haha: Sounds like Dennis!
He is fussy since Monday, but getting better today. We danced to Daft Punk this morning and now he is asleep for the noon nap!!! Chance to get a shower and a cup of coffee!!!:happydance:

kirstabelle, I wish Annelise a quick recovery! Sounds scary the thing with the hotwire, brrr!!! She is tough cookie isn't she?

good morning... WE DID IT! Our first night in cloth! It held up remarkably well! We had a minor leak at 5am but by then he had been wearing it for 10 hours!! x

Yay! :thumbup: Great job!
Lily- must give the daft punk a go :haha:

Kirsty so glad that annelises tt release went well! Fingers crossed she learns to become a more efficient nurser soon. And lol at thinking she was suffocating in her carseat when she was quiet!!!

Candy :thumbup: yay for cloth overnight!! Try adding another small booster tonight I guess and see how you get in? Tbh the last few nights I've been changing izzy around 5am as I've been able to smell how wet she was so didn't want to risk a leak.

Happy 4th July to all our American ladies!

I had a nice birthday today- went out with my sil an nephew, and Simon and izzy, which was just lovely. Had dinner with our family and got home later than usual with an over tired baby :( she woke and had a quick bath before bed. I'm hoping she is ok overnight. She's been waking so much more lately - at 11.30pm last night. She hasn't woken before midnight since she was about 3 weeks!!
kirstabelle: I hope the TT release helps out your little miss with nursing better!! I imagine it will take her a while to get used to it though, so don't give up hope if she doesn't get better right away! Peter has a small tongue tie as well, but we never ended up getting it clipped in the end--he nurses fairly well now so I'm glad we didn't bother. He's just a lazy bum when he eats and it's got nothing to do with the TT! :haha:

Candy: Hurray on a successful overnight with cloth! I know nothing about them though... so I can't offer any insights/suggestions! So I'll just cheer you on from afar!

Sarah: Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you had a great day out which is excellent. Hopefully Izzy gives you a break tonight and sleeps well even though she was kept up past her usual bedtime.

Afm, today Peter and I went into work with DH was a little bit so he could show Peter off to some of his colleagues. We've been in with him once before, but he was only 3 weeks old then, so he looks quite different now! It was fun to watch them all "ooh" and "ahh" over Peter. Plus, the Science Center is air conditioned, so it was nice for mama too!! :haha:

So... I have a TMI question about poop. lol How often do your LO's go? Peter is combo fed and will go every couple of days... but the last week or so it's been a greenish colour (previously it was yellow-ish) and it SMELLS bad. I don't think he had a bug or anything because he is fine otherwise. I've been gassier than normal the last few days, could that affect Peter too? :blush: AF hasn't started yet, but I was getting really paranoid it was going to when I started feeling gassier.
readytomum that's cute about Peter being shown off to DH's co workers! Benson poos about 3 times a day, mostly in the morning, he's starting to settle down now with 1 mega poo in the morning and little skiddies through the day haha!
When Ben got too much foremilk his poo went frothy and green and smelt bad, make sure Peter is getting the hind milk, you could feed him twice on the same boob before switching, block feeding worked for me, also when he's latched on and been feeding for about 5 minutes, squeeze the back of the boob to push all the fatty hind milk out. That should fix the poop problem xx

Sarah we had to use a disposable last night as we only have 1 nappy which is fit for over night at the moment, it is bamboo with a bamboo soaker, we need more of those. I have bum genius I might try those too. Ben slept so much better in his cloth nappy, last night in the sposy he was a monster baby!! His night nappy is line drying as we speak!

Afm: Ben's test results come back negative for infection but the DR refused to test for lactose intolerance, she said that before 6 months it doesn't matter but I disagree, that's a further 3 months of pain and runny smelly shit for Benson if he is lactose intolerant. I gave her what for, I said to her, I've got 2 other children, I know what is not normal for a baby and what is normal and smelly sewage shit is not normal for my child, that other dr might have 2 newborns who are breast fed but his babies are not my baby and what is normal for his babies is not what is normal for mine... on that note she referred us to a peadiatrition saying how it was more for my benefit than Benson's. In the mean time I am going to start an elimination diet firstly cutting out dairy.

Today is Luke's first sports day at proper school I'm so excited to see him later :D
How did sports day go candy? At least your dr did refer you to a pedi, even if it wasnt really for the right reason. You'll get there, and you'll get benson sorted, just keep fighting for him!

Sarah, on the poo front I was panicking majorly today as Isabelle hasn't pooped since Wednesday night. Very unlike her! Like Benson, she usually goes for a big poo in the morning, then some smaller ones during the day, maybe a second big one at some point. So her not going for 48 hours was not normal!
Izzy had the green poo too. It wasnt a fore/hind milk issue as block feeding didnt sort it, but it did go away on its own (after two weeks). I've read a few things that surprisingly said even green poo is ok. But I guess the smell issue with peters means something is definitely not right.

Afm: monster baby today (you must all think I say that every day! She is great sometimes!) no idea why, maybe to do with not pooping (and boy it wasnt nice when she did!) but she cried all day unless she was allowed to suck. A real "leapy" kinda day!!
Sarah, I took him to the breastfeeding group here at the library and she said to cut out all dairy and soy from my diet and see how it effects him, it'll take 2 weeks to see any difference if that's the issue he has. I have to say Almond milk is actually quite nice and the other lactose/soy free foods taste pretty much the same, Aaron brought me some lactose free chocolate spread! Yay!! I have to have soy free bread too. I have to say that it's a good way to eat healthy lol!

Lucas's sports day was fun! He got his bean bag in the hoop when half didn't manage it but the egg and spoon race was a huge fail! He was so intent on not dropping the egg that he finished completely last, everyone had sat down and waited 30 seconds for him to finish haha! I need t teach him how to ''RACE'' haha.

Benson has been grumpy the past day or so too. He's in the 3rd leap I think, has Isabelle finished that one yet? xx
She's supposed o have finished the leap, but I was wondering the other day if the confusion with my due dates means I haven't got the "right" date in the app. Because she is exhibiting all the signs of the third leap still. I might try changing the due date and see if t matches better.

Poor Lucas! Reminds me of sports day when I was 4- there was an obstacle race and one of the obstacles was a plastic tunnel...I was at the front of the race but stood back and let all the other kids through the tunnel before me :rofl: at least I had good manners!
Sarah: That was very considerate of 4-year old you! :haha:

Candy: Glad Lucas has a good time and that you were able to go and watch!! I hope giving up the dairy fixes Ben's tummy...it would be a shame to give up chocolate for that long for nothing!

Good news on the poop front... Peter's was back to a more normal colour today, so maybe it was just something I ate that made it change. When Peter was EBF he pooed multiple times a day too, but now that he's combo fed it's usually once every other day or so and they are BIG. lol

We've finally got our living room sorted out now to give Peter a play space. We sold our loveseat and moved a filing cabinet out to our dining room so he has a nice sized little space now. We've ordered some of those spongy alphabet mats to put down there so he has his own little play space where we can pile up his toys etc. He won't get much use out of it for a little while yet, but once we can sit him down either in a bumbo or propped up with pillow etc. it will be a nice area for him to hang out.
My poor baby is feverish since yesterday evening :(
I called the pediatrician who said it is unlikely that is from the vaccination, but I think differently. He was super fussy since the jab, and it really escalated last night. It makes my heart break seeing him like this, he seems to be in pain...

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