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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Lily how long ago did he get his jabs??? They can get a fever up to a week after that...so I agree if it hasn't been much longer then it could very well be. Sorry he is being super fussy. Hugs.

I don't remember who was talking about their LO smiling one minute then crying the next but what I don't get is when they are doing it at the SAME TIME!!!! I don't know how to her serious when she does it.

I am sorry i haven't been on her much...this is my last week before court and I am super busy prepping. I have this weekend and next with the kids and then MONDAY morning is court....I can't wait I am so anxious.
I also wanted to tell you about our 4th of July Emmaleigh loved the fireworks and didn't fuss or cry except when they weren't being shot off! Silly girl! She even let out little screams during the pauses!
Shell that was me saying izzy smiles one second and scream the next, and yes, she has done both at once as well! What's with these babies?!

Can't believe court is so soon. Will be thinking of you and praying for the best possible outcome
Momma brown, he got his jab on Monday night at 8, next 2 days he was just fussy and Thursday night he started having little fever, it peaked on Friday started dropping Saturday. This morning he seems fine..
I'm like a zombie as I didn't get much sleep, or me time the last 3 days. Dennis was in my arms almost all the time.
My poor little baby is so much better this morning :)
Lily glad to hear he's feeling better, I hope you can get some rest now and feel a bit more human!

Oh man, Isabelle is not sleeping so great. She's up every 2-3 hours at the minute. Last two nights she's gone to bed earlier, and it seems to suit her as she goes straight to sleep by 8, but then last night she was up at 11, 1, 3.30 and 6am. Seriously, what is that about kid?! What happened to my baby who slept 8.30-4?! This has been going on for 3 weeks now, so my body has adjusted, but I wanna know when she's going to get better again!
Lily that is good to hear he is feeling better. I would almost be certain it was his shots.

Sarah Emme has been like that too until her first fed last night. She would be a sleep before by 8:30 ish and then up by 10, 3, 5, then 8. Last night she went down at 9 then up at 2:30 then 6:30. Emmaleigh has also learnt that she can lay there and scream....no crying or anything just screetching at me and I will get up and hold her. Does she take long naps during the day? Maybe forcing her to stay awake longer instead of getting an extra nap in will give you a few extra hours at night.
Glad I'm not the only one whose LO is enjoying the night feeds!! She doesn't sleep a huge amount during the day, half an hour here and there, an hour at most (and that would be in the morning). She sleeps a lot less now than she was when she was sleeping more during the night (if that makes sense?!)

She was awake for three hours today and refused to have a nap, and screamed and screamed until she eventually dropped off for 20mins in the car on the way home from my parents, so we'll see how we get on tonight!
Ben sleeps at 8pm til 1am then awake again at 3,5 and 7 for food.

lily Ben got a fever three days after his jabs and an upset tummy too. Im glad little man is feeling better now.

Benson has started to grab things!! Today he laughed for the first time. It was magical. Loving the third leap! :)
Emme has been laughing since Fathers Day weekend and I can be raging pissed and she will laugh at something so small that it automatically cheers me up!

Oh gosh and hair pulling now too!
yeh I can imagine Benson getting away with a lot too when he laughs or smiles :) x
Isabelle has a habit of screaming blue murder to the point where I could throttle her...then she sneaks in a little smile to make it all ok!!!

Up every two hours last night :wacko:
Oh doggy so sorry about the sleep issues... I hope she gets over it soon, so you can get some sleep!

I'm starting to have BF issues. It is a combo of engorged boobs, baby having reflux and signs of nursing strike. I'm really scared he will stop BFing and my milk production (never mind my efforts for EBF) will got to hell.

I tried the nursing position Candy posted in FB but Dennis just cried and cried... :(
I bathed him, he nursed lying down for a while (not as much as I would like) and now he is asleep...

After a really hard week now I have BF to tackle, I can't get a break.

I need a drink!
Oh no Lily!!!! Maybe he is just not hungry??? Poor little guy.

Sarah oh goodness! She is like Emme likes to remind me she is in charge. Lol.

How long does a baby have to sleep through the night for it to be considered routine rather than just a fluke??? Emme is in for 2 nights in a row now of only waking once to eat. Its about 9,3, 7 today. Shit I hope this keeps up and I don't jinx it.
mommabrown: Peter has been sleeping through the night for almost 3 weeks now, and every night I still dread that it's going to be the end of it! :haha: I'm honestly not really sure how long it takes to call it a habit, but I remember someone else had made a comment about baby habits a while ago and I feel like it was a few weeks maybe? :shrug:

lily: I'm sorry to hear Dennis is being difficult with nursing. Hopefully he'll sort himself out and go back to being a boob-guzzler!! I know how hard it is to keep supply up, especially if they don't want to nurse as often or as long as you'd like them to.

Sarah: Sorry to hear the sleep issues are continuing! I wonder if you've hit the "4 month sleep regression" early? In any case, fingers crossed the little lady gives you a break and starts sleeping more and for longer periods of time!

Candy: That's exciting that Benson has started to grab at stuff!! Peter likes to grab at my hair, and he has to have a fistful of shirt while BF or he gets cranky. lol Silly babies. Glad to hear that your new nursing position is working out well for you! It looks super comfy.

Afm, we've tried to move Peter's bedtime a little bit earlier to give ourselves some "us" time in the evenings and it's worked really well so far. So instead of putting Peter to bed around 10:30-11:00, he's been in bed by 9:30 the last few days and it hasn't made him wake up any earlier either which is awesome!! So hopefully we can continue it and make that the new routine.

Also, DH and I finally DTD last night for the first time since Peter was born! It wasn't too awkward, but it was a little uncomfortable on the abs having them squished up (C-section), so we'll have to try a different position next time I think.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry Ive been MIA. I just returned from Seattle this morning and had no time to check in while out of town. I did try to read and keep up with everyone but its just hard.
I will catch up properly later but just to add my two cents on sleeping, we are still consistent at our 4, 3, 2 lol. We do have the odd night where he sleeps maybe 5 hours (twice even 7 :shock:), but he mostly goes right back to his 4, 3, 2 ahaha.
Lily, Grayson went through a similar phase for about a week. We would be super fussy when eating and just not stay latched. In the end, the only way to get him to eat, was to nurse him in a quiet, dark room. He grew out of it within a few days, and is back to being a booby monster :haha:. Hopefully Dennis is just going through a phase as well.

AFM: Grayson was AMAZING on our trip!!!! :cloud9: 6 hour flight each way and he did not cry once :happydance:. I had made sure to appologize to the people around me ahead of time, and then he turned out to be an angel (while 3 other kids on the plane were screaming bloody murder the entire flight :baby:). The way there, he was awake and smiling all flight and the way back, he slept the entire flight :thumbup:.
Even while we were there, he only cried two times for about 2 minutes. For some reason, he did not like the car seat that my sister had for him :shrug:

Either way... great trip all around! Will catch up soon.

Hugs to all
How sweet of Grayson to be such a good boy for you!!! TBH emme didn't start sleeping so well till we intoduced cereal. I am glad you had a great time on your trip.
lily i've been having trouble nursing Ben in the heat too, I asked about it at the health visitor weigh in groupy thing today and she said it's normal in the heat as they don't like to be held so it makes sense that Dennis ate while he was lying down, i would say as long as he took some and he is wetting his nappies often then don't worry, it's really rare for babies to just stop taking the booby. Keep going hun you're doing great!! xxxx

Mommabrown when is your court date? I have my fingers and toes crossed that things go well for you all. I can't believe how advanced Emme is in her development! She's amazing! Very beautiful too. She's going to be very smart, Connie was like that as a baby.

readytomum how is Peter sleeping now? I get Ben in bed at 7pm and nurse him until he falls asleep usually around 8ish, then he sleeps until 1am, then nurses again at 3,5 and 7. We put a fan in our bedroom last night and he slept much better.

yay Steph for having a well behaved baby on the plane! I found the engine noise and gentle rocking of the plane sent mine off to sleep. It is usually the decent that upsets them especially if it's long because their ears hurt. How was Seattle?? I'm soooooo jealous!! I want to live there lol, it's on my retirement list of places to go along with New York :D

Benson went to his first party today! The birthday party of a friend's little girl who just turned 1! It was so cute, her mum gave out little doggy bags too and there were lots of other babies there. I left after just 40 minutes though because some of the adults were smoking weed right in front of the babies and I thought it was disgusting!! Who smokes weed around babies at a baby party!!!???? NO ONE!!! No one I want to be associated with anywhooooo!

We are going to attempt to tackle the pool tomorrow.I asked if he can go in just his swim nappy and they said thats fine. I couldn't find a wetsuit in his size but apparently those are just for the beach for UV protection.

I BF'ed my baby in front of my dad the other day at my grandma's house, I lifted my t shirt up and pulled my bra down with Benson completely in place and my dad said.. you should warn me before you do that! You might as well strip off! .... it made me really embarrassed and I thought it was really rude. Gosh!! If you don't like it don't look! Ben's head covered it anyway!!

Anyway I'm off to finish cleaning while Ben's asleep then I have to get dinner on, which isn't very exciting when you're on a dairy-soy free diet :/ lol byeeeeee
OMG I can't believe that people were actually smoking weed around their children! I am like you those sorts of people are not ones I want to be. ssociated with!!!!
Court is Monday!!!!!! 6 days and I am counting them down. I think my nerves are making me sick though because I haven't felt so well the last 2days.
Thank you! She looks so much like Allen but has my temperment.She is really different than my other 3 too.
I hope you post photos of Benson in his floaty. Emme hates cold water and the pools around here are ice cold so she hasn't been for a swim yet.
Candy: Sounds like a fun birthday party! (until the weed came out anyway... my neighbours downstairs smoke it, and the smell floats up through our open windows all the time! So gross) I'm glad to hear Benson is giving you that first five hour stretch!! Hopefully he'll start to increase it soon. We put Peter down sometime between 9:30-10:30 if all goes well and he sleeps through till around 7:30. We're pretty incredibly lucky on the sleeping front. I think he takes after mommy in that regard... I could sleep all day if I was allowed!! lol :sleep:

Steph: Hurray for a well behaved Grayson during your flight!! That's excellent news. I'm a little worried about how Peter will make out on our flight to Halifax in August, but it's a much shorter flight and he's been fine on a train ride so I have high hopes! (no pun intended!)

Lily: It's so hot here we're having some discomfort with BF too. It's just too hot to cuddle a warm baby like that! :wacko: I find our first feed of the morning and our evening feeds are much better because it's a little cooler out.

Afm, we had a MASSIVE downpour of rain last night that flooded huge parts of the city including subway tunnels and knocked out quite a bit of the city's power as well. We lost ours for a few hours last night, but thankfully that was it! Our back parking lot is downhill from the road and the water in the middle of it was up to your knees! It's all drained away now, but it was pretty crazy for a while and I'm certainly glad we're on the second floor!!

I'm still on the hunt for a one piece UV swimsuit for Peter so I went to a store that was suggested to me, and after getting all the way there on the bus (a 50 minute trip) we discovered they were closed because they still didn't have any power! :dohh: I mean we didn't have anything else to do this morning and it meant we got to ride on air conditioned bus while Peter napped, but what a waste of time and we still don't have a swimsuit! Sigh.
Candy: can't believe your dad said that!! He was maybe just making a joke? But either way, drawing attention to something in that way isn't good at all. And oh my gosh, cannot believe that a) people would smoke weed at a baby's party and b) the host didn't kick them out!!!
We have ordered a wetsuit for Izzy because the local pools (even the kids bit) aren't warm at all. I bought a fleecy lined one...might have to get one for me!!!

Sarah: crazy rain then!! I love a bit of flooding myself (the geographer in me!) but when it knocks out the power that's pretty insane! Grr about not getting Peter's wetsuit! Also, i saw you mentioned on FB how hard it is to get one online, that's crazy!!

Steph: forgot you were away to Seattle, i was starting to think that Grayson had sucked you dry and you'd collapsed somewhere :haha: So glad the trip went well, it sounds like Grayson was an angel!!

Lily: Izzy has been super fussy on the boob too, and a week or so ago she went through two days of hardly eating ANYTHING, i was majorly worried, but she picked up again. How is Dennis now? :hugs:

Shell: keep calm in these last few days running up to court. We're all rooting for you :hugs:

Afm: not much new. It's super hot here (as in it's what your North Americans would consider warm, and what the English ladies get several times a year, but we get it NEVER!) so Isabelle is cranky and fussy. She's started doing this wonderful number where she is all ok, fine and happy, then in a split second the lip is down and she is SCREAMING. So much that she ends up not being able to breath properly :shock: she's a loony.
And still silly sleeping. Last night was 4, 2, 2, 3 (yeah she slept until 8am! lazy baby!)

Does anyone kind of feel like there is always SOMETHING going on with these babies? "Oh she's cranky/not sleeping/fussy because it's a leap/growth spurt/it's too hot" When am I going to get a two week stretch of happy baby?!?!
Candy, I can't believe your dad :growlmad:. I dont know why he would say something like that! You are feeding your son...if he has a problem with that, then maybe he should leave the room when you have Benny on your arm! I feed Grayson in front of my dad all the time. It was weird to me at first, but I dont even care anymore (I guess 3 months of constant baby/boob makes you resilient lol). Rob finds it extremely weird and has made many comments... I ignore him :haha:

Shell, don't be nervous about court! Its going o go great and the kids will be coming home to you! Try not to get too worked up about it (I know, easier said then done !!! lol)

Sarah L, you must post pictures of Peter in his suit (once you find one of course lol). Are you looking for a wetsuit or UV shirt? We have them all over the palce here, but of course we also have surf shops at every corner :dohh:

Sarah J, fleece lined wetsuit? Yes please :thumbup:. Everyone was making fun of my this weekend, because I refused to go wakeboarding or tubing due to cold water... it was 72 degrees :rofl:... unless the water is closer to 80 degrees (standard for Florida), I will not get in ahahah :haha:. All other babies at the lake house were just in onsies, while Grayson and I were bundled up with socks. lmao, I need to toughen up a bit.
My sister (who is a HUGE workout freak if I may add) and I went hiking through the woods while I was there. Now when I say hiking, she would call it a stroll through the woods :haha:. Either way, we took the stroller and went OFF ROADING ahaha. It was super exciting, until the path became way to narrow for the stroller and we ended up walking the last mile with my sister carrying the stroller on her back and me carrying Grayson :rofl:. Strange noises prompted her to say this: "If we get attacked by some animal, I need you to hide behind me with the baby. Once I start fighting with the animal, you start running with Grayson and get help" :shock: WTH!!! I spent the rest of the hike in constant fear, that I would have to watch my sister get mauled by a bear :dohh:

I received that baby feeder thing yesterday and will freeze some breast milk over the next few days and try the thing out. It looks promising! I will keep you guys updated.

I hope everyone else is having a great week

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