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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh dear being mauled bears! Bahaha I hate going with Allen on hikes sometimes because he acts like some thing is after him and will run screaming! With me following close behind ahahahaha!

Thanks for the words of encouragement ladies. Brandon sounded peppy and ready to come home on the phone tonight while Laurynn was very quite and not very detailed as she usually is. I know she is in trouble of some sorts but can't tell me about it on the phone because her dad will spank her.

Anyways took Emme out in her carrier tonight for a walk.....geez that was dumb! It was so hot and her and I both have natural high body temps so by the time I got home we were drinched in sweat and cranky! Nice warm bath for her and she is out!
mommabrown I felt ill like I was getting flu before I went to court last, as soon as it was over I felt much better, it could absolutely be nerves, you have a lot resting on this next court date, just remember you are an amazing mum he has lied and cheated to get those children off you and liars always get found out in the end. xx

REadytomum did you find a UV suit yet? Is it for the outdoor salt water pool? Is that pool heated?Sounds interesting I don't think we have anything like that round here. I wish we could have a big downpour of rain, it's swealtering here today and has been all week. A thunderstorm would be most welcome lol x

Sarah Ben does the lip down thing, he gets whatever he wants as soon as the lip comes out haha. I feel the same, one minute he's fine the next his poo is runny, then he's got a rash then he wont sleep... it's endless!

Steph I think men see it differently to us ladies, boobies to them are sexual things so I guess that is why but he should totally have some respect. Double check the icy breast milk thing first, I asked here the other day and the health visitor told me to hold off giving him anything extremely cold until 4-6 months as their tummies can't handle too hot or too cold yet. You can always do what you want to do of course xx

AFM, Im feeling mega stressed out, like I'm not coping very well with 3 kids right now, when I had my other 2 I didnt have the school routine and they were easily entertained, now they are older trying to split my time equally between all of them is tiring, especially in the heat, I'm tired all the time, Ben woke up at 5am this morning when daddy went to work then wouldn't settle back down and he was up until 12 last night I had to eat dinner at 2pm otherwise I wouldn't eat for 8 hours and when it comes to going to the toilet.... I had to hold it for 5 hours the other day which made me feel really sick. I don't want to tell the HV because I don't need any shit right now especially with court ect.. I'm just so fed up.. sorry for the vent but I just had to share xx
Oh Candy I am so sorry Hun! I take Emmaleigh in the bathroom with me just because I am crazy and afraid of baby snatchers. Do you have a bouncy seat or high chair for Ben? We sit at a kitchen table as a family to eat dinner and for awhile I would let Allen eat then he would take Emme and then I would eat. But we have a space saver high chair that reclines back and I put her in there now and she sits there playing with her rattle. I know we are all different and it sometimes takes a bit to figure out what works for you. Hugs.
he has a chair a swing a play gym... everything.. he will lay happily but he is such an attention seeker lol... He gets bored quickly... Boys I guess!!! I need the baby mozart cd you mentioned on fb... as for eating Ben hates it when I eat he tries to grab my food and cries!! little fatty ha. Its not only Benson though its my other two as well I dont get to play with them enough because Benson needs me so much and Aaron seems reluctant to help. He does do an amazing amout to help me but it is little stuff like whos going to do the next nappy or who is going to put him down in bed ect.. I went to the baby party yesterday for an hour or so and come home and he hadnt done any cleaning then today I felt poorly he wouldnt take Lucas to the dr he said he doesn know what to say... Lucas has a slight instep you dont have to say much more than that. Aaron is sometimes more work than the kids!
I absolutely love the CD. It isn't a leap or tummy ache she was just down right cranky! Emme gets bored in the car easily too. Ah I hate it when our house is like that....I end up just being a bitch and he zones out and goes out to his shop. Aaron sounds like Allen. He has helped with Emme lately because I am so stressed and neither of us want her feeling any of it. But I can bet you money once its all over he will be back to the regular look at her hold her for five minutes I don't know what to do Allen. Men!
Im just clingy to the... its not for long... sentance for dear sanity haha.. Since having to eliminate dairy and soy from my diet too I cant even self medicate with chocolate! Its amazing how much stuff has dairy and soy in it... even ham!
Oh dear lord....I would have already DIED! Especially since I was spoiled with eating whatever I wanted during pregnancy! How the hell does Ham have dairy or soy??? I didn't even know that. How much longer do you have to keep up with eating no dairy or soy?
I know... even chicken slices have milk in... Im living on bagels and fruit and veg and unprocessed meats.. its no fun. I have another 2 weeks of this yet to see if he is doing better. Already his poo is returning back to normal and his baby rash is drying out xx
Candy, good news on Bens poo... I think lol. Good news because he will be feeling better, bad news because no dairy is just cruel!!!! I think that would make me consider formula :haha:
I hadn't even thought of the cold being bad for him... I will check with my pediatrician before I give him any :thumbup:
Girl, don't be afraid to ask for help!!! If you didn't feel somewhat overwhelmed, I would have to consider the possibility if you being an alien :haha:.
I really do think that men only help, when you make them :dohh:. It's like, they don't see all the things that need to get done :shrug:. While I was out of town, Rob did absolutely NOTHING around the house! It's just amazing to me, that he could ignore all the obvious cleaning that had to be done. So I ended up cleaning when I came home from a 6 hour night flight :growlmad:.

Shell, we put Grayson in his reclinable high chair by the table as well. It has wheels, so we just push him back and forth when he starts to fuss lol.
Candy i could imagine the weight you must be losing! There is no way I could give up all that yummy food.That is great that his poo is getting better!!! So does this mean lactose intolerence for him????

That is shit Allen does. He leaves his dishes down and sone how has paper hands when it comes to picking up then up. I swear men are like having a large potty trained infant!!! That wasn't very nice of Rob and you would think since it was just him he could pick up after himself!
I agree Shell :wacko:
The problem is, he assumes, that because he is not leaving a mess, that things are clean. It's the vacuuming, sweeping, windows, showers, floors, etc that he just won't do! I have no clue how he cannot see that things are dirty! Ugh, men :growlmad:. I swear it must be our fault, for just doing it for them... They must be used to it grrr.
How has Allen been feeling? Better I hope! You could use the emotional support right now!
He is really good actually! Emotionally Allen is worried about me...he asked me today if I was ok and I just stared at him like which one of my meltdowns had you wondering! Bahaha

We don't have carpet we have hardwood in all rooms except Laundry room and Bathrooms and apparently he says you can't see the dirt......yeah ok fool! Oh and he will literally cry if I make him clean a toilet! You should have seen him during Emmes pregnancy! Ahahahaha
Steph: oh my gosh I laughed so much at that story of you and your sister in the woods!!!!

Shell: ugh I feel your pain about the carrier and the heat. I can t use ours atm as I just can't handle the heat and vast amounts of sweat!!

Candy: :hugs: I can't even imagine how hard it is for you with all three, especially as I believe Aaron works at the times when you have to get C&L to and from school? But I am positive you are coping as well as anyone could! I don't think anyone could split themselves in three perfectly, so it's always just a case of doing your best. Benson won't be so small and demanding forever, so it will get better. Glad to hear things are getting back to normal for his bum!

Simon is the same about the housework - as I have mentioned many times! Eg tonight I asked him to bring the washing in from the line while I fed Isabelle. This he did.....and I found it unfolded, in the basket by the back door. I mean, I guess he did what I asked by bringing it in :haha:
We have all wooden floors except our stairs and landing, and the dog hair just gathers on it, so we have to Hoover every day. Did I actually say WE?! Lets out it this way, we've had our new Hoover for four weeks. Simon has used it once..... We'll say that's once a month he hoovers then!

Afm: my big girl is 3 months old (and 13 weeks) today! I can't believe it! She and I were talking earlier about all the things she has learnt to do in those weeks. I had a dream last night she could roll over - she is trying to do it but hasn't managed it yet. Is anyone else's LO rolling yet? (I believe Scarlett is)
Today we went to a cloth nappy meet/PR thing. The babies had their pictures taken, and we were filmed and recorded for local radio and TV. Hopefully they didn't get me too close up!! The photographer was late though so all the babies were grumpy and most of the LOs (including Isabelle) cried! We go a free nappy afterwards which was great :) I didn't realise there is an actual CLOTH NAPPY SHOP just a few miles away though, or I would have gone of course. It's over an hour from here though so too far to head back down :(
Ben isnt rolling yet or even trying to Sarah but I know girls are faster in their development than boys xx

Aaron come home held Ben for half an hour and then moaned that he had been working all afternoon so he shouldnt have to hold him. Ben is really fussy tonight Im so fed up.. Yeh I mostly have all 3 on my own. It is bloody hard hard and Im not ashamed to admit it. Like I said Im clinging to the ... jt wont be forever.... phrase to get me through lol. I could murder a bar of galaxy right now... Times like these make me want to start smoking again. Of course I wouldnt I dont get time to fart these days. Where would I find time to smoke!! haha xx
Yep Scarlett is rolling front to back frequently and actually went back to front for the first time (actually twice!) this morning. It happens pretty suddenly when they do learn - one day they aren't and the next you can't stop them!

I have to admit I was cracking up at the 'I will fight the animal' story too Steph!!!

Candy so sorry Aaron isn't helping much... so so hard when you have more than one - plus a school run! And that is just shit about cutting lactose out - I would die!

Sarah J you will have to post the pictures of the nappy meet! Grrr about the lateness but I am sure they managed a few cute pics :)

Sarah L can I just say Peter is so freakin' adorable! I was surfing fb and DH even said, 'who's baby is that? he's so cute'!

Rashel I have everything crossed for you that court goes well and your kiddies are back where they belong! Like Candy said, liars are always found out in the end!

Lily how is bf going? I hope the strike ends soon for you :flow:

Hugs to everyone!

Scarlett had her 4 month appt Monday - 12 lb 4 oz and 23.5 inches long - staying right along the 25th centile as usual! I was worried with me going back to work and pumping she wasn't gaining as she should but all was well and dr said she's doing perfect. 2 shots and the oral vax (much better than 4 shots and an oral at the 2 month appt!) she gave the nurse the stink eye after the first shot but after the second shot she screamed the place down - luckily was all better when I picked her up!

Ooh and we had a 7.5 hr stretch last night - the longest yet! I think she was still wiped out from her shots but it was nice to get a long stretch - even though I laid awake the last 1.5 hours waiting for her to wake up and eat!
Sweetpea, we had a 7.5 hour stretch while in Seattle (the day we arrived.., he only napped twice for 20 min in 12 hours :shock:. I woke up in a panick at hour 7 with boobs that were so hard, it made me proud :haha:. Back to our 4,3,3 since lol.

Sarah, vacuuming once a month :thumbup: well done!! We have a rumba robot vacuum, rob manages to turn that on every so often. Shell, you got Allen to clean a toilet???? You must give a detailed description!! Rob point blank refuses lol.
Sarah, I also can't wait to see pictures of the shoot :cloud9:. You mean to tell me, there is an actual store to buy CD??? Whaaaaaa? I would end up poor in a matter of hours :rofl:. Btw, I have fallen in love with prefolds and covers. Love the ecobum cover for basic and the blueberry for fancy. The covers that I got from Shell also work great! I don't think I'll be using the other ones much anymore lol.

Candy, what a typical thing for Aaron to say! I wish he could do you job for only 1 day, to see what it's like. I think he truely believes you relax all day :growlmad:
Sarah: I think maybe it's for your own good you didn't realize that CD store was there! :haha: Poor Izzy getting grumpy waiting for the photographer to show up. Hopefully you'll get a nice photo out of it anyway. Hard to believe the little miss is already 3 months old!! Time sure does seem to fly by. I saw a woman at the store today who had a 2 week old baby with her and it seemed simultaneously like forever ago Peter was that small and yet it's hard to believe that he's not that small anymore.... If that makes sense! :shrug:

Candy: Glad to hear that Ben's tummy seems to be sorting itself out! We finally found Peter a one piece UV swimsuit today!! Now the problem is that the disposable swim diapers they make here only start for 16lbs and Peter is probably around 12lbs now... So I have a feeling they'll be HUGE on him, but I'm also pretty sure they public pools here won't let you take an infant in the water without a swim diaper on. So we'll have to try it out and hope they fit a little small!

SweetPea: What a clever girl Scarlett is! I love hearing about all the little milestones everyone's LO's are hitting. We sure do have a smart group of babies if I do say so! And thank-you (and your DH!) for your kind words about Peter. I think he's pretty adorable too--but I might be a little biased. :winkwink:

Steph: Not to brag or anything... but Adam is the official bathroom cleaner in our house. :thumbup: He does the bathroom and I do the kitchen and living room/dining room. Sadly our bedrooms don't get cleaned anywhere near as often as they should as we both hate cleaning. Our cat sheds like crazy too so we have little cat balls floating around ALL THE TIME because it's impossible to keep them cleaned up, so we've sort of admitted defeat. :dohh:

Afm, we finally found Peter a UV swimsuit!! Hurray! :happydance: Now I'm excited to go and try out that saltwater pool. I'm sure when we'll make it there, but it's indoors so weather thankfully isn't an issue.

Also, I mentioned it on FB, but Peter is registered to participate in a psych experiment at one of the local Universities here. It's a research project looking at memory capabilities in babies. We have to go into the Uni next week on Tuesday and Wednesday for an hour to complete the test. It's actually only a 5-10 minute test but they leave time for feeding/changing etc. I'll let you know how it goes Tuesday night! I'm pretty excited for it. We get a $20 credit to a photo studio as a thank-you for participating as well which is pretty cool.
Sarah L I have the swim diapers that start at 16lbs too, and they are huge on Scarlett. Really would defeat the purpose of a swim diaper as poo would probably be everywhere if she had an explosion! My one foray into the world of cloth diapers has been a reusable swim diaper which I LOVE. Sooo soft and it fits her perfect with a little room to grow, and the snaps on the side make changes super easy. It's the iplay swim diaper in size small. https://www.toysrus.com/buy/diapering-destination/cloth-diapers/cloth-swim-diapers/i-play-white-reusable-swim-diaper-white-small-701200-000-99-cp12-20049036 not sure if its available where you are but if it is I highly recommend!
awww haha sweetpea at scarlett giving the nurse stink eye!! Ben has his 3 month jabs tomorrow and we find out if he'll get the new vaccine again rotavirus. I love that babies r us in america sell cloth nappies!! We have a floaties aqua nappy for Ben it's 3-6 months and ties at the front for extra adjustment. I was going to try it out yesterday but Connie was off sick so we had to stay home.

Also got a nice inflatable seat for the pool too!! :D :D

Sarah I looked up rolling because I wanted to know when to expect it and they say generally it's a 4 month milestone thing usually and it happens after babies learn to push up while on their fronts, Ben's only just starting to push up now. I tried to coax him into a gentle roll... he wasn't impressed

I'm glad you got a swim suit Readytomum, I love love LOVE your video on facebook he's such a good boy! xx

I was going to reply to everyone but Ben's been asleep on me for the past few hours, now he's watching simpsons with the kids and I am tired lol. Today has been much easier and less stressful, My period is due on tuesday and I'm starting to get the sugar cravings .. I'm having to substitute sweets and chocolate with grapes and strawberries... I've already lost a bit of fat off my gut! :D xx
Ok so since Isabelle is not anywhere near pushing herself up she may never roll! She is actually trying to do it from back to front, she gets her legs half way OR her shoulder....but not together!! 4 month milestone then, something to look forward to!

Steph: tbh I still haven't tried our prefolds for their intended use!! I'm glad you like the, though, it's funny how you think you'll love one thing and then it's something totally different! I was dead against pockets at first, but actually find them pretty great and most of what I own is now pockets! I still prefer my ai2s though - oh and the place I got my softbums from is doing another order and I may have ordered one or two :haha:

Candy: it's hard about the guys coming home from work I think. On the one hand I'm thinking "oh you've been at work all day you must be tired and need a rest" but then on the other hand it's "well I've been home all day with this baby and would like FIVE FRICKING MINUTES TO MYSELF!" :haha:

Nicole: I am constantly amazed at how old Scarlett seems to be! I know she came so early, and all the babies are aging at the same rate, but she just seems to be growing so fast! But she's teeny in her size (weighs less than my fatty!) Yay for a long stretch of sleep, maybe we'll get a good one aft our next shots!

Sarah: make sure and let us know how your swimming and the memory experiment go! I can't wait to hear what the experiment is! All Isabelle seems to have a memory for is BOOBS!

Afm: Isabelle and I are still melting in the heat - NI was the hottest place in the UK today, which is probably the first time that's ever happened! I know is not a patch on what you North Americans face, but I am dying! Isabelle is in her nappy tonight and that's it. She slept pretty well again last night, including a 4.5hr stretch which is the longest in a while (and went from 12.30-5am so I avoided the horror if getting up "in the night")

It's a holiday weekend here this weekend, so Simon is off from now until Wednesday :) I'm looking forward to having some help, as I need to give the house a really good clean but never get any time to do more than Hoover and dust.

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