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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hi girls! I've been on FB but missing the BnB for a few days since we've been super busy and I'm just trying to catch up with the posts I've missed!

So the boys have been great, Liam has potty trained himself within a week which is something I never expected especially since he's a boy and I've heard they can be tough on the overnight training. Not sure what happened, but I'll take it! :happydance: Jake is close to 17 lbs now and we're cloth diapering 99% of the time. I love the Swaddlebees Bamboo and I finally got the bamboo inserts for my pockets (took forever!) I think I really love the BumGenius Freestyle though since its basically just trap and toss in the wet bag. They're great for on the road or nap time. I have been looking up where to get the Bummis Bamboozle's here in the states and I found a store that still had some in stock! But I have no spare money right now :growlmad: Damn addictive cloth diapering! I think I heard Steph say she loved the Blueberries covers for Grayson and I love them too! I haven't stepped into the prefolds yet, but I should probably look into them..I'm lazy. :wacko:

I will try to catch up with everyone soon!
Sarah I think there arw two types of tired. There is physically tired and mentally tired and having to watch a baby all day is the latter. You dont get time to think for yourself or time for much else either
I think how he gets o walk aroun at work and just.... be... he can think about tjings go to the toilet whenever he likes ect I cant and sometimes I would love to swap places with him for a while. Its good that Simon has a few days off now.. take full advantage lol xx

liamsmom yaaayyy go Liam!! Lucas was like that. One day he told me he was sicknof nappies and he wanted to wear big noy pants so I took his nappy off and he was dry from then on. He had a few little wee wees in his pants here and there but he has never ever wet the bed once. Connie was harder to potty train but she was ready earlier than Luke. Im looking for newnappies too but also low on cash. Also a huge bumgenius fan here!
I just got my first bumgenius from the photoshoot we did this week (boy that makes it sound like a lot more than it was!) it's just been prewashed so will give it a go tomorrow. It's a pocket, but I'm not convinced yet - it looks so bulky. I really ant to get an elemental but they are expensive!

Sam, yay for Liam!!! Well done to the little man!

Candy, read about your bf troubles on FB. What are you thinking of doing? Is it possible you accidentally ate something with dairy that didnt agree with him rather than it being af?

Afm: it's 10pm and I am sweating. SO HOT HERE. Isabelle has had a 2 hour cycle today - eat, awake for 1hr/1.5hrs then sleep as she's been so cranky in the heat. Spent all day in just a nappy (which is OK when you use cloth, a chance to show it off!) and my boobs and I have been on call all day!!

She had a crappy night last night, up every 2hrs again. So this morning when I woke up at 7.30am, instead of me getting up to get the dogs i poked Simon awake and told him to go. Then when Isabelle woke up 15mins later I picked her up, got out of bed, took her down to him, handed her over and returned to bed without a word :haha: it worked as when he appeared an hour later with her for a feed and nap, she was clean and dressed!! AND HE DID THE HOOVERING. I almost dropped dead of shock!
Sarah, whats an elemental?? Sounds fancy lol
Do you think Simon may secretly be reading this forum :shock:?? How could he have know to just hoover (and clearly, he would not JUST DO IT lol)
Sarah I love bumgenius they are my favourites they look less bulky on. I saw on your blog a pic of Isabelle sleeping on a pile of cloth nappies it was sooooooo frikkin cute!!! We get our photo shoot pics back on friday Im so excited!

I decided to stick with bfing and instead of letting Ben lead the way with weaning which was my main masterplan, I am going to wean at 4 months so hopefully the solids will settle his tummy. Plus Im getting the coil in a few weeks and that can stop periods altogether so I could still be in luck lol xxx

Yay for Simon helping out.. I wonder how long it will last and what he is after haha.. I agree with Steph.. maybe he is stalking ;p xx
I forgot to write about Ben. He had his second set of jabs yesterday and his temperature is up its been awful. Ive had to break out the calpol twice and Im contemplating it again because he still feels hot! He didnt get the Rotatrix vaccine. I asked for it but he had missed the cut off by a month. They say its not a big deal anyway and Ben is a healthy weight. Hes 16lbs now so if he were to get it he woukd be okay.

Im not sure if you uk ladies know about Bournemouth air? Its the worlds largest free air festival they hold it on the beach every year here. Well I live near Bournemouth airport and they are practising over my house all day. Yesterday the red arrows were up. Its so much fun to watch. They always do a curtesy display before landing which is cool too. It scares the shit out of Benson though. They rip past our flat he keeps jumping bless him.
Haha no I think we're all safe from Simon- it's just that hoovering is the only chore he knows about!!! He'd never break out a duster or anything like that! Plus hoovering is NOISY, so I'm sure to hear it and know he's done something :haha:

Candy we have our second jabs this coming week, not looking forward to it! I actually have two appointments for her at two different dr surgeries, so need to choose who I want to go with lol. Glad to hear you are sticking out the bf, and hopefully when he is weaning that will make things a bit easier for his tummy. How is he today?

Steph the elemental is an all in one from bumgenius, it's got two organic cotton inserts which are meant to be super absorbent, but its so slim! Saw one at the nappy library and have been coveting it ever since!
Ha Sarah good point about the hoovering :p

He's a bit better still a bit warm his poo is back to yellow but he's having regular poosplosions. xx
Oh good luck on Jabs Sarah!

Candy so glad you are sticking it out! I know I feel like a failure at just 2 weeks of bf so 3 months is pretty great in my book!

I have to tell you this stupid deal my Ex was trying to make me.....he wanted to give me the kids back and him get them every weekend but him be the custodial parent and me pay HIM child support! I laughed so fucking hard and told my lawyer he better have told him no and my lawyer had already repiled before even telling me saying NO we will go to court. Allen feels very confident we are getting them back and i can't wait till Monday so i can finally be over all this giant mess.
What???!!!! why would he have custody when they live with you and why on earth would you pay him to have them.live with you? Sounds to me hes only out for the monitry benefits. The fact that he offered to give them back shows he isnt fussed about their safety which was his main reason for taking them... he just fucked himself over hahaha!!! I wish my ex was that stupid xx
Hahahahahahahaha my lawyers words exactly!!!!! I am really looking foward to seeing his lame ass excuse in court!!!!! Yeah I was like ummmmm why would I pay him so i could raise MY kids??? Don't worry Candy he will give it time!!!!!
now come on, that all sounds very reasonable to me. You pay him, you get the school week (aka few hours in the evening to pester them about homework) and he gets every weekend with them. What's not to like?!? :rofl: This guy is a JOKE!!!!!!! Seriously, is he fricking kidding? And did he not think for a single second that actually offering to give them back (through lawyers) wouldn't look good for him on Monday? :dohh: He clearly doesn't care about having the beauties at ALL, it's all a power game to him which is pathetic.
I'll be thinking about you on Monday, and can't wait to hear how much you tear this jackass to shreds.

afm: :wacko: Miss Isabelle fell asleep on the boob tonight and I put her into her crib asleep...perfection! Oh wait...then she woke up 30mins later and fussed on and off for an hour. And Simon has hurt his leg so he can't get up the stairs quickly enough so I had to up and down to her the whole time.
:rofl: Shell, he is quite the prize, your ex :dohh:. But this can only look favorable for you on Monday! He must know that he will be loosing and is trying desperately to get something out of it!! I can't blame him for trying... Getting paid, to only have them for fun time on weekends... yes please :thumbup::haha:.

Can't wait to hear that you have your babies back... back where they belong :hugs:

Sarah J, yay about Izzy going down so nicely... not so much about being back up 30min later lol. Grayson and I played that game yesterday too lol. But he just wanted to talk some more (past his bedtime of course :haha:). So I just put him on the bed and let him talk to me for 15 more min... then he got tired and I fed him one more time before putting him in his crib. lol worked like a charm.
I know it is sad when you are pretty much willing to RENT your kids out!Bhahahaha I here Allen and my family say it looks good but I still have that worry and wonder in me about what will happen!

On the sleeping front....it is not even at a guessable state as to what Emme will do. Some nights she goes to sleep and stays asleep for hours and sometimes it is like I can only sleep with her on my chest because as soon as i lay her down she pops them little blue eyes open again! I will never have this child figured out. She did sleep for 12 hours last night though and woke up once to fed in between as we were all wore out from our hiking trip yesterday!
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Shell!

Well our feeding issue saga continues. She started getting worse on the hypoallergenic formula and stopped bfing in the daytime at all and started fussing at night with it all. I begged for the meds and they gave us them on Monday. They are helping a little but not completely. I asked if we could transition from the hypo food because I felt it was doing nothing except giving her awful diarrhea that had caused the worst diaper rash where she would cry when pee would touch it :( They said okay so we started transitioning her to low lactose formula and her rash is clearing up already but still no real change with the eating. So now I am holding her for all naps, pumping all day to maintain my already low supply so that she can at least bf in the night and dealing with a baby who cries through many of her feeds still. I am so drained. Have to call next week to update them on her "progress". Next step is different meds that probably wont be covered by insurance but if they work we wont care. I feel so sorry for her and just wish we could get her sorted out.
Oh and lets not forget I am still on the dairy soy free diet as if the low lactose doesnt work it will take too long to get my milk allergen free again. uuuuugh! Obviously there is nothing I wouldn't do, but it is all very draining at the moment.
Oh Kirsta huge hugs to you my sweet. I have never been through what you are dealing with so have no words of wisdom but know you are doing a fabulous job and quite obviously a fiercely dedicated mommy.

My heart goes out to both you and Candy for having to go through all these milk issues and different diets - having a baby is draining enough without the extra issues on top of it.
Kirsty :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear poor Annelise is still suffering, and Im sending lots of love and restful thoughts to you. You and your poor little lady are just not having an easy time at all (understatement?!) but yet again I am just in awe of the strength you've been showing through the last 3 months as you battle the different issues. But I have no doubt that every time that monkey smiles at you it's all worth while. Really not good about her not feeing well, but hopefully getting the meds and the new milk will help her somewhat. She's a lucky girl to have such a dedicated mummy!

Shell, thinking of you tomorrow. I'm sure that you are worried beyond belief, but I have everything crossed for you. I loved the pics on Instagram of all your babies :kiss: the ones of Laurynn and Emme really were the cutest things!!!

Isabelle is also a guessing game every night. I had a little tearful moment to myself tonight after an hour of sitting with her trying to get her to sleep. Now...I have cake.

Candy- you have some tots bots Easyfits right? How do you find them? I want to love them, but more often than not they leak :( I had one on today for no more than 15 mins (I changed her then fed her) and it had leaked! I know it's not build up and since it happened so quickly and half the nappy was still dry they don't need boosted, and I checked the fit especially when I put it on...so I'm stumped!!! Maybe just not for us :( and they are so pretty!

Afm...nothing new at all!
I want cake :( No dairy free soy free cakes in town :(

Doggylover what type of lining do they have? I use the ones which are bamboo lined and insert an extra bamboo soaker snap it to the next size up and it lasts us all night even with his very runny poo. I did have a fleece lined one which was orange with white stars on it... it leaked so badly even after stripping twice I couldnt even get it to hold for and hour so I threw it in the bin. Tberes no way I would have sold it to anyone it woukdnt have been fair. But yes the bamboo lined tots bots are fantastic! xx

Kristabelle I feel so frikkin sorry for you and Anna hun. I know how it is to have a baby with the shits constantly and not know whats causing it. If this dairy/soy free diet doesnt help will you be doing a full elimination diet? I found here they sell oat milk its an alternative to cows milk and if you warm it up it tastes like sweet tea.. anyway it was amazaballs at boosting my supply. Maybe you have that sort of thing where you live? I also know fennugreek is good for supply. I really hope that you find out whats going on and get it sorted for the poor little lady. When mine get nappy rash I wash their huns under the shower head its nicer than wiping with wipes and leaving her nappy off as long as she will let you is good for rashes too. put her on an old towel or something you dont mind getting poo on lol xx

afm we took Benson and the kiddies to the farm today. Connie and Lucas loved it but Benson was just too hot and slept the whole time until we got back to the car.

Im thinking about you Shell Im praying for you to get your little monkeys back home. Be strong girl. Your ex is a douche and you are amazing you have nothing to worry about xx
Thanks girls! I cried so hard tonight taking them home. Brandon was crying and begging not to go back and it broke my heart. I don't want to make them false promises and hate that they are left in the middle of all of this but honestly after meeting with my attorney I feel very good about tomorrow.

Kristabelle sorry you are having trouble. It is so good seeing you pushing so hard for your baby. Honestly I would have given up already.

Candy I am glad the kids had fun. There will be lots of time for little Ben to get to see them.

No much new here just dying of anxiety. I will let you all know how it goes tomorrow. And thank you for all your support through these difficult times. I dunno what i would have done with out you all!!!

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