April Raindrops 2016

My scan didn't went well.

I don't know where to start from but, at 4 weeks I went to doc to checkout everything was ok. And of course couldn't see anything. Today after 3 weeks I am exactly 7weeks along and there was just a sac. doctor couldn't see baby or heartbeat. She was very positive about everything and called me in a week which I don't know how I am going to go through. As I write this I am in tears and couldn't even think what to do. She said I might be early than I think. And I am not sure how that is possible.
I dtd on 10th and 12th of july (cd 10nd cd 12 lmp was 1st July). After that I think I ovulated somewhere around13-15th. But, my temperatures were crazy all month. After, that we dtd directly on 18th and ff also showed based on my erratic temperatures that I ovulated on 17th which I doubt (I got the faintest of faint line on 24th). So, it seems
totally impossible to implant and have bfp in just 6-7 days period.
I am prepared for worst because I do believe in theory of survival of fittest. But, it's my heart which can't bear the reality. May be I am lucky and something will change in a week but, I have no clue why I feel doubtful about everything from start. I even mentioned miscarriage and ecoptic to my doc in my first appointment. something just doesn't feel right.
She also said I have a clot near the sac which she said is not much of a concern. don't know why.
Here is scan pic. Any insight, positive or negative are really appreciated. Please pray for me.

Did she say where your sac was measuring at, Sweety? I HATE to say this, I really do, but this is exactly what happened with my MMC in June. I had a scan, there was nothing at all in the sac and I was measuring 3 weeks behind and my levels were extremely low (I was supposed to be 8 weeks, I knew I was cause I knew my exact O date, but my levels were barely past 2100 which was WAY to low)

I have everything crossed that baby is a slow starter or that the Dr just missed them since bean might be tiny.

Thank you navy, I am sorry for your loss too. Yes, I did ask her it was measuring 1.5cm (I found on web which means 6weeks). I don't know my HCG levels because they don't do blood here earlier and I am planning to ask if she would do it next week. If I insist she might.
My scan didn't went well.

I don't know where to start from but, at 4 weeks I went to doc to checkout everything was ok. And of course couldn't see anything. Today after 3 weeks I am exactly 7weeks along and there was just a sac. doctor couldn't see baby or heartbeat. She was very positive about everything and called me in a week which I don't know how I am going to go through. As I write this I am in tears and couldn't even think what to do. She said I might be early than I think. And I am not sure how that is possible.
I dtd on 10th and 12th of july (cd 10nd cd 12 lmp was 1st July). After that I think I ovulated somewhere around13-15th. But, my temperatures were crazy all month. After, that we dtd directly on 18th and ff also showed based on my erratic temperatures that I ovulated on 17th which I doubt (I got the faintest of faint line on 24th). So, it seems
totally impossible to implant and have bfp in just 6-7 days period.
I am prepared for worst because I do believe in theory of survival of fittest. But, it's my heart which can't bear the reality. May be I am lucky and something will change in a week but, I have no clue why I feel doubtful about everything from start. I even mentioned miscarriage and ecoptic to my doc in my first appointment. something just doesn't feel right.
She also said I have a clot near the sac which she said is not much of a concern. don't know why.
Here is scan pic. Any insight, positive or negative are really appreciated. Please pray for me.

Did she say where your sac was measuring at, Sweety? I HATE to say this, I really do, but this is exactly what happened with my MMC in June. I had a scan, there was nothing at all in the sac and I was measuring 3 weeks behind and my levels were extremely low (I was supposed to be 8 weeks, I knew I was cause I knew my exact O date, but my levels were barely past 2100 which was WAY to low)

I have everything crossed that baby is a slow starter or that the Dr just missed them since bean might be tiny.

Thank you navy, I am sorry for your loss too. Yes, I did ask her it was measuring 1.5cm (I found on web which means 6weeks). I don't know my HCG levels because they don't do blood here earlier and I am planning to ask if she would do it next week. If I insist she might.

Ok, so from your (assuming) LMP you're 7+1? Now ONE week can be normal, due to variants like Oing a day late, implanting at 12DPO versus 6DPO and the like. I'm honestly very shocked they didn't do a quant. Here those are mandatory and you have to have 2 at minimum.
My scan didn't went well.

I don't know where to start from but, at 4 weeks I went to doc to checkout everything was ok. And of course couldn't see anything. Today after 3 weeks I am exactly 7weeks along and there was just a sac. doctor couldn't see baby or heartbeat. She was very positive about everything and called me in a week which I don't know how I am going to go through. As I write this I am in tears and couldn't even think what to do. She said I might be early than I think. And I am not sure how that is possible.
I dtd on 10th and 12th of july (cd 10nd cd 12 lmp was 1st July). After that I think I ovulated somewhere around13-15th. But, my temperatures were crazy all month. After, that we dtd directly on 18th and ff also showed based on my erratic temperatures that I ovulated on 17th which I doubt (I got the faintest of faint line on 24th). So, it seems
totally impossible to implant an
have bfp in just 6-7 days period.
I am prepared for worst because I do believe in theory of survival of fittest. But, it's my heart which can't bear the reality. May be I am lucky and something will change in a week but, I have no clue why I feel doubtful about everything from start. I even mentioned miscarriage and ecoptic to my doc in my first appointment. something just doesn't feel right.
She also said I have a clot near the sac which she said is not much of a concern. don't know why.
Here is scan pic. Any insight, positive or negative are really appreciated. Please pray for me.

Did she say where your sac was measuring at, Sweety? I HATE to say this, I really do, but this is exactly what happened with my MMC in June. I had a scan, there was nothing at all in the sac and I was measuring 3 weeks behind and my levels were extremely low (I was supposed to be 8 weeks, I knew I was cause I knew my exact O date, but my levels were barely past 2100 which was WAY to low)

I have everything crossed that baby is a slow starter or that the Dr just missed them since bean might be tiny.

Thank you navy, I am sorry for your loss too. Yes, I did ask her it was measuring 1.5cm (I found on web which means 6weeks). I don't know my HCG levels because they don't do blood here earlier and I am planning to ask if she would do it next week. If I insist she might.

Ok, so from your (assuming) LMP you're 7+1? Now ONE week can be normal, due to variants like Oing a day late, implanting at 12DPO versus 6DPO and the like. I'm honestly very shocked they didn't do a quant. Here those are mandatory and you have to have 2 at minimum.

I just want to add to what Navy said, from LMP I should've been 8 weeks but I am actually 7 w 1 day. So almost a whole week behind but I always o late so I knew it was correct. I would definitely insist on a quant, they are mandatory at my OBs office as well!
TOday was the day AF was due. Although i got my BFP a week ago im glad to finally say i'm late! Is that silly? All of my losses have been later soi can't celebrate yet (maybe by 24 weeks i can)... this is going to be a long 36 weeks. ( i hope!)
TOday was the day AF was due. Although i got my BFP a week ago im glad to finally say i'm late! Is that silly? All of my losses have been later soi can't celebrate yet (maybe by 24 weeks i can)... this is going to be a long 36 weeks. ( i hope!)

Not silly at all!!! I think we all celebrated when we were officially late!
TOday was the day AF was due. Although i got my BFP a week ago im glad to finally say i'm late! Is that silly? All of my losses have been later soi can't celebrate yet (maybe by 24 weeks i can)... this is going to be a long 36 weeks. ( i hope!)

Not silly at all!!! I think we all celebrated when we were officially late!

:haha: I know I was happy when I was late!
Anyone else dealing with a bad case of insomnia? :( I'll be super exhausted, try to sleep and it just doesn't happen. Or I'll be half asleep, or at least not in a deep sleep, for about an hour or two and then be wide awake...

I have managed to properly sleep sometimes but it hasn't been for a whole normal length (Normally I sleep between 8-10 hours at a time)
Anyone else dealing with a bad case of insomnia? :( I'll be super exhausted, try to sleep and it just doesn't happen. Or I'll be half asleep, or at least not in a deep sleep, for about an hour or two and then be wide awake...

I have managed to properly sleep sometimes but it hasn't been for a whole normal length (Normally I sleep between 8-10 hours at a time)

It's awful! What happens with me is I'll fall asleep and then wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning and not be able to fall back asleep for several hours. It's so exhausting!
Anyone else dealing with a bad case of insomnia? :( I'll be super exhausted, try to sleep and it just doesn't happen. Or I'll be half asleep, or at least not in a deep sleep, for about an hour or two and then be wide awake...

I have managed to properly sleep sometimes but it hasn't been for a whole normal length (Normally I sleep between 8-10 hours at a time)

It's awful! What happens with me is I'll fall asleep and then wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning and not be able to fall back asleep for several hours. It's so exhausting!

Oh yup, I can relate to this so much! At least I know I'm not alone. I'm so exhausted right now and it's midnight, but sleep is just not going to happen right now.
TOday was the day AF was due. Although i got my BFP a week ago im glad to finally say i'm late! Is that silly? All of my losses have been later soi can't celebrate yet (maybe by 24 weeks i can)... this is going to be a long 36 weeks. ( i hope!)

Not silly at all!!! I think we all celebrated when we were officially late!

:haha: I know I was happy when I was late!

I refused to do my first beta until I was late!! Had it scheduled for 2 days before af and rescheduled it until after af was due!!
Anyone else dealing with a bad case of insomnia? :( I'll be super exhausted, try to sleep and it just doesn't happen. Or I'll be half asleep, or at least not in a deep sleep, for about an hour or two and then be wide awake...

I have managed to properly sleep sometimes but it hasn't been for a whole normal length (Normally I sleep between 8-10 hours at a time)

It's awful! What happens with me is I'll fall asleep and then wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning and not be able to fall back asleep for several hours. It's so exhausting!

I've been doing this from the moment of my BFP. I also wake up at 1 or 2 and am wide awake for hours!!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I disappeared for a bit. Nausea and fatigue make it hard to do anything but sleep or rest when I am not at work. :(

I am 8 weeks tomorrow and today is my 30th birthday. :) Also, its a strange week because my ectopic pregnancy (had it been normal) would of been due this week.

Major symptoms are bloat, nausea and fatigue. The nausea comes and goes though. Also my boobs are completely filled in a B cup so I grabbed a C cup bra because I know that's an eventuality that's going to happen soon lol. Other than that my sense of smell is strange right now. I can smell things like alcohol or nail polish extremely well (like its right under my nose) but not food as easily. So i seem to be sensitive to chemical smells at the moment.
Sweety, I'm so sorry but I have zero insights. Doc doesn't sound concern though, is that supposed to be a good sign?

I would bug the doc sooner than a week's time. I don't know if it might be possible to get an earlier appointment?

Thanks every one I really want the week to be over soon so, that I know what is happening.
jtink and tag74 i know how hard it must have been. I am still hopeful. I even had name chosen for this baby but, who knows what the future holds.

Really holding out hope for you! I did wait an extra 2 weeks to be sure. I do believe this early...anything can happen.

Sweety I am so sorry your scan didn't go as expected. Like others I experienced almost the same. Went for a 9 week scan in March and showed an empty sac. Rescanned a week later and nothing. My life fell apart and it hit me hard.

I truly hope you have a better outcome xxx

sweety- So sorry to read about your scan. I lived this waiting nightmare twice last year with my mmc's. At this stage anything is possible though. Praying your next scan is better.

So sorry sophie For your loss. I really hope so too but, ms is not here which makes me doubt whether or Not my hcg is increasing.
My scan didn't went well.

I don't know where to start from but, at 4 weeks I went to doc to checkout everything was ok. And of course couldn't see anything. Today after 3 weeks I am exactly 7weeks along and there was just a sac. doctor couldn't see baby or heartbeat. She was very positive about everything and called me in a week which I don't know how I am going to go through. As I write this I am in tears and couldn't even think what to do. She said I might be early than I think. And I am not sure how that is possible.
I dtd on 10th and 12th of july (cd 10nd cd 12 lmp was 1st July). After that I think I ovulated somewhere around13-15th. But, my temperatures were crazy all month. After, that we dtd directly on 18th and ff also showed based on my erratic temperatures that I ovulated on 17th which I doubt (I got the faintest of faint line on 24th). So, it seems
totally impossible to implant an
have bfp in just 6-7 days period.
I am prepared for worst because I do believe in theory of survival of fittest. But, it's my heart which can't bear the reality. May be I am lucky and something will change in a week but, I have no clue why I feel doubtful about everything from start. I even mentioned miscarriage and ecoptic to my doc in my first appointment. something just doesn't feel right.
She also said I have a clot near the sac which she said is not much of a concern. don't know why.
Here is scan pic. Any insight, positive or negative are really appreciated. Please pray for me.

Did she say where your sac was measuring at, Sweety? I HATE to say this, I really do, but this is exactly what happened with my MMC in June. I had a scan, there was nothing at all in the sac and I was measuring 3 weeks behind and my levels were extremely low (I was supposed to be 8 weeks, I knew I was cause I knew my exact O date, but my levels were barely past 2100 which was WAY to low)

I have everything crossed that baby is a slow starter or that the Dr just missed them since bean might be tiny.

Thank you navy, I am sorry for your loss too. Yes, I did ask her it was measuring 1.5cm (I found on web which means 6weeks). I don't know my HCG levels because they don't do blood here earlier and I am planning to ask if she would do it next week. If I insist she might.

Ok, so from your (assuming) LMP you're 7+1? Now ONE week can be normal, due to variants like Oing a day late, implanting at 12DPO versus 6DPO and the like. I'm honestly very shocked they didn't do a quant. Here those are mandatory and you have to have 2 at minimum.

I just want to add to what Navy said, from LMP I should've been 8 weeks but I am actually 7 w 1 day. So almost a whole week behind but I always o late so I knew it was correct. I would definitely insist on a quant, they are mandatory at my OBs office as well!

Thank you both of you. I will definitely insist on doing the blood. Navy, you are right I am 7.1week today.Here i think they do blood around 8-12weeks I really don't remember when did she tested last time with my dd. Here in Japan we don't get prenatal or folic acid etc unless we are deficient.

Anyway, only thing I can do now wait till wednesday morning. My hubby is insisting me to go on satutrday which I doubt will do any good. So, waiting till Wednesday is best for me I think.
Welcome all the new ladies.

And thank you everyone for your prayers and wellwishes. I will keep you all updated.

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