Hi all, jumping back into it after a much needed break from here (but no breaks from TTC!) While its nice to have others who understand what you are going through, it can get to be too much sometimes when you've been at it so long... Anyway, I had lost count after a while, but going back through my charts I discovered that I am on cycle 29 now. Today is CD 4, so I think I will start testing on April 21st.
I did post an update on the TTC thread last month if anyone is interested, but to sum it up, we recently got an updated sperm analysis for my husband finally, and I am now going through all the initial fertility screenings myself. Not because we suspect an issue on my end, but more so for peace of mind.
I had a pelvic ultrasound a little over a week ago, everything looked ok, no concerns on that end, however they did find a cyst on my left ovary. It's believed that this is a functional cyst, most likely from a follicle that either failed to release an egg or failed to drain its fluid after ovulation. It's a common thing and should resolve on its own in 2 to 3 cycles. It also shouldn't interfere with my fertility, so that is good news. I will need to repeat the ultrasound in 2-3 months to ensure it has resolved though.
The next thing I had to do was get my blood drawn, which I did CD 2 (had to wait for the next cycle as this needs to be done day 2 or 3) They tested my prolactin levels, FSH levels and even my thyroid levels. I got results back the same day and everything appears normal there.
I am scheduled for an HSG next week, which is a test where they insert a special dye into your uterus/tubes while doing some imaging to make sure there are no blockages. I've been told that after having this procedure done, this alone can mildly increase your chances of conception for the next 3 to 4 cycles since it flushes out any gunk that may be clogging you up, so I am crossing my fingers that this will be the boost we need!
The last thing I need to do this cycle is another blood draw on CD 21 to confirm ovulation. Then I will meet with the OB again to discuss the next steps. She had mentioned ovulation stimulation meds, which even though I appear to be ovulating on my own, may help boost our chances. I sure hope so!
Well, that's it from me for the time being. Wishing everyone a great cycle and hoping to see some December/January babies on their way soon!