Insomnia is so annoying! Hope you manage to get a bit of rest.
I was really surprised as the sweep did not hurt at all, the mw was fantastic. However, I had a sweep with ds2 as well, and that was slightly more painful, though bearable, stronger than a smear test. That one was done by a consultant. And I was only dilated to 1cm that time as well. So if I had to choose between mw and consultant I'd choose the mw!
Me too I can't believe how akn can still be working. Hope her baby comes soon so she can take a break from work.
I decided to let go and relax until Tuesday. I'll still be taking my RLT and EPO, but no stressing about when baby comes. I know she might just not be ready considering I'm not even 40w yet. Yesterday I listened to another hypnobirthing track and fell asleep like a stone! That was just so good. Still had to wake up for my usual wee, but that did not bother me as much.