It's so nice to hear (read!!) from you Munchkin.
Matilda is doing so well!
I'm certainly not looking forward to those weepies!!
Tomorrow is my induction. I've been having some contractions on and off, but nothing really serious. Every time I'm thinking this is it, but it's not. I'm trying to relax as much as I can before the big day now. Dh took the kids to the park for the afternoon and I just woke up from a good nap.
I had a bit of a wobble today imagining all the bad things that can happen thinking what if I should have accepted induction at 38w???
So I can't wait for tomorrow now.
Btw, what was your induction protocols girls? I'm slightly confused. The leaflet the doctor gave me says they give me first the pessary/tampon sort of meds and then that I stay on the ward, until labour begins (with more meds -gel, drip...- if things don't start). Mw told me on Friday that they'll give me the pessary, monitor baby, and if baby is reacting well to it, then, they'll send me home for 24hrs. Very confusing, though I'm tempted to follow what the mw says.
How was it for you?