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April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

I ate a lot of cake in my first pregnancy so that theory didn't work for me.

Bit nauseus still. Need to fish out the jar I bought last time to keep biscuits by my bed for when I wake up. Also have to figure out how to stop my toddler eating all my biscuits before I get to them.
Well my results are in

HCG 258

P 41

I go for a scan on 8/26 unless I have anymore issues!!! :)

Munchkin we need to figure out how to make a cute Clicker and I can help u add color and stuff to the page if u want those march Mallows r too cute ;)
I was so craving mashed potatoes and gravy yesterday.. I was trying to get OH to get me some haha.

Sis - That is great that the HCG and P levels are looking good.

Charlie - I am giving you some advice I have given to many friends in the past… and don't take offense to it.. but quit peeing on shit. It's just going to cause you more anxiety then necessary, and the darker line doesn't mean much. Granted I am one to talk because I peed on another test two days after I got my positive.. but have been trying to refrain from peeing on any more sticks …

AFM - My only symptoms are tired and sore boobies.. nausea when I eat anything with peanut butter.. of all weird things. I had my orientation at my doctors office today where they tell you what to expect with their office, whats okay to eat and take (medication). Sounds like standard practice there is only one u/s at 20 weeks.. but if you have had a miscarriage they will do one on your first visit for reassurance. So I am 27 days away from my first prenatal visit. I wish I could get them to do HCG levels.. but I think because the only miscarriage I had was 2 years ago (and I wasn't really trying after), that they wouldn't do it anyways… So I wait.
Hello ladies! I'm over here gagging because my dog has gas and my munchkin has the most absolute sweaty feet :sick: it's terrible.
On a happier note I was able to schedule my follow up ultrasound for this coming Wednesdayand I have the weekend + Monday off:happydance:
Plus DH is headed to get me some KFC mashed potatoes with gravy and biscuits! ! :munch: he's happy cuz he thinks that means boy since his mama craved that exact thing when she was prego with him lol

Charlie I'm with Akn. No more pee sticks! Stop the torment. Wait a week then try peeing on one. :coffee: I know. Waiting is torture.

Akn our hospital does 1 u/s at 10 ish weeks to check for a heartbeat and proper dating. Then there's one at 20 but that's it. Kinda selfish if ya ask me! :growlmad:

Yay sis glad you got those results! Have you skipped AF already? Awesome tests! Should do a digital :)

Praying idk bout team pink. My close friend craved parmeson cheese and salt with tomatoes and she just found out she's having a boy! :baby:
Is anyone having any gut feeling for what they are having? I am thinking girl..
I've did a digital this AM it says 1-2wks still :shrug:

I've been Craving Chipolte but I craved taco bell BAD w my last MC so IDK ... I have been wanting to smell Coffee how weird is that!! :haha:

I Had Chicken fried Chicken And mashed potatoes and gravy today for lunch w my BFF!! I brought it home for DH cuz all I wanted was the squash and green beans!! :shrug:
I just found out I'm pregnant
HCG levels is 51,616
Think I'm due around April 6th but not sure ultrasound on Monday
Although i know i shouldn't have i used my last frer today and the line is barely there, its a real squinter, so my fears are confirmed now, just waiting for the bleeding to start now, hope you all have a happy and healthy 9 months, im off back to ttcal xxx
Sis - glad your results are looking good.

Smallbliss - congrats!

Charlie - I really hope you're wrong, we're all here for you.
Welcome small bliss :hugs: I'll put you on the lost but if your scan says different I'll update it!
So sorry Charlie :hugs: hoping for a miracle xx
We're decorating today which is fun. My dd is being very good letting us do it which is a miracle!!

Akn I'm thinking another girl. The only time I thought boy was when I had my mmc because it felt so different. I'm also hoping for a girl. I've not indeed with my other pregnancys, and possibly would've liked a boy, but because Rowan was a girl I'll always be thinking my dd should have had a sister.
We'll stay team yellow again though anyway. Far too much fun speculating!!
So has anybody got any ideas for an April rainbows signature? I'm rubbish at this!!
Hmm I was thinking something like a couple little clouds with a rainbow above them and maybe something that moves and glitters with it. I saw one on here recently but don't remember where that I thought was great. I'll see what I can dig up and post here for you. :flower:
Yes do! I'm ok at putting my own tickers in but no idea otherwise!!
Look at the October rainbows I was in that one b4 my loss it was cute let me see if I can fine it of course u will have to make it Aprilnot October!! :haha:
I found a few graphics that can be made into April Rainbows! :) I will post the links to them below! <3



https://www.ecrans.fr/local/cache-vignettes/L400xH257/double_gif-c4bc4.gif (can be shrunken down I'm sure and small text added saying 'April Rainbows')


Frankly, I think these are cuter than October's logo! :haha:
I hope you ladies like what I found. As for making them into a logo, that's beyond me! LOL! Anyone here know how to do that? :flower:
Here's the october logo

I wasn't saying to copy it just trying to give u an idea also if u click on it u can see how she did 1st page to help keep everything in order

Angels at the bottom

Dates then names and we can add gender later
I will be absolutely no help with the logo. I am not creative enough lol.
I. Not sure how they creat them on here I will have to ask someone I can do pages color text change center all that but I'm sure u have to creat a URL to get a clicker!!

I usually work from my Ipad so not possible but I will ask and get in the iMac if need be!! :)

My mom is a computer Guru she can probably make me one and send it to me I'll ask!!
Really like them! I think the last one might be a bit elaborate?? They look really springlike and that's what it should be! Should we have a special name?? All I can think of is April fools :dohh:
Easter is on the 5th April?? Something eastery??

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