I prefer the little animated rainbow pic with April Rainbows.
Also, maybe a small pacifier pic can be added to it? Or a stork flying near the rainbow carrying a yellow bundled blanket in it's beak?
I think that would be so cute!
And animation is always fun and eye catching!
Btw, I too feel like no matter how much sleep I get, it doesn't make any difference in my fatigue. Even my morning cuppa isn't doing much good. I also keep finding myself waking repeatedly and having a hard time falling asleep even while exhausted. So frustrating lol. Meanwhile, still craving cheesy and sweet things. I might drive my own self crazy this time! I also bought a few more walmart cheapies and one box of digis to try to reassure myself with between now and the 29th.
Ugh, it seems so far away! lol! Anyways, between constantly being tired, peeing 8 times a day (sorry tmi), being hungry and then queasy if i eat too much, gaggy off and on, and so on, haha. Hoping all of this will lead to a healthy baby!
Also hoping all of you are nice and miserable with those lovely and oh so reassuring symptoms, too!
to everyone!