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April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

DH is good with techy stuff so I'll see if he can help me with this. I just want us to have an awesome and cute tag for our group is all. :flower: I'm hoping he can help! :haha:

AFM, I'm craving sweets and forgot to buy more at the store earlier... DOH! :dohh:
I'm tired, and just wanna sit here. Not helping since I actually have stuff to do. :haha: Well everyone take care! :hugs:
Praying.. I was just scouring my kitchen for something fruity and sweet.. and realized Ididn't have anything.. The store just seems so far away.. (it's only 1/4 mile away).. but I am lazy.
Cute ideas, ladies!! I was thinking we could do something like "april showers", like the phrase that goes "April showers bring May flowers"...showers in the sense of showers of blessings, or baby showers even!
I like April showers :)

Charlie :hugs: I sincerely hope you're mistaken!

Munchkin I'm with you. I can barely figure out my smartphone:dohh:

Oh no Akn & praying, the idea of something sweet make me start gagging! Unless it's cereal:haha:

I'm feeling extremely concerned because I'm having the same symptoms I had with my last: hungry like every other hour. Naseous if I don't eat, to the point of dry heaving but I don't throw up. Today the diarrhea started :blush: which is what I got right before my last mc. Someone tell me I'm over thinking this! :nope:
StillPraying - that's how I feel every pregnancy and 2/3 have worked out. I don't think it makes any difference because these are obviously your pregnancy symptoms. Diarrhoea can be for lots of reasons. Your digestive system will be a total mess at the moment anyway so it sounds like coincidence. My acupuncturist said I needed to chant in my head 'right now, everything's fine' to wipe out all my paranoid thoughts. Seems to be helping. Also it's very very normal to be stressing and feeling like everything's going wrong, it duesnt mean you subconsciously 'know' anything so ignore that voice too :hugs:

I love April showers, and the rainbow clouds thing goes well with that. I was in bed last night actually and thought April showers sounded good!!
Eurgh I woke up early today and got sucked into google. After the hypoplastic left heart diagnosis we were told that normal occurrence of any heart problem is 1%, after a heart problem in previous pregnancys it is 3%.
Now after googling it looks like recurrence of hypoplastic left heart is 8% and all heart conditions is 22%!! It says it in lots of different articles. What am I meant to believe?? Terrified. The specialist fetal heart scan at 12 weeks can't come quickly enough :(
Step away from dr google muchkin! Hugs.x
Unfortunately ladies i was right, woke up with a big temp drop and bleeding this morning, but thank you for the support xx
I am completely unable to function today. Last night one of the neighbours had a party which was incredibly loud and didn't turn their music down until 1am then LO woke up at 5am. I need chocolate.
So sorry Charlie. Hopefully see you back in the may or June rainbows threads :hugs:

Button that's rubbish! We've been decorating and to avoid the paint fumes I've been sleeping in a totally separate part of the house so oh has been up early with dd 2 mornings running! Yay xx
:cry:So very sorry Charlie :hugs: you'll be in my prayers :pray:

Button I definitely understand partying neighbors.... plus our new neighbors have a dog who thinks it's his job in life to sing us the song of his people at 600am. So I'm up nice and early on a Sunday:growlmad:

Thanks munchkin. :hugs:I keep telling myself its from my zoloft because I wasn't able to take it for a few days and I know when I first started the meds I would get diarrhea. :blush: Google confuses me though because on one site I read stay away from dairy. Another it's sweets. Another says eat apples but that's what I give my daughter when she's constipated and that cleans her out!

Munchkin you encouraged me and now it's my turn:flower: googling that kind of stuff is only going to upset you and drive you crazy with the "what ifs":wacko: there's always odds and statistics out there. You can't let that control your mind. Take care of you which also means mentally, so don't torture yourself! :hugs: as my DH keeps telling me when I start with the what ifs: "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it". :thumbup:
I'm so so sorry Charlie!!!! :hugs: Hang in there! I hope you conceive your rainbow soon!!! xoxo

Munchkin: We all do those google searches that drive us mad when we're worried, but they're awful!!! I think your baby will be perfectly healthy!! And statistics are definitely on your side even from what you said! :winkwink: Just think of that!! :hugs: And you have a perfectly healthy LO, so just think about the fact that that can totally, and most definitely will, happen again for you! :kiss:

Button: Oh hun, I'm so sorry about your lack of rest!!!! Partying neighbours is rough when you have a LO and are pregnant. Take care of yourself. Sending virtual chocolate your way! :winkwink:

Stillpraying: I agree with Munchkin, sounds like you're having pregnancy symptoms!! :hugs:
On an amusing note, have any of you ladies heard of the urine & baking-soda or the purple cabbage & urine gender prediction tests?? I've read that they're most accurate before 10 weeks of pregnancy and was wondering if any one wants to do them and we could see later on if they were right or not?? Google the tests! :winkwink:
They need to be Done around 10wks we did a lot of those gender test on my FB page and we still got 8 boys and 2 girls so I wouldn't put much into those test!!

Do them for fun only!!
i might do the baking soda test for laughs. My mom and dad say because Ive been bitchy lately, i must be having a girl hahaha
Thanks Tasha :) I haven't heard of these tests. You wait until 10 weeks? We find out the gender at 13 weeks :)
Lmao at Akn.
theres also a draino test. i will do them with you for kicks. Im really hoping for a boy. My boyfriend swears its a girl but really wants a boy.

ladies dont be to jealous but we were at a friends house last night. His mom is a manager at KFC. I have a whole bag of mash pot's and gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to Texas Roadhouse last night and got my mashed potatoes and gravy. I felt sick after :(

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